

_I: Yesterday you explained that the process of life is like going through the digestive system of reality. We will understand the process we are in if we observe the point of digestion we are in.

_AM: That's right. You are energy of the universe constituted as a physical body that, from the point of view of life, is food that begins its path through the lips. Just like the vaginal lips where a baby is born, the lips of the mouth are what lead that baby on the path of life. From the first food, the body is predisposed to understand that everything it ingests will make it what it is, will make it reborn day after day, multiplying its cells and regenerating old ones. Imagine, then, that the lips and the tongue, the father and the mother, caress your body as you enter life, the mouth, the creative womb. There your essence is processed, being divided by the force of your ancestors: your teeth. Your entire family tree and genetic load make the real being divided into chakras, and from chakras to organs, glands, muscles, bones, creating many aspects that will make you up, and that no matter how united they may seem, they are different molded aspects. by the force of ancestral biology. Each tooth in each bite will give you a new shape. You may see it as something terrifying, but in reality, it is what allows you to see what you have inside, your potential. Digesting or processing information means separating it into parts to understand what can be done with each of them. Life is the mechanism of spiritual digestion, in which a being that is everything has the possibility of dividing itself to understand the usefulness of its parts. Thus ancestors and relatives will shape and divide your being so that you can use every small aspect of it.

_I: Yes, it is a somewhat traumatizing vision to see it that way. It's like the family and the environment are chewing us up, it's like a nightmare.

_AM: And yet, if you do not chew, you do not eat, and you die. The pressure of the teeth is equivalent to the pressure of the ancestors, the tension generated by history. The incisors and fangs will cut, separating us completely, turning us into an individual, with a personality with which we will face the world. The mandates of the father and mother in that person are what will shape this piece of life that I am. Then, your will to learn, to do, your position in society, culture, school, friends, work, ancestral mandates, every tooth and molar will put pressure on you that will shape who you are. And you will call many of those pressures traumas. They usually arise in the training process, when the world exerts the most pressure on you, since it is forming you, molding your matter to be digested. Trauma comes from the Greek word “Wound.” That is, the cuts, blows, bites that we receive in our history. When you bite into an apple, you are causing a huge wound, and each bite you take to turn it into a cud is a new wound. Every cry, challenge, punishment, scream, judgment, criticism, abuse, command, control, crisis, manipulation, inheritance; All of this shapes your being to the point of separating your essence so much that it stops being in your center to be part of your emotions, attitudes, hands, feet, organs. Surely you see this process as something painful and absurd, but it has a meaning.

_I: Which one?

_AM: If you have a 2-year-old child and you want to teach him everything in the world, so that he can do it, what do you propose?

_I: Umm well... Pedagogically we would have to create a free environment where he can experiment and discover.

_AM: Through what mechanism?

_I: Trial and error. This way it is better assimilated.

_AM: So you will pedagogically choose for the child to suffer?

_I: Well, it's not that he suffers, but that he learns through his own actions...

_AM: That is to say that you are against us making him swallow an encyclopedia with his puree. No?

_I: What a strange image…

_AM: Or maybe, operate on it and put a universal encyclopedia inside it so that it has all the keys to knowledge. That wouldn't work would it?

_I: No... Because knowledge must be assimilated by all types of intelligence of the being: emotional, mental, creative, all; and for that you need to experiment. Only in this way can information be biologically assimilated and wisdom awakened.

_AM: That is to say that frustration, pain and crying are part of your pedagogy…

_I: You could say. Not provoked, but allow the child to make mistakes to discern.

_AM: Why should life and the Universe be different?

_I: …Emm…

_AM: The Universe is like a great pedagogue that advises free will as a way of learning, through trial and error. The pain, the wound, the crying, the crisis, the frustration, are part of the assimilation process. Believing that a universe that was designed to learn and expand should be fair in the sense that it should not allow a person to suffer or experience injustice is the mentality of a dictator who considers according to his beliefs what is right and what is wrong without discernment. intelligent of his own creations. When you say that the Universe is unfair for allowing the suffering caused by so many traumas, you forget that you learned to ride a bicycle because you fell several times trying. Even DNA has its errors, called mutations, which make us what we are. Without errors and without enzymes that have suffered said errors, today you would still be a bacteria in the chemical broth of a geyser of a marine volcano.

_I: Are you saying that traumas have made us evolve?

_AM: “Wounds make you stronger.” The problem that humans have is that they moralize everything according to their beliefs. It is unfair that the Universe allows suffering, but it is educational to punish a child when he misbehaves. It is unfair that there is hunger in the world but it is normal to send a child to her room without dinner for having said something that was inappropriate. It is natural to think that a child learns from mistakes, tantrums and falls, but they are horrified when there is a national crisis and blame others. What is it that prevents you from seeing that the small things that you accept naturally are the foundations of the great things that you judge with ease?

