4th Dimension
_I: First day alone in the pyramid, again. After a month away, I returned to sit on its floor and contemplate its walls while muttering some song that became a harmonious echo within the king's chamber. So, when looking at it in perspective, setting my intention to receive information about the 4th Dimension, I start to think about the strange reason why the camera, instead of being a cube, is a rectangular prism.
_AM: You know why, right?
_I: I guess, but I don't think I have all the data.
AM: Ancient Atlantean temples used to be based on the Cube as a primary form of existence and therefore construction. However, they were very clear about one thing: a cube by itself does not project itself into other dimensions. To do so, he must open an interdimensional door in his center, and to achieve this, he must polarize himself.
_I: Do mitosis…
_AM: Thus, a cube, like a cell, doubles, elongating and creating an equal next to it. This generates a rectangular prism, that is, two cubes together, with a link in its center, invisible, subtle, which speaks of an interdimensional opening.
_I: The Cube is the primordial form of the bases of existence, which gives rise to all other realities, and contains in its geometry all the fundamental codes; but on its own, without movement, and therefore without polarization, it cannot generate, express, manifest anything.
_AM: Therefore it fractalizes, replicating itself, opening a part of its being, in the same way that a cell divides and shares genetic material from its chromosomes, creating a new cell. The rectangular prism, then, is the summary of a vesica piscis, two circles or spheres that connect to each other by connecting their peripheries with the nucleus of their neighboring sister.
_I: Expanding its inner potential outward, and so the outside responds in a constant cycle. It is the same projected being, and in that interaction the partition of a potential occurs, which we call Portal.
_AM: Thus, in the center of a rectangular chamber you find the center or interdimensional portico of the prism.
_I: I understand. And that way they can cross from one dimension to another.
_AM: Well, not go through, but become it. All dimensions exist as foundations of the same being, which in one dimension observes its unity and polarity, in another its plan or figure, in the other its form and spatial object, in another its temporal process, and so on... Each aspect of the being is contemplated in one of the attributes of its own existence. To see a specific dimension, your entire being must vibrate in harmony with that dimension you want to perceive. Thus, that internal aspect of said dimension will emerge from you, manifesting on the outside.
_I: It would be to continue with the idea of the sock, turning a sock inside out to see what is inside...
_AM: As we have seen from the Second Dimension, the dimensions are replications of the fractalization of this initial figure. If in the Second you get the figure of a square, in the Third you will get a cube, and in the Fourth you will see a Tesseract.
_I: What is a Tesseract?
_AM: In 1888, writer and mathematician Charles Hinton wrote about the hypercube as a way to understand the simple workings of the Fourth Dimension. He called it “Four Rays” (referring to the edges that connect the outer cube to the inner cube). In Greek, “Four Rays” is said “Téssereis Aktines”, which composes the unique term “Tesseraktes” that Tesseract gives us. It is the 4D version of the Cube, which would be the 3D version of the 2D Square. Each 2D figure will create a 3D version that will have its 4D version, although they are not called Tesseracts, since they will have more or fewer rays (edges), this concept coins the global idea of the 4th Dimension.
_I: So the Fourth would be a replica of the 3D either inwards or outwards, connected by edges...
_AM: But with something else: movement. The movement of 4D is something fascinating, since the internal aspect tends to expand outwards, crossing the larger figure, leaving it inside, being able to do the same in any direction, through any face, edge or vertex.
_I: Like turning the sock inside out. In other words, in the same process of going from 2D to 3D as I explained yesterday, turning the structure upside down through fractalization, that process that leads from one to the other is what is called 4D...
_AM: That's right. As we have said, dimensions are not separate stages or planes, but measures of the same reality, which appear as the process or object is dissected.
_I: That is Time (process) or Space (object).
_AM: Some dimensions are more linked to Time and others more to Space. For example, the 2D, 4D and 8D triad is the expansion of the process, that is, the Temporal measurement of a reality. While the 3D, 6D and 9D triad describe the Spatial conformation of a reality.
_I: And 1D, 5D and 7D?
_AM: It is the triad of Enlightenment and Consciousness. The triad that connects and orders the others, making possible the existence of beings through Time and Space.
_I: I understand... So the 4D is part of the Temporal triad.
_AM: The Second Dimension talks about the figure, the planning, the fundamental idea opens all possibilities. The Fourth will be the dimension that describes the planning process, the stages that the being must go through in all directions, whether past, present or future. And the Eighth Dimension will be the one that embodies all these processes in each being, in supra existence, where not only the history of an individual, but of all of them at the same time, is recorded.
