_I: Today I woke up thinking about what else you can get from the image of this Tree of Life beyond the roots. And then I went to breakfast, and without asking, a woman filled my plate with huge potatoes.
_AM: And you ate them.
_I: Obviously... But that's when I understood today's topic. The most interesting thing is that while she was eating them she thought: what can you get from a potato? In addition to starch…
_AM: Oh, many things… You can't imagine.
_I: Well… Tell me.
_AM: No, you tell me first. How do you feel?
_I: Pf... I feel strange, exhausted... Sleepy all the time, with a strange melancholy and feeling strangely more alone and separated from everyone every day.
_AM: Things are changing and demand that the external be modified so that you can find your place. If you do not move the environment, if you do not rearrange it and it always remains the same, then you will never find your form, and you will take the one determined by the environment.
_I: Like water that shapes itself according to its container?
_AM: Or maybe it would be more understandable with the potato. In the ground, the potato can expand, grow and move the earth making its way to take its shape, but if you grow a potato inside a small container like a jar, then the shape of the jar will determine the limits and shape of the potato, that will stop being itself to be a reflection of its environment.
_I: Oh, I understand…
_AM: To take the next step, you need to separate yourself from your environment, and therefore, the conditions are in place for this to happen.
_I: But, it's ugly, horrible...
_AM: You will never obtain a great transformation of the unconscious in a linear and programmed way. How do you get out what you don't know you have inside? It is through external pressure that what is hidden is released. And that hurts, it generates trauma, it is like a birth in which there is a separation. Like a mother who feels the pressure of a child she doesn't know, pushing to be born, and in childbirth she feels like she loses a part of herself.
_I: Postpartum depression.
_AM: Exactly. Mixed feelings appear there, a joy at the beginning of a new life, at the same time as feeling emptiness due to an internal loss. At the same time that a birth is celebrated, a death is mourned. And you, you are so attached to that womb, that only pressure is capable of releasing what is hidden in your unconscious. Like every human, you are immersed in the moment of tension of birth, and that is something you must do alone. The moment of transcendence.
_I: But... I don't like being bad, away from the people I love...
_AM: Sometimes the beauty of a landscape can only be appreciated from afar.
_I: I understand… Although it hurts.
_AM: “Although”? It does not hurt. Just accept it. Hurts. Fuck. It makes you angry, angry. He admits to being angry.
_I: I am... Anger is the only thing keeping me out of depression.
_AM: Because it is an internal force trying to get out of the depths, making its way under the pressure of the environment. But you must admit that the pressure is not exerted from outside.
_I: No?
_AM: Of course not. The reason you feel pressure from your environment is because you grow. If the potato never grew, it would never feel the pressure of the soil around it... But because it expands, what previously only sheltered it, now presses on it, and it hurts. It's natural. It's no one's fault, not yours for expanding, nor the soil for containing you. It's a natural reaction.
_I: So I'm supposed to stay distant when it hurts me?
_AM: Not exactly like that. You have to face it, but first you have to step back to look at the bigger picture. Landscape. You have planted very large things, and the land is too large to cultivate it with the tools you have. You have to look more, see from another point of view. Rethink the cultivation, the methods.
_I: I feel that this month I have withdrawn, as if I have been further away than ever from everyone...
_AM: You must save yourself, preserve…
_I: But, I don't want to arrive at the North Pole like that... I should arrive in peace, in joy... Plenitude.
_AM: Expectations. All expectations of how. Who told you that you should get there happy as if everything depended on it?
_I: Nobody…
_AM: Stop thinking about how things should be and accept how they are, to stop controlling your destiny, and fulfill it once and for all. Let go of expectations, beliefs. Let yourself die. Build the tomb that belongs to you.
_I: Grave?
_AM: That's right. Yesterday you have honored your dead, you have recognized the roots for their actions, now, you must contemplate the tombs and build your own to give nutrients to those who will sprout from you. Therefore, this entire process is leading you to incessant mourning.
_I: My own death… I am building my own tomb.
_AM: Oh yeah. You are digging your grave, so that they can recognize your grave. When her potato widens, she swells, lifting up the earth that oppresses her, leaving a small hill, similar to a grave. The word tomb comes from the Greek “tymbos”, which means mound, a hill of earth that in ancient times marked the presence of a dead person. The Latin word for this was “tumulus” (tumule), from the verb “tumere”, which means “to swell”, something from the Indo-European “teuë” (swollen), which gave the Latin term “tüuer” and from there “tuber”. ”. In Latin, a “small swelling” is called a “tuberculus.”
