3rd Dimension


_I: And the dreamer in me woke up in his dream.

_AM: …A Deep Dream.

_I: And in the Depth he was lost, because the deeper he went, the more beauty he found.

_AM: The polarity of the First Dimension extends to the High, while to the Wide, the Second Dimension designs the pattern of a crucifixion from which no one is exempt. The Cross of Time and Space, which design the imaginary of existence in the resonant vibration of its echoes, and in them, in its consciousness it is lost in love with the waves that transform themselves towards the Profound.

_I: Tall, Wide and Deep, the Holy Trinity that makes up the fundamental concepts of the Third Dimension, the one that we all know, experience, live...

_AM: The one best known to humans, since the others live in their imaginations.

_I: Imaginary?

_AM: Imagine comes from the Latin “imago” which means “portrait”, that is, it creates a figure within a limit, describing a reality in a figurative way. It is difficult to explain something objectively, because, for example, try saying the first color you see.

_I: White, on the screen.

_AM: Well, it is not white, but the conjunction of LEDs of different primary colors, the combination of which produces the sensation of white, which in turn is nothing more than photons moving at high speed emitted at different frequency waves. That is, white is a mental construct, something figurative.

_I: So, nothing we see in the third Dimension is real.

_AM: That's right, the Third Dimension is just the sensory experimentation of the imagination.

_I: Wow… This just blew my mind a little, because, being the axis of the Ego, this breaks my purpose a little, since my function is to be an anchor in this reality.

_AM: You are an anchor in all dimensions as long as a reference point is needed. The Third Dimension has a reference point that we call “Depth”.

_I: “Pro-Fundo” = Go to the Deep.

_AM: Immerse yourself in the options, towards the abysses of the imagination, where lines and points, polarity, not only converge but diverge, where forces bend on themselves, creating distortion. And that distortion creates beauty. Well, a distorted Sound generates notes, and the notes create music. Distorted Energy creates Light, and light gives rise to colors. Distorted Matter manifests diverse forms, and the forms create realities, capable of being felt. The Senses, then, are the mechanisms of consciousness to receive perceptions of the deep. You may not know it, but your brain is an illusionist.

_I: What would that be like?

_AM: Do you remember what “Illusion” means?

_I: It comes from “luso” which means “game”, thus, illusion is the action of playing with someone.

_AM: The Universe is like a child playing with reality. The brain, then, is designed to interpret that game, reading patterns and forming ideas or concepts through imagination. As we spoke yesterday in the Second Dimension, the mind seeks to close an image, finish it, and if it does not have all the data, it will simply close it with invented data. This makes the brain a processing machine, but also easy to fool. As in a magic trick, a magician does not perform magic in front of an expectant audience, but rather eliminates from the naked eye the patterns that the brain needs to follow to complete an image. Magic is the art of tricking the brain, not of transforming matter.

_I: Sure, it's an act of illusion.

_AM: You lose track of things, and the brain begins to play with itself, creating the missing parts, creating an illusion. Thus, everything you see in material reality is an illusion interpreted by the mind. The Third Dimension is not the dimension of matter, it is the dimension where the depth of illusions is experienced, where the magician becomes public.

_I: Oh, I understand, it is the level of consciousness where we get fully into what we have created to see. Like the architect who made the plans for a house and upon finishing it, decides to delve into it, like the writer who reads his own book, the traveler who embarks on an adventure after planning his trip.

_AM: Thus the mind enters the Third Dimension.

_I: Wait, you just showed me a somewhat strange image that I can't describe. When you talked about it going deep, the idea I had of how this happened was of a spirit in another dimension that comes floating into this world and somehow gets inside the body, like someone who gets inside a suit. astronaut, or in a sleeping bag. But what I just saw is very psychedelic, strange... That is to say... What I saw was a network of lines and planes, like a kind of computer board with many circuits, although not physical, but conceptual, where energy moved. by polarity, and suddenly things began to curve, as if a force pushed the flat space, creating the sensation of depth, doubling space-time, and while it did, everything was consumed on itself, bending inward, and now only allowing us to see the external, which was no longer that framework, but cells that began to duplicate, as if creating a body... That is, it was the same reality, only doubled. It was as if the pulses of the second dimension were formed in the Third but never ceasing to be the other... I mean, I don't know how to describe it. Perhaps the easiest way to understand it is like turning a sock inside out.

_AM: Hehehe, what a banal way to describe an interdimensional passage. But yes, I accept your simile. Therefore, the key to the Third Dimension is Depth, and that is why the deeper you delve into the experience of this universal dimension, the more fascinated you will end up, living impressive realities, until… Turn the sock.

_I: And you emerge in another dimension, like a wormhole, which instead of crossing space like a highway, actually doubles itself exiting into the new space without having moved from the same point. Like a fish eating itself, a sphere swallowing and leaving out its inner side.

_AM: The Third Dimension invites us to see that the deeper we go, the more we transform, discovering all the facets, layers, that constitute us. Going deeper into the experience, into integration, is the key to this dimension. Every being that has planned its reality lives it manifested in this existence. From the Physical, the Emotional and the Mental, this dimension exerts pressure on existence, leading us to live everything we have projected.

_I: It is the illusion that we ourselves have created to play, to test, to feel what we have projected from the origin, the Third dimension is the path of the Alpha searching for the Omega.

_AM: And the second dimension is the tool that the third has to be able to live.

