

_I: Doesn't seeing the beauty in matter, concentrating on the reality we have created, take us away from the spiritual path?

_AM: It does if your spiritual path is a belief and not an act of coherence.

_I: Why?

_AM: Because the spiritual, as we explained, is not a reality external to the physical body. Matter is not a product or creation of the spiritual world, it is its manifestation. Is the butterfly a being apart from the caterpillar?

_I: No… It is the consequence, it is the transformation of it…

_AM: The caterpillar continues to exist in the butterfly, since there is no butterfly without a caterpillar, nor a caterpillar without a butterfly. The same can be applied to a construction, in which each brick is somewhat different, but together they form the house. Or a simple seed, turned into a huge tree. You can believe that the caterpillar was the one who created the butterfly, or that the seed made the tree, and that the brick built the house, or you can become aware that in reality, the caterpillar, the seed and the brick, became the butterfly. , the tree and the house. The only thing that separates you is the idea of ​​what was, and what is, disconnecting the extremes of something that has always been the same thing.

_I: I see.

_AM: The fact that water can be ice, cloud or river does not make it stop being water.

_I: Everything is so simple, and so relative at the same time, and yet, it is difficult for us to see those things. Like for example, something you said yesterday: “There are no bad people, only disharmonious individuals; “We are all children of the Mother.” And you said: “there is no but here”. And yet, we think: “but a rapist, a murderer, a dictator…?”

_AM: They are disharmonic beings.

_I: But how do you explain his evil? Why did that caterpillar instead of being a butterfly become... I don't know, a mosquito? Or something worse like the Asian hornet.

_AM: For the same reason that the mosquito ended up being a mosquito: environmental conditions. The evolution of a being to what it is depends on its adaptation to the environment that surrounds it and the load of information it has inside inherited from its ancestors. Between the load of biological information and the environmental load, a human's abilities can be modified into irregular attitudes. For example, a dog is not bad by nature, however, if he has suffered attacks and has never received a pet, only beatings, it is likely that he will bite. Is the dog bad for biting you and drawing blood?

_I: No... I mean... He did something bad but...

_AM: He did something bad because he was in disharmony with his being. What is a murderer? A child who has never been contained or loved. What is a pedophile? A repressed and fearful child. What is a dictator? A frustrated and abused child. What is a rapist? An abused child. They are caterpillars that have consumed painful circumstances.

_I: But there has to be an origin to this... I mean, is there an original person who is bad?

_AM: The eternal discussion of Rousseau and Machiavelli. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a philosopher from around 1750, was one of those who contributed his multifaceted wisdom to the Enlightenment ideals of the French Revolution, which promoted the natural education of children, with pedagogy. In his observations, he determined that humans are good by nature, there is nothing bad in them, and it is Society that puts the dense and negative imprint on them, making them bad. Thus, a natural pedagogical education, he proposed maintaining that active goodness in humans despite society.

_I: And Machiavelli…

_AM: Quite the opposite. Unlike the pedagogy of the Enlightenment of the 18th century, Niccolò Machiavelli lived at the dawn of the Renaissance, around the year 1500, in a European context of principalities. His philosophy was the mother of modern Political Science, writing a manual called “The Prince”, where he explained all the rules of how to be a good ruler. In his ideas, humans were bad by nature, they were born with evil built into them, and society was in charge of directing them towards goodness and ordering them to be good.

_I: Wow… And then, who is right?

_AM: Neither.