_I: Oh… the tubers. Potato, carrot, beet, radish, cassava, ginger, turnip, sweet potato...
_AM: A tuber is a protuberance of the root that widens, in order to accumulate reserves of minerals, water, sugars, salts, some known as carbohydrates and starch, in the case of scarcity or drought. They begin to swell until they occupy prominent spaces, which raise the ground. Sometimes, the tuber is the root itself, as in the case of carrots, or in other cases, they are lateral formations beyond the roots, as is the case with potatoes and sweet potatoes. Some trees have tubers, which are nodal-style formations, which spread across the land, becoming potential shoots for new trees. The tubers raise the ground when they swell, and that is why it reminds the ancients of the idea of the tombs of their dead, as if each potato were a sarcophagus.
_I: Ugh… Seeing it like that now it makes me a little uncomfortable to eat it.
_AM: In some ways we all devour our dead through the emotions and actions in our lives. They nourish the sap, prompting the leaves and flowers to grow.
_I: Death gives life…
_AM: Therefore, it is necessary to die, to let oneself die, in order to be born, and thus live. In conceptual terms, it implies letting a part of oneself die, grieving, recognizing that pain, of losing what one loves, and thus understanding what is above everything experienced, of each experience.
_I: That is, by experiencing death in life, we can recognize what we really value about what we have, and convert everything else into fertilizer...
_AM: That implies each of the relationships we have. Therefore, you must let yourself die. Therefore, during the most important weeks of this year, you will disappear, so that each person can mourn, capable of regenerating the idea of themselves on this path of life. And by doing so, what remains buried will become the nutrients for your expansion. Each of the tubercles that are hidden in your past, that are hidden, represent information dormant in your unconscious that determines the direction in which you move, aspects that go beyond you, and that design what you see of yourself. In the tubers you find the strength to rise. Now, every experience of pain, every inorganic situation is reserved and accumulated in these tubers, so they sometimes become cysts, tumors, if they do not have a specific use, a purpose.
_I: Tuberculosis…
_AM: Lung condition caused by a bacillus (bacteria) that infects respiratory areas and spreads to other organs, creating nodes that hinder breathing, causing cough, fever, and the appearance of tubercles from the internal tissues that hinder the proper functioning of the organism. The body allows this bacteria to settle due to the resonance with anger within itself, for not feeling joy in its life. He has the feeling of being forgotten, abandoned, he wants to keep the people he loves to himself. It may be that his selfishness leads him to be jealous of what others have and he feels like a “victim”, with resentment towards the rest of the world, seeking revenge on them, which is connected to the feeling of loss of territory, of invasion. of the same… Do you feel this?
_I: Yes… They are emotions that I feel…
_AM: Old stories from your ancestors. Parents who have deceived their children, your grandfather lying about the house, saying it was yours when it wasn't. His father lying to him about her inheritance. Your great-great-grandfather cheating on his son. Accumulated rage for an invaded territory, an appropriated house. Victim of what others have and you don't.
_I: Oh… I see…
_AM: Tubers accumulate emotions, stories, traumas, they become balls that continue to accumulate generation after generation, making the dead weigh more than the living.
_I: But at some point, we are also accumulating…
_AM: That's right. The personal need in your present recreates these situations and continues to accumulate, creating new nodes.
_I: How do you go from tubers being something negative for development to being part of it?
_AM: Resorting to the potentials that they hide. And to do this, we will have to resort to the most famous tubers of the Tree of Life.
_I: Which ones?
_AM: The Sefirot. In the Hebrew Kabalah, 10 divine principles are drawn as nodes or tubers of the tree of universal wisdom called Sefirot. By integrating the potentials of this Sefirot, you can obtain the nutrients from the tubers.
_I: I thought they represented the worlds and dimensions of consciousness, like the different kingdoms of heaven.
_AM: As in many religions, the heavens are divided into different states, and throughout them, their inhabitants give gifts to the living. However, these stories are nothing more than analogies to describe a psychological path. We can use two of the great trees of existence where their worlds have tubers as tools of illumination.
_I: In Hebrew culture, I guess it's the Sefirot, and in Norse culture, I guess it's Yggdrasil.
