

_I: If I am the Universe, that being that searches its unconscious, I wonder... Why do I exist? I mean, beyond “searching”, that the conscious has decided to investigate the unconscious… Why do I exist?

_AM: Defines existence.

_I: Mmmm to be something or someone, to occupy a space at a specific time…

_AM: Therein lies the error of your concept of existence. In another previous moment we have explained what it means to exist. Etymologically it comes from the words “ex” and “stare”, that is, leaving where you are.

_I: Like “Destiny.”

_AM: While Destiny describes moving away from one place to go to another, Existence describes moving away from something previous, without the need to go anywhere.

_I: Ah… It's like being born…

_AM: Exactly. Biologically you exist from your father's testicles, and you exist from your mother's ovaries. Subsequently, you exist when you are born from your mother's womb. From there, a life of existence is written, in which life will always prompt you to leave a previous place. Leaving from one group to another, from one house to another, from one city to another... Life, then, is interpreted as a constant of Existence based on Destiny.

_I: Oh, oh… Now I understand both words! We have given these terms a poetic and intangible connotation, almost inexplicable, when in reality, both are very logical things. What is Existence? Well, the constant departure from a previous place, freeing myself from the pressure of the previous place.

_AM: That is, “Expression”.

_I: Sure! The expression is to get out of the pressure, like in a mother's womb, when one feels pressured, one is driven to free oneself... Get out.

_AM: The same thing happens when the soul is trapped in the body and its patterns, it will seek to express itself, and you call that emotion and creativity, art.

_I: Freedom of expression, then, is freedom of existence.

_AM: And it allows you to live the destiny, which is to go to a new position from which you were. Travel a path that leads you to face new adventures, risks. Going out to take a risk and try something new is “ex-periri”…

_I: “Experience…”

_AM: And if you come out of the experience unchanged, if in the face of risk instead of breaking you have united parts that you had lost, then you will remain untouchable, something that in Latin you say “in-tangere”…

_I: “Integrate.” Integration. And in this union, in my unity, I can go beyond my level, towards other surpassers, since I do not have to continue putting my parts together on the ground...

_AM: “Trans-scendere”, or “rise beyond”.

_I: Transcend…

_AM: Transcendence is one of the most important aspects of Existence. Well, to exist, you need to leave where you are to cross to another side.

_I: So why do we relate existing to being?

_AM: Ser and Estar (to be and to stay), represent the fact of occupying a place at a specific time. Time and Space combined to create a tangent that will be called “the Being”. But a Being is considered as such due to its movement. In ancient times, the idea that someone was already a person could not be understood from the cellular level, and the sexual act was not even related to pregnancy, since it was not noticed until after the third or fourth month. For this reason, until they saw the human itself, after giving birth, it was not considered as a “being”, for something simple and very logical: before it was not there, and now it is there.

_I: Sure… very simple. Before it was not seen that there was a human, then it simply was not there, and when born, in an instant, it is there.

_AM: Therefore, the fact of “leaving” to “be here” gives the meaning of “ex-stare”, that is, “existing”.

_I: The idea that something exists, well, starts from the idea that something is, something is, here and now. That is why when we ask the question “does God exist?” or the statement “God exists”, neither is correct.

_AM: Well, everything will depend on what God is for you. If God is love, and you love, then “God exists.” If God is a man with a beard who lives in the clouds and is invisible, then God does not exist. Simply because you've never seen him, he was never there.

_I: This explains the fact that “what I do not see does not exist.”

_AM: Existence is illogical logic. You can understand that there are atoms, but it will be impossible for you to experience them through your senses. Nature only gave you 5 senses to perceive the world, and in none of them you can directly experience the existence of subatomic particles, you can only experience the magnetic forces that they produce in their interaction, that is, what you feel as cold and heat. , touch, taste, sight, smell, hearing. The existence of an atom, then, is relative, since the methods to verify its existence are not available to all humans.

_I: This doesn't mean they don't exist.

_AM: Of course not. Exist. But you cannot experience its existence directly, only indirectly, through the senses. Therefore, for any direct existence of something invisible, the imagination is used, which can lead to beliefs, and which gives us the only existential response to faith.

_I: So what defines the fact that something exists?

_AM: A consensus. A common agreement between different individuals. The agreement that allows us to take notice that things are there.

_I: It is very strange for me to understand this.

_AM: From the laws of physics you exist, you are here. From the laws of quantum, it is not understood why you are here. From the view of a human, you exist. From the vision of an atom you do not exist. A subatomic particle trying to see a human is like a human trying to look at the stars and see the entire universe. It is literally impossible, and in fact, most humans do not believe that there is life on other worlds, nor do they have any notion of how enormous space is, believing that the stars they see are the ends of the universe, when they only represent a millimeter. or a cell inside your body. Existence is undeniable, for the simple fact that you can think about it, but at the same time improbable, since it depends on each point of view. Physics and quantum both exist and are useful in our current life, however, for physics, quantum is illogical, and for quantum physics is infeasible.