_I: When we hear about the Fourth Dimension we usually think that it is the place where all the angelic and demonic entities, beings from other worlds, Purgatory are... that is, that many things are there for general thought. And this makes it so striking, so inspiring for all kinds of films, books, philosophies. It is like the playground of the mind, where all things are possible and it is full of entities. But what really lives there?
_AM: Everything you can imagine.
_I: How?
_AM: The 4D is related to the process of Time, that is, all beings that live a temporal process are in the Fourth Dimension.
_I: But, wait... That encompasses everyone, because we all live a life process, the days go by, we grow, we age, we live experiences, that is, every human, plant, animal, is living in the 4D in the act of live?
_AM: That's right. Remember, dimensions are just facets, edges, in the fractal geometry of life. The 3D Space lives life looking at the Cube, but goes through different processes with this cube. Imagine that the Cube is your Body. Your body went from being two separate cells (sperm and egg), to become a Zygote, to then be a Fetus, then a Baby, a Child, an Adolescent, then an Adult, then an Elder, and then die to become others. things dissolved in nature. Your body multiplies its cells by millions daily, with which every day you transform what you are, in cellular multiplication, produced in a way similar to the Teresacto. 4D is constantly transforming you, but you only focus on the Body, not on the temporal process, since 3D perception is designed to receive pulses from the senses, not to assimilate times as something real. Therefore, even if you know that time is passing, you consider it more as an external measurement than as an internal process. In 4D, Time is palpable, in the same way that in 3D you can feel matter with your senses, the 4D senses can perceive ti_I: smell the past, taste the future, touch the present, hear history, see what eternal... Thus, everything that was perceived by the senses over time is constituted as a reality in the 4D.
_I: That is to say that a being that lives only in 4D could manipulate processes and times, in the same way that we can manipulate matter and space here.
_AM: This is something you have already done, and it is the reason why you were born. The decision of a birth, of your astrological chart, of finding the correct influence of the planets, of the stars, is a plan of time, in which your being in 4D can be molded and see what will be, what was, what It is, as if molding plaster, clay.
_I: You can see the future as if it were a landscape.
_AM: Exactly. Imagine yourself traveling on a highway. The landscape you will see has many levels: from perspective, the closer things move faster, and the more distant things seem slow, you can see them even if they are far away, knowing that they will arrive and get faster the closer you are. In 4D, it will not be objects or landscapes that you will see, but circumstances, thus, the closest or the furthest are situations from the story, and this allows you to see what happened and will happen. This is the primordial basis of 4D, which is outside Space, and can only understand it from the vision of Time, exactly the opposite of 3D.
_I: From this dimension, the Third, we can see space and understand time as space transforms. While in the Fourth the perception of space can only occur based on seeing what happens in time... I understand.
_AM: Following the logic that the point or line is the base of the plane figure, and this is the foundation of the three-dimensional structure, then, this physical object will be the foundation of the vision of time. For this reason, the 3D pattern or object is what shapes the potentialities of the 4D story, making all probabilities exist in itself.
_I: As if inside my body there were many bodies, a kind of Mamushka; a Russian doll connected by geometry, with an increasingly smaller Matías towards the microcosm and an increasingly larger one towards the macrocosm. And every time I transform, it's like one of them takes my place, like a snake that sheds its skin, but instead of leaving it, the skin is absorbed inside, letting the new one come out outside to take its place...
_AM: That's right. And that projection multiplies at each level. What is inside, then, happens outside, and thus your sensations become reality on a 4D level... This explains why what you call Hell, Heaven, Purgatory, and all those entities, inhabit the 4D.
_I: Why?
_AM: Because everything that inhabits the 4D is nothing more than your own inner worlds, your dreams, perceptions, sensations, ideas, beliefs, emotions, manifested outside of matter, free of patterns, being capable of being the external. When before these concepts were part of the human inner world, in the 4D they expand, becoming external factors. So 3D designs the realities of 4D.
_I: Like for example… What?
_AM: A trauma, a nightmare, something that you hide inside, is projected outside in the 4D, becoming eternal, it cannot be hidden in the past, and it becomes real, perceptible, making that nightmare manifest in this dimension. If you are afraid of a specific animal, it will manifest as your greatest demon in 4D. The place that has given you the most peace in your life will become your eternal paradise in 4D. The people you have loved in your life will receive you with the same love when you die and project to 4D. As you see, 4D is the eternal design field of everything you feel in matter. Therefore, in this dimension you will find worlds similar to those you have left, but unlike matter, on this plane everything is eternal. Because it is the fractal plane and mirror of 3D, it is the place where minds feel most comfortable when dying. Death is like the great passage of this tesseract from 3D to 4D, and all those who are clinging to the images and expectations of their lives usually spend a time without time in this dimension, considering it Hell or Heaven, ultimate end of the soul. When in reality it is not, it is just a mirage of the life they have experienced, but without physics-based laws of time and space.
