

_AM: Perhaps it's the hardest part to identify in a plant, maybe the most subtle, imperceptible, and even invisible part of the entire plant world, yet it's the one that enables the existence of the whole tree. It's the one that seeks the path, that traces the trails to open up growth channels, recognizing the terrain, paving the way for the rest of the plant, identifying where the water is, and generating cells that enlarge the roots.

_I: What part could be deeper than a root?

_AM: The Calyptra. Also known as the Calyptra or Pilorrisa, it's a tiny, almost imperceptible formation at the tip of the roots, almost like the toes of our feet, probing the terrain, identifying minerals, temperature, water, and moving the earth to make way for the root.

_I: I thought the root already did this...

_AM: Typically, you could consider the calyptra as the root, although its function and differentiation are very clear. It gets its name from its shape, which resembles a cap on a head, or the glans on a penis. In ancient Greece, a cap that covered the head was commonly used, as a tradition of some peoples, a cap they called "kalyptra" (cover, cap). Arab peoples also wore this type of clothing, known as "kufiyya" (from Hebrew "kova"), which was transferred to Europe forming the Latin word "cofia," which defines a scarf or cap that was placed on the head, usually by women, but in some cases men, especially under war helmets. You could compare it, then, with the idea of protection, both from helmet blows and from the heat of the sun. Over several centuries, the cap was reused with different styles (very popularly known in the image of Puritan women who migrated to North America, for example), until in botany it was decided to call the tip of the roots by this name due to its resemblance to these caps on the head.

_I: Why are they differentiated?

_AM: In general, they are cells formed by starch, which are arranged in a semi-toroidal shape, emerging from the center and expanding towards the periphery. These cells have statoliths, that is, internal cellular organelles that are quite heavy, and therefore, are affected by gravity, which drives the calyptra to constantly seek to go down into the soil.

_I: They are the feet of a plant...

_AM: Indeed, they touch the firmament, identify the ground, and advance seeking expansion and the search for nutrients. In their advance through the earth, the internal cells are gradually dragged towards the sides, positioning them in the root and allowing it to grow. They are like the experiences of the walker being recorded in history.

_I: So... What does this represent in me?

_AM: Destiny. It's that invisible aspect of the unconscious that impels us to move forward. But the calyptra shows you something important within the Tree of Life.

_I: What?

_AM: That destiny is not what lies ahead, but what expands from you under the weight of your gravity. It's your own cells that, following their internal weight (statoliths), design a path forward, advancing without stopping. Remember the etymology of the word destiny: "De-stare," meaning "to move away from where one stands." Destiny doesn't speak of where you're going, but from where you're leaving.

_I: Oh... What a change.

_AM: That's why Destiny is controlled by your unconscious. The weight that lives within you from history, from every experience, idea, emotion, feeling, belief, attitude, aptitude, every experience, expression, and integration, leads you on this path of transcendence, where it's the weight of your past journey that determines the steps of your future.

_I: So, I'm totally conditioned by my unconscious...

_AM: Exactly. I'm sorry. But it's true. Let's analyze this.

_I: Yes, please.

_AM: Everything you do is past, everything you feel is past, everything you seek is past. Why? Because your brain was designed to respond to external stimuli, so your biological brain cannot project responses forward based on experiences it hasn't had. Every response of the nervous system is necessarily an extension of a preconception, of an idea formed from live data in neurons that have recorded that information due to their previous experience.

_I: Oh, I see now... clearly. Every action and feeling we possess today is nothing more than a nervous result from our reactions and emotions of yesterday.

_AM: That means your present is merely a reaction to the past, and your future is just a projection of its preconceptions.

_I: My God... I don't feel free...

_AM: There's the mistake. Let me ask _I: what are you?

_I: What?

_AM: Yes, tell me, what are you?

_I: It's very broad to answer that... But I consider myself a set of atoms arranged organically that interact exchanging information, sustained by vibration which is my consciousness.

_AM: Where do those atoms develop?

_I: In a specific space... In a specific time...

_AM: What if you remove time from the equation?

_I: Um, would there only be space?

_AM: No. If you remove time, you cease to exist. And the reason you no longer exist is that space makes no sense without time. Because they're the same. In other words, you don't exist in a time or a space, but...

_I: ...I Am Time and Space...

_AM: Exactly! When you, as an individual, consider yourself someone who lives somewhere and has a past, a present, and a future, as if you were a point moving on a line, you're forgetting that fundamental key: who are you? And even more so: what are you? You're not an agent external to these two forces. An atom exists only because it can be measurable in a time constant. And its shape and evolution can only be defined in time because it occupies space. That is to say, the atom only exists because it's the physical manifestation of that time and space, like a child of mom and dad. Therefore, thinking that you're an individual separated from your past, and believing that the past conditions your destiny as if you were a point on a line but without belonging to the line, makes you feel imprisoned, a prisoner of a nonexistent idea.