_I: I think it's because of that need for survival that we've talked about many times. It is easier to judge what I cannot control, because what I can control makes me responsible and guilty at the same time, and the brain prefers to deny it to remain comfortable and not risk its safety.

_AM: Exactly. Now, what has been said should help us understand the next steps. The cud heads down the esophagus, the personal path of life, in which I head towards an inevitable destination driven by the parental command on the tongue. Until I reach the world, wide, in my stomach, I realize that everything is much broader, that there is not just one destiny, but that I can become whatever I want. Thus, the strong acids of life, cultures, travel, the people around me, society, beliefs; everything begins to destroy my mandates, creating its own, breaking down what I am. Here I begin the process of understanding that things are not what I thought, and I begin to analyze the world around me. Until I realize that this world that I perceive and dissolve, is actually an inner perception, and I head my own way to the inner world: the small intestine. This is when I understand the essence of each of my components, but no longer as the essence, but transformed, because along the way, the essence made reactions that awakened potentials that I would never have seen otherwise. The intestines begin to absorb everything essential. Surrender, forgiveness, letting go, freeing oneself, healing comes. Thus, in this long path of 9 meters, I prepare to understand the logic and objective of each of my traumas, my wounds, what my ancestors did to me, gave me, and what I accepted. Each bite from the dental family and each decomposition of my being by the stomach world have allowed me to see today the true essence and potential of the interior, becoming someone useful here and now, for the Whole.

_I: Trauma makes sense. Although it is often difficult for us to understand things as painful as abuse, rape, murder, beatings, and so many horrible things that happen in life.

_AM: They are what you consider the shit of the world. We have talked about this. The evil of the world is all those pieces that have not opened themselves to deliver their essence, to expand in freedom, and cling to what they believe and to the personality, closing themselves, hardening, to the point where none of their parts are integrated, and Thus, they move to the large intestine to be under greater pressure, creating the fecal bolus, that is, poop. The word Poop comes from the Greek “kakós”, meaning “Bad”. Bad things “smell bad” to us, and this is a natural and biological reaction of our evolution that has helped us survive without becoming intoxicated, making us perceive what is poisonous or harmful to the body as something smelly and that disgusts us. Strong smell or stink is the origin of the word “shit”, from the Proto-Slavic “smordh”.

_I: So we use these derogatory words when referring to people or situations that hurt us, that have caused us wounds, such as “bad person”, “shitty person or people”, “this smells bad”, all with an organic meaning. of survival.

_AM: This is how a person becomes bad, when they close themselves off from awakening their potential. The good thing is that in the universe, that poop will serve to nourish the plants, which will flower and generate fruit. All shit, all poop, all evil, is the fertilizer for a new flowering, for a new fruit. In the same way that someone who has been abused defends the defenseless through organizations and justice, or on a large scale how fascism has been a fertilizer for freedom of expression and progress in human rights.

_I: The key then is to see everything negative in our lives as fertilizer for our flourishing...

_AM: And not closing ourselves off to pain, not blocking ourselves from beliefs and prejudices, because everything will lead us to the same destination: to not be absorbed by the cosmos, and return as fertilizer again. The cycle of reincarnation is precisely the fact that the compost becomes a plant, flower, fruit and is eaten again by the process of a new life, being born on the lips of the mother. Isn't it nice to see this cycle this way?

_I: In a certain way, I feel freedom when I understand it, since from ideology I saw dying as a liberation, not as a continuum. Understanding the continuum of the Universe gives meaning to the fact that things are not separate, it gives a logical and useful purpose to what we call good and bad...

_AM: So, if you are ready to face it, take the notebook, and write down all the traumas you remember from your life. These have clung to your body and are part of you like the scars of those wounds that you have or have caused. There are hundreds of ways to be traumatized: mentally, emotionally or physically. And most of them try to be hidden in the unconscious, or even worse, in the ocean of the subconscious. Write down your traumas, do not deny them, they are part of who you are today, of your search, your path and process. Only by knowing what they are and where they come from will you be able to understand what they have awakened in you, knowing if your path is to be a nutrient or a poop. That difference depends on how open or closed you are in the process. Therefore, it does not matter if you are a good or bad person, the important thing is that you recognize if you are closed to the patterns and mandates of the family and traumas to decide your steps in life.

_I: My traumas define what I have learned in life. Therefore, I must accept them as part of the mistakes and falls that made me get up.

_AM: Every wound makes you stronger, every poop is the fertilizer for your flower. The question you need to ask yourself is whether you are willing to flourish.

_I: Yes, I am.

_AM: Then accept the fertilizer of each of your traumas, be grateful for what you have become because of them, observe the preconception and let it go, release it, so that you can absorb the essentials of this fertilizer, and thus you can expand towards the light, opening your beautiful and beautiful flower, which will bear fruit to nourish a new world, a new life.



