6th Dimension
_I: Fractals…
_AM: Everything begins with Dimension 0, the point, polarizing into positive and negative. This is the first fractal, and it is called Chiral.
_I: What is a Chiral?
_AM: Chiral comes from the Greek “keirós” which means “hand”.
_I: Ah, like in “palmistry”, which is reading the lines of the hands.
_AM: Yes. The concept describes the particularity of the hands replicated in all things in the Universe. That is to say: right hand and left hand are equal, however, if instead of facing them you superimpose them one on top of the other, they will be exactly opposite. Equal but opposite.
_I: I understand, it's like the mirror that we were talking about yesterday about 5D, I stand in front of a mirror and when I raise my right hand, in the image it gives the sensation that I am raising my left hand.
_AM: At different levels of consciousness and dimensions, everything has a chiral aspect.
_I: That is, a kind of “twin”.
_AM: The one who has the other potential.
_I: Wait… This is what we call Soul Mate, Twin Flame?
_AM: That's right.
_I: So the existence of a soul mate is real, he is an equal to me, exactly like me, but opposite. Like the idea of an “evil twin.”
_AM: We'll have to see which of the two you are. Hahaha. But let's delve into this. The first Chiral fractalization is the 1D polarity. It is multiplied in 2D, and here the Quital effect can be more irregular, since the figures do not always mirror their shape, that is, they are distorted, in the same way as in 3D. And the same thing happens with Time, which forks by thousands in the 4D, until they take notice of themselves in the 5D. And then, it fractalizes again into positive and negative, this time creating one of the most spectacular dimensions.
_I: The Sixth Dimension.
_AM: It is the fractal dimension, it is the one that polarizes time and space, creating other totally psychedelic realities for the basic mind of a human. When you see a sun rising on the horizon, in 6D you see hundreds and thousands of suns of all sizes rising from all directions, and in all places. There is no up or down, space and time constantly curve around themselves, expanding and collapsing without a specific axis. It is like taking the 5D patterns of full consciousness of a Time and Space related to a specific being, and creating a replicated image of it, like the branches of a tree that begin to fractalize infinitely and yet they all return to being. the log.
_I: Ugh... what a powerful image... It's as if the being that lives, realizes the times it goes through, becomes fully aware and observes its own creation, and now in 6D it expands into others... but, why? ?
_AM: To create. The Sixth Dimension is the dimension of the Great Architect.
_I: That's what the ancient Mesopotamians and Egyptians called God. Name that Freemasonry continued to coin.
_AM: All the patterns and designs of the Universe are generated here, but not from 0, but from the very existence of the other dimensions. However, this is a dimension in which it can only be created, not experienced. 6D is part of an interdimensional triad: 3, 6, 9. These three numbers describe the infinite cosmic capacity to generate realities. The 9D is the same latent, pulsating divinity. The 6D is the one who designs these pulses, creating structures and patterns. Thus, the 3D will live those designs, experiencing them to bring consciousness to the 9D. But as we have said, everyone is One, living different aspects of themselves.
_I: Yesterday I think it was understood when we talked about that a Human is like a multidimensional superior being, and an organ within (whether the liver or the heart), are dimensions within the other larger or expanded one. However, they all make up the same being. To me, for example. That does not mean that each organ has its own form, life, history, mechanisms; Just like myself, that doesn't mean that an organ can change my life, or I can change the life of an organ. Still, I am myself.
_AM: Exactly. The Universe is a single body, and its dimensions are organs. You live in the Third Organ. And it was designed by the Sixth Organ.
_I: How was it designed?
_AM: Where do you think matter comes from?
_I: I don't know... From the conjunction of a lot of energy...
_AM: And that energy, from where?
_I: Vibration… High or Low…
_AM: And the Vibration?
