Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
_I: Fire. The spark that ignites the flame that disperses heat. The Toroid is Fire, Illumination.
_AM: The Trinity of Fire is related to the 3 subtle Centers of toroidal energy: The Lower Center related to the Body is Aries. The Higher Center related to the Spirit is Sagittarius. And the High Heart Center, the Soul, the Triune Flame, is Leo. Fire is the element of integration, where you discover that all things belong to each other, come together, return to Unity. Therefore, the search for these three signs is related to loneliness, to the one, to the axis, to the traveler. The process of Fire is what leads to Enlightenment, it is the path of the Ego in all its central aspects. For beyond any external process, the journey of life is about the Self, about the traveler who travels through it, and his journey begins alone.
_I: Aries.
_AM: Aries is the beginning of all things, the goat, the symbol of the Sun. In ancient people, long before the discovery of Agriculture, the intermediate step between hunting and gathering towards a sedentary lifestyle was herding. The shepherds took the sheep and goats through the mountains and lived on their milk, meat, leather, wool and bones. It is the beginning of a town, and the first activity of the year. The task of a shepherd is lonely, although quite sullen. And while grazing, the first humans saw the miracle, discovered the divine spark.
_I: The fire…
_AM: Lightning fell, burning the bushes that did not go out, and one of them took a branch, and created a bonfire. He heated water, burned meat, and that was the beginning of humans as we know them.
_I: Why?
_AM: Because the properties of raw meat are not the same as cooked meat. Raw meat is processed by the intestines but it does not take in all the nutrients, since the chemical reaction necessary to release certain vitamins, minerals, and proteins does not occur within our body. So they are eliminated. Therefore, the fire generated this reaction, facilitating the absorption of these elements and compounds, which improved cellular connectivity and neuronal development, and therefore cognitive capacity. It was the spark of the fire, the cooking of food, meat, vegetables, that enabled humans to become what they are today. The human Body, then, owes what it is to fire, to learning to use it. The fire killed the viruses and bacteria in the water by boiling it; Microorganisms died, and survival options improved. Fire was the beginning of civilizations.
_I: Next to the goats.
_AM: Exactly. A shepherd, with his goats and a bonfire. Time of solitude, to self-reference, to think. This is the most opportune time to develop the Ego. Aries is synonymous with the child who learns, who begins a path in life, who begins to discover. Aries is a stranger, and therefore is surprised. Aries is the spark of Creation, the one that drives the beginning, who gives the strength and impetus for Taurus to exert the power of work.
_I: But Aries will never do the job...
_AM: Well, it will start it. Aries did not come to work, he came to start things, to put strength, power. It is the Sun that rises, the dawn, it is the spark that ignites, it is the adrenaline.
_I: Only one spark is enough to start a fire.
_AM: And this is how Aries finds itself in its imbalance. Anger, rage, violence, war, conflict. Mars or Ares, the god of War, is the perfect summary of the Aries archetype. A being in love with himself who rests planning what his next conquest will be, and it will not take him long to find an excuse to start the conflict that will lead him to win. Aries is the child who discovers, but also the one who behaves like a spoiled person, who lives off what others do because of his irresponsibility. He does not see the future, he lives day by day, because every day the sun sets. He is not constant, and each day he must restart his fire to move forward. Like the same virulent fire, it quickly burns all the carbon in the wood, consuming it so quickly, burning everything in its path, that it is extinguished and exhausted in the same way. It is the archetype of those who spend all their energy before the process, at the beginning, and then can never see its results because by that time they are too tired to continue.
_I: I know that, both in others and in myself.
_AM: Well, you all have it.
_I: It is the Ego that wants everything for itself, that feels the passion, the flashes, the lust, the anger, the tantrum; but all this negative aspect involves the Will. How do I extract the will and strength to initiate from Aries without falling into the shadows of the ego?
_AM: For Aries everything is related to himself, he is a selfish and egocentric being by nature, that is, he has no malice in his actions, but rather he knows no other way. For this reason, it has something very important to give you before the will: self-love. Aries will remind you that above all things, there is you. That the most important thing is the I Am, since everything else arises from me, and exists through me. When Aries awakens in you the consciousness of self-reference, the time has come to go to the I Am.
_I: So I must become a little egocentric.
_AM: No... You just have to remember that the Self was always in the Center, it was you who left it. Aries's mistake in his unconsciousness is the indifference to everything he projects or relates to. If you remember that everything external is you, you will stop being indifferent, and you will take care of it as yourself. That is where the Will arises. As a task I give you to do a physical exercise every day, no matter how minimal, to light the fire in you. Whether it's walking 1 kilometer, or going up and down stairs, or whatever, it doesn't have to be much, but enough to make you feel responsible for activating the spark of the will to take care of yourself, knowing that in this way you take care of others. And if you do it well, you will shine in the world.
