Think - Feel
_I: If Gemini brings us something, it is this constant duality between the actions we perform. There is a certain constant bipolarity in this sign, sometimes funny, sometimes tragic, that shows two sides of an individual who is unable to keep his attention on a single concept, since he needs to put his mind on many things or people at the same time. time... What makes this sign so volatile?
_AM: Gemini gets its name from the Latin word “twins,” in honor of the stars Castor and Pollux, two brothers from Greek mythology about whom we have already talked. One mortal, the other divine, both warriors, defending themselves to the death. When the mortal brother died in a battle, the divine brother succumbed to a huge depression, asking the gods to make him mortal so he could die too, since without his brother nothing would make sense. But the gods decided to take them both to the heavens and put them together, shining for eternity. Gemini is representative of fidelity, brotherhood, unity between the mundane and divine aspects, between the subtle and the dense, united as one. For this reason, he represents openness towards others, towards different points of view, friendships, relationships between different points of view, individuals, realities. This makes him embody a constant sense of learning, of seeking new things, studying, learning, knowing, discovering, because in each new person or situation there is something that will attract his attention. Due to being part of the trinity of Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), it is an irregular, changing sign, like the breezes, like the wind, based more on the mind than on other aspects, connected to the world of ideas, thoughts. .
_I: A very mental sign, changing in its ways of thinking... That is why it is seen as impossible in many cases, since its moods change in moments as well as its points of view in many cases.
_AM: It is a characteristic that can make Earth signs very nervous, but in general, they nourish attachments with transformation. The freedom of relationships, transformation of thoughts, and the search for new ideas and knowledge, leads this sign to be flexible and facilitator of change. Above all, taking into account that it is the physical aspect of Air, it has a specific role in relation to this.
_I: Which one?
_AM: Sharing. Relationships, friendship. You begin this month with the luck of being able to have several friends with you, nourishing you with their visions, their presence. Relationships between several enrich the spirit, and are the key to expanding a message to the world. For a message or idea to transcend, it cannot be taken from a position of superiority, but rather one of equality, because in this way, the message spreads, being shared by several and thus sustained by many. For this reason, when you have managed to identify what you have inside, who you are, your potentials, when you have defined what your well-being is, what is your home in the world, and what you are made of to build yourself as a person, the time comes to share all this that you have achieved and are. Gemini is the door to that sharing, to making what is in the internal world projected to the external world, in service and love for others.
_I: Connecting two very different worlds…
_AM: The positive and the negative. In the month of Gemini, it will be necessary to find the balance between both forces, actions, that push us to the extremes. Sometimes introverted, sometimes extroverted, in that bipolarity characteristic of the sign. If these forces find a middle point of communication, they will awaken the most powerful voices in your being. And this leads us to balance the first concepts of the crown chakra.
_I: What are they…
_AM: Think and Feel.
_I: Oh, great internal struggle of communication of being. I have seen many images, memes, or teachings that talk about this battle between what we think and what we feel. I have seen many scientific people put impetus on what we think, claiming that emotions, what we feel, are never objective, and can lead us to act impulsively, erratically, making mistakes and generating unnecessary conflicts. “You have to be rational,” “think logically.” And, on the other hand, the more spiritual or emotional people, who allege the importance of quieting the mind, of silencing mental noise as something negative that impedes our development, and promoting the triumph of the heart over reason. They often say that the most important thing is how we feel, and that feelings are the key to true consciousness. Who wins this battle?
_AM: Nobody. In a battle there is never anything to win. It is always lost. From the moment a conflict arises, everyone is destined to lose something. And not to mention if that battle is internal. The battle between Thinking and Feeling, Brain and Heart, is very old, and has its origins in philosophy. The word Philosophy encompasses both concepts (from the Greek philé = love, and sophía = knowledge). The love of knowledge incorporated reason into the interpretation of the soul, the arts of the abstract applied to the sciences of the concrete. For this reason, philosophers were romantic thinkers and poets, inspired by the muses, while they also dedicated themselves to geometry, medicine and mathematics. The union of love and reason expanded the areas of knowledge, because when looking at the stars they not only saw astronomical logic, but also astrological magic. This allowed them to holistically understand human beings and the environment that surrounds them. (Holistic from the Greek “holos” = everything). With the expansion of absolutist monotheisms, science was relegated to heretics, those who go against faith, for a simple reason:
_I: “Faith is unquestionable”…
_AM: While philosophy is based on questioning. During the following centuries, in various parts of the world, faith was the standard of societies, relegating reason to a mere enemy that questioned the ways of God. Although beyond this, the fear generated by questioning a god was based more on the fear of instability and loss of power over a chaotic people. Monotheism was a very useful political strategy when it came to keeping a nation united. Questioning God was questioning order and promoting social chaos, so doubting faith was almost an act of betrayal to the government.
