7th Dimension
_AM: And when you go through all the structures, towards the depths of gravity, towards the core of creation... You see Him...
_I: The lighting…
_AM: The reflection of the pressure of matter, the unity of things, the echo of the core of a world, of a star, power of creation... Seed of Existence.
_I: The Seventh Dimension…
_AM: The purest Light, home of the Powers.
_I: What are the Powers?
_AM: They are the entities that contain the Powers of existence, of the entire Universe.
_I: How do they arise?
_AM: Let's see it by adding each of the above. The 1D is the line of a positive and negative. The 2D is the figure that is formed by joining the positive and negative extremes with more lines. 3D is the depth of said figure, giving it content and thus creating an object. 4D is the movement of that object, the process that it lives through time. The 5D is the environment that contains time and space, the full awareness of the joint process of these two factors. 6D is the multiplication in fractals of that containing plane, creating possibilities parallel to all of the above. Do you remember the psychedelic image of 6D?
_I: Yes, the hypercube that expands and contracts at the same time as it moves...
_AM: Could you see what was happening in its center?
_I: No, it is practically impossible, due to so much transformation and movement, like waves in a sea.
_AM: Take each vertex of the structure, each node, from those that appear to be fixed and those that move and transform, and you will see that it is one of the crosses that form the continuums of time and space, which when folded in on themselves create energy, magnetism, giving rise to matter. Thus, each point begins to shine with different intensities and speeds. It is difficult to appreciate from 3D, but it would be like comparing your existence to that of a subatomic particle. It is impossible to see the speed at which they move, because it is so fast that they are even capable of traveling forward in time. Go to the future. From the point of view of an observer, these particles behave like matter, with mass, but in reality, they move like waves. That is, when observed, they appear to orbit each other, although in reality, they pass through each other. A subatomic particle to you is equivalent to what you are to a star. Speed is relative when you leave the physical scale and enter a quantum scale. This means that what seems to have a structure in the universe, a pattern, actually does not have one, but rather the patterns and structures are a hologram of the waves that pass through everything. For example neutrinos. They are particles like electrons, which fill all space, freely, without orbiting anything, almost supporting reality, and yet they do not seem to see reality. They pass through stars and planets at the speed of light, and even more so, as if they did not exist. To understand the scale, it would be like throwing a marble between the Moon and the Earth, assuming that the Moon and the Earth are subatomic particles like Protons and Neutrons.
_I: So they don't even see them... It's almost invisible, it's as if the Earth were the entire Galaxy, and a small marble, a neutrino, passed through it... It would never touch any planet or star... Wow.
_AM: For a neutrino, or another particle like this, matter does not exist, it is a hologram.
_I: It's this theory that the Universe is Holographic...
_AM: Holographic comes from the Greek, “Holos” (everything) and “Graphos” (writing), meaning “The Writing of the Whole”. Holos comes from the Indo-European “sawel”.
_I: Like the Sun?
_AM: It is the Light of Everything, the brightness that contains everything in itself. Therefore, Holos gives rise to Hélos, from there the Greek “Heliós” originates to define the Sun: Helium. We could say, then, that a Hologram is the writing of light that designs the Whole. And because matter does not exist in its constant foundations of time and space, the only real thing is the projection of a Whole that contains within itself the potentials of all realities designed in the 6D. Let's go back to the image now. From the point of view of the fascinating structure of 6D, each node is like a star, a sun, a world or a subatomic particle, which by moving at different speeds, generates energy, and this is projected outwards in the dispersion , or inwards in the pressure. In the same way that a target with a lot of mass has layers, strata, this 6D also has them. The Earth, for example, is divided into Stratospheres, Atmospheres, Biospheres, Hydrosphere, Geosphere, which is composed of the spheres of the Crust, the Magma Mantle, Outer Core and Inner Core. The latter receives the greatest pressure of everything else, creating so much friction between the chemical elements of the Earth that its electrons are altered creating heat, around 4000 degrees Celsius.