_AM: If we take Yggdrasil, we will see that this great tree is divided into 9 Kingdoms. From its darkest roots, Niflheim (home of darkness and terror), Helheim (home of the dead), Svartalfaheim (home of dark elves and dwarves), Jötunheim (home of giants), Midgard (home of humans), Vanaheim (home of the elementals and nature gods), Alfheim (home of the light elves), Asgard (home of the gods) and Muspelheim (primordial home of fire). And starting from this, we could add a tenth called Ginnungagap (home of the void, from where all things emerge). This tree contains 24 fruits distributed throughout the kingdoms, and one more from Ginnungagap, representing emptiness itself and all possibility. The 24 fruits or tubers that accumulate both the positive and the negative, useful for the development of the tree, are called “runes”.
_I: Oh… The runes are potential…
_AM: They are usually seen as luck reading tools, but in reality, they are attributes to awaken in oneself. The Fehu rune symbolizes prosperity, the potential to undertake, but also how to reflect. The Jera rune is the reward for work, the beginning of new things, as well as difficulties in the task. The Wunjo rune is inner renewal, evolution itself, the celebration of life, although it also represents illnesses and the search to solve situations that stop us. The Mannaz rune speaks of decisions, conviction, but it also speaks of personal struggle. The Naudhiz rune reminds us that nothing is perfect, it is the recognition of failures and the perseverance to continue moving forward. The Kano rune is advancement itself, security when walking, which invites us to leave the attachments and structures that hold us back. The Hagalaz rune is transformation, it reminds us of the importance of change, and shows us our resistance. The Berkana rune is stability, family, home, love, and at the same time, it reminds us that to maintain it we do not have to cling to it. The Tyr rune speaks of action, of standing firm in the face of life, as well as reminding us to be careful in everything we do, to be prudent. The Isa rune is firmness, self-confidence, so it reminds us to be firm on our axis in the face of adverse circumstances. The Gebo rune is that of relationships, love, dedication to one another. The Raidho rune is travel, retreat, movement, and speaks of taking distance from things to analyze before acting. The Thurizaz rune is a new beginning, the end of one cycle and the beginning of another, but it reminds us to keep our feet on the ground, be realistic and have courage. The Ehwaz rune is the impulse that leads us to face adversity, maintaining respect, as it reminds us that despite unexpected changes, everything always has a purpose. The Ansuz rune speaks of creativity and the ability to trust in what you are capable of doing, reminding us that despite such trust, we should not deceive ourselves. The Perdhro rune is prosperity, a good omen, but it reminds us that it is necessary to overcome feelings of dissatisfaction. To be honest. The Dagaz rune speaks of integration, freedom and maturity, maintaining focus on the things we seek to achieve. The Eihwaz rune is solidity, the balance necessary to obtain any expected result. The Algiz rune reminds us of the importance of saying no, of setting limits. The Othila rune talks about acting differently, looking for new ways, modes, and invites flexibility. The Sowelo rune is the will, the ability to manifest, the great creative energy. The Laguz rune is satisfaction, the axis with oneself and the environment, it is self-confidence, but it reminds us that it is sometimes necessary to open ourselves to receiving advice. The Inguz rune launches us to carry out new projects, it speaks of gestation,of a new order in life, seeking unity. The Uruz rune is the creative capacity and sexuality, the ability to bring mind to matter, and to do so it reminds us to find a balance in this vital energy. And as I said, the number 25, or rune 0, is that of Wotan-Odin, the beginning and the end, the acceptance of things as they are, without expectations. Everything is as it is.
_I: They are teachings and tools to cross the tree.
_AM: Each of these 10 Kingdoms of Yggdrasil leads us to understand the need for the darkest to the most luminous places of our unconscious, which guide what we are, and that, by using them with acuity, we can be masters of our destinies.
_I: And what about the Sefirot?
_AM: Ah… Here we go. The 10 Kingdoms of the Hebrew Tree are Kether, Hochma, Bina, Hesed, Geburah, Tiferet, Netsach, Hod, Yesod and Malkhut. And its fruits are the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
_I: What do these tubers mean?
