

_I: See beyond, have a broader vision of things, contemplate the horizon, rise to perceive much more than what I could see... See from afar what I previously had too close, or get closer to what previously seemed distant and unattainable . The path of discovery leads us to learn to size things. So, I think it's important to understand what a dimension is...

_AM: Dimension, as we have already said, comes from the Latin “dis” (divide, separate) and “metiri, metio” (measure, measure). A dimension, then, is a measurement perceived from two separate points of view, one close and one far away, the observer and the observed.

_I: Like the eyes... The Eye of the Observer conditions the Observed reality.

_AM: In Quantum Physics (which is the physics that quantifies reality), it is interpreted that all compositions of existence are mutable, to the point where the slightest observation about something already exerts a pressure that modifies things. Thus, a minimum amount of energy can behave as a wave or particle depending on the observer. But to understand this let's keep it simple. Spiritual humans consider dimensions as heavenly levels, and do you know why?

_I: Why?

_AM: Because the entire spiritual world only inherits the spiritual methods of its ancestors, that is, of religions. In the ancient concepts of cosmic organization, humans interpreted the Universe according to their observer's point of view. Thus, the Universe took the form that humans were capable of capturing, or at least showed that aspect. That is, in the beginning, when humans were totemic, that is, their way of understanding the divine and conceptual was through totems, attributes of nature (which gave rise to animist religions worshiping plants and animals), the Universe was interpreted as such: the earth was a turtle, the sky a cow, the sun was a falcon, the river a snake, the air an eagle, medicine a scorpion, joy a monkey, royalty a lion, and so on. The animals together made up a Dragon, or a mythological creature. The stars were the fireflies, which carried the spirits, the sea was the great whale, and thus its connection with reality was animalistic. In other traditions, such as in northern Europe, trees were the most sacred, and they described the Universe as an Enormous Tree of Life, whose fruits were the worlds, and its branches and roots extended throughout the galaxy.

_I: Yggdrasil… Odin's tree.

_AM: Yes. Many traditions in the world related the Cosmos to a tree, and its branches would be the different kingdoms or expressions of divinity, which was found in the trunk, in the center of things. In animist and plant traditions, the vision of polytheism expanded, that is, believing in many gods, and that humans could also become divinities if we accomplished the necessary feats. As in a tree, the seeds that inhabit the fruits can also become a tree over time. But there was a time when this sprawling forest began to be controlled. Fights over food reorganized tribes into societies. Now there could no longer be a guide or shaman, there had to be someone who combined all the power over many tribes, and thus the King appeared. The idea of ​​kingdom hierarchized the organic culture of the tribes, placing the king above the others, and the priests below him. Now the search for power and order would be paramount, and the idea of ​​becoming divine would take a backseat. The political structure began to be clearly hierarchical, linked to the decision and power of a single person over a pyramid that expanded downwards, to the townspeople. And this vision, even though there were attempts in other ways, was valid for more than 12,000 years until today. Thus, during all this time, the majority of humanity designed the Universe in a monotheistic way, with only one being in control of everything, with a hierarchical structure, which put some above the others, and to reach one or the other level, it was necessary to earn respect and go through all the necessary tests. The Universe now had a King in the Heavens, and below him, the Archangels, Seraphim, Cherubim, Powers, each with a different rank, up to his army of Angels, and below, the workers of the earth, the Humans. . And of course, like any kingdom, deserters and enemies are needed. Thus, like a mirror, the kingdom of Evil is created with his own King of Darkness and his entire entourage down to the demonic soldiers and his people, the evil and sinful people. In the awakening of conscious spirituality, the tradition of seeing the universe as a hierarchy remained due to the custom of thousands of years, and even though we began to speak of Dimensions instead of Kingdoms, the context continued to refer to the celestial hierarchy of same way.

_I: Of course... This is what causes confusion even today when talking about Dimensions, as if they were floors in a building, levels that must be raised or lowered, where each one has a specific group of entities...

_AM: Yes, this is what means that, although we have left the kingdoms, the representative republics considered democratic continue to have the same way of organizing reality, hierarchically.

_I: But 30 years ago, networks began.

_AM: And that's where we're going. The scientific evolution of the last three centuries, the conceptual change that the Earth is not the center but rather revolves around the Sun, changed the position of divinity and its reference. The sizes of things were now different, the distances were completely different from what was thought, both in the macrocosm, contemplating the sun and galaxies, and in the microcosm when discovering atoms. In recent decades, the appearance of the Internet, Networks, online work, Connections, downloading and uploading of information, data, and quantum discoveries; All of this enabled a new concept of the Universe, which is making everyone perceive reality in a much more different, interconnected way, where there is no center, there is no king, there is no heaven or hell, where everything that exists is just a perception. of a consciousness contemplating the forms of itself.

_I: There we are today, understanding that the Universe is us, that there is no hierarchy, but that everything is a quantum framework.

_AM: This is where we can better understand what dimensions are. An easy way to understand what a dimension is is by looking at any object you have next to you right now. Every object has 3 visible and palpable dimensions: width, height and depth. This is everything that defines the Third Dimension. Nothing else. A dimension divided into 3 perspectives. Therefore, in the third dimension, life is conceived by three aspects: sound, light and form. The sacred family is considered “mom, dad and baby.” Time is divided into three: past, present and future. Dimensions are bending of the laws of space and time.

