_I: The Spirit created the Soul, and the Soul created the Body. We usually say that the Body is the vehicle of the Soul, and therefore, the Soul would be the vehicle of the Spirit. However, this tends to confuse people a lot, since the way it is described gives the impression that the soul and spirit are agents external to the body. Are you really using the body or are you the body?
_AM: Remember, Spirit means Breathe, and Soul means Movement. The Body is the set of systems that interact with each other. That is to say, a living being, a Being, is that set of organic systems that moves and breathes. So you can understand that what you call spirit and soul are attributes of a living being. However. After death, the breath spreads in the last breath, uniting with the air, with the oxygen that passes through all things, returning to the cosmos, to the totality of space. The soul continues, because life is vibration, and everything moves, it is continuous; and this movement continues in the following generations, or in the world that is nourished by the body. The Spirit is seen as the essence of the universe. From the human point of view, that essence is the air, which is only perceived in the wind, and therefore, they used to call that invisible mass “Ether.” The same is the concept of Pure Air, and is attributed to warm, containing air, because its root comes from the Indo-European “aidh” which means “to burn.” Many centuries later, ether began to be described as the chemical reaction of the combination of alcohol molecules. In ancient times, the concept that everything was connected by this pure air made it understood that the spiritual breath, breathing, was the essence of the spirit, and the nose was the sacred element through which it entered or left the body. The sound could travel through the spirit, through the air, and that is why they interpreted that the spirit was music, song, word, verb. However, in empty spaces it was impossible to hear anything, but it was impossible to see the light, and this generated another broader vision. Light had to move through something much more subtle, an even purer air, and therefore they attributed the concept Ether to space, an invisible fluid where light moves, although the modern science of Relativity ended up demonstrating that no fluid exists. called ether in space. The Spirit, then, is connected to the gaseous worlds, where sound can expand.
_I: Wait… How? You just told me that the spiritual world does not expand through space, through the cosmos, but only moves through the "gaseous" worlds...
_AM: Does that bother you?
_I: Emmm... No, I mean, I don't know... Hehe, it's strange, because it breaks with...
_AM: Your belief structure?
_I: Yes…
_AM: Well, I'm sorry. Well, I'm not really sorry. There is another force that expands in the Universe, in the cosmos, and that goes above the spiritual plane: Unity. It is explained by the resonance strings, quantum and relativity. You don't breathe there, therefore, there is no spirit. It is Being itself. Mind.
_I: So the Mind, the Supraconsciousness is not spiritual...
_AM: That's right. Only living beings have a spirit if their composition vibrates in lower density environments, such as oxygen, methane, hydrogen, helium... There is conduction there, and spirits can travel.
_I: So what we call the spiritual world when talking about the cosmos is not exactly the real spiritual world.
_AM: Aha… Spiritual worlds as you describe them are interdimensional aspects of worlds with gravity. But their interconnection occurs due to other factors beyond the spiritual, since they are the Networks, and they do not properly breathe there...
_I: But when we say that the first thing that exists in the Universe is the Divine Breath... What do you mean?
_AM: Refers to mental aspects. Let's see... The plane of Supraconsciousness is Unity, an expanding network of connections. The plane of Consciousness is the Spiritual, linked to the recognition of the physical worlds. The Unconscious plane is the action or will of these worlds, and the Subconscious is the structures and patterns of records that act by reaction and preconceptions. And the first is the one that unites the 3 of them.
_I: In other words, the Unity of the networks designs pulses that we call Spirits, with that sensation of inspiration and exhalation, which in their spasms, generate energy, movement, that we humans call Soul.
_AM: Soul is what is animated, what moves, in reality it is the same spirit that, by generating energy in its movement, expresses itself in a different way.
_I: And Energy manifests itself in different options, creating patterns of polarity that give rise to matter, through particles, atoms, etc.
_AM: Matter is an intelligent energy-saving design, and energy is the result of a spiritual spasmodic movement of the networks of the cosmic superconsciousness that we call Mind.