_I: To be free, I have to recognize, then, that I construct my unconscious...

_AM: That the past is you, and that every past decision is what has been shaping your destiny. You've traveled millions of years to get where you are today. Your life didn't begin on August 4, 1987; your life is eternal, and since that date, you're only experiencing one more form within this continuity. Therefore, your destiny is already drawn because you have built this story with every act. Your current life is just the calyptra, the cap of an extensive root that you've been building, and it's the root that nourishes the cap with the weight of its history to find the gravity of time and space, which leads it to build its new path.

_I: The weight of the unconscious is myself giving me strength to move forward...

_AM: Never before has the past had so much positive weight, right?

_I: Absolutely... But then, how does the issue of past conditioning work? Because many people feel weighed down by the destiny they've traced from the unconscious.

_AM: The grace and misfortune of the unconscious is precisely that it's not conscious, and you can't understand it. You can only feel it. Emotions are your allies in this unconscious destiny towards which you're heading, or from which you're heading, to put it better. You can't recognize true destiny from the logic of conscious thought, only from the feeling of illogical unconsciousness. That's why people usually say: trust, have hope. But the truth is that emotion is like a compass.

_I: Like the compass in Pirates of the Caribbean, which points to what one desires most...

_AM: And what one desires is conditioned by what one longs for from the past or needed from it. Think about what you feel, about your emotions, and they will tell you where you're heading and what you're looking for.

_I: Well, we're in trouble... Because I have emotional chaos in me...

_AM: Why?

_I: Because I don't know where I'm going... As I told you, I feel more lost than ever... I always knew how to build my destiny, know where I was going and why, what I wanted in the future, when and how... But this month is turning me upside down. Suddenly, I can't figure out if I'm excited to start the journey or not, if I want to go through the places that represent Kundalini or not... It's as if I'm feeling lacking in the will to travel, something that fascinates me and that I've needed for over a year, and yet, it's as if today, I didn't want to go, I wanted to be calm, at peace, without a mission...

_AM: And you know why, don't you?

_I: Clearly not...

_AM: Because you're understanding what destiny is. It's not where you're going, but where you're coming from. It's not arriving, but leaving. It's not what you'll find, but what you express from yourself. You'll travel the world, but the only destination is you.

_I: Now I understand that cliché phrase... "You are the Destiny." Of course... because the idea of destiny emerges from me.

_AM: And that's why you're feeling the weight of history, of family, of the mission, because it's the weight of gravity affecting your days, pushing you to express yourself, to move forward, to move ahead thanks to the weight of the past. You have to make all this time, all this history, resonate in your space.

_I: What will move me forward in Space is the weight of the past in Time...

_AM: That's why you're starting to feel all this pressure in your life, the loss of purpose, of meaning. Do you understand?

_I: Yes... Not feeling like I'm going anywhere, the loss of meaning, of purpose, of not feeling part of anything... I just feel like a simple organ moving pushed by the force of what it has created. I feel like the path is what drives me forward when in reality I wouldn't do anything else.

_AM: Who is me?

_I: Matías...

_AM: Who is Matías?

_I: An individual...

_AM: What are you an individual of?

_I: Of this world...

_AM: If you're an individual, you're indivisible. Therefore...

_I: Matías is his Path.

_AM: What you think conditions you, it's you yourself, no one else. You're the cap advancing by the weight of the own root you've created. Because the root is not foreign to you, but you built it as part of you to push you in these moments when you don't know which way to go. When you lose conscious awareness of yourself, it's the unconscious that reminds you where, what to do...

_I: And it pushes me... But where am I pushing myself? If I feel alone.

_AM: You're heading towards yourself, and that's a journey you can only undertake in solitude. It's time to tell everyone that you'll keep silence within yourself... You've already built the Tree together... Now you need to do it alone.

_I: In silence, away from friends and family, from the network, from the idea of me towards the world.

_AM: The Dragon's Path awaits you ahead, and it's your own Dragon that impels you to find it. Recognize your desires and longings...

_I: I need to be disconnected, in silence... Without anyone, without attachments to anything...

_AM: See? It's your belief that tells you that you need others, that you need to join others, because it's your idea of belonging, your animal survival part that seeks stability in the other. Because this is the part of the path that goes against stability: Destiny.

_I: My journey through Earth is about to begin, for me... in my solitude... In silence.

_AM: Vibrate in Space, let the unconscious carry you in the currents of your inner strength, and when you recognize its force, then, you'll open your eyes, and you'll find yourself facing the mirror of Consciousness.

_I: I Am my Destiny.

_AM: "Rise and walk."