_I: This is why each one has drawn their own destiny in this reality, because from the Second Dimension we are the ones who have created the patterns and planes that we have folded to live this reality today... Destiny is not a purpose, but rather a design of our own. of our own intention to exist. Thus the Third Dimension is the miracle of the other dimensions, it is the fruit of the Tree.

_AM: You understood it here. Without Time or Space, the Being intends to feel what it thinks, and the way to feel it is to live it. The Universe designed the mental paths towards projection and perception that gave rise to feelings, so that they manifested the senses, and thus polarity could be experienced in the form of matter. The Mind launched itself into the depths of itself to discover its sensory capabilities, creating the real goal of all existence: Experimentation.

_I: Universal Fruit.

_AM: This is where the infinite becomes finite, where you discover the limits, where the unconditional becomes conditioned, where the network becomes a pattern. All with the intention of being able to see deeper, feel deeper, know from the depths. This is where the Love that you knew as eternal energy begins to focus, to exist as emotional, limiting, bonding and dependency factors. This is where the Real (king) becomes real (object). Real of royalty, comes from the Indo-European “reg”, which means right, line, law, rectitude, axis. That is to say, he knows where he is going, he has a plan, just like the second dimension. But when it bends, turning itself into a structure, the line becomes an object, and is called "thing", which in Latin is called "res", the origin of the word "real".

_I: Reality is the quality of being things...

_AM: And that's what the Universe does. The great divine miracle is the ability of the mind to constitute itself as “things.”

_I: This is why I remember how happy we all felt when we were going to come to a third-dimensional world for the first time. At least for me it was an enormous excitement, honor, greatness, to feel that I was prepared to do something unthinkable.

_AM: Live.

_I: Yes.

_AM: Although it may seem absurd to you, the Dimension in which you live now is probably one of the most incredible from a cosmic point of view, since what you are capable of experiencing, feeling, learning, enjoying is unthinkable. The Third Dimension is one of the most beautiful and impressive facets of existence.

_I: And it goes through the entire Universe, I suppose.

_AM: Of course, every star, every planet, every atom is located in the deep expression of the Universe.

_I: I like that you call the third dimension Deep Expression.

_AM: That's what it is. It is a dream come true…

_I: And now, finally, I understand that phrase better than ever. “A Dream Come True” ceases to be a poetic phrase and becomes something literal, an inevitable process. We are living our dreams, whether sweet or nightmares.

_AM: So now you just have to learn to daydream, and you will be able to experience wonders.

_I: And to do so, I must honor this dimension. I feel that in our quest to reach the Fourth or Fifth Dimension above all, we discredit the third. What happens when we go from one dimension to the other? Do we really have to go to the Fifth Dimension and leave the Third?

_AM: First of all, leaving one dimension to live in another is like wanting to tear off the wall of a house and throw it away because now I prefer to be sitting on the opposite wall...

_I: Hahaha, ok, I understand.

_AM: Secondly, let's understand this thing about the Fifth Dimension. In the 1960s, the peace and love movement that emerged in the United States seeking to stop the Vietnam War popularized the idea of ​​many of those who appealed to a nearby New Age. Because people from the spiritual world were involved in these pacifist movements, the spiritual and astrological character began to be a way of interpreting the reality of the time. This is how the arrival of the Age of Aquarius, the Astrological Convergences, and the Dimensions began to become popular, coming from the Gnostic explanations of the Cosmos. All taking into account that it was the decade in which humans sought to conquer the stars and the Moon, the heavens, which made everyone look towards the celestial vault. Since this famous decade in which young people built a utopian idea of ​​a magical world in which the world would live in peace, harmony, unity, fleeing the harsh three-dimensional reality of the wars in Asia and the Cold War and its nuclear threats, it became popular. the concept of a magical time (Aquarius), where we would all become One again; where spirituality, light, consciousness, would be life itself, attributes that the Fifth Dimension embodies. During all these decades, then, the somewhat erroneous concepts about the dimensions, smeared with a frustration with the chaotic life of this world, made the majority of people on the path to awakening believe that we are going towards the Fifth Dimension, leaving behind third.

_I: So this is not like that…

_AM: No, it's not like that. I'm sorry to say, but you will remain in the Third as long as you don't know how the dimensions work. As we said, the same are the measurements of a house, and for the Fifth Dimension to be our reality, then we must ensure that the Third is lived like the Fifth. Turn the sock inside out, recognize that the other dimensions are hidden within the Third. It is not by escaping, leaving, fleeing, the way you go from one dimension to the other, but by going to the depths of the dimension in which you find yourself, living it at all its levels, making yourself responsible for it.

_I: Until I know how to live the fullness of the Third, I will not be able to feel the Fifth, nor the Fourth... None.

_AM: A being can move from one dimension to the other, but to achieve this, it is necessary for it to resonate with said dimension in every particle of its being. Going to the Fifth dimension and talking about the Age of Aquarius, in the 60s became the new synonyms for Paradise and the arrival of the Savior. Therefore, if you want to live the Fifth dimension, you had better learn to live fully in the Third.

_I: Enjoy what we have created, and find harmony in it… Be responsible for our own creation…

_AM: The Limited Love of this dimension is what gives you the necessary tools to understand the creative power. The Third Dimension is the School of the Cosmic Mind. You are learning in the depths of illusion.

_I: So, I dare to live with hope.

_AM: Play in life… “That life is a dream, and dreams are dreams.”


4th Dimension


2nd Dimension