5th Dimension


_I: I'm too sleepy today...

_AM: Better... Because to enter the Fifth Dimension, you will need sleep. Well from here, things get a little stranger.

_I: How strange?

_AM: Enough to know that logic won't be able to help you. We'll try though. The 5D is the threshold towards the strange, the incomprehensible; It is what opens the doors to the most subtle and psychedelic dimensions. You remember?

_I: Oh, yeah… I remember. When I was little I could feel the Fifth Dimension, it connected me to part of who I am today, it opened me to an infinite world of possibilities... But over time, it faded. My guides advised me to humanize myself, otherwise I would never be able to communicate or fulfill my role as a human. That's how I started doing that, I became humanized; but that took me away from 5D, attracting me more and more to the perception of 3D. I discovered that I liked it, and I didn't see living in 3D as a misfortune, but as something great, an adventure. But in the spiritual world, linked to the 5D ideology, the fact that he was so much in 3D seemed to be underestimated. I have heard people tell me: “You have disconnected, you are not doing it well, Matías lost the connection, it is no longer what it was…” I saw there a judgment that was too easy, without understanding that it was part of my process to do what I wanted. today I do. Like someone who judges someone who climbs the mountain for going up and not already being at the top. And yet, when I had to connect again, it was difficult for me, and I think it was because I had begun to see connection almost as a classism. Seeing “who is more connected than who”, “who listens to the 5D teachers and avatars and who doesn't”, as if someone in the Third has the ability to judge what the connection of the Fifth is like. So when it came time to reconnect, I refused. I felt evaluated, judged, and I interpreted that whether or not being connected was almost like belonging to a “Club”, I preferred not to do it and continue enjoying the subject. But this human tantrum I had was silenced by one of my guides, who told _I: “The connection is NOW.” But I had become so humanized that a simple meditation would not achieve the expected effect.

_AM: So…

_I: Ayahuasca. I always refused, I didn't want to do it, I was afraid of losing control over myself, over who I am. I feared that all my portals would open and the session would end in an exorcism, something that had already happened before. I flatly refused to ingest anything foreign to me that would alter my state of perception. But one day, while in Mendoza, Argentina, I lost my way. Normally, I am always connected to matter, knowing where the cardinal points are, like a bird. But that time I got lost, I didn't know where I was, and I stayed at a friends house, waiting... But the axis wouldn't come so easily again. Then I understood, my geographical axis is Chile, so I decided to travel there and prepare. The night I arrived, everything was stolen from me. There I understood that I had to start from 0. So I did Ayahuasca.

_AM: And how was it?

_I: Like a dream, but much more real. It was like coming home. I didn't feel any of what they usually say, discomfort, vomiting, nothing. I spoke to the plant before ingesting it, and I told it: “I am here to return to me, from the roots of the Earth, I trust, and I will not set any limits, I will allow you to enter every last one of my cells. Show me everything". Then, the plant told _I: “There are two ways to do this path, through purging and healing, or through expansion and reconnection.” The first involved stirring my body, the second involved opening it up. I opted for the second. Then I immediately stopped feeling the physical body from the navel towards the feet, and I began to expand. I went through the history of each kingdom, mineral, vegetable and animal. I saw all the options, I realized that I was living the Fourth Dimension. And at one point I told him: “this is not me.” And everything vanished. And “Granny” said: “Maybe this is you.” Then she showed me the void, and a small red light that, like a kind of spark, turned on and off. I started running after her, looking for her, until I managed to take her between the tips of two of my fingers. And when I brought her close to my eyes, I saw the beauty of her. It was a ruby, red, radiant, shaped like an octahedron. It was replicated by millions around me, and I could notice how each one held a reality. If I turned this precious gem, all the others would spin showing me a galaxy, and if I twisted it in another direction, I would see a DNA.

_AM: The Macrocosm and the Microcosm.

_I: In the middle of the void… It was Everything, and it was Nothing. But above all I realized something.

_AM: Of what?

_I: That I was neither one nor the other. I was neither the galaxy, nor the DNA, I was neither the macro nor the micro, I was neither time nor space.

_AM: What were you?

_I: It was the logic between them… It was the connection itself. I realized that everything spoke to me that I needed to reconnect. I felt mistreated, as if I were an object and had a plug that had to be connected to an external current, in order to turn on my lamp and have light. But when I saw this, I remembered. Having connection again does not mean that I am an object without light and it is given to me from an external Source, but that I myself am Connectivity, I have in me the battery of positive and negative... I am the logic of interconnection. That is, without me the rest does not exist...

_AM: A single neuron is nothing. Two separate neurons are nothing. Two connected neurons are a piece of information, which guides the creation of a thought. Many connected neurons are an idea, which leads to action. Space is the end of the Macro Cosmos, while Time is the end of the Microcosm. Both are one, but they have no logic without connectivity. And this is where the perception of the Fifth Dimension is born.

_I: How is 5D understood? Because I think we have a distorted image...

_AM: Tell me about her.

_I: Well, when I think about this dimension, I imagine the Eternal Heaven, a kind of divine place, where the teachers, the guides, the greater angels are found, a place of cities of light, of crystal, where faint music plays. and sacred, a dreamy, idyllic place.

_AM: You are not wrong, if you understand that 5D is the luminous and related projection of 3D. That is to say, if in 5D everything is about the interconnectivity that gives logic to the aspects of creation, then it is natural that you see the beings that inhabit it as teachers or guides, since they know very well the things that happen and therefore what happen In the Third, things happen, that is, objects manifest. In the Fourth, things happen, that is, you see the processes that the objects go through. In the Fifth things happen for a reason, that is, time and space gain logic and understanding, they are integrated into consciousness.

