_I: Building myself. That grants me strength, constructing myself like a building, but made of actions, emotions, and thoughts. If the foundations are not firm, the structure may collapse, but if they are not flexible, an earthquake may shatter them.
_AM: An earthquake is like a crisis, shattering those who are so rigid in their attitudes, feelings, and beliefs that any movement can destroy everything they have built. It is necessary to build a structure that is firm yet flexible, adaptable to the movements of the world, but integral.
_I: How is this achieved?
_AM: Starting with the Mental plane, the way to achieve it is by transforming Ideologies into Philosophies. An idea refers to the appearance of things, not what they truly are, but what I perceive them to be. That perception can become a constant that influences many other ideas in life, becoming a belief. Belief is a set of ideas that have laid the foundations of a way of thinking. For example, we could say that you have grown up with an idea of what it means to be Argentine, as the culture, society, family, surrounding you have shown you as you grew up, an idea of what it is, and why is it an idea? Because you have only grown up with the idea of being Argentine in the south of a province in the central region in the middle class, but you do not have the complete vision of having grown up in every province and in every social stratum. Thus, you know what it means to be Argentine through books, stories, school, television, friends, and family. Year after year, this forges an idiosyncrasy, which is the mix of all the concepts, ideas, traditions of an individual. Over time, the brain will adapt to this set of ideas and form a belief, which is a mental creation that will determine your way of seeing the world from the perspective that has shaped you to be Argentine.
_I: So beliefs are a set of perceptions that are established as structures to help the being interpret the world more easily.
_AM: They streamline the global and universal perception of things. Cultures, sciences, religions, dogmas, are ways in which a belief is manifested. Beliefs tend to be data interpreted by a group of people in relation to specific place and time, making them a shared idea, an Ideology. They move currents of thought, at an educational, religious, political, economic, technological, biological, universal, agrotechnical level; generating specific movements in peoples, shared by many individuals. That is the origin of the word Populism (movement of a people). They are based on joint ideologies and reject the idea of individual free thought. This has been human nature for millions of years, and therefore it is considered the best way to advance, to prosper. However, in times of true transformation, populisms do not advance, but rather regress.
_I: How does one transform an Ideology into Philosophy?
_AM: Ideology schematizes concepts by creating immovable structures that only break down through crisis and conflict. Philosophy is the opposite. Philosophy comes from "philós" (love) and "sophé" (wisdom or knowledge). The love of knowledge implies precisely being flexible and not basing oneself solely on the perception one has of things, but expanding towards seeing other perspectives, opening one's mind, searching, questioning, doubting, investigating, discovering. Philosophy invites constant transformation, never sticking to a rigid idea of things, but always questioning them in order to progress.
_I: I understand... And on the emotional plane?
_AM: Emotion leads us to the idea of moving from the Conditional to the Unconditional. Emotion is energy in motion, which needs polarity with its positive and negative extremes attracting each other, creating strength within itself. Strength can be generated in a balanced way, where the particles or people with positive or negative charge have the same weight with each other, and decide to share their loads rather than being forced to do so because of lesser weight. So you can understand it, let's illustrate it. From unconsciousness, Conditional Bonds are generated, that is, energy is not shared, but earned or accumulated. Bond means chain, from the Indo-European "wei" which means to bend, twist, from the Latin "vincire" (to bind). Condition, as we have said, is what is said together, stipulated as a group, therefore, a conditional bond is when what is said by some bends others to become part of something. You could interpret the conditional bond as an object of greater mass attracting an object of lesser mass, forcing it to belong to its energy, depending, while the one of lesser mass, for not having its own strength, lets itself be manipulated by the greater mass: like the Sun with the Earth, the Earth with the Sun.
_I: Ah, yes, I can understand this. It's like saying that a person who doesn't have their own inner strength will be dominated by someone who has greater strength or mass, and therefore more power over them. How do you turn it into Unconditional?
_AM: By gaining your own courage and strength, harnessing the resources of others' strength to manifest your own power, as the Earth uses the energy of the Sun to create life. Unconditional means recognizing the bonds and giving them a useful purpose in personal development, ceasing to give energy to the other, to expand energy from oneself. Unconditionality is equivalent to Free Energy, where there are no forces that tie you to others, but it is you who choose to give or not, respecting each being's methods. Unconditionality respects others' processes and seeks balance between them, recognizing that the emotions felt do not belong to the other, but to oneself, and that each individual is responsible for what they feel or do with their feelings.
_I: So, not depending on others, yet still being connected to them.
_AM: It's called "Unconditional Relationship," that is, ties that repeat, like echoes, where the other is not forced to be part, but both decide with equal weight and mass. To be unconditional, you must regain the weight of your own being, and only then can you be unconditional with others.
_I: "Love your neighbor as yourself"...
_AM: And for that, you must first learn to love yourself.
_I: Of course... And on the physical plane?
