_I: If there is something controversial in the world, and especially in the world of spirituality, it is the Economy. It is something that we always find difficult to understand, recognize, accept or even understand. The truth is that the world has used the economy as a form of control, and this has been recorded in our subconscious... But, in a way, everything arises from the economy, and without it, nothing would exist, right?
_AM: That's right. Economy comes from the Greek term “oikós” (house) and the verb “neméin” (distribute). The concept “oikonomia” refers to the administration of a house. And by administration, I mean the distribution of tasks and resources. When the first humans organized themselves into small groups, herds of sapiens hominids, they saw that the best way to survive was if each of them had a specific task, in charge of a specific function. This ensured subsistence, since each person had a responsibility to fulfill, which generated security and resources. When nomadic humans dedicated themselves to hunting and gathering, those fruits, meats and bones were distributed among the members of the clan in order to distribute the weight on the trip. Each one carried what he could eat, and they carried some more because of their strength. Each one earned their food for being part of the team, since those who did not contribute slowed down the herd. When sapiens humans discovered agriculture, they became sedentary, and understood that the best way to survive was to accumulate goods to get through the winter or drought. During part of the year they planted, gathered, hunted, produced, and one of them was in charge of managing what happened to the winter reserve – drought, and what percentages were divided among the individuals.
_I: Seems fair to me.
_AM: This ensured survival, although, not always. At certain times of the year, no matter how hard they worked to obtain resources, they began to become scarce, and it was impossible to get through the winter. So they had no choice but to ask other clans, other families for help. If one family had a shortage of seeds and the other had a shortage of meat, they exchanged the weight of meat for the weight of seeds, creating barter.
_I: The value exchange system. It is something quite subjective, because who defines the value of things?
_AM: For this reason, weight was the way to evaluate. Courage is an Indo-European term (wal) meaning Strength. The strength that an individual possessed to work, fight, argue, was what ensured life, therefore, the things in life are evaluated based on what gives strength to the body. Because of this, the clearest way to give value to something is by its strength in weight. A kilo of Seeds is the same as a kilo of Meat.
_I: Although it's not quite like that, because getting the meat and seeds require different production times and very different skills to get them...
_AM: That was the thought that some had in the barter, and for that reason, it failed. And this was due to something very key: what differentiates the work of a doctor from a farmer, from an architect and a teacher, from a craftsman and an artist, from a cook and a transporter?
_I: I do not know…
_AM: It is the force of being. The value that oneself or the group gives to this function in relation to the need of the environment. In an environment where there is a lack of transporters, transportation will be more expensive, in a place where there are plenty of artisans, the works will be much cheaper. The quantity of a product or service is what regulates the value. But at the same time, there is another factor: quality. Well, there can be a lot of the same thing, but it all be of low quality, and therefore, the same object of better quality, with greater dedication, will have more value. For example: in relation to quantity, lettuce and tomato are cheaper than pineapple or avocado, since they grow much faster than the latter, which need at least 2 and a half years to bear their first fruit. And in relation to quality, a lettuce bitten by insects and weak, soft is not the same as a rough, strong and crunchy one with its healthy leaves. The relationship between value and quantity begins to occur when there is an abundance of options. The quality value relationship occurs when there is abundance and stability, security in survival. The same quality value attributed to food begins to be given to tools, jobs, services, and even ideas. At the time when clans formed kingdoms and gave rise to civilizations, value stopped being about the weight of the product, and became about the conceptual value of knowledge and skills. And this brought a problem: with so many services and products, everyone had something to contribute, but not everyone had the same values to exchange. So, a smart decision was made: create an exchange currency.
_I: Metals…
_AM: So that there were no problems with the exchange of values, the kingdoms decided to create a form of exchange that was easy to manage and distribute, count and weigh, and that its weight could be equivalent to the weight of any object. In this way, if someone was paid for a service, he did not have to exchange this service again to be able to eat, as it would be impossible or enslaving for some. In this way, minerals were sought that could be accounted for and controlled in their quantity and quality, such as bronze, silver, and gold. In any case, many cultures opted for another way: exchanging seeds. Seeds were an excellent form of exchange at a time when 99% of the world's population were farmers. The exchange of seeds was money that was never scarce, since it was always reproduced, since from one seed, many plants could grow and make more money.