_i: …Leo. The Lion, the Sun.
_AM: The Soul of the Trinity. This is the seed of my divine presence within you. The crowning of the integration process, when the Self transcends its basic needs and begins to be reflected in others by being an example, guide, leader. The Triune Flame is the force of Wisdom, Will and Love in one, it is the leader who guides with full wisdom based on his experience, who manifests the will to act to care for his own, and who has the sensitivity and charisma capable of loving and to be loved by others as a being to refer to. The Triune Flame is the Light that radiates from your heart, it is the manifestation of the Divine Presence of the I Am.
_I: How does this come up related to Leo?
_AM: Humans come from Africa, and at that time, thousands of years ago, the climate was different, and lions not only lived in the southern African countries, but also lived in the north, in the Middle East. Each lion formed a pride that it ruled, with many females and other young males. He used to stand in the highest place, to contemplate everything. The females hunted, and the young defended. As he looked, he contemplated.
_I: It was the King.
_AM: He had earned it. For a herd to grow, strong genes are needed. It is not a question of machismo. The females gave him the power. They took care of him, because a strong, big male meant strong, big sons, a correct genetic succession of the pack, of the clan. Perhaps the male believed he had the power, but in reality, it is used by the females. Therefore, the King had to be charismatic, protective, a good guide, and show all the attributes of a good leader to maintain his position. From time to time, the females chose others, and had to earn their place in a battle almost to the death, or with the result of exile. Humans saw in the prides of lions an example of order, an example to follow, and the order of the tribes was created with this same purpose. Thus, the human who managed to hunt a male Lion and dress in its leather became the King, someone invincible, a good option for human females to have intelligent children capable of anything. A male could only fertilize several females, and this ensured the growth of the community with strong genes.
_I: Although at the same time this same system turned against it.
_AM: The greater the accumulation of power, the human male stopped being at the service of the females, and began to have them as subjects, and although the male King did not have the best attributes, he made sure to eliminate the others to have his harem, although His genetics were not good at all, nor were his attributes. For this reason, some towns established the Law of the Good Leader, to highlight the attributes that a King or Queen must have to be able to lead a town. And the symbol of this was the Lion. During Summer, late July until mid-August, is the time of greatest expansion and dominance, where the sun, king of the sky, spends most of the time overhead, high above, monitoring his kingdom. Therefore, the stars of this time were called the Lion Constellation. Thus, the leaders had to awaken the correct I Am, the Triune Flame, embody the Divine Spirit, demonstrating their attributes of being wise, willing and loving, a charismatic leader, that is, loved by all. Leo represents the worked Ego, the one who puts his Self in the service of others, guiding them, as a teacher, as an image to follow, an example of life, a lighthouse in the night, a being that illuminates like a star, like a Sun giving heat. , clarity, security.
_I: But if it's not in balance...
_AM: He becomes a dictator. If he sees himself devoid of the three attributes of the I Am, and he fails to radiate the light of it, Leo will act. If he cannot shine like a star due to his own nature, he will force himself to become a star, doing theater, filling himself with costumes, costumes according to the public, acting according to what others expect of him. And through this performance, he will manipulate the emotions of others, using them to his advantage, making them believe his own ideas, and controlling them all. Controlling, Manipulative, Machiavellian, Dictator, Egocentric; He will need to shout for attention to be loved and respected, punishing those who do not pay homage to him.
_I: I feel like, being a Leo, it's one of my great jobs being in front of people. Manage not to become that, an egoic and controlling manipulator. Nature has put me in the role I occupy, very leonine, always showing myself, almost acting to be understood, as an artist more than a pedagogue at times, playing on the edge of being a star or crashing. How do I find the Leo Axis?
_AM: Return to your Soul. Leo is the Soul, and this is what guides the steps of the true inner kingdom. Connect with sensitivity, with affection, with recognizing that you are not alone, but that you are part of many, and that what you do to them you do to yourself. The image that Leo sees of the world is that they are all children to guide, because he thinks they are your children, and that when you are old, they should take care of you. The affection you will receive in your old age will depend on the affection with which you have treated the world in your life. A good leader is not the one who goes ahead, but the one who drives from behind, so that each person discovers that he can direct his own life. Be free.
_I: And that's where Sagittarius comes in...