_I: But they are all the same…
_AM: Water. Water molecules (two Hydrogen and one Oxygen), depending on the context, are arranged to form gaseous, liquid or solid solid states. Clouds, Rain and Snow. Humidity, River, Ice. But always Water. Water is the 4 state that we call Unity, which gives meaning to the other three.
_I: The spiritual plane then does not design something on the outside, but redesigns itself, adapts itself into something transcendental, creating more options for itself. The Soul does not design a body that it will enter by starting life, but rather the soul programs and designs itself to generate itself as a body...
_AM: The best example to understand this, beyond water, is the metamorphosis of a butterfly. From Caterpillar it goes to Chrysalis, and from this state, to Butterfly. Is the caterpillar something external to the butterfly? Does the caterpillar get into a chrysalis or create one from its own being? Is the butterfly that flies not related to the caterpillar?
_I: Sure... The 3 are the same, no matter how different they are, they do not inhabit different spaces, they are not in different dimensions living different realities and then they get inside each other like a Russian doll... In reality they transform in the next step . This is why the spirit is not actually above, but is in every part of being, and the body is a spiritual design, but it is the same transmuted spirit...
_AM: That's right.
_I: What I don't understand, then, is why, beyond the cultural and biological preconceptions that the spiritual is in heaven and the material is on earth, is why those of us who perceive things can say that the spirit descends above our heads, or feeling how the soul leaves or enters, or that there are beings in dimensions that are spiritual. How is it explained?
_AM: Why is there a north?
_I: Ugh… Your questions throw me off… Emmm, there is a north because there is a south.
_AM: Why is there a south?
_I: I would say because there is a north, but apparently not… Ah! Because there is a center, an axis, with two ends!
_AM: And that axis feeds itself magnetically from north to south and from south to north in a structure that you call...
_I: Toroid.
_AM: The Toroid is a structure that expands and that causes everything that is inside to expand outward downwards and feed back upwards returning to the center, giving the sensation that there are external planes to which the soul exits, and from which the spirit descends…
_I: Wow, I mean, it's just a feeling that we think comes from above.
_AM: There is only center.
_I: And that center is the heart?
_AM: The heart is the machine that drives this system, but it is assimilated in the Plexus. The Plexus uses all these mechanisms generated by the expansion of the spirit in the form of the soul, and uses the expressions of the soul in the form of the body, to develop, nourish, grow, expand, evolve. In each experience you find new tools. The system works in the following way: The spirit has the answer, but does not know how it arrived at it, so it mobilizes to create the question, which will design, through the soul, the paths to find the options through the experience of the body. The body assimilates the experiences and thereby builds tools, which launches them into the southern magnetic field of its being, and from there, from the apparent “past”, they circulate through the interdimensionality of toroidal magnetism towards the northern aspect of the being, where they return to the center, giving the impression of “channeling,” of downloading information, of the response that is coming “from the spirit.”
_I: But it was always me. I am the spirit that designed the path, and it is through the body that I can find the solutions, the tools to the doubts in my mind that swing like a polar pendulum. It is my body that generates the data to be understood and used by my spiritual consciousness, which recognizes the response or tool by resonance, because he or she created it. Wow…
_AM: Each step we understand a little more. Isn't it magnificent? Isn't it beautiful to know the keys to this beautiful fabric?
_I: It is the beautiful fabric of creation…
_AM: It's what you call Technology.
_I: Technology?
_AM: It comes from the Greek “Tekhné” (art, beauty) and “Logós” (knowledge, study). In turn, tekhné comes from the Indo-European “tek”, which means “to weave, weave”. The study of weaving, the beauty of knowledge. Everything is intertwined, and when you see the connections, you find perfection and beauty.
_I: Why do we relate Technology to electronic devices or things like that?