_I: “Let it be reproduced in your hands”, something that is often said, in moments of exchange. It's a great system.
_AM: But useless for a civilization like the current one. Today, a small percentage of humanity lives off what they sow, since most of their jobs are related to mostly intangible topics, or the production of services. Exchanging seeds today would not make sense, it is a utopia.
_I: Why?
_AM: Because to make this system work, first each human settler should be the owner of at least one garden of about 200 square meters, with land for at least some animals such as poultry. Thus exchange eggs and fertile seeds. Let them reproduce. But it would require that each human have to harvest their own money from it. No one could travel, no one could buy a house, no one could go out to eat at a restaurant, no one could take a course... Well, for everything to bear fruit, all jobs should be related to the field. You understand? What could someone who dedicates himself to something other than agriculture do? Nothing.
_I: I understand.
_AM: Therefore, talking about bartering or exchanging seeds in the 21st century is an outdated concept. It's time to look at Aquarius...
_I: And there the economy will be different…
_AM: Well it will no longer be a house, the house will be the World, and the administration will be in Networks. As we said before, the metal option was chosen. The mineral was given a value based on its weight, but also based on its rarity or quantity and quality, since a small diamond would be worth the same as a huge handful of gold, and a handful of gold would be equivalent to a large amount of silver. . This was generating different types of values. The mines were responsible for ensuring the value of the metals in circulation, that is, they ran between people (hence the English “currency”, coming from the Latin “currens” = to run). In Rome, in the mines of the Capitol, the mineral was extracted at the foot of the temple of “Juno Counselor,” the announcer or one who warns of approaching enemies. In Latin, Announcer is called “Moneta”, from the verb “monere” (to warn), and because the peso values were produced from there, they were stamped with the image of Juno Moneta, with which the concept of “Coins” arose. ”, which in English generated “Money”. In Iberia, another mineral was circulating that was worth its weight in 10 units, something that in Latin was called “Deni” (10 times), and that named the currency as “Denarius”, which originated in Iberia the concept of Money in Spanish. . From here, the administrator of the house saved in coins and metals, and used them to exchange them for objects or services. In colonialism, the invading countries of the Americas found mountains of tons of silver and gold in the mines of the Andes and the Rockies. Thus it was re-evaluated in weight per mineral, which gave rise to the American coins known as “pesos”, and the payment of pesos was called Salaries, because people were paid in bags of Salt from the mines.
_I: In any case, it is an unfair system, because there are some who have more than what they need...
_AM: The system is unfair because the people who use it are not fair. Let's go back to the concept of power. The lack of personal power and inner coherence causes humans to seek to obtain power externally through external inheritance. That is, they consider that the achievement of their subsistence is due to maintaining the amount of power necessary to control others. In a world where strength went from being of the body to being evaluated in minerals and their exchange, strength, weight, the rich begin to have it, not the strong, and the weak and poor become subjects of the former.
_I: What would the solution be? Eliminate poverty? Eliminate wealth?
_AM: Neither of the two. The solution is to be consistent and ask yourself the questions: “Do I really need what I have? Do I control others with what I have or don't have? Why do I need what I want?” Questions like these help us realize if we are coherent or not. Look, the word “poor” comes from the Latin “pauper” and means “infertile.”
_I: Infertile? Like a woman or man who cannot have a child, like a land that cannot bear fruit...?
_AM: That's right. It is conjugated from “pauco” (little) and “parere” (to give birth, to engender). On the contrary, we find those who have a lot, the powerful, the “rich”, which comes from the Gothic “reik”, that is, who rules, who has the right, the strength. In the Mediterranean, due to the familiarity of the oligarchs with divinity through hierarchical inheritance, they were known as the “divos”, that is, those who have everything, like a God. This perception of wealthy oligarchs comes from ancient views in which the powerful were a group that inherited power through ties of blood and divinity. And the poor were those who did not know how to produce on their own, who depended on others to live. For centuries, the rich, to maintain power, took away more and more rights from individuals so that they were constantly dependent on the hierarchy. However, with the Industrial and French Revolution, this began to take a historic turn, since many of those who could not produce before now had the opportunity to grow. In the last century, the development of the middle class freed many to see that it was possible to find equity, getting out of poverty, without needing to enter wealth, or the other way around.