_I: Huh? but…

_AM: Both visions are deterministic, and are based on a deterministic moral idea, which considers a being as good or bad. No one is born good, nor is anyone born bad... Beings are simply “born.” The concept of believing them to be good or bad by nature is a romanticized or pessimistic view of reality, considering that there is an external force that determines reality in only two options. God does not play dice, but neither does he play chess. A person, or being, is born with infinite information within them, which incorporates all the experiences that their cells have recorded over millions of years. The environment in which those molecules that make up the cells have lived, be it a calm or stormy environment, in a context of hunger, war, or plenty and prosperity, have been creating useful baggage for the being to face life. An individual who is raised alone, without human contact of any kind, and can be studied, will denote from a very young age the attitudes of a “good person” and the attitudes of a “bad person”, since in his cells lies the information that being “good” helps. in evolution due to sharing, to the support of others, family, friends, since we have gone further with support and love. And it will denote bad behavior in situations that generate distrust, a moment in which your cells will react to memories of trauma, war, hunger, to survival, which makes you react in the sense of defense, maintaining the integrity of your body. Both mechanisms coexist in one being. It is the environmental circumstances that cause one or another attribute to awaken.

_I: It's like two sides of the same coin...

_AM: You might wonder what determines whether you have one or another attribute of the sun sign to which you correspond. What determines whether a Leo is a charismatic leader or a petulant egocentric? What makes a Virginian a loving, caring mother, or a manipulator? What makes a Libra an artist or a liar? What makes a Scorpio a spiritual teacher or a psychopath? What makes a Sagittarius an adventurer or a denier? Or that a Capricorn is a relentless worker or an obsessive maniac? Whether an Aquarian is a free spirit or a schizophrenic? That a Pisces is a loving being of service or a dependent drug addict? And that an Arian is someone who encourages you to start life, to be an aggressive impulsive? Or a Taurus from being a strong and determined individual, to being a comfortable slacker? What leads someone from Gemini to be a studious communicator, to become a verbose bipolar? And what about a Cancer from being a sweet lover, to a suicidal depressive?

_I: …The circumstances…

_AM: The potential is there. They are all Water, but it is a matter of the environment that will determine whether they become ice, liquid or vapor.

_I: In other words, Society neither orders nor disharmonizes, but rather proposes an environment in which each individual awakens their potential.

_AM: In the same circumstances of war, two brothers can take totally different paths, and one become a warrior and the other a pacifist. You remember?

_I: Yes… 900 years ago, in Norway, I had a twin brother, Eirik. We were both born in the same place, we grew up together, we did exactly the same thing, and when the time came to go to war, as much as we were both excited, at the time of battle, I couldn't hold the sword in my hands, while he enjoyed killing. We were the same, and very different at the same time.

_AM: And you could see the good in him.

_I: Oh yes, I still love him, and I still have him in my head every day. The reason why I always seek to go to Scotland is because I know that he died there, and by being in that land, I feel united to him. Like one, again. He always pushed me to take the leap that I couldn't make alone. He helped me with everything, and he protected me from my father when he considered me a traitor for escaping from the battle of Götten.

_AM: So you can understand that the surrounding circumstances aroused conflicting situations in both of them and yet that love between the two of them never changed. They only acted the way the environment forced them to act, your brother protecting and honoring the family, you protecting your integrity and inner self in respect for others. The environment changes and activates internal potentials, which do not determine whether you are good or bad, but rather show whether you are in coherence or incoherence with your being. The environment, whether natural or social, has disposed us to incessantly search for something, which is what has defined this dual concept.

_I: Which one?

_AM: Security. Everything we have talked about relates to the need to feel safe.

_I: Eat, Sleep, Safety. One of the 3 pillars of the trinity of needs of a living being.

_AM: Security comes from the words “se-” (Indo-European particle that means separation, to be apart from something), and the verb “curare” which means to care for or worry about something. The meaning of the Latin word “securitas” describes the idea of ​​“being out of worry”, there is nothing to worry about, everything is resolved. A being needs to feel safe to eat and sleep peacefully, since eating involves a great physical effort of passivity during digestion, which leads to sleep, where the being is devoid of all its capacity for alarm. For this reason, over millions of years of evolution, our brain, our nervous system, has acquired the ability to differentiate alarm signals from calm environments. And guess what they called them...

