2nd Dimension


_I: When yesterday you said that the Piscean consciousness is like a “Wise Child”, I started thinking about the way children understand the world, the way we learn to recognize it since we are children. Through play, fun, discovery, and something that marvels me even more is that most of what we see as children is not real, but imagined. That is to say, when we observe things with the child's mind, everything is a magical adventure, anything can be a subject of imagination, of creating a story with the mind. I remember seeing bricks and playing with them as if they were a castle, or a ship. I remember seeing a tree and thinking it was a city and insects lived there doing amazing things. I remember feeling like the moon was talking to me, or that every object in my house had a life of its own and communicated with me, meaning I was never alone, from the towels in the bathroom to the dining room table. The living room became landscapes of the world, and the sofa was a ship. Pencils were space rockets, and the curb on the street with its flagstones could be cliffs of strange planets with unique geographies. When we grow up, we tend to lose this capacity for imagination, we begin to base ourselves on what we know about the world, and a slab, a sofa, a table, a moon, a tree become just that, simply a slab, a sofa, a table. , a moon and a tree. It seems a bit sad to me...

_AM: In reality, you continue imagining things, but they begin to become more complex. A child is learning from matter, he is newly arrived at this reality, and therefore, his consciousness is capable of molding it, since he continues to live in the subtle, but experiencing matter, playing with its metamorphic capacities. . When you become a teenager, you begin to mold your soul, your energy, and you begin to use your imagination to develop different options for what you live, to idealize people, to feed illusions, putting together emotional stories. You already know the subject, you are no longer excited about it, now you are excited about people, what you feel for them, what they provoke in you, falling in love, getting excited, fantasizing... When you are an adult, over 28 years old, and now You have met many people, you have already related to various aspects of the soul, you already know what it all means, and your soul is no longer excited, you lose the magical interest that you had in people, and you begin to focus on the mind , in advancing in life, in having purpose, and you are excited about faith, belief, philosophy, power, control, intellectual... You are excited about what you can innovate in your life, achieve, with projects. Until you get out of your mind, and you begin to live old age, getting excited about the subject again, recognizing that you are on the way to leaving it, and you are excited to play again, finding yourself able to do new things, discover new places, until You get excited again about love, about relationships, about feeling something, to end life with the illusion of imagining what will happen next, when you are gone.

_I: Then it is as if the illusion and imagination never leave the human, they only transform, they go from one level to another. It's just that we live it in a separate way, as if abandoning the previous...

_AM: The human problem is that it considers “the past trodden on.” Humans believe that if they have already experienced something, it is no longer useful, as if it were not a record of their experience. When you ride a bicycle as a child, you will always know how to ride a bicycle no matter how old you become later, and you may never pick up another bicycle and ride it again in your life. Maybe you use motorcycles, cars, airplanes... And yet, this does not mean that you cannot one day take a bicycle and ride it. The human concept that what happened is in the past and is no longer useful, necessary, or even considered “childish” to be taken up again, only separates potentials, limiting you. A person open to using a bicycle, a motorcycle, a car, a boat, a plane or whatever, is a person who expands, who sees the infinity of potentials and paths that his being is capable of tracing, of create and experiment. In the same way, an adult who is capable of becoming excited about his soul by falling in love and imagining the infinite possibilities, walking through an airport imagining that it is another planet and is traveling between worlds and dimensions with extraterrestrial companions, and at the same time nourishing himself from that imagination. to build a social project that inspires him, he is a multidimensional being.

_I: That's what they say, seeing the world through the eyes of a child...

_AM: When you are a child, look at the world like a child. When you're a teenager, look at the world like a teenage boy. When you are an adult, look at the world with the teenage adulthood of a child. And when you are old, observe the world as an adult adolescent living the old age of his childhood. If you live life, stage by stage, abandoning the previous one, you will not gain the ability to expand, but rather you will be limited to your new way of seeing the world.

