_I: Where? It's the last question... The path, the feet, walking... Where am I headed? And yesterday I think it was answered based on the when. You said that Time is nothing more than a calculation of the process of matter, that is, a conceptual constant of what happens to reality. Time is, therefore, the subjective aspect of the universe, and Space is the objective aspect. Stated in this way, and after having talked about the holographic reality, my question is: what is space really? What is the where? Are we really heading somewhere? And from there, the basic questions of philosophy: Where do we come from, where are we, and where are we going?
_AM: What is Space? The word comes from the term "sphei," which gave rise to "spatium" in Latin, which initially referred to throwing or dragging something. Something spacious, therefore, refers to the act of moving something away from one point to another. Spacing, is launching, separating things, and so, Space became the concept of the distance between what is thrown or dragged far away and its point of origin. Space, then, like Time, are unreal constants. Ideological concepts.
_I: Wow, again, you'll make my head hurt with your answers, right?
_AM: Breathe deeply. But if you want to understand reality, you must first destroy what you believe about it. Time and Space, already talked about many times, are conceptual constants of the synaptic network of the universe, that is, existence finds cosmos, order, as it expands through these two constants, weaving the networks of its Mind, its self-awareness. Space (from the Indo-European: launch) being the distance through which objects are dragged, and Time (from the Indo-European: extension) being the measure or fractions of the processes that those objects go through in their transformation. The extension through which an object is launched. And that object is made up of patterns of matter. The word pattern comes from the Indo-European "pater," meaning father, that is: the one who must be followed, who establishes the law, the path, the behavior. And matter comes from the Indo-European "mater," that is: mother, which leads us to understand the manifestation, creation of a body, a life, who gestates a new being. The ideas that humans have about reality are linked to the family, to mom and dad, to the distance traveled in migrations, leaving one home to go to another, seeing how things and oneself transform on that journey. That's why you have created the image of a heavenly father, a divine mother, a paradise to go to, a hell to escape from, and moral regulations (typical of the inhabitants of a territory), in order to lead the people under a "conduct."
_I: So even our way of understanding what surrounds us, and even the intangible, the subtle, the spiritual, is also based on human reality...
_AM: To understand the Universal Laws, you must free yourself from the limiting ideas of human location. Humans are in an anthropocentric position, which causes them to self-reference the Universe in their own image and likeness. Now, the development of human consciousness is a path to know cosmic truths, and therefore, it is necessary first to know very well the nature of human thought before being able to transcend it. Humans who seek to find a path to enlightenment, to reach a new state of consciousness, forget something very important, and it is that, without taking note of their historical baggage, they decide to climb Everest in shorts but carrying a one-ton container on their backs. And in their pride, they refuse to look inside the container, believing that if they manage to reach the top, they will get rid of everything and be free, when the two possible truths are: you will never get there, or if you do get there, you will have brought everything with you and you will not be free.
_I: How should I then see reality?
_AM: As we have said many times. It is an interaction of thought waves that generate the perception of energy that forms matter. In the microcosm, as we have said, a wave can behave like a particle, allowing it to be in different places at the same time. The best way to understand this is to watch a sunset looking at the sea. In the sea, the waves are thousands, and they are transforming at every moment. The water reflects photon particles, acting as mirrors that pass these photons as if they were tennis balls in the middle of a competition. This makes you see a constant shine on the waves, which is like seeing hundreds of suns at the same time, many reflected in each wave that appears and disappears, giving the sensation of gold, of glimmers in all directions. Those thousands of suns reflected in the waves of the sea do not exist, for there is only one sun in the sky, which you are not seeing, for it is behind you, and you can only see the thousands of options of this sun, and although none are real, they all illuminate you, they may even blind you to your vision because they seem real.
_I: Of course... They affect me because they are a reflection... A single sun, reflected in each wave of the sea, of the oceans, multiplied by millions, shining in all directions, making each living being receive that light or mirage in a different way, at different angles, intensities... Shapes.
_AM: Thus, you understand that the universe is like that ocean full of waves, and that there is only one particle that is reflected in each wave, at the same time. The waves, the oscillations, move, transforming the options of this particle, but it, like the sun, never moved, it has always been there, fixed.
_I: This means that in reality all the destinations, paths, places that we believe exist are just mirages of something that has always been in the same place...
_AM: And not only that, but each mirage, by the fact of being a projection, in reality never really moved, but simply fluctuates its reflection depending on the vibration of the waves. That is to say, depending on the state of vibration, this particle will look one way or another, just like the shine of the sun can look flat or stretched, or round, or of different colors. But it has always been and will be the sun.
_I: That's what we call Unity... We are all One... We are all those reflections of the sun in the waves of the sea, of the constant of Time and Space...
