

_I: When I think of Capricorn, the idea of ​​Work comes to mind, but at the same time, of a cave, of being locked up, far from others.

_AM: Capricorn, in his mentality, is a compulsive worker, and even if he is not doing anything, he feels that he is doing everything, and the more alone he is to achieve it, the better. Capricorn arises from the image of a solitary man, from the mountain goat, who lives on the tops of hills, sleeps in caves, and strives to achieve minimal results with the few herbs he finds on paths where he cannot be accompanied, but instead It can only step with one of its paws at a time. The goat, the ram, were related to the solar divinity, since the closest point to the sky is the top of the mountains where the ram lives, and therefore its symbol represents the Sun. This image of the being that prefers the solitude of the tall and that it is better not to disturb when he is concentrated, gave rise to the Greek idea of ​​the Faun called “Pan”.

_I: Our heavy friend Peter Pan…

_AM: But when the Olympus war reached its peak, the faun decided to hide in the most unlikely place for a ram: the water. And so, he came down from the mountains, and immersed himself in the Nile River. There, the waters of his wisdom turned his hind legs into the tail of a fish. The solitary wisdom of the heavens, of the sun, joined with the divine wisdom of life, of water, creating the image of Capricorn. This describes the methodical process of water traveling from the high mountains, from being ice to flowing in currents towards the sea. The transformation of sunlight into ice, into rock, into mountain, into mineral, into stream, into river. The Path of Capricorn describes the effort of transformation, the constancy and perseverance of water to mold the rock and turn the largest mountain into the smallest grain of sand. For the Capricorn mind, the journey of water is not rigid work, it is fluid work. While for other signs it can be exhausting to think about molding the same rock over and over again without finding a final or expected result, for Capricorn this implies peace, security, stability.

_I: There lies another great key to this sign, in stability. How is stability achieved?

_AM: Stability comes from the Latin words “stare” (stay, remain) and “habilitatem” (ability), therefore, the ability to be fixed in one place.

_I: But you described its attribute by a flowing river…

_AM: And it always is. It is the waters that move in a river, but the river remains there. The water cycle is something fixed, a constant, that perhaps moves from place to place over centuries, or millennia, and even in most cases, over millions of years. But the system repeats itself. Even though everything changes, the climate changes, erosion opens or closes paths, water remains water, it continues to experience its gaseous, liquid and solid forms, the water cycle. It is like a ram that remains fixed on its objective no matter how small it may be. And, stubborn as he is, no matter what happens around him, he will keep trying again and again. That is his ability to remain, to be. Here the key, the attribute, lies in understanding that the forms do not matter, the essence of things must remain, the purpose must remain intact, constancy must be a relief, the I Am of the spiritual mind must be a stable axis for the movements of the soul and body. As if the movement of the soul were compared on Earth to the precession of the equinoxes, and the movements of the body to the 24-hour rotation of the Earth, with the spirit being the north and south axis.

_I: How do I recognize that potential of the Capricorn mind in me?

_AM: Your spirit is your axis, but you will never be able to discover the axis if you remain still. You need to move, transform, go through your falls and frustrations (autumn), your crises and depressions (winters), your own blossomings (springs) and live your fruits (summers). You will have to change perspectives, meeting new people who show you different aspects of yourself, in different cultures, religions, philosophies, beliefs, spinning like the world, looking at each of the degrees of its circumference. And at the same time, remember that at every turn, you face situations similar to those of your ancestors, since you are a reflection of them, and they live in you and through you. Thus, each of the precessional stages will be a branch of your family tree, of the tree of life. And just as you find useful aspects in the past, you will also discover dense processes to heal and transcend. They are the branches and roots of the Great Tree. You are a fruit of said Tree, which like the river, has been repeating itself over and over again, in a constant evolution, which has found stability in its deep roots decorated with beliefs and patterns, in its strong branches of laws and communions. Thus, you do not find stability in the belief of separation, in the intention of feeling separated from the rest, free from their conditions, because everyone lives in you, you are the Tree, and that is your axis. Your body has changed thousands of times, being thousands of fruits, your soul has gone through many seasons, changing its leaves, its bark, creating new branches, growing in all directions. But its trunk will be there, immovable, stable.

_I: That is why we relate this sign with mental structures, with planning, project design, foundations and effort to achieve something that has no end, in the constant search to improve itself... Capricorn reminds us of what it does evolution: trying to improve oneself again and again, recognizing that the axis, the origin, the center, the stability are found only in the turn, in the transformation, in the observation of what is different, in daring to change. And in that change I find the fixed, the axis, the stable, the coherence... A Capricorn will never see the end, it will never be enough, but not because he is looking for something ahead, but because what he is looking for is himself, and if he does not perfects again and again, it will cease to be seen, it will not be able to be found.

_AM: The young man in “rejections” is a being uprooted who thinks hopefully alone… In a reunion…

_I: It is one of Solari Parravicini's psychographies, from 1972.

_AM: Describe this concept, of those who find themselves, like you, on this path. Like all psychography, it describes many things at the same time, but all historical circumstances will have the same origin, as we have already seen. Its origin is a mental concept, and in this case, it speaks of the need to lose stability to continue searching for oneself, to feel expelled by one's own being or environment, where I believed I had stability related to the external. Every moment you place your stability in others, life will give you a crisis, to remind you that hope lies in the reunion with yourself, and that is why you must begin the search. Throughout our lives people turn and turn, looking around them for the brightness of others to guide us along the right path in this forest of darkness. As the Earth rotates observing the stars, it passes in front of them again and again, and although they sometimes change their point of view, they still mean the same thing. This happens in normal life, when an individual goes spinning around the world looking 360 degrees around him, projecting himself in the brightness of the stars, wanting to look like them, imitating them, adopting their characteristics, being a mirror, meeting people with these stars. inside, to show you the way.

_I: What you describe is that just as the Earth rotates and sees all the stars, and when rotating in the solar ecliptic it can see the 12 constellations in 12 months, a human sees those 12 constellations in people around him, of different zoodiacal signs. , that represent things for oneself, that reflect ideas, potentials, and we live searching for their light to find ourselves...

_AM: When in reality, the only thing that is allowing you to see everyone is your own axis of rotation. Stability is not found when you manage to lean on the trunk of a tree, but when you become your own tree.

_I: My axis is my stability… And I only discover it in my movement…

_AM: An axis only exists through two poles, one that goes up in the positive, and another that goes down towards the negative. Trees do not grow towards the sky seeking light, trees, from their axis, expand towards the sky and the earth in the same proportion, like a mirror in different directions, dimensions, in the same way that a staircase is not unidirectional, but both sides serve to go up and down at the same time.

_I: Whenever I look outside, the force pushes me inward, whenever I seek to ascend, the force will push me to descend...

_AM: That is stability, the ability to move and transform and still remain, be, be...

_I: I allow myself to move like water and find my stability in transformation…

_AM: This is the Eternal Ascension, when you remember that there are no different realities, entities or consciousnesses, but there is only one staircase, and the point of view from the step on which you decide to position yourself...

_I: Until I recognize that I am the entire staircase...

_AM: And there I will be Everything.