_I: Very hot…
_AM: Only about 1500 degrees less than the surface of the Sun. While the surface spheres move faster than the internal ones, the different speeds and pressures exert a pressure that causes the particles to vibrate higher and higher, not only creating heat , but also light. This is how molten rock, lava, shines, radiates energy, emits light. Now that you've seen it with an example of 3D, let's go to its interdimensional namesake: 6D. Take the large, constantly moving hypercube, and make a cross section of it as if you were cutting the Earth in half to see all its layers and spheres down to the core. Do you see?
_I: I see what is in the image of this post. A kind of psychedelic image in which a lot of waves bend together, coiling, creating energy, nodes that look like stars, and that radiate their light towards the center, becoming more and more intense.
_AM: But don't let your eyes deceive you. From 3D, it is the pressure of the surfaces and atmospheres that generates the alteration of electrons, creating heat and light in the nucleus. From the 6D, it seems to be the same, that this entire magnanimous structure generates like an engine that turns on a light inside due to pressure and speed... And although from the human perspective it is like that, whether the elements of physics generate this energy, since 7D it is the other way around.
_I: It is the “neutrinos” that give meaning to matter and order it to be nodes.
_AM: That's right.
_I: It is the core that radiates, allowing the rest to exist.
_AM: In 3D it is explained in the same way: without the iron core, there would be no magnetization, no particles would be attracted, and no light would be formed. It is the core that creates the spheres of a world to power it. Now tell me, what have you experienced today in the pyramid?
_I: Oh my God!… Now I understand… What I experienced was an experience of this! When I entered today, the pyramid was chaotic, there was a group of about 11 Russian women, young, with a boy. They were taking photos, messily, chaotically, laughing and almost shouting in the king's chamber. I sat down, and without closing my eyes I concentrated in silence. One of them fell silent and leaned against the wall. Then I vibrated for an instant, and 3 more fell silent, approaching the walls. The louder I vibrated, everyone began to become silent, and began to sit in the corners against the wall, without talking, without saying anything. Another new girl entered, who was not part of the group, totaling 12 people, and she did the same, without saying anything, she sat down. Everyone in the same position as me. Then I began to resonate, to sing. And everyone stood at attention in silence. I approached the center, and their hearts began to radiate light towards the center. They all became one in the center, a nucleus. And I saw this image that you described to me. The core attracted order, created the figure, the structure, and only gained meaning as a core at the moment it vibrated, ordering the external patterns that colored it at the center of potential. And I saw angels, but not with faces, but like giant entities, and in me, so much light that I could not see anything. But I felt everything. I anchored this awareness. And before leaving I thanked them: “Spasivo” (Thank you, in Russian). They all smiled, and when I left the chamber they resumed talking enthusiastically but no longer chaotically.
_AM: The Seventh Dimension is the one that gives Meaning. And that leads you to Enlightenment. The concept of Enlightenment does not occur when a being transcends the Third Dimension, but the Sixth.
_I: Wow… That takes us further away from being Enlightened.
_AM: Well… There are many ways to be. Someone can be enlightened in 3D if they managed to find harmony in the Here and Now. Someone can become enlightened in the 4D if they found balance in all their times, in all their lives and projections. A being can be enlightened in the 5D if it became fully aware of the connections and logic of its previous two dimensions. A being illuminates in the 6D if he manages to grasp the coherence of his creation in each possibility. But when one achieves all the enlightenments together, that is when one inhabits the 7D. That is where the image of the one who sustains all existence without interfering in it is found. The Powers are the versions of the maximum Powers that feed the meaning of all dimensions, that give coherence to existence, where there is no shadow or light, but the essence itself.
_I: The essence itself... Today when I returned from the pyramid, I strongly felt the aroma of the flowers, and I thought about that.
_AM: The Flower is like the 7D manifested in a plant, since it contains the potentiality of the fruit and the seed, it is the accumulated irradiation of the pressure of the shadows in the roots, and the fractal expansion of its branches and leaves. The flower is the manifestation of a potential through the 6D in the 3D, representing the light, the colors, the potential of the 7D. Maybe you didn't know it, but the Flower of a plant is at the same time the Crown Chakra and the Sexual Chakra of a plant.
_I: How can it be?
_AM: It is the maximum spiritual expansion, the expression of the beauty of being, and at its center, it contains everything necessary to create life, reproduce, fertilize.
_I: The pollen, the nectar. In other words, the human image would be like wearing the genitals on the head...