_AM: Building oneself physically is about knowing the aptitudes and attitudes inherited and designed in life. It's moving from Reaction to Action. As we've said before, it involves ceasing to act based on the clan's or family's inheritance, to be able to make one's own decisions free from their conditioning. And for that, you must know what the attitudes and aptitudes of your clan, your family, are, know the family tree, the physical and inherited conflicts of those who make up your material, the network of what you are today. Imagine living in a city and always buying your food ready-made or from a supermarket, and without questioning where it comes from, you eat whatever, but you start feeling bad, and you even get sick, until someone tells _I: maybe it's something you ate. To know why what you ate made you sick, you have to investigate which of all the foods made you sick, and know the root of it, know where that food came from, if it has chemicals, if it came from a farm, or from the countryside, or from a factory, if the product was expired, or maybe it's a problem of the soil or origin.
_I: There are many people who don't know where products come from, but I mean people who don't know what an apple or banana tree looks like, or who don't know where eggs or meat come from... Who have never seen the product in its natural state...
_AM: Therefore, recognizing the origin of what you consume in life makes you question whether you want to continue consuming it or not, because "you are what you eat." Thus, recognizing the origin and stories of your family, their experiences, gifts, and mistakes, you can understand yourself and know exactly what you want to change or awaken in yourself, ceasing to react on impulse from the past, to act for the future. Change your diet. For your actions and what you do with them, what you consume from the world, generate the matrix of the matter you are, the final product of your ideas and emotions in the form of reactions. Or, if you become aware, it will be the final product of your philosophy and unconditionality in the form of action.
_I: This allows me to truly manifest, create.
_AM: This connects you with the most powerful force: creation, the womb of the universal mother.
_I: What is it?
_AM: Matter. In spiritual paths and ideologies, matter has been seen as the dark and dense aspect of universal truth, a prison, a prison of the spirit, divine punishment, and even a hell come true. However, for the Universe's vision, it is quite the opposite. Matter is the Mother. Coming from the Indo-European "mater," the word "mother" gave rise to the concept of matter, as the fabric of manifestation of the cosmic mother, she who manifests the spirit, who allows it to live its dreams, make them come true. Matter is not a hellish prison, but it is spiritual liberation from its eternal imprisonment. The mother allows the spirit to live its millions of possibilities, to design, feel, live, act. Without matter, there would be no universe. Matter is the womb of divine embodiment.
_I: When we are told as a commandment "honor your mother and father," it's like saying "love the Earth and the Sky" equally.
_AM: Because the Sky manifests the Earth, and the Earth allows the Sky to manifest itself. When you discover the richness that lives within you, in the design of your human being, you can see the beauty in every atom that composes the world, you can see the light, the photons that shine in every object, even where you think there can't be light, there you will see beauty. Mind, Emotion, and Action, Spirit, Soul, and Body, are nothing more than an atom composed of Electron, Proton, and Neutron. The transcendental concepts that you have attributed to imaginary planes exist, and since you cannot touch them, they have come together creating tissues that allow the mind to interpret what it feels to caress the soul, look the spirit in the eyes, and enjoy action. Matter is the most direct contact you have with the divine world. In the scent of a flower, in a caress on the skin, in the song of birds, in laughter with friends, in a mother's embrace, in a delicious dish, in sitting by the fire on a cold night, lying in a summer field looking at the stars or the shapes of clouds, in plowing the earth to plant your food, in seeing them grow, in having sex and making love, in breathing, swimming in the sea and floating on its waves, seeing an elephant walk, an ant carry a leaf, feeling the wind on your face, climbing a mountain and contemplating the landscape, building a home, learning something new, playing, creating a project with others, sharing with those in need, crying a loss, falling in love, drinking something warm while watching a movie in winter snuggled up in bed, taking a trip, flying, walking, running, swimming, jumping, expressing yourself, receiving or giving soft tickles, a deep look, recycling and seeing garbage turn into compost, petting an animal, walking through a forest, going to a concert, playing an instrument, sleeping, dreaming...
_I: Everything is beauty...
_AM: Matter is beauty, it is the creative mother that nourishes the spirit.
_I: We have mistreated the concept of the material, considering the "materialistic person" as one who lives in a low vibration or lost, believing that to be conscious or spiritual one must leave the material...
_AM: Matter has been confused with attachment, because it is easier to cling to something physical, or identify it, than to something mental or emotional. Attachment is associated with having, possessing material things, clinging to this world, when the same thing happens with the other, like who clings to the idea of coming from another dimension, or from subtle worlds like those in Pleiades. And sometimes, subtle detached beings from Pleiades forget something fundamental, and that is that this group of 7 stars (Asterope, Merope, Electra, Maia, Taygeta, Celeno, and Alcyone), lies in the heart of the constellation Taurus, matter, the home. The subtle does not lie in the heavens, but in the heart of physical reality. When you love Matter, you reach the divine light faster.
_I: Because it is the spiritual mother...
_AM: Therefore, you must transcend your idea of what matter represents, to consider it a vehicle of your spiritual existence, and stop blaming the physical for your inability to manage your inner self once and for all.
_I: I am the Mother, for I am composed of spiritual matter...
_AM: And this will always remind you that you are the Source of all manifestation. For your body is the consequence of your spirit, and by awakening your spirit, you become a weaver of the webs of reality.
_I: And thus I recognize that I Am the Origin of the Matrix.