_I: I understand…
_AM: This led to centuries of oppression of free thought, until during the 15th century the Hellenistic ideas of the Birth of philosophies and arts returned, beginning the period called the Renaissance. This brought back liberal, philosophical, artistic and scientific thoughts, which returned doubt to thinkers, awakening interest in questioning. For several decades, they were considered traitors and satanists, but development did not stop. The delusions of religions, the genocides carried out by states of Faith, ended up revealing the errors of humans who claimed to represent love and faith, turning many individuals to reason and logic as forms of escape this madness.
_I: What turned the mind against the heart.
_AM: The heart was related to the idea of a hunch, of faith, of feeling, of that which cannot be explained, that cannot be measured. Following your heart could be interpreted as a hint of religiosity, of losing your sanity. This begins a new time, the time of enlightenment, and therefore, an era of Reason. Since the wars, expressing emotions was a symbol of weakness, which could lead to death, thus, repressing emotions was a way to become stronger, to be powerful in the face of life's adversities. This tradition was maintained in rationality, in which the arts and emotions had no place in thought and the study of logic. Thus designing an emotionally repressed society, based on the idea of rationality. Starting with the social revolutions of the 60s, emotions began to be released, and a movement was born to regain the strength of the heart, of feeling, which led us to interpret rationality as a symbol of an oppressive and controlling system. The “new spirituality” focused its intention on the awakening of feeling above the mind, seeking to silence it, between drugs and meditation. Eastern philosophies began to spread to the West, and traditions of emptying the mind and following the heart became bases for the awakening of consciousness.
_I: Arduous path of struggle between logic and feeling.
_AM: A battle that continues. The truth is that the brain works just like the heart, by pulses. External signals are interpreted by neurons generating illusory images, comparable to the feeling of the heart. Emotions are produced in the hypothalamus, and the hormones driven by the pituitary gland are those that alter the heart rate by dilating the veins and arteries that cause the heart to beat and expand faster and in greater quantities. The heart, in turn, has systems of neurons, which register information from the environment. Both systems work as one, and not as opposites. One is useless without the other, the heart nourishes the brain while the brain pulses the heart through the nerves. Like the ends of a guitar, the brain, reason, thought, are comparable to the headstock, where the strings are adjusted and tuned. They cross the neck, along the throat, where the vocal cords lie, and the heart is the mouth of the guitar, where the sounds and melodies that sweeten our souls sound. Both are parts of an instrument that must work together, in harmony.
_I: Coherence between what I think and what I feel... What we always talk about... To sound good.
_AM: To feel it is not necessary to silence the mind. To think, it is not necessary to turn off the emotion.
_I: How do I balance them?
_AM: Take note of what your thoughts are and how you use them. What do you normally think about? What are the recurring thoughts in your daily life? Which thoughts relate to the past, which to the present, and which to the future? Which are free, which are conditioned? Once you know the thoughts that run through your daily mind, and you have identified them, you should do the same with your feelings. Ask yourself what you feel? Are they conditional or unconditional feelings? Which ones link to yourself and which ones to other people? Do you feel based on the past, present or future? What are the feelings that govern your routine? Identify each one of them. Make a list, and then relate the feelings you have with the thoughts, as in a game of connecting the same or similar, weaving a web, your own instrument. Recognize what thought and what feeling feed each other. And be aware that what you think is not counterproductive to what you feel, nor vice versa, but that they feed off each other. A balanced being does not silence his mind, but rather navigates his ideas as in a landscape. A balanced being does not turn off his feelings, but rather uses them as the waves that allow such navigation. Nothing in you is against you, they are simply forces that you have traditionally considered distant from each other.
_I: We must unite them again…
_AM: And the best way to do it is by returning to Philosophy. Open to see the world, to discover with thought and perceive with feeling. Well, you don't know until you feel it, nor can you make this feeling conscious until you think about it.
_I: Reactivate the philosophy. Perhaps this would be good human government, not based on logic or emotion, but on doubt and possibility that opens its arms to all to seek new and transcendental ways.
_AM: There lies the crowning of the Gemini mind.
_I: I connect my thinking and my feelings in a divine spiral. I recognize them as the two sister forces that do not fight, but in love recognize each other within me.
_AM: Seek the strength of the heart in your thoughts, and manifest your ideas with love.