_AM: For this reason, returning to the microcosmic vision, this particle lives all the probabilities of itself, manifesting the options that are capable of being observed by consciousness. In different times and spaces, this particle will be launched and expanded, creating the appearance of energy, which creates the idea of magnetism, forming atoms, which give rise to molecules, and thus to compounds and chemical elements, which react creating proteins, deoxyribonucleic acids, sugars, plasma, cells, tissues, organs, networks, and organic and inorganic beings. Mineral, vegetable, fungal, animal, and human kingdoms. And in evolution, the interaction of these energy data generates synapses, which perform intelligent interpretations, capable of asking questions, and connecting to the infinite universal mind.
_I: And all that macrocosm, has been nothing more than the reflections of the true being. So, the constant answer to the question "where?", will always be "Here."
_AM: Here is the only real answer in the universe, but only when referring to the microcosm. Once the shine is projected on the waves, there are many positions, and all are relevant, because as I told you, even if you don't look at the sun, its reflection will also be felt in your eyes and face. Thus, all paths, every step, every place I go, every destination, purpose, are equally relevant to "Here." Knowing that in reality none of this exists, does not diminish the importance of existence. For remember, "to exist" means "to be outside" (ex-stare), and for something to have come out, it means that before it was inside. What you interpret as real on the inside, has been expressed and projected on the outside, making that hologram, for the mind, as real as what lies within. The external are reference points projected from the inner world. Living outside, walking the path, is a way to be able to travel the paths of cosmic synapses that otherwise you would never have been able to experience.
_I: Where do we come from?
_AM: We come from ourselves, from unity, from the only particle that exists, and that is still there, at the center of all things, the divine Source, that which is both 0 and 1 at the same time, and that decided to take the step to live both options, calling them micro and macro cosmos.
_I: Where are we?
_AM: Here, we are always here. No matter where you go, what your destination is, you will always be in the right place, for it is impossible for you to be outside of yourself, and everything around you will always be according to your state.
_I: Where are we going?
_AM: To ourselves, the only possible destination. Some call it "returning home," but that is very human. No matter where you go and the environment you find yourself in, you will always know for certain one concrete thing: you will be there. You are the only possible "where," the only real destination.
_I: Why should we advance then? Why do we constantly ask ourselves where we should go? Where am I headed?
_AM: Close your eyes and think inside yourself. For you to have found the question, thousands of neurons of your being had to exchange data, move, vibrate, pulse electrons that transmit this energy in the form of information. Neurons, in that pulsation, trace paths, weave networks. Thus, when you ask yourself the question again, you won't need to think about it much or twice, the neurons will simply find the path traced previously, and will know what to think, what to do or say. If the neurons do not move, there are no data, no senses, nothing. Remember, you are a neuron of the Earth. If you don't move, if you don't travel, if you don't walk, if you don't interact with others, learning with each step... What do you then expect from the world? Do you really think that planetary change is possible with people who do not ask themselves "where am I going," and remain still doing nothing?
_I: We need to connect, do things, move... So the purpose of asking where, of traveling, of finding more destinations, advancing, goes beyond migrations, but it has a purpose of interconnection, of improving the way of interpreting data...
_AM: When you move through the world, you connect information networks that cross time and space. Every step you take, every place you know, every person you interact with, nourishes the world with a new piece of data that makes it more conscious, that makes it evolve intelligently.
_I: Asking where, and moving towards that place, then, is key to evolution.
_AM: And in the same way, you will understand that not knowing where to go is a sign of the need to leave, search, not wait. The universe does not seek for you to reach any place, because no place really exists, the only real thing is the mind that interprets realities, the networks that connect everything between the micro and macro cosmos. Where?, that is the key to synapses, to the fabric of the mind. Your bodies moving through the world are the existence of that internal spirit, seeking to live, to experience what lies within.
_I: It's as if we wanted to walk through the neural networks. It is impossible to go through our brain, but we can interpret the World as that brain, and by walking it, by advancing through its paths, we will be visiting those thoughts. Existence is like a great imaginary theater play that the mind designed to be able to stroll through itself.
_AM: Do you understand now what Space is? Do you know where to go?
_I: Yes, I understand why I am spending a year in Giza, now I understand. Because I had to remember that I am Here, and only by seeing this truth could I connect everything else and walk the world with this awareness. This was what I needed to know in order to put my feet firmly on the Earth. This is the fundamental key to understanding the foundation of the entire project of I Am connecting the power centers of the Earth. The Network. All points are Here, and by walking them, I am only making synapses...
_AM: Uniting, connecting the parts again... What do you call this in Latin?
_I: Remembering. Re-cordis. Re-cordare... Connecting the parts, uniting the members again...
_AM: Remember...
_I: Remember...
_AM: Remember...