_I: Bad and Good…

_AM: That's right. The alarm signals that the brain received were known as “Danger,” and the calm environments were called “Calm.” Things that suggest danger are classified as “bad,” and things that suggest calm are classified as “good.” This, depending on the circumstances of the environment, creates a morality, which originates the idea of ​​ethics, which establishes the regulations of a culture to live in harmony, and thus build a “safe” environment, called “Society”.

_I: So the ideas of good and bad are born from the nervous system's sensation of alarm for millions of years when faced with the circumstances of sleep and hunger.

_AM: That establish the trinity in Security, as an imminent foundation to complete the other two.

_I: And so societies create security mechanisms, right? Like the Rule of Law, Laws, Justice, State Security Forces, from the civil police to the military. But, normally, it is these same systems that generate alarm hazards.

_AM: That's right.

_I: Why?

_AM: Your immune system, in the body, do you think it rests?

_I: I guess not...

_AM: You are alert all the time looking for possible conflicts to resolve. They are programmed to do this: “bring calm to society”, and therefore, if they do not see a problem, they will try to create it, and will not be able to differentiate between an evolutionary conflict or a destructive one.

_I: Like the police who do not differentiate between those who are protesting for their rights and those who are destroying the rights of others.

_AM: They are made to defend, and that is what they do, because they have not been taught why they defend. They have been arranged to defend the interests of a society, but not the values ​​of an individual. And society is usually embodied by the presidential nature of a state, be it the king or prime minister, with which they tend to follow the orders of a power, and not of a social body.

_I: That's why they usually turn against the body...

_AM: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.


_AM: Are the state security forces bad?

_I: Many are saying yes, and they are against the police and the military as if they were the enemy.

_AM: Well they are not. They are the Immune system, which seeks to defend above needs, taking control of the body. They are not the enemy, it is oneself in disharmony. We all seek security in life, we all need to feel calm, and the security forces are there for that on a social level.

_I: But in imbalance…

_AM: That is why you must take the inner strength to find the balance that grants self-confidence. Are you sure who you are? Are you sure what you're doing? Do you have complete security in what you believe and feel? Or do you go through life teetering on the tightrope of constant insecurity? How can we expect a society to be safe if its individuals are insecure?

_I: Good point…

_AM: The security forces of the state are there to support a social body that is sure of what it wants, but humanity does not have security, it lives in an incessant internal insecurity that gives power to the external world, and when it does not like it, He considers him his enemy. You cannot consider that which you yourself have nourished as an enemy. The system is your own creation. You have fed a dog that has bitten you. Is the solution to sacrifice him? Or maybe the solution is to educate him?

_I: Educate him, always.

_AM: The dog bites because it smells the fear or insecurity, the emotional instability of its owner. The owner is the one who has the power, and can choose to impose his power as punishment, or his power as a friend and guide in the transformation. He now thinks that social states are that dog that everyone has raised together. His attitudes will depend on the insecurity you reflect.

_I: I must be sure of myself… And many times I am not.

_AM: You distrust the innate ability you have to do what you have come to do. When you see a purpose, walk steadily without looking down, step by step, maintaining balance between what you think, feel and do. The middle point between all this is Security. Reflect that security in yourself, and you will extend a safe context for others, capable of generating a self-confident world.

_I: There are no bad or good, but circumstances that show our securities or insecurities regarding what we seek or need.

_AM: Find the inner security that leads to resolving needs, and you will be able to project security on the outside, educating the being in its potentials, beyond duality. Security is the establishment of internal and external structures that guide us in relativity, to find the axis. Patterns.

_I: “We are all children of the Mother.”

_AM: Well, we are all the manifestation of the cosmic matrix.

_I: We are all equal in the eyes of the Father.

_AM: Although our patterns are the design of our own originality, unique and special.

_I: I set the intention to find myself Confident, and thus provide security to the world.

_AM: Hold the axis, and you will pass through the chaos.



