_I: What am I?
_AM: What do you think you are?
_I: Throughout this year, I was able to understand that I am a vertex in a fabric of constants, I am a manifested expression of a network of mental aspects...
_AM: What does this thought evoke?
_I: What... Everything I know, everything I know, doesn't really exist the way I think it exists.
_AM: What do you think exists?
_I: What my 5 senses are capable of perceiving. But it is only enough to watch an animal documentary to realize that what an animal sees is totally different from what a human sees, and for them, that is reality. The other day I saw a video that showed how certain animals see, and it caught my attention to see how most birds see everything in reddish tones. Or how some shrimp see everything in infrared. Cats see everything as if it were a dream, not to mention perception. How some insects only see because of what their skin feels. Creatures without brains that still move with needs. The way of perceiving the environment is so different that claiming an absolute truth is almost impossible. So, what I believed existed, which is what I touch, what I see, taste, smell and hear, does not exist. It's just a perception.
_AM: How does this make you feel?
_I: Strange... Because, on the one hand I feel fascinated, on the other I feel bewildered... What is the point of all the things we experience if they don't work in themselves?
_AM: What's the point of watching a movie if you know it's not true? That they are actors, that everything is scenery, that the dialogues are invented...
_I: Entertain myself…
_AM: Go further…
_I: Feel... get excited, be able to live an experience that I can't from mine. Feeling like the protagonist.
_AM: Good. You watch these stories because they inspire you in your own, because they move you to feel and experience new realities that you wouldn't otherwise be able to. The brain, upon perceiving stories through its eyes and ears, interprets them as reality, because it searches its records for similar memories or emotions, and ignites a chemical reaction that produces every emotion that a movie can generate in you, or that a book can produce in you. Therefore, your nervous system lives that story as its own, and you laugh, cry, get angry, learn, it mobilizes you...
_I: So… I am a story…
_AM: You are the observer feeling what it is like to be a character in a movie.
_I: I am... The internal reaction that occurs in the mind of those who observe the story, manifested in a possibility of it...
_AM: You become a participant and protagonist of your imagination. How many times, as a child, did you imagine stories and become them?
_I: Many. I used to play in the neighborhood with my friends, creating stories about dinosaurs or things like that, and there were villains and heroes, and we would make the square a prehistoric jungle, and we would become animals or superheroes...
_AM: The ability to turn a broomstick into a sword, a tree into a castle, a rag into a cape, an abandoned wagon into a spaceship... It is the same ability that molecules possess to become a tree, to become a human, to be a spaceship, to be a Sun.
_I: Loops of imagination…
_AM: Tell me... What is the Plan for which you have come to this world?
_I: Ater Tumti… Heaven on Earth.
_AM: What is this ancestral plan looking for?
_I: The idea was to make all cosmic concepts, the universal mind, manifest in matter. We understood that our reality is an extension of the divine Mind, and that living the world only from the senses, we could lose the notion of that creative totality; Therefore, we had to reconnect that mind with the mundane, opening the doors to that subtle Heaven so that it could incarnate in the forms of this world.
_AM: And the plan had 3 levels.
_I: The Universal Plan, the Galactic Plan, and the Earth Plan. The Universal Plan said that everything was established under universal laws, and that it implied the expansion and expression of the Mind generating all the bases, it was to make the idea a reality, where the mind could experience itself.
_AM: The Observer who becomes the observed, the spectator who sees himself as the protagonist of the story.
_I: Yes. This takes us to the Galactic Plan, in which each galaxy has a group of conscious beings that try to maintain balance in the creative forces of the observed and the observer. Maintain homeostasis. And then, the Terrestrial Plan is to generate conscious life capable of becoming a portal between the divine and the mundane. In a way, it is how the universe created the extraterrestrials to create our civilizations, so that the civilizations allow their individuals to connect with the extraterrestrials in all dimensions and thus rejoin the creative mind.
_AM: And for this, they brought the stars to the horizon.
_I: Yes, they built the pyramids as portals throughout the world, like a star network, what we Atlanteans called Ater Tumti, “Heaven on Earth”, walking with the gods, becoming God.
_AM: Becoming One with the All. you understand?
_I: …Become… One… Uni-Versus… Universe.
_AM: The expansion of the Mind in the different dimensions allowed the only Conscious aspect of the Universe to use the power of the Subconscious and the baggage of the Unconscious to be able to place itself as the protagonist of all this information. As we explained yesterday, the Conscious being is not one who manages to control the Unconscious like a rider controls a horse. The Conscious deigns to know the needs of the horse, to recognize it, understand its history, its emotions, without judging it, seeking to understand it, and only by becoming one with it, will the horse be useful to direct it to its destiny.
_I: Understanding and embracing the unconscious, accepting its nature and understanding its needs, is how the conscious aspect can use all of its content to manifest and create the realities it desires. This was key to understanding, since it makes us understand that a spiritual, mental and conscious being must not dominate or control their unconscious emotional impulses, but rather know them in depth to understand why they have "lost the reins", and by knowing them, they know how. treat it.
_AM: Becoming One. Universe. This is what we call “Universal Consciousness”.
_I: What would it be like exactly?