_AM: And that you would know if you are connected based on the erection.
_I: You just ruined all the beauty of a flower and the magic of the 7D.
_AM: That's only because you come from human cultures of repression. But the 7D is the dimension of ecstasy, of the elixir, of the nectar of the gods. Nectar is a Greek word that means “death.” But whoever, instead of fleeing from death, drinks from it, achieves immortality. For this reason, the Gods of Olympus drank death from a cup, the nectar that gave them the gift of eternity. That's why they called it “deadless”: ambrosia. Because this drink was described as sugary, giving vitality to those who drank it, the sticky, sugary liquid from the flowers was called nectar. The eternity of divinity makes flowers crowns, which frame kings, queens and divinities, but at the same time, from the botanical vision, nectar fulfills a double function, related to hormones and seminal fluid. This aqueous solution contains sugars, amino acids, ions and aromas that attract insects. The colors of the petals are striking for creatures that see the world from ultraviolet light, radiant and striking. In greater colors, what for a human is subtle beauty, for an insect is Las Vegas. The aroma and sugars are sought by insects that eat a diet rich in these products. When they step on a flower, they drink its nectar, as fuel, and it allows the pollen (micro seeds) to adhere to these insects, who transport it from the male stamens of a flower to the female stigmas of other flowers, producing the pollination, and thus fertilization of the plants to restart an eternal cycle of fruiting.
_I: So the 7D is like the nectar and pollen of the dimensions.
_AM: Contemplate a flower, and you will see that its petals are the fractalization of the 6D, which become lighter towards the center, generating more reception and refraction of light. In its center, the rays of light are the stamens, and the nodes are the anthers, generators of luminous pollen, the potential. Each anther is like one of the Divine Powers. Beings from other dimensions approach its light, seeking the nectar produced in the base glands of the stamens, a kind of penis of the flower. When beings take the nectar, filling themselves with the potential of the pollen, they move to other flowers, other 6D fractal formations, where they come to look for more nectar, but this time, exchanging the pollen with this new reality, generating pollination. It is placed in the Stigma of the flower, equivalent to the vagina, which descends through the cervix of the uterus called Style, fertilizing the ovules, which will eventually become seeds, while the uterus of the flower will use the sugary nectar to nourish the seeds creating the Fruit.
_I: Seventh Dimensional Botany.
_AM: That's right... It's the Great Universal Tree.
_I: That is the Flower of Life…
_AM: And The 7D is where the potential of the entire tree is produced.
_I: I think the picture is pretty clear now…
_AM: The sexuality that you live in the 3D is the eternal Ecstasy of the 7D, like an eternal orgasm of Love for all Creation. It is the pleasure of the art of manifesting, it is the power that radiates and gives meaning to existence.
_I: I remember that when I did the Ayahuasca ceremony, at one point I felt the ecstasy of all the plants in the world in spring, I felt the laughter and the orgasmic pleasure of all the flowers... It's true, it was very intense, a sexuality that cannot be imagined. I felt not in my genitals, but in every part of my being, in the crown of my head, as if a bee or several were vibrating in my genitals and my crown at the same time. I felt how everything was flowing, I felt connected to an unmatched potential, a kind of indescribable spiritual orgy, and they were flowers, plants...
_AM: Connected to the 7D. Insects, 6D fractalized entities, archangels, take the potential and distribute it throughout the field and forest of 5D, through the paths of 4D and 3D, where they will materialize the nectar, turning it into Honey.
_I: And what is that honey?
_AM: The crystallization of divinity, the manifestation of light. They are your gifts, your attributes.
_I: That which when doing it not only nourishes me but gives me pleasure. Now I understand the incessant search for enlightenment in a completely different way: we are like bees, we do not seek the light of the divine flower as the ultimate goal, but as the source of all beginnings.
_AM: The end is the beginning, the alpha and the omega, crown or genital. Whether you create a new human being with your genitals, or with your heart and hands something artistic or with your mind a project, the energy to do it, the gift you possess, the attributes that make it possible, is the honey of the 7D. that has materialized in you, in your 3D body.
_I: I am Honey… I am Love made Creation.
_AM: You are the Elixir of Light.