_I: What does 5D actually look like?

_AM: Do you remember the Tesseract? Well, let's make your image more complex. Take a cube and you will have 3D, project its vertices in any direction creating another cube extended from the first, and you will have 4D. Now, take these two cubes, and project them again from each of their vertices, generating the appearance of 4 more cubes, and you will have 5D.

_I: So 5D would be like a kind of extension of the other two.

_AM: It is the observer of the observed. If this Cube lives in 3D and goes through a process in 4D, this means that the complete experimentation of the universe happens between these two dimensions. The first dimension and the second are fundamental parts of the third. All 3 make up the reality you live. The fourth allows 3D to transform itself in its different potentialities. And the 5D is the one that will tell you how and why.

_I: He does it because he observes more points of view…

_AM: Can be in all times and all spaces of a being or object, can contemplate all its potentialities, and understand the logic of its movements, the results of its actions. In the aspect of Physics, 5D is what sustains Sidereal Space, what they call Dark Matter.

_I: Which would be everything that contains the planets and stars and that seems to be a void, and that still suffers alterations due to gravity...

_AM: That's right. This matter that cannot be touched or understood according to the laws of physics, exists in the dimension that supports the foundations of physics. In a way, 5D is the mirror of gravity.

_I: How?

_AM: Reflects Time and Space. To do this we need to understand Gravity. From Isaac Newton and his apple, we could understand that gravity is one of the fundamental forces that influence the acceleration of masses, in which objects attract each other. At a macrocosmic level, it is what causes objects that levitate near a planet to be attracted towards it, accelerating their speed as they approach. This is if we consider space as something empty. And it is not, at least in other dimensions. Now, to understand this, you must differentiate Object from Space. Space is a distance measurement factor in which an object develops or moves. A car slides through a space while traveling. Time is the other measurement factor by which an object moves. Thus we have two vectors connected at a 90 degree angle, in the shape of an L, describing Time (X) and Space (Y), and a third vector, which will move diagonally across the time-space measurement . Do you follow me?

_I: I follow you…

_AM: As you will see, Space is not equal to Matter, but rather it is equal to the distances over which it moves. The Universe is a constant of Time and Space, which when collapsing together, generate Matter, the third factor. The weight of this matter occupies a place in the time-space constant, which causes the constant to curve. Weight in Latin is called “gravita”, therefore the quality of weight of an object is known as “Gravity”. Imagine that you have a bed with a very soft mattress, and you put a Tennis ball on it, then a Soccer ball, and then a Bowling ball. You will see that the surface of the mattress will curve towards the center of the weight, and the heavier it is, the other balls around it will tend to fall towards the larger one.

_I: Wow... I understand... So it's as if the entire space were a bed full of balls, one heavier than the other, and the lighter ones fall in a spiral towards the center, creating orbits...

_AM: Gravity, then, is the weight that an object exerts on the space-time constant. But as you know, in space there is no up or down, there is no north or south, so this mattress that we describe is in all directions, and the weight is equivalent in any of these directions. Therefore, it works like a mirror. Reflections of gravity in every possible direction. The 5D holds Time and Space. 5D is dark matter that contains pulsating gravity as reflections of itself in each direction, like the cube in the image you have chosen, the same reality that propels your body in all directions at once.

_I: How far I am now from thinking about Angels or Masters, hehe...

_AM: Well, not so much. So far we described this with a cube because it is visually easier. And understanding it through the weight of a star's gravity is the next “easy” step. But this is something that is replicated in every particle of matter, every object that occupies a place. Like you for example. While your 3D body lives these three directions, your 4D body is experiencing all your possible times from when you exist as an individual until you disappear as an individual. And in that same moment, the 5D is reflected, connecting the data of your here and now with your entire history, seeing you from every point of your gravity, connecting every aspect of your time and your space with the subject that you are. Thus, you can interpret that when a human being has a brain with two hemispheres and two eyes, in 4D everything that you saw and thought, you see and think, you will see and think will be projected. But in 5D, the eyes of the observer are opened, in which your eyes of time multiply to observe the history of it, and your brain creates synapses and ideas that give logic to all your eternity. In the same way that they see all your spaces and think about all your options... And this is how humans feel observed, guided and taught by 5D beings.

_I: That is, I am myself, multiplied in reflections that interconnect my options of time and space. I myself am my guides and teachers...

_AM: And that does not mean that your guides and teachers do not exist and have their own life like you have here. They are beings with their own names, but in their dimensions they are not relevant. It is you who needs to call them north and south, up and down, you need measurable names in space. In the fifth dimension, you are its names, the strings that vibrate data through time and space.

_I: They exist for me, and I exist for them... I am the materialization of those who observe me from all points of view, from the full Consciousness of who I am...

_AM: That is why they can guide you, teach you, because they see where you are going, they know everything about you, because they are you, on another level... Here the cities are also projected in options, the plants, the worlds... That is why the Fifth Dimension is the guide and teacher of 3D; It is the one that orders, gives meaning, mission, understanding... It is the Observer.

_I: Wow… It is the mirror of a labyrinth that fractalizes my being by hundreds, showing me everything I can be and what I have been, helping me not to get lost in the immensity…

_AM: And in all these reflections you discover all your potentials, your masteries, your shadows, and you see how they are all referenced in you as well as you in them. You can touch time and space, you are the tangent, you are the point of convergence...

_I: I am the Unit…

_AM: And when you love the unity in yourself, you will be all the teachers, because you will remember that all the wonders and wisdom of this dimension were always inside and outside of you.

_I: I Am Love in Unity…

_AM: This is the Fifth Dimension.


6th Dimension


4th Dimension