_I: However it is still a control system.
_AM: It's easy to complain about ideologies from a boat on the Nile looking at the landscape.
_I: Good point…
_AM: When you look at the entire history of humanity, there was no other time in history of greater wealth, opportunity and freedom as there is now. It is important that they can value what has been achieved. Your minds are like that pessimist who begins to improve after a long and tedious illness and his reaction is: “yes, but I have not been cured.” To heal, you must first heal. It is not magic, and the only way to heal is by recognizing the past, freeing ourselves from it and recognizing the achievements of the present. What you see today as conflict, 100 years ago was the greatest of dreams.
_I: I understand, that's what we always say, we complain over and over again about what happens to us, without evaluating how much we have advanced. After thousands of years of barter, currency was invented, and after thousands of years of currencies, new electronic forms are only being invented today through the Internet... Does this mean that money will disappear? Many people consider that the human evil is money.
_AM: Hehe, no, it's not the money. I suggest you imagine a world without money where there are 8 billion inhabitants who want to be free in the world.
_I: It's complicated for me.
_AM: Of course... Because the only solution to a world without money is a Dictatorship. Because? You may wonder, because without something external that evaluates the weight of external things according to the needs of individuals, their value must be imposed by an ideology. This would make everyone have the same thing, and generates protectionism of territorial resources. There, new forms of exchange begin to be invented. Humans are nomadic, they are intelligent, they look for solutions to conflicts, and that is why they will always be exchanging things. Money is one of the many. The money you use to pay for food for your family and your studies is the same money used to pay for weapons for war and drugs for the mafia. Was money the problem, or is it the distorted deviation of human consciousness?
_I: Clearly human consciousness.
_AM: Don't waste energy fighting a battle against a piece of metal or paper, when the true transformation is within you. Political ideologies manipulate individuals into believing that there are oligarchic groups that control their resources through the poison of money, just to obtain the power of their consciences.
_I: This is what you see in many countries, right? The belief that by protecting one's own and distributing resources equally, wealth is distributed.
_AM: Exactly. Wealth cannot be distributed, it can only be generated. No one is rich by accumulation, but by generation. Obtaining a resource without being a participant in the generation empties the individual of power, giving power to the person who gives it to them.
_I: This reminds me of “Teach him to fish, don't give him fish.”
_AM: When you give him the fish, you take away power, value, from the individual. When you teach him to fish, you give power and value to his being. Wealth, as we said, means power, ruling, it does not mean “having.” The rich do not own anything, they simply manage their power.
_I: But there is a historical struggle between rich and poor. The oligarchy still exists.
_AM: It only exists due to ignorance.
_I: In what sense?
_AM: Religion has built a spiritual idea around poverty, describing it as the path to salvation. “Of the poor will be the Kingdom of Heaven.” This idea was used in the medieval age to control and conform the servant and agricultural classes. “Work hard, because even if you don't win in life, you will win in Heaven.” The idea was adopted by Politics, as it was useful to control large imperial territories with large populations. Thus, it moved on to the ideologies that were reflected in Education, channeling the ideas of the oppressed, the fight for rights, equality, smeared in classist concepts, in most cases with a clear message: choose the correct representative and they will give you everything you ask for.
_I: Manipulation.
_AM: This is how everyone came to believe that they live in Democracy, when you have never done so. Through repetition, they have made you believe that wealth is the enemy, that poverty is a condition, that the only way to get out of it is by eliminating one of the others and depending on states capable of acting as mothers and fathers. Some more liberal than others, and yet the idea is the same.
_I: And the companies?