_AM: If Universe means “returning to oneself,” and Conscious means “discerning being,” Universal Consciousness refers to the quality of an entity that discerns the ways of returning to oneself.
_I: Oh…
_AM: So you can understand that the conscious aspect of the cosmos is projected towards the imagination of your unconscious to refract in various dimensions, where, through the landscape of the subconscious, you will be able to know, identify, experience, each potential hidden within yourself. The conscious being is spread in millions through the unconscious data, all of which are yet to be discovered, in order to know them in detail, and see what they are capable of.
_I: It's like someone who read about geography and one day decides to take a trip through deserts and jungles, to experience what they read but never lived.
_AM: And on that path of recognizing the terrain, you allow yourself to discover much more than the desert or the jungle, but you can also recognize what those environments awaken within you. Potentials, emotions, feelings, ideas, impulses, purposes. The plan consumes itself when he realizes that the external trip was nothing more than a pretext for an internal trip. Everything you live is a dream that the Conscious has allowed itself to dream to discover what it carries inside.
_I: And then?
_AM: Return to yourself. When a being awakens in his consciousness, it awakens a voracious need to know, to discover. The constant search, the desire to understand. He begins to search for the truth, recognizing millions of truths. And he calls all of this “Universal Knowledge”.
_I: We call Universal what encompasses all things, everything infinite, the set of everything that exists.
_AM: But knowing is not being conscious. When one knows, one accumulates experiences, but not wisdom. Wisdom comes with the understanding of what is known. When you are able to transform what you know and free yourself from the concept you have of it. That's when you learn to discern. When you become Conscious of the Universe.
_I: So no philosophy, ideology, religion, faith, hope or scientific data can really grant me Universal Consciousness. Because?
_AM: Because in any of these areas, a preconcept is formed that designs an expectation of what is observed. You begin to consider that the universe is what you believe about it.
_I: And it's not like that...
_AM: Never. Because the Universe is infinite.
_I: Yesterday I saw a video that explained that the Hubble telescope, in December 1995, pointed at its maximum power in an area of space where no star or light can be seen, at a size similar to the dot of an “i” seen in the page of a book one meter away, and that in that small space he was able to discover up to 3000 galaxies. The same thing was repeated some time later in a similar space within the same image of the dot of the i, zooming in more on a dark space within said dot, and the result was the same, thousands of galaxies. That is to say, space is full of galaxies in every millimeter, we just can't see them. It's something so big that it doesn't enter my head.
_AM: In fact, it does, because you have the same number of neurons in your brain as there are galaxies in the universe. All being able to store data. The Universe is infinite, perhaps one day you will be able to count the space, but it will be very difficult to count the dimensions and the experiences, perceptions, within them. As you will see, what is scientifically a fact in this reality is a dream or an imaginary for another dimension. Nothing, then, can be certain, nothing can be counted as finite. Therefore, clinging to an idea of how things are and considering that reality is based on what I believe about it, only delimits true Consciousness.
_I: Which one is true?
_AM: The one who, instead of wanting to control the truth of the unconscious and subconscious, deigns to navigate these aspects of the being to know their possibilities, to discover themselves in every corner and obtain the tools that each opportunity and potentiality offers them. Only in this way can one open to the true Universal Consciousness. It is unlimited, open to all possibilities.
_I: It's difficult because we all have preconceptions in our brain...
_AM: But it is not impossible, and it is one of the parameters from which you can measure your unconditionality. Whoever positions himself in an ideology, in a way of seeing things, and acclaims it as the truth, can never live in the Universal Consciousness, he will only live in the Consciousness of said aspect.
_I: So you can be Conscious having an ideology.
_AM: Of course. But it will never be Universal. Do you understand the difference?
_I: Yes, that is to say, that a person can be good at discerning about a specific issue, for example about climate change, which does not mean that universally climate change is a product exclusively of what that person considers.
_AM: And even the idea that climate change is bad is still a vision limited to the idea of “what is bad for those of us who live in this world now.” Because it was thanks to a climate change that mammals populated the Earth, and it was thanks to a climate change that humans developed as intelligent beings. It was thanks to climate changes that today's species exist, and from a universal point of view perhaps this climate change will allow tomorrow's beautiful species to exist.
_I: Oh, sure…
_AM: This does not imply that you cannot be aware of its negative effects, and from that awareness you strive to balance it. One thing does not go against the other. But if you seek Universal consciousness, you must see the whole, and not just what you want to see.
_I: I understand.
_AM: Taking the idea of the Tree of Life, we could say that the seed is that conscious aspect that decides to expand into roots and branches that make up your unconscious, in a fertile space of minerals and light that is the subconscious. The conscious has all the potential within itself, and allows it to express itself in order to find itself and discover what it is capable of, and in each branch and root it discovers a dimension, and in each cell a world within which living beings manifest.
_I: So I am a spiritual manifestation of universal consciousness in the form of a human…
_AM: You are a root of the spirit. In the depths of existence.
_I: Becoming aware of the Universal aspect of my being, then, frees me from limitations.
_AM: Well no matter where you go, you will always be coming back to you. And no matter what you are, you will always be yourself.
_I: So to the question of “what am I?”…
_AM: The answer is easy…
_I: “I am a Universal being.”
_AM: I Am the Universe.