_I: So everything we live or exist in 4D is just a distorted idea of 3D.
_AM: We could say that 4D is the decorator of your mind. Everything you feel or believe in this reality will be your eternal reality if you remain tied to said energy after you die. This explains why each culture, religion, individual, sees when dying what fits its own expectation: some will see angels, others family, others Krishna, others Christ, others Mohammed, others geometry, others something psychedelic, others just nothing. The tunnel that most experience is not the passage from one place to another, but rather a cube expanding and becoming another in this tesseract, going from a dense aspect to a subtle one, and that is why we see clarity, light at the end of the tunnel. . But in a certain way, what you see after your death will depend on what you feel and experience in your death, on how you have lived your life, on how you project yourself into existence.
_I: What I imagine is what comes true in 4D.
_AM: Therefore, 4D beings take the forms that you imagine... Demons, angels, entities, etheric insects, extraterrestrials, relatives, animals, plants, beings of light, psychedelic figures, utopian places... It is a deceptive dimension, where everything is disguises time.
_I: And… If I go there, is it eternal? Is it forever?
_AM: Only if you manifest it that way... Eternity is a subjective sensation. A minute can seem like an eternity. Many spend long periods in this dimensional space, with no more than 5 minutes having passed on Earth. Most are trapped in the idea of what they experienced and wander almost eternally...
_I: Ghosts.
_AM: Yes, souls that have been trapped in the passage from one dimension to the other because they do not want to let go of space, which makes them prisoners of Time. If you let go, you will be able to manage Time, and eventually, freely choose your next experience in Space.
_I: Otherwise my very being by magnetism will force me to be born again in a similar pattern.
_AM: Coming back again and again, where the tesseract becomes like an amusement park ride.
_I: I myself will create what happens in the 4D, and if I am not aware of it, it is the 4D that will create me.
_AM: It is the constant and eternal cycle of the Circular Time process.
_I: Is there a way to get out of this circuit?
_AM: No, leave, because you would cease to exist. But you can learn to use it to your advantage. For 4D to be useful and not control you, you must learn to live with fullness and harmony in 3D, eat correctly, allow emotions to flow, heal traumas, transcend fears, transform ideas, beliefs and patterns, open yourself to all possibilities, practice detachment, and raise the vibration through joy. The inner Cube of your Tesseract is your Heart. If it beats freely and in harmony, everything you expand from it will invade with Love all that you are inside and outside, connecting you with all your potentialities without clinging to any of them.
_I: What about those who say that you don't have to go to 4D, but rather you have to get to 5D?
_AM: The 5D is the interconnecting factor of the 3D and the 4D. The 5D is the one that gives meaning, logic, clarity to the other two. Tell me... Without fully understanding either 3D or 4D, what do you hope to achieve from 5D? In a way it would be like having a beautiful remote control but without batteries and with a broken television.
_I: Hehehe, I understand now, yes. The Control would be the 5D, the Batteries would be the 4D and the Television would be the 3D. To connect with the 5D it is necessary for Time and Space to be whole and in harmony.
_AM: If you do not achieve this balance, the 4D entities will live off of you, they will feed on your energy, they will see you as their batteries, their batteries, feeding on your processes, your times, and that is how you know the parasites. interdimensional dimensions of the lower astral.
_I: The astrals are here, then.
_AM: The Astral concept comes from the Greek “aster” which means star. The Low, Medium or High Astral concepts refer to the intensity of the light of the stars, the brightest being the high ones, and the darkest and most distant being the Low ones. In times when the perspective of Heaven was not interpreted by distance but by size, the concept described that on the temporal or subtle plane, there are entities of light or darkness that are reflected in the stars. Hence the term. However now you can understand that they are not Astral, but Vibrational. Entities are formed from high or low frequencies, I feel the high ones are more free and expanded, and the low ones are more compact and dense. Thus, depending on the density of the cube, the tesseract projection will generate dense creatures (low astral or vibrational), or beings of light such as angels (high astral or vibrational).
_I: Perfect, got it.
_AM: So, if you want to project a good eternity, you just have to smile and love deeply what you are with your heart, and the echo will be replicated in all realities, balancing time and space.
_I: I Am Love in All, through Time and Space.
_AM: Smile, and your smile will be eternal.