_AM: Business comes from undertaking, from doing something with the aim of getting something in return. Every human is an entrepreneur by nature, but in the loss of personal power, growing up in a culture based on fear and manipulation of its individuals, has given all its value to fearless entrepreneurs. In the Industrial Revolution, the expansion of factories made merchants obtain much more resources than the rich oligarchs of the 17th and 18th centuries. Thus, Mercadocracy arises, that is, the power of purchase, from the Latin “merx” = merchandise.
_I: What a paradox that Marx means Market in Latin.
_AM: El Mercado becomes part of the oligarchy again, when it had come to put an end to it.
_I: Why does this happen over and over again?
_AM: So we repeat again and again: the problem is not in the objects or systems, it is in humans and their inability to be coherent and harmonious. In the quest to survive, power is secured in different forms of hierarchies. This is something that happens in any family, and from there, to the world. You cannot judge the world for being the world, since it is made up of families, and it is these that shape the world. The small consciousnesses are what create the superconsciousness, and if they do not take power from themselves, they will always hand over the decision to the superconsciousness.
_I: How do you solve all this?
_AM: At home. There the Economy arises. Especially in the place where all this started... In the kitchen. The ancients managed food to survive, from there the true economy arises, and therefore, it is linked to the fear of dying of hunger, of losing control of life. The Economy is not solved with economic philosophies, or strategies of ministers or economists, the economy is solved with what I nourish my heart with.
_I: The heart…
_AM: The economic system is related in biological nature to the circulatory system. The heart is like the Bank, but instead of accumulating and saving, it manages by circulating it to each organ. The veins move the resources called blood, and the organs absorb from them what is necessary for their functioning. There are days that need more, and others that need less. They never accumulate, but they are not equal either. The bodies know what they need, and they collaborate with each other by circulating resources. This is possible because each cell, individual, is aware of itself, of the place it occupies, and does not depend on the central government called the Brain, to manage its own home. The questions to ask yourself are whether we are capable of managing our own emotional and physical resources. As humans, are you able to exchange? What are the resources you have? Are you fertile? In what? Do you share your harvest? Do you depend on something external? About what? Do you have the power and control of your lives, or to whom do you owe and hand it over?
_I: I think they are the most difficult questions, answering how we live our emotional and physical economy.
_AM: Your giving and receiving begins in the heart, in the way you relate. If you do not know how to give and receive emotionally, you will have chaos in your economic life. And by chaos I mean poverty or wealth, since both are unnecessary extremes in a balanced being.
_I: The key to restructuring a new economy is returning to the heart. What can we say to those who say that invisible things cannot be charged? That is, spiritual or conscious works cannot be charged.
_AM: There is a big difference between Service and Work. The Service has a great value that is incalculable, and therefore, it is absurd to charge for it, because if said service really has the value given to it, everything you need will come to you so that you can do it by law of correspondence. If service does not come from the heart, there will be poverty. On the other hand, one can use their Gift as a form of work on the land, without being a service. All paid jobs on Earth are due to the gift of those who exercise them, and spirituality is not exempt from this law. You have a body with basic needs in the third dimension, and the economy was born to manage said body.
_I: So, I can work with spirituality like any gift and value it as I consider it, but when I am about to do a service, putting a value on it or charging for it is absurd, since it means that I do not trust in such a service. This year I have put myself at service and I have received more than ever thanks to it. And yet, I continued working, because I consider that I deserve to live in this life as I value my own being.
_AM: As always... You know what it is to give and receive in balance when you know how to do it from your heart, it will not matter later what you use, whether services, minerals, salt or seeds, if your heart is not coherent, you will try to save or fight for any thing to which you have put value.
_I: And the value is conceptual.
_AM: It's an idea, it's imaginary. There is only one real value in life: Eat and Sleep. There is only one transcendental value in life: Reproduce or Produce. There is only one existential value in the Universe: the Unity that is counted in Love.
_I: Aquarius is coming… And the economy will be different…
_AM: The forms will be, but not the value if you do not recover your lost power. Value yourself, return to the home of your heart, and you will understand true economics. tell me: what is your value?