_I: I could say that I would like to be in a more bullfighting state today, but I can't think about anything other than going for a walk. However, if the 2020 Quarantine and the restrictions of 2021 have left me with something, it is that I have awakened my Taurus aspect like I have never felt before. Personally, it is one of the signs that upsets me the most, since it goes completely against my way of life, traveling, moving around the world, sometimes not sleeping, forgetting to eat, always doing something. My first partner was a Taurus, and we actually decided to end the relationship because he felt like it was killing him. From what I hear, Taurus is a fixed sign, and that characterizes them quite well.
_AM: Taurus is the body of the Earth, it is the densest part of the terrestrial Trinity, and it embodies the image of a pregnant woman, or rather, pregnancy.
_I: How? Wouldn't it be that of a Bull?
_AM: Well, its story is much deeper than simply the animal. Let's start with the era. The Bull was an important symbol in agriculture, since oxen, zebu, bulls, cattle in general, were the main force to carry the bags of straw, seeds, tools, and especially the plow to carry out the tasks. furrows in the field. In addition, its strength was used to grind grain in the circular beds. The Bull was also a symbol of fertility, since it ensured a new litter of calves each year, providing more products, both from field work and food and tools. Their bones, meat, hides, horns, strength, transportation; everything was used for the common benefit of the family, community or town. During late April to mid-May, the constellation of Taurus announced the hard work of the fields, the time to produce wealth. Thus, the Bull was a symbol of abundance, wealth, well-being, security. El Toro was the beginning of the year, it was the beginning of work, the peasant routine, it was the main source of life. But also its feminine aspect. The Cow gave milk, gave life to the calf, was a symbol of fertility, life, nutrition. From it they produced butter, milk, cheese, creams, and the upper classes used to take immersion baths in milk to nourish their skin. The Cow was thus also a symbol of abundance, of the Whole, which met the necessary conditions to give life to an entire people. For this reason, it was said that the Cow was the Mother of all, and its symbolism of fertility and nutrition made it the standard of ancient cultures, the mother of civilization. Philosophically, the symbol of the Cow was attributed to Creation to describe such an abstract aspect.
_I: So it's not that the ancients believed that the Cow had created the Universe, but that the cow was a symbol.
_AM: Exactly. When you look at ancient things from a superficial perspective, in many cases today's society interprets ancient people as basic and a little stupid for thinking that a cow created the Universe, but in reality, it was not what they believed in. To understand her symbology it is as if today you think that the Universe exists based on and function of the letters that make up her name. That is, the Universe is not composed of the letters U, N, I, V, E, R, S and O, although its name is. Believing that the Universe is reduced to these letters would be foolish, believing that the Universe is summarized in the idea of “One Turn”, or “Returning on Oneself” (what its name means etymologically), is the same as thinking that if the The ancients wrote “Universe” with the iconography of a Cow, which means that they believed that the universe was a Cow.
_I: I understand the logic... “Cow” was a way of describing the attribute that they saw in the Cosmos: a being that gave everything, that was fertile, that produced many things, that gave strength, life, nourishing everyone.
_AM: And that it had two aspects: one positive and one negative, masculine and feminine, summarized in the Bull and the Cow. So you can interpret this animal as any of the two in the heavens. The ancients put their symbol in what you call the Constellation of Taurus (bull in Latin), remembering that this is the time of production of wealth, of fertility, in which the force of life resurfaces, in the maximum flowering of the northern spring. The constellation is close to the Milky Way, giving it its beginning in a certain way, which is why it is interpreted that the path of stars, the Milky Way (in Latin = “Via Lactea”), extends from its udders.
_I: I was always fascinated to know that, that we call the Universe as the Milk Road through the Cow...
_AM: And we call the Galaxies that way because of the Greek “galactos”, which is milk itself.
_I: Everything galactic, then, arises from the idea of the Cow…
_AM: The cow being the Mother of all things. Hathor, the goddess of Love, Mother of existence in Egyptian tradition, thus describes the House of Light (Hat = house, and Light = Hur). In the mythology of the Nile, “the House of Light” or “Hat Hur” was the sky, the cosmic divinity that enveloped all things, since the house of light is the stellar space that surrounds the Sun, considered the Light, the god Horus.
_I: That is why the temple of Hathor in Dendera, Egypt, is the box where all the stars are found.
_AM: And that box is the House. There is no other home than the Universe itself, home of all beings, organic and inorganic. Each kingdom, whether mineral, vegetable or animal, is part of this house, it lives coexisting in it. So much so, that even the light lives inside it, the suns inhabit it. Inside all beings feel comfortable, they find order, peace, harmony. They do not have to leave her, because there is no outside, since all things refer to her, to this mother who contains them in her womb, inside her. The womb of the cosmos is like the womb of a mother, where the pregnant women are at ease, in harmony, supported by the whole, floating in a constant dream. Without any effort, the pregnant woman gets everything she needs, through the umbilical cord. The temperature is constant, the placenta is the best bed she can imagine, and she doesn't need to make any effort.