_I: Sure… Ugh, this is complicated… Because in the end, I don't know if I exist. This leads me to an undoubted Existential crisis.

_AM: “I think, therefore I exist.” Thought is the only proof that you exist. The only key that allows you to investigate your existence is thought. And thought is the interpretation of reality. Humans believe they are the only thinking being, but in reality there are different types of existential thinking. Plants, animals, minerals, all make up existential networks, in which a consciousness interprets their atoms, making them possible. Humans have developed another type of consciousness in which they observe themselves, think about themselves and about themselves, something that leads to flexing on themselves, that is, reflecting. The attribute of reflection allows humans to investigate their existence. And the incessant search for what it means is an eternal adventure. From this comes the attribute of existence: in Existential Consciousness.

_I: What is that?

_AM: It is the quality of discerning those things that are and those that are not. On the path of Awakening Consciousness, many of you tend to stop believing in the things you see to start believing in the things you do not see. Upon awakening, an illogical, quantum reaction occurs that physics is unaware of or unable to accept. Why would someone believe that what their 5 senses recognize is actually a hologram, and that the absolute truth is found in what their senses are unable to register and for which there is no proof?

_I: How to believe in spirits, God, extraterrestrials, dimensions... That is, in everything we have talked about and felt...

_AM: Exactly. In a human life based on physics, on the body, a being can only rely on what the 5 senses show him and on what he can experience with them and study them.

_I: “I believe in what I see.” "Seeing is believing".

_AM: But physics itself dismantles this thesis, since the senses are a useful construct for the development of atoms, when in reality, 99% is empty, and everything we consider existing is actually a hologram.

_I: So…

_AM: That believing in what you see is also an illusion. And in reality, nothing has ever really existed, since only the magnetism that builds the senses has existed. Therefore, when a person moves towards that 99%, and connects with the totality of emptiness, they realize that the truth is invisible to the senses, imperceptible, that what allows us to recognize existence is empty space. , in the same way that we can see the brightness of stars thanks to dark space. Thus, upon awakening, one stops believing in what one's senses give one, to believe only in what is hidden, what one does not see.

_I: I sense a but coming…

_AM: But…

_I: I knew that.

_AM: …The habit of the senses in biology makes one project preconceived patterns into the void. Thus, it transfers the structures of the visible to the invisible, creating kings of the heavens, social strata in the dimensions, very humanized extraterrestrial societies, a cosmic organization similar to a republic or kingdom, with positions and leaders, soldiers and workers, and of course , conspiracies.

_I: What brings us confusion, destruction. Because there comes a time when we don't know what to believe.

_AM: And the worst of all is that the invisible is improbable, and therefore, it can become an absolute truth, making people believe in things that do not exist.

_I: Oh… I understand. So... How do you get out of this whole cycle?

_AM: Like I told you. Existential Consciousness. It invites us to recognize that everything in the universe is possible if it is imagined. That everything that comes out of the mind is in itself an existence. The discernment of existence is the openness to recognize that, although everything is possible, I must recognize those possibilities in which I have chosen to move. Recognizing that nothing exists in reality does not mean that you should not value the body. Knowing that time is an illusion doesn't mean you shouldn't be punctual or sleep at night. Knowing that space is a hologram does not imply that you can jump and fly like a bird. Your consciousness, of all the billions of options, chose to experience itself in this one that you are today. And recognizing that existence is the key to being able to transcend a surpasser.

_I: My atoms could have decided that I was a snail... But I ended up being human.

_AM: Each being exists as an anchor of the void to be able to express the whole. The potential of Nothing exists towards the development of Everything. Everything is the playing field and evolution of Nothing. Do not project your ideas about the world you know onto the Void or Nothingness. Well, they will never have a direct relationship. You live a dream, a dream come true.

_I: And what I am here is my tool for that consciousness to manifest.

_AM: You are the root of existential consciousness. Every existential crisis you have is a respite for the soul that was trapped in its sensory beliefs. Dare to have these crises to break the shell of blind faith in what you see and what you don't see. Break the barriers of your mind, but always keep in mind that you are a gigantic being existing in a tiny body, but this body is the only thing that gigantic spirit has to recognize what it is capable of, to know who it is, and the why of its existence.

_I: Even though I do not exist, it is my existence that allows spiritual existence.

_AM: Get out of yourself to find yourself. Your destiny is nothing other than to exist.

_I: Destiny is Existence.

_AM: So you are ready to be born again.

_I: To exist again…



