

_AM: Taking into account that we are entering the week of the Soul and, therefore, of Emotion, I will be direct and without hesitation: What is your reason for being? What do you think you are right about and others are wrong? What happens if you discover you don't have it?

_I: Ugh… What a topic, straight to the point, to the wound…

_AM: When it comes to Capricorn we cannot waste much time decorating emotions: it is what it is, and we must take responsibility, responsibly, for the things one feels. So, this week we will work with key questions in relation to what moves us emotionally to work on it. So I put these questions at your disposal.

_I: Should I answer them?

_AM: Well, not to me, but to yourself. The task of this entire week will involve trying to understand how we are located in the emotional ties regarding the energetic links of our life. Therefore, I recommend that you write the question, and below, develop it into a series of points, listing the reasons, the things in which you think you are right, and how you react when you discover that you are not. You must make these three ways conscious so that your being becomes aware of these reaction mechanisms and structure of your constitution.

_I: Let's start as always, remembering what Reason means.

_AM: Reason comes from the Latin “reris” which means “thought”, and “-tio” which means “action”, “retionis” would be the act of thinking, which evolved or deformed to “reatione” and then “reason” in Spanish (“reason” in English). Reasoning is the verb that describes the action of thinking. Reasonable describes the attribute of something that is consistent with the way of thinking, logical and coherent. And therefore, “to be right” is to possess the capacity for logical thinking.

_I: Although today, being right is no longer so logical...

_AM: And I'll explain why. Because “reason” simply comes from the idea of ​​thinking, something that can easily occur without the need for study or verification, and that can arise purely from your imagination. You, for example... Have you ever verified what you explain?

_I: Well… Some things yes, but most no. They arise from me, from my interior...

_AM: From your mind. In other words, everything you say could easily be imaginary, an invention of your neural interaction, and that's it.

_I: If you put it like that... Yes, of course, I always say that I really don't care to check what I say. I mean, there are people who tell me: how do we know if what you say is true, how can we verify it? And I usually say that I did not come to demonstrate whether what I say is true or not, because it is not my mission to prove anything, my mission is to be, to share, and if it is useful, good, and if it is not useful, well, that's fine anyway.

_AM: Well, it's a detached point of view of what you deliver, that's fine, however, it's still just an idea. Is your idea of ​​detachment from truthfulness a product of your core essence or your ego trying to survive?

_I: I think it's a constant struggle, right? Well, more than a fight, it is a pendulum question between the reason of my ego in the perception of things, and the reason of my essence in the truth of them. The ego seeks to survive, and it will be inevitable that it defends itself in some way; if it were not useful, the essence would never have created the ego...

_AM: You caught me, hehe.

_I: I'm learning hehe.

_AM: The ego is a tool, but sometimes we let it drive life, and that is usually when we have accidents. The ego is a kind of driver with a drop-down map, when the essence is the GPS. When the ego tries to see the way or say “calm down, I know where we are”, things always tend to go wrong and you end up lost in the middle of a dangerous place.

_I: It has happened to me several times...

_AM: The same thing happens with Reason. The line that separates the thought of the ego and the thought of the essence is very thin, since both are maps, but with different ways of approaching them. You did not answer my question.

_I: Well... Many times I realize that I deliberately ignore some information, due to the need to maintain my integrity. It's strange, because I know with all my being that I didn't come to prove anything to anyone, that I don't care, and that I came to share what I know, what I feel, what I live, and that's it. I'm not going to go crazy in this life wasting time for people to believe me. And that's when the ego sometimes takes control, in the concept "I don't care." When you hear more and more things in the world, you realize more and more that people want to believe anything, and that no matter how much you focus all your energy on wanting to explain certain truths or clarify and justify what you know or say, their minds They won't change. Sometimes I think that the best thing is to share, without trying to convince anyone of anything, and from there, each one will take what is useful to them and make their own discernment. However, I understand what you're getting at, it's not a question of how others see it, but how I project it...

_AM: “I don't care” can become a way of justifying anything that comes to your mind. The ego, defending your integrity, can close itself off from learning new concepts that nourish your own vision.

_I: You always have to be open to learning something new. Thanks to talking to you, to me, every day, I can identify more and more each day when it is my ego that responds: “I don't care,” and when it is the essence saying: “it is not in my way today.”

_AM: You live in a world full of minds, and each one projects their own thoughts in the outside world, but they do so only to reference themselves externally and know how to move in the environment, which is summarized in trying to survive the environment. Therefore, the ego uses thought as a defense mechanism, and it calls this “Reason.” The religious believe they are right, the scientists believe they are right, the scholars believe they are right, the conspiracy theorists believe they are right, the ignorant believe they are right...