_I: This is where the Taurus archetype is created.
_AM: At least a part of it. Remember that he himself talks about the surrogate and the gestator. Whoever is pregnant, who is pregnant, must make the greatest effort, carrying the responsibility of life, creating a favorable environment for the baby, eating more, exerting greater strength than she can manage. And on the other hand, the surrogate looks relaxed, with his mother at full service. A mother does everything for her children, while her children sleep in a dream. These are the two faces of Taurus. Strength, virility, and the ability to push, is the one who makes the effort to advance, to open the way, to prepare the ground, and on the other hand, is the one who enjoys the tranquility of the fruits, the results, the riches obtained, and rests in his golden cradle.
_I: Taking into account that Taurus is the body, this reflects, then, that we are like that boy or girl in the womb of the Earth, of the Cosmos, feeling supported and at the same time numb. Living the pleasures of life that Mother Earth has created.
_AM: That's right. Taurus remembers that the body is just as sacred as everything else, it is the one who says that we must pay homage to it. You need to eat well, rest well, produce well. Well-being in general is the key to Taurus, the most basic pleasures in him become a symbol of worship, and not because he makes mistakes by being lazy, but because he recognizes that without the body and its feelings we could not do anything. From the positive aspect, Taurus reminds us that we must love who we are, that we must not fight against the bases that allow the existence of our being. The body is sacred, and should be treated as such. He should not be forced, his times must be respected, he must be pampered, loved, treated with tenderness, like a baby, with affection, caresses, love, feeding him what he needs and when he needs it, resting the hours he needs. are necessary.
_I: The opposite of Capricorn. But... how do you know who to listen to?
_AM: If you pay attention to one of the aspects of a trinity, you are nothing more than denying the being that you are. You cannot listen to one, but find balance in the 3, and over time, in the 12 signs within you. Taurus reminds Virgo that not everything has to be a doctrine, that you don't have to go crazy for order, and that you don't have to be so cold and cruel to find consistency and purpose. Taurus reminds Virgo that sometimes giving yourself a luxury, a pleasure in something, is not wrong, you don't have to feel guilty, because the entire Universe is a home where you can feel comfortable. Taurus reminds Capricorn that it is not good to escape from home, that it is important to recognize that place that you need as a home, ie, not a place to hide in tranquility, but a space of comfort, where from time to time you can relax without having to be alert. . He is the one who tells Capricorn that he must reward himself at work, that a vacation, some caresses, a “I finally did it!” and close folder, it doesn't hurt from time to time.
_I: It's true... No matter how much I manage to enjoy what I have and what I get, I always feel guilty, and I can't enjoy what I get that I look for something more and more difficult, almost like a personal challenge that always keeps me exhausted. .
_AM: Well, you must learn from this attribute of Taurus. The body is part of the sacred, and this sign knows it very well. But he also easily gets lost in his sensations, in the need to fall in love, to build his own home, to get his own prizes, to generate wealth and enjoy it, immersed in the pleasures that make him lazy. Outside the axis, Taurus will live fixed and attached to matter, rooted in the things that surround him, believing that he is the only sure thing he knows. He fears losing, he fears letting go, being left, he fears insecurity and prefers the maximum of physical and emotional stabilities or he may collapse into an existential crisis over issues that for another sign are normal issues to be resolved in minutes. The same amount of will and strength that he puts into getting what he wants is the same amount of will that he loses when he holds on to what he achieved. Do you have willpower?
_I: Ugh… The truth is very difficult for me.
_AM: The lack of taurine energy activates the negative aspect of Taurus. You travel a lot, you live unstablely, without a fixed home, and that eliminates routine, which makes you lack the will to take care of your body. Not having any Taurus, you don't know how to take care of your body correctly, and you activate the negative aspects: the search for quick pleasures with the aim of being able to continue running...
_I: It's true that since quarantine I've been much better... I haven't felt the need for quick pleasures, and I've managed to establish a routine, until I started moving again...
_AM: Find a fixed point and call it home. Walk around it, and you will find the House of your Sun. There you will regain your strength.
_I: I need to create the idea of home…
_AM: Your home is the Universe, but your body doesn't know it. To make it conscious, you must find a place where you feel comfortable and build that simile. There you will flourish, you will bear fruit.
_I: And I will be able to eat what really nourishes me.
_AM: Step by step build the Home of Taurus within you, and the light of your heart will radiate, making every soul that approaches you feel at Home.
_I: I Am the Home of Light.