_AM: Technology does not describe the instrument itself, but rather the human ability to make it possible. The combination of spiritual, soul and physical aspects develops human abilities to translate their internal dreams into the external world. The weaving of the different qualities of the being, of the different types of intelligence, of the different levels of consciousness, allow the enrichment of the being, the evolution and the capacities of manifestation increase. The technology describes this weaving process that manifests the beauty of such interconnectivity. The first technology was art and stones, the development of hunting, fishing and gathering tools, in this case, stones and nets, baskets and ropes. Upon discovering the pigments, the first records were designed in the caves and a trace was left of how the activities were developed, so that others to come could follow in their footsteps. All technology was related to the human capacity to imagine, to translate their dreams into the world, and thereby facilitate the development of life. Art, in all its aspects, artists in all its facets, were the great designers of ideas and solutions. It was never the religious people who produced the greatest advances in history, those who spoke with Gods in the heavens, but those who felt God inside them, in their dreams, and allowed him to live in this world through their gifts, their art. . Painters and scribes, poets, minstrels, sculptors, found the techniques of how to intertwine spirit with matter, by connecting different elements of nature, to produce something unique and original.
_I: Like Da Vinci, who beyond being a painter, designed the basis of many of the machines we have today... Like the airplane.
_AM: This is how art is the basis of technology. They are not only tools that make life easier. Technology is the human ability to manifest their dreams, to channel solutions to the questions of their inner world.
_I: And how do you understand that technology today is destroying the world, distancing us from each other, turning us into automatons...?
_AM: Rephrase the question.
_I: In what sense?
_AM: Think carefully...
_I: …Oh… Why did humans allow technology today to turn us into automatons and destroy the world?
_AM: In the same way as money, technology will never be to blame, it is humans themselves in their desire to possess and control, to alienate themselves, to become irresponsible, who uses technology as a form of control and oppression. Behind the machines and art, there are the programmers, the humans. Aquarius is an era of technology and innovation, there is no going back to the most advanced era you have ever imagined. The question is... Are humans up to the technology they have produced?
_I: I don’t think so…
_AM: Current technology is like the product of that artist who is the best at what he does, but a disaster in his personal life. What's the point of being the best, if what you do with it is just get high and try to escape the responsibility of life? An artist has a great capacity for imagination, a lot of energy from his direct connection to the spiritual and emotional world of the soul, and therefore, if he does not know how to manage it, be coherent, he will end up being crazy, unbalanced, maladjusted, a drug addict and conflictive. An entity lost in life with no purpose or meaning other than his art. This is humanity, a creator without purpose, a technician without ideas, a painter without canvas.
_I: The coming Era will be that futuristic era that they always draw in science fiction movies, but our way of living and surviving continues to be precarious, still relating to us as in the age of the caves and governing us as in the Greco-Roman age.
_AM: Your spiritual capacity is so great that you have been able to find the technologies, the answers within yourself, and you have expressed them in the world, but you still use them as if they were stones and sticks, fishing nets and weapons for hunting or battle.
_I: We're back to the same thing. Technology is not the problem, but those who use it. It is essential that we can go from caterpillars to butterflies…
_AM: You cannot fly like a butterfly even though you devour the world like a caterpillar. Today you are a caterpillar with wings, unable to fly due to the weight of your souls, desires and attachments. Technology shows you the beauty of who you are, it shows you what you are capable of achieving, it shows you that you are creators, and that you can achieve anything on networks. The Spirit and the Soul are the factors of creation that project the idea of what should be, but the body is the protagonist capable of manifesting it. Technology is what allows us to see our dreams, touch them, enjoy them. It is the only way in which the spirit and soul can enjoy their own existence.
_I: I am in myself the best of all technologies, since they are an interdimensional fabric of knowledge to be discovered. My biology is the most advanced technology in existence, and from it I am capable of achieving anything.
_AM: Honor the technology of your body, and you will be able to build worlds in coherence and harmony. The artist of your spirit is painted with the colors of your soul, which design the strokes of the network of your body. You are art, and only by recognizing yourself as the artist will you know how to give meaning to your work.
_I: I am Technology.
_AM: I Am the Cosmic Fabric that designs Life. Tell me, what is your art?