_AM: Kéther means Crown, pure potential from which all things emanate. Beginning of creation, first will of existence, potential of being. Hochma means Wisdom, therefore, the beginning of the mind, the idea, the thought. It is the intuition that delivers artistic abilities. Bina is Understanding, therefore knowledge and reason, who structures and delimits the parts of creative wisdom. Chesed is Mercy, related to unconditionality, compassion, the kindness of being of service from the heart. Geburá is Power, Heroism. It represents strength, judgment, discernment. Tiferet is the Beauty, the order of things, the divine energy manifested in the worlds, it is the unity and balance between the compassionate forces of Chesed and the severity of Geburah, feminine and masculine in one. Netsaj is the Victory related to feelings and emotions, to sensitivity. Hod is Splendor, related to majesty and praise. Yesod is the Foundation, which determines the laws, the principles, the bases on which the worlds manifest. And finally Malkhut is the Kingdom, where all the attributes of the tree are tested, integrated, manifested in the experience of the one who reigns his own life.
_I: And the idea is to be able to integrate the nutrients accumulated by these tubers, to bring them to light as these attributes.
_AM: And your tools will be the truths that emerge from you, from the unconscious that keeps the power hidden in its receptacles. This way you can activate its fruits. Aleph, the Universal Master, is meditation and journey to the inner world where the divine and the human come together. Beith, the Eternal Abode, where the sensitivity of the soul is enveloped by a body that invites us to expand and live from internal contemplation. Gimel, the Shepherd, who travels the world and chooses his destiny between good and bad, to be flexible in the experience. Daleth, the Great Door, the return to the essence beyond the ego, invites humility. Hei, Breath of Life, is the expression, creativity, manifestation from the divine word to the material. Vav, the Divine Mediator, who ensures the unity and connection between all things, heaven and earth, feminine and masculine, matter and spirit. Zayin, Thanksgiving, is the liberation of all the attachments of the past that bind us, to let the soul expand. Jeth, Motivating Force, drives change, transformation, leads to revitalizing energy. Tet, Deep Power, is the review and reflection of actions, a meditation that gives new meaning. Yod, the Hand of God, is the power of the infinite that inhabits all things. Kaf, the Resurrection Body, is the energy that leads us to action, moving from the spiritual to the physical, the divine manifestation. Lamed, Word of Love, the power of the heart that shows the beauty of life, that inspires existence. Mem, the Great Mother, the weaver of all realities, with infinite unconditional love that unites all things, source of wisdom. Nun, Guardian of the Work, encourages growth by unmasking the ego, leading to temperance of the being. Samech, the Shield of Light, is the infinite, the perpetual, the trust and refuge in oneself. Ayin, the Eye of God, is providence, infinite vision, spiritual contemplation. Pei, the Creative Word, the gift of communication, of vibration becoming matter. Tzade, the Androgyne, is equality, the unity of forces in balance. Qof, Midnight Sun, omnipresence, the ability to find light in the darkest of shadows. Reish, Wealth of Heart, is the purification of all mental patterns, leaving the potential of the soul free. Shin, the Divine Fire, is the transmutation and balance between the forces of the immutable, the potential and the changing. Tav, Star of Truth, the discernment that drives us to find the correct path of evolution.
_I: All these potentials of myself are accumulated in the tubers of my history...
_AM: And to find them, you must let yourself die, be absorbed by them to reunite with these potentials within you. Well, these forces live inside you, which you have been building throughout each 10-day week this year. A, Ä, E, I, Ï, Y, O, U, Ü and H... Crown, Third Eye, Laryngeal, Heart, Plexus, Sacrum, Root, Knees, Ankles and Toroid, and all the data that each of them entails The topics spoken on their corresponding days are the nutrients that you have accumulated in these ten tubers, as reserves to nourish your being throughout each process you carry out in your life. To keep your Tree of Life alive.
_I: Every step... Every story... Vibrates in me.
_AM: And you can turn to it every time you feel like you are dying, to be able to obtain from it the nutrients that elevate you. Get to know them, and when the time comes you will know how and what to use them for.
_I: Each of these kingdoms, of these letters, represent someone in my life.
_AM: That's right... each individual in history, both past and present, are reflections of these realms, homes and potentials, of these tools, and they contain within them what you need. Sometimes, they have accumulated things that harm you, but by knowing their place and potential, you can reverse their content. Just recognize them, become aware that they nourish your existence, and you will learn to know what to take from them at all times.
_I: I let myself die underground now... Exhausted from all this, open to nourish myself with what my dead can give to my living, and build a new Tree.
_AM: Expanded by the links of History, a Forest full of Future will grow.