_I: This reminds me of the urban legend that you can't fold a sheet of paper more than 8 times. Since mathematically, if you could continue folding it, by exponential mathematics, in just 40 folds you would reach the Moon. It's crazy, but it's the logic of the Universe: the more I fold the Unity on itself, the more I expand.

_AM: And in just 100 folds you would have reached the thickness of the entire Universe...

_I: Yes... The dimensions here are absurd, seeing that the more you try to shrink something by folding it in on itself, you would actually be making it reach unthinkable places like the entire Universe itself.

_AM: Therefore, 1 single Dimension folds into itself 8 times creating the Cube, which folds 3 more times creating the inspiration, contemplation and exhalation that give rise to creation. 12 Folds that constitute the entire Universe. Everything that exists is nothing more than a blank sheet of paper that has been folded on itself hundreds of times, creating millions of shapes in all directions. Thus, what you know as Dimension is the measure of said bending of a single thing. They are not levels that must be climbed, they are not steps in a palace of light, they are not celestial kingdoms where there are teachers or archangels. Fold the universe once and you will have Powers, fold it 3 more times and you will have an Archangel, fold it, fold it 3 more times and you will have a galaxy, fold it 1 more time and you will have a human.

_I: It is always the same being, doubling its time and space...

_AM: What should you do if you want to see your feet?

_I: Bow down…

_AM: You bend your body to see your steps... You take your eyes to another direction, changing the perspective of observation to join what is observed. Bending allows the Universe to be aware of what it does, what it expresses, of things that would otherwise be impossible to face.

_I: What are those times that the Universe bends?

_AM: The first Dimension is Unity, where everything converges, it is the same sheet of paper. The second dimension is Duality, when you fold the page to be able to see yourself facing the other part, at the other end, positive and negative. The third dimension is the one that adds one more fold to show the depth in the width and height of the wavelength of duality. The fourth dimension will show the movement of the previous three aspects, that is, their transformation, changing their position, the sensation of time. The fifth fold or dimension will give clarity to the entire process, contemplating it and granting understanding and consciousness. The sixth will allow you to recreate the existing, generate new forms from the previous. Thus, in the seventh he becomes a creator, awakening the light that is in the energy of his being, illumination. This is how it expands in the 8th Dimension, at all possible times, in the general information network, the matrix. And in the 9th Dimension he finds himself in all possible spaces, recognizing himself as divinity.

_I: And it was always the same being. The dimensions are not stages, levels, but the same being seen in different measurements.

_AM: The teachers, archangels, humans, atoms; They are all the same being expressed in different distances and sizes or folds. Therefore, communicating with each other is nothing more than talking to yourself and listening to different points of view of the same reality.

_I: I am everyone… I am…

_AM: To dimension, then, is to take notion of the connection and consequence of all things. Everything that happens to us has a past and a future, it affects more people in different ways. To dimension is to take perspective on this constant folding, until realizing that conflicts or crises are nothing more than a new moment of doubling or unfolding of time and space. Dimensioning is knowing how to see carefully the connection of all things, and not remain only with a simple conditioned point of view. What we see is never the truth, to see well you have to move away. An ant never saw a human, because his vision cannot comprehend the whole just as a human cannot see the Earth by standing on it. It is when we dimension things that we discover the truths, therefore, to dimension what I Am, I need to get away from what I think _AM: stop being a wave to become a particle, or stop being a particle to become a wave again. This is how the Journey of knowledge begins, daring to leave what you see and believe to open yourself to changing your perspective, expanding the dimensions.

_I: Every time you travel, move, experience something different, it's like bending everything, adding new data. The more I bend, the more I expand… Another paradox!

_AM: That's right. The leaf that seems free and flexible does not get anywhere if it does not bend. There lies Humility, bowing towards the feet. Allow yourself to change your view, your perception. The paradox is that the more the universe bends, the more expanded and spacious it will be. You don't gain wisdom without gaining some wrinkles along the way.

_I: That last one is quite explicit. We have to wrinkle ourselves... Only then will we be able to see other dimensions...

_AM: This month's path is to expand the dimension of things, so here I will leave you with this month's task: try to write down, day by day, at least one thing that you have learned on a trip you have taken. It can be a trip of only 5km, or 15,000km from your home. It may have been stupid, or something very big, it doesn't matter, just take a trip log, and write down: place, approximate date, people involved, and what you remember having learned in that place, on that trip.

_I: From things like “I have learned to fold a shirt, I have even learned to detach myself from my partner or I have learned about the laws of the universe.”

_AM: Yes, everything. The important thing here will be to measure how we have learned when we change our place of constant and comfortable vision. It is necessary for the body, soul and mind to know that this is possible only if I change my real perspective.

_I: To change my mental perspective, I need to also change my visual perspective. The way I look at things, from what point of view.

_AM: So you can begin to understand that communication with the dimensions is directly related to the way you assimilate information about yourself and the world around you. Only in this way will you be able to expand yourself and speak with your other Selves in the different Cosmic dimensions.

_I: I begin my Interdimensional journey towards myself…

_AM: The only possible trip.