_I: At this time, many of those thoughts become extremist, and they do not open themselves to seeing other options, to the point where they cannot even believe in what they are seeing with their own senses. For example, this week I received a video from someone in Spain who said that snow was plastic, because bringing fire to it with a lighter didn't melt, but burned... And sometimes we forget that today we have access to the largest information network, to the largest library of collective knowledge in the world, through the Internet, and many times before searching for data, we speak without knowing. And I include myself.

_AM: We have talked about the difference between the unaware and the ignorant. He who does not know does not know that he has the means to know. The Ignorant is the one who denies knowing even knowing that he has the possibility of doing so.

_I: It took me less than a minute to look for a video explaining how it is the combustion of fire that leaves carbon marks (burnt) on the snow, when it is the heat (in the blue part of the fire or the external part that surrounds the yellow part) the one that melts the snow turning it into water. But it is true that in our time, we lost the habit of asking. We believe that they are hiding knowledge from us, and sometimes it is simply that we have not searched well or asked the right questions.

_AM: Therefore, reason has three ways of manifesting itself. Coming from thought, we have subconscious, unconscious and conscious reason.

_I: What is the Subconscious Reason like?

_AM: It is what we call “illogical”. That is, the thought that resonates, like an echo, that we recognize as truth in our cells, in our emotion, without the need to carry out a cognitive process. Our being recognizes it. The Unconscious is the reason that is obtained through culture or collective thought in which there is no doubt about the group for fear of being expelled from the clan and dying in exile. And the Conscious reason is what occurs in the search and learning of different options.

_I: But this can be applicable to many things... That is, subconscious reason can equate on the same level to my holistic explanations, which resonate with thousands of people, and to the positions that the earth is flat or hollow, which also resonate with thousands. of people…

_AM: And what makes you think that you are right and the others are wrong?

_I: The data... That is, data from thousands of years ago, from mathematicians, geologists, astronomers, architects, scientists, from different cultures, and empirical data such as the rotation of stars, planets, solstices and equinoxes, or simply upload on a flight from Sydney to Buenos Aires or South Africa, looking at Antarctica through the window... Something that I have done myself and anyone can do...

_AM: If we enter into the philosophical aspects of reason, we could say that neither you nor they are right, or everyone is, since each person sees the world with the reality of their own brain. That is to say, there are people who feel the same caress on an arm, with the same gentleness, as a pleasure or as an unbearable pain. It's all due to brain perception. The external world can never be exact if you perceive it with the eyes of your brain perception.

_I: But there are concrete data, that is, beyond the perception of things, the experiments contrasted by hundreds of individuals make up a collective truth...

_AM: According to that collective truth, everything you know is nothing more than well-managed schizophrenia.

_I: Good point…

_AM: As you will see, no one is right, but everyone is right. And a collective reason shapes an idea of ​​the group. There are scientists who go to mass on Sundays even though they know that the empirical existence of the Christian God is impossible. But they have faith, and faith encompasses everything that cannot be understood through reason, it opens the doors to all possibilities. The problem that arises in both Faith and Reason is the sa_I: clinging to the idea that it is the only answer. Both Faith and Reason have the same principle: open to infinite possibilities, not close to anything, and both make this ancient mistake of believing that there is only one possible answer. How do you feel now that you know you have never been right?

_I: Two things happen to me... I feel nauseated, as if suddenly there was nowhere to hold on, I didn't know where to go... And on the other hand, I feel free, without the weight of having to look for reason and possess it...

_AM: Reason is built through learning, reason can never be possessed, it cannot be had, it can only be passed on, shared, integrated and transcended. Whoever claims to be right, no matter how secure he may be, will be guilty of attachment and ego, that is, he will demonstrate that he lives from the need for survival of his self linked to this specific time and space.

_I: No one is right, but we all build it...

_AM: In every question you ask, you build Reason, and when you discover a new question, you call it Faith. What is your reason for being?

_I: Discover myself and what my mind is capable of manifesting…

_AM: What do you think you are right about and others are wrong?

_I: In the way I see the universe from holistic and harmonious integration, and I believe that those who see it from conspiracy and duality do not have it...

_AM: What would happen if one day you discovered that you were not right and that the universe is really a matrix of control created by opposing forces of darkness living on a flat earth that is an experiment?

_I: It would be difficult for me to accept it... It would make me anxious, the meaning of everything I am, what I do, what I believe would be broken... Nothing would make sense... And probably, eventually, I would try to adjust to that new reality by seeing how it would be done. that I know can be useful to transcend that system and create a different one...

_AM: Now you know how it feels when in your words you break the patterns of others to replace them with new ones... Then you recognize the only possible reason in the game of life: It is not about being right, but about adapting and transcending the patterns of reasoning to evolve, learn, expand... Get to know yourself.

_I: I know! I am not right, I am the reason.

_AM: That is the greatest liberating thought you will find in existence...