_AM: Oh yes… Freedom. The Center Above is where the light that shines from Leo, the flames of this fire that everyone contemplates dazed and hypnotized with admiration, become heat, and that heat expands, is released, fills the spaces, seeks to rise to the heavens. and travel through the atmosphere. Sagittarius comes from the Latin “Saggita” which means Arrow, and therefore Saggitarius is the Archer, who shoots the arrows. In mythology, this being was a Centaur. They were not very loving beings, but rather distant, cold, who lived with the muses, in the forests. Most of them were surly towards humans, preferring to kill them and drive them away. There was only one who did not: Ophiuchus.
_I: Ophiuchus! Many ask if this sign is new and if the others moved because this one appeared.
_AM: No, of course not. This sign is not new, it has always been there, between Scorpio and Sagittarius. It has a great presence in those born between both signs, but it is not part of the zodiacal wheel. Like all other constellations, they influence human history, but do not determine the cycle of 12. Ophiuchus was the only centaur who helped humans, who taught Hercules and many others, about art, battle, and philosophy. But not Saggitarius, who was a solitary hunter, a traveler who preferred to have fun with the muses. The end of Autumn brought with it the last celebrations before being put away to spend the harsh winter. People migrated south if they were still nomadic, leaving the mountains and returning to the southern valleys and the Mediterranean. Birds and animals migrated to warmer lands, and poets described this as the dance of the arts. Travelers followed the good times, music guided the caravans.
_I: This is why this constellation is related to joy and travel…
_AM: That's right. The arrows speak of successes, of hunting, of destinies. Where the archer aimed his arrow everyone had to follow, because there would be the prey that would feed the people. Sagittarius is certainty, acuity, wisdom. He is the one who searches, discovers, he is the Spirit incarnated in the archetype of one who lives happily, discovering new territories, new people, getting to know new places, new music, arts, cultures, who opens up to learn from every place he steps on, who expands. like the heat of fire, and in its expansion everyone follows it. The upper center expands the sacred fire of Leo in all directions, its own brilliance is expanded to the world, granting freedom. If Leo says: “Follow me!”, Sagittarius will say: “Where do you want to go?” The willpower of the Arian body here again becomes relevant, since it is oneself who must choose, but it will need the consciousness of the Leonine soul to recognize that this path will open a path for others, towards the Sagittarian Spirit that will show them how to enjoy that path. For Sagittarius there is no final destination, because the Path is what is Important. Here the spirit remembers that the network of the Network has no beginning or end, but that every point is a beginning and an end in itself, transcending Aries, and that the Network of the Way does not have a central one, transcending Leo. Everyone is the center, everyone must be referenced in their Ego to then understand that it is a tool for the whole in a Network, that said Network has no end, but is an eternal journey from which to nourish.
_I: But this also makes us escape responsibility...
_AM: Here we enter the shadow of this archetype, which will show us that since there is no end, there is no responsibility. He does not know the importance of Leo's leadership by being free, and he boasts of having no limits, so he escapes the laws, but above all, he tries not to confront Aries, who puts conflicts, oppositions, complaints in front of him, and with his horselegs jumps over, as if he had not seen the conflict. Thus he escapes from the confrontation, from the problems, freeing himself from all responsibility. The heat of the fire, as we said, disperses.
_I: Very understandable…
_AM: Now, the 3 make up the Fire of Enlightenment, and they have something to give us in the time of Aquarius, since they are attributes of the transformative evolutionary mechanism that Aquarius needs us to manifest. Aquarius is an era of connections, but not of communities but of individuals. Thus, it asks us to transcend the idea of group and clan, almost religious thoughts. For this, Aries gives the tool of the Self, who reminds us of the importance of remembering that first of all comes oneself, and nothing can move us from that axis, or we will lose the most important thing in our life, which is Me, from and to where. everything is referenced. Aquarius seeks to create networks of conscious people who constantly innovate, and to do so, each individual must be able to show their inner power, their capabilities, share them with others and propose projects to lead in networks. Leo is that force that enables each individual to ignite the fire of their wisdom, love and will to carry out their own manifestations and encourage others as examples to follow. Don't be afraid to act. And above all, Sagittarius reminds you of freedom, but within this freedom, the importance of having a good time, of knowing new things, of not closing yourself to a mechanism, but rather enjoying the experience of traveling the path without needing to reach a certain point. end or purpose.
_I: Finding the Axis of these three in me, I ignite my inner fire to radiate to the world.
_AM: To be a Lighthouse of the World. Ignite the divine spark in you, so your triune flame will shine in the world, and your being will expand to infinity. Tell me now the mantra that the Fire gives you today...
_I: …I Am, I Am, I Am…
_AM: Let there be Light…