_I: Pf…
_AM: The cosmic paradox. The image of a fractal expanding while consuming itself without ever changing its initial shape is what explains the way in which the Universe arises. And let's understand it this way. It is likely that when you were born, as a baby, the first vowel you pronounced was A. Over time, you will hear others pronounce this sound, and you will reuse it. One day, your mother, father, or someone, will start teaching you how to say a word: “mom…dad”… Where you will recognize that the letter A has been pronounced. And you reuse it. When you start learning, you write the letter A for the first time, you design it, you relate it to animals or drawings. Then you learn to use it in words, and you feel proud. Then, you naturalize the letter A, it no longer excites you, now you watch over the words that you manage to form with it, and one day, they will also be naturalized, and you will focus on texts, books, movies, and the A will become part of a gigantic fractal of millions of meanings and symbolisms. And one day you will recognize that the letter A could be pronounced by the air you breathe, and you will meditate, pronouncing the A with awareness, learning again to give it a deeper meaning, giving it the connotation of freedom, and you will relate it to the spirit, which is the breathing, and you will see that the A is the product of the sound emitted by the air coming out of your lungs and rubbing the vocal cords in their most open position. Everything you have gone through and experienced with the letter A is a fractal, a beginning and end of the same concept that is integrated, to the point where you forget the first time you pronounced it. You are so focused on another topic that you don't pay attention to the details. That's why you forget. But the Universe has been learning the letter A in thousands of ways, just like you; only in him, the A is more complex, since it is about existence itself.
_I: Learn about yourself, rebooting yourself. In other words, Matter would be to Existence what a Text is to the letter A.
_AM: That's right. Therefore, matter is nothing more than the complexity of the bipolar constant of time and space. Which means that what is constantly curving is time over space, generating the sensation of matter in moments of greatest tension. As we saw yesterday, imagine that the universe is a large blank space with a quadrangular grid that runs through it all, that is, like a map with its lines of latitude and longitude. Latitude would be Space, Longitude would be Time. Now, adding the 6D effect, those lines would start to twist in such a way that they would curl around themselves. The image of this fractalization would be like placing a stick in the middle of the grid and starting to rotate it, twisting the lines around it, causing tension in the same way as when you adjust the strings of a guitar. The image of the quadrangular gritta will begin to resemble a spiral, a whirlpool with a point of convergence and tension, where all the weight falls...
_I: Gravity!
_AM: And here is the matter. Result of constant lines of vibration generating different frequencies that give rise to energetic tension that manifests in the form of matter. And it contracts and distends again, giving the sensation of the passage of time, when in reality, it had only been rotating on itself, bending the constants.
_I: I understand… I think. He he…
_AM: For this very reason, in the 6D, the planes of the 2D that demarcate the lines of time and space, which give rise to the spiral depth of the 3D creating matter, and in its tension making them live the 4D through Time, and that will be sustained by the 5D space giving them meaning, they will be reused by the 6D to transform patterns, design new ones, reconstruct realities and manifest them again in 3D.
_I: Evolution…
_AM: All possible designs lie in this dimension, and this is where Alchemy occurs.
_I: Alchemy? The chemistry?
_AM: The most essential chemistry… That which you call Magic. It is on this plane where Dreams become reality. While 5D is the idyllic image, where you recognize and become aware of everything, it is a new point of unity of everything experienced, it also provides the clarity that is needed to become a creator, someone, something, who recognizes that he can do it in an surpassing way, transcend himself in a transcendental experience, and to achieve this, he must capture that new consciousness, and he will do so through the 6D, where he will become the creator of his own reality.
_I: When we say that we are creators of our own reality, are we talking about 6D?
_AM: Yes. Our reality manifests from the 6D, and this reality is proportional to the consciousness of my 5D, which needs a balanced balance between the 4D and the 3D. That is, from the 6D you will attract and create only that which is at your level of consciousness and experimentation.
_I: “Don't ask the elm for pears”, as they say…
_AM: In 6D an elm could bear pears, only if the elm has transcended the integrity of being an elm. The 6D is what says that no pattern, design, destiny, is decisive. Nothing determines you forever, the only constant is change, transformation. The only reason you stay the same or don't change or repeat things is because of your inability to find balance in the 3rd and 4th dimensions.
_I: In 6D there would be the aspect of the Creator God, then.
_AM: Yes.
_I: Who we usually blame for creating what exists, for the reason why we suffer or bad things happen to us. But what you are saying is that beyond the fact that 6D beings have their own consciousness, the way it affects us depends on our own consciousness, making ourselves solely responsible for our creation.