_I: I must open myself to the options… I must add them, as if they were one…

_AM: Well, the Universe is a constant of options that are One. And this is the key to the Second Dimension.

_I: I understand that the Second Dimension is the one that is composed of lines and points that form a drawing on a single plane without depth... That is, like a cartoon on television, or a drawing in a book.

_AM: That's right. That is dimension two. It arises at the moment when Alpha and Omega, being the northern and southern hemispheres, positive and negative, from a point in the First Dimension, separate, project themselves in opposite directions, creating a line, but which in turn, Its new nodes create a new polarity, which also extends, seeking to close the image to find balance. A polar axis by itself does not have balance, it needs to close the circuit, and this is how you can obtain a closed polar image. In simple words: from a line you get a square.

_I: In the First Dimension we call it Line, in the Second Dimension we call it Square, and in the Third Dimension we call it Cube or Hexahedron.

_AM: Exactly. And in the Fourth Dimension you call it Tesseract. In the Fifth Convergence, in the Sixth Foundation, in the Seventh Manifestation, in the Eighth Process, and in the Ninth Realization.

_I: Wow… I didn't expect that.

_AM: As you will see, the First Dimension is the one that gives the greatest freedom, because beyond its polarization, a line can be used for the manifestation of any other type of figures, whether it is a triangle to create a tetrahedron, or a pentagon to create gestate a dodecahedron. However, it is the Second Dimension that provides the basis for the realization of everything else, which determines the following patterns.

_I: And why is that?

_AM: Because in the Second is where you find Consciousness. The Second is the one that gives you an idea of ​​the rest, the one that shows you the basis of imagination. Duality is a generator of probabilities. Your mind, polarized on the axis of the first dimension, gives rise to the intention to be, to move for love, and in the second it incorporates the soul, the articulated movement, the magical intention. So think about cartoons, as you said. They are an imaginative manifestation, the embodiment of dreams, the basis of illusion. Part of the game of creation. Think of the Cosmos as a boy or girl who decides to move in circles, spinning in his room like a dervish in constant circles in which he sees the world around him modifying, understanding other forms of himself, idealizing reality, imagining a new. Drawing, the strokes, are the basis of all art, whether it is poetry when tracing a word from its first letter, or sculpture to trace the initial design from plaster or rock. The lines make up the neural connections of your soul, molding the perception of your environment, schematizing it, but at the same time, giving you the freedom to create the foundations of the infinite.

_I: Something so simple ends up being something so beautiful.

_AM: Each line is a process, which you draw as you walk. Your two eyes observe this dimensionality, which is traced in your two hands, in your two ears, in your two feet... You are a dual being, made up of patterns of duality. Your presence in the Third Dimension is due to the foundations of your Second Dimension. And there you find the basis of your imagination. Each process you live is a path drawn in the illusion designed by the second dimension, in which you position yourself at a point X to advance to a point Y, designing the paths through illusion and imagination; Well, point Y is the illusory mirage of yourself, it is an image that needs to be completed with your experience. Therefore, you should not abandon the previous step, but rather add, because only then will you be able to obtain the complete image.

_I: The imagination that creates the patterns, the illusion that determines my life, is not, therefore, a prison of the mind, but precisely what allows me to expand it...

_AM: I know that you have lived conditioned by the reality of the Third Dimension in which you have heard phrases like: “do not live on illusions”, “stop imagining and live reality”, “put your feet on the ground”. But the truth is that there would be no life, no reality, no soil without imagination and illusions. Everything is a holographic illusion, so if you really want to live fully in this reality, you better dare to imagine and get excited. And in doing so, you will find the Unconditionality of the soul, which manifests from dreams everything that can be.

_I: Unconditionally loving what I am capable of imagining, projects unconditionality to the world I live in.

_AM: Sometimes utopias become reality, only if you dare to live your dreams, tracing them step by step.

_I: I imagine, and Illusion becomes Life.

_AM: Awaken the Dreamer that lives in you.


3rd Dimension


1st Dimension