_AM: Or destruction.
_I: What would that be like?
_AM: Chiral. The 6D is the great Chiral, and it is here where you can understand that everything that manifests has its negative reflection.
_I: What I said… The evil twin.
_AM: Let's get to it. The 6D is what originates the divine architecture of existence, and also the dark destroyers of it. And they are the same, only mirrored. In the first instance, the first division of the 6D is what causes the divine light to fracture into two, giving rise to the Twin Flame. Twin Flame is a concept assigned to the plane of spiritual light, which will give rise to universal energy from its divine spark. The energy resulting from the Flame is what you call Soul. Thus you have two levels of fractalization, one spiritual light and another soul energy. The polarization of a being is what enables the existence of matter between time and space. Flames and Twin Souls are a natural mechanism that drives the being to search for itself, and in that search, it creates, manifests, and expands. It's like falling in love with your own reflection in the mirror. You will never be able to touch yourself, but as long as you live better, take care of yourself, transform yourself, you will see in the mirror what you hope to find about yourself.
_I: It's like a platonic love, in love with the best version of yourself, so much so that it is impossible to find him, and the only way to see him is to improve myself.
_AM: Exactly. You've understood.
_I: So it's not about couples... Lovers...
_AM: No. Couples, lovers, are fractalized reflections of this original flame, they are paths, ways to discover oneself, to improve, to practice, to find the shadows and lights of oneself in each step. They are practices of your own reflection. Humans, from the mammalian vision of it, have romanticized the idea of the Flame or Soul mate, decorating it with the basic needs of food, sleep and reproduction, forming a family, living a romance.
_I: Wow… how much Disillusionment.
_AM: Oh no… How much expansion! The human lives his life like a penguin, believing that there is only one perfect partner for life, and that is the Soul Mate. But he is not. The Universe is one, and we are all reflections of the One. Therefore, the people we fall in love with are nothing more than aspects of ourselves that are recognizable in others.
_I: Do we fall in love with ourselves?
_AM: Through all dimensions. This amplifies the possibility of discovering your potentials, fractalizing your being, making you infinite, unlimited.
_I: What about the idea that teachers ascend as a pair, in a sort of female and male spiritual marriage?
_AM: That's right, but it's not a marriage. It is a Union. The union between the Soul and the Spirit, the Emotion and the Mind. When this couple is unified, the son becomes enlightened and ascends. You have romanticized the idea that unity is in the bond with the other. That's why you're still here, searching. The Other is Everything. And Everything is in You. This does not mean that you should not have partners, or fall in love, but it implies that when you do it and how many times you do it, you will know that you do not do it out of necessity, but to nourish your being through yourself and the other as one.
_I: Wow… I understand. It is that unity that allows me to ascend or descend, that is, manifest...
_AM: Or as we said, destroy. Well, the same system is what has created self-destruction. The mechanism was designed so that there is no stagnation. The darkness of 6D is not bad, it is what drives us. When you find a point of stability, comfort applies, and this prevents the development of the being. Evolution in all its aspects. Thus, the destroyers are those who mobilize to continue.
_I: The glass of cold water.
_AM: Yes. In chemistry, a chiral is called an enantiomer, a molecule that is identical but mirrored. In these cases, one is active and the other is inactive, therefore, this same component can be useful and vital for a body, while its exact opposite can generate diseases, conflicts, deformations. In 6D the enantiomers are known by the Archangels of Light and the Archangels of Darkness. They are not at war, but are builders, also called by the ancients as “Elohim”. Its Hebrew meaning is “God of Gods”, “One God”, and refers to the one who manifests the other gods, the creator himself. He is a single reflected being, incessantly creating options of himself.
_I: Myself expanding…
_AM: When you are able to recognize the eternity of your creation and destruction, of the force of Shiva in you, then your love will be the expansion of the entire cosmos.
_I: I fall in love with myself, and thus I fall in love with existence itself.
_AM: This is the great fractal hall of Mirrors. Observe the Creator God in you, and you will recognize yourself in every step of existence.