

_AM: And from the deep dark, muddy waters, your seed germinates, rising towards the heavens, blooming in the light.

_I: Somehow I felt too comfortable in the shadows, and I even feel lazy to have to start blooming.

_AM: It's what happens to all living beings: custom, comfort. The body adapts very quickly to the environments to which it is exposed for a long time, and in your case, you have so many planets in the house of Scorpio that despite the pain and suffering in the shadows, you felt at home.

_I: Well, not so many... The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars, although it is true that they are the most important and most used. I feel comfortable in the shadows and mud, communicating from its darkness and black humor, going to the depths of the soul and living with the intensity of processes. Yes, I feel at home there... But my Moon, Saturn and Uranus in Sagittarius will be grateful this month. A journey through the conceptual, emotional and physical world.

_AM: Emerging from the shadows of the swamp to see clarity. This is the moment of the allegory of the Cave, it is the moment in which the slave of his own perceptions looks out into the external world and recognizes everything he must learn from the world, from the truth. See the light.

_I: As this month's aspect intends: “I See.” What do the next 30 days have in store for us?

_AM: A journey towards the Light, towards awakening our understanding of things, to discover, to bring clarity to all the shadows. While in Scorpio we bury ourselves to connect with the shadows and confront them, Sagittarius will encourage us to rise, smile, bring light to that which was hidden.

_I: That's why today you told me “Resurrection.”

_AM: This concept is not too old, perhaps 1000 years old or so, and is related to the Ascension of Jesus Christ.

_I: But the word is older, I imagine.

_AM: The words that make it up, yes. Resurrection comes from the words “re-“, “sub” “reg-” and “-tio”, which mean “action of putting back what was underneath straight.” An idea that tries to describe that which has fallen, that is on the ground or buried and that stands up again, straight, towards the top.

_I: Like us after going to the shadows…

_AM: That's right. In the Christian period, this concept was coined to describe the greatest miracle of Jesus the Christ, who rose from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion. This story, taken as a miracle, is based on a myth, which was once a legend, and which before that was an allegory, and long before it became an allegory, it was a pagan ceremony based on agriculture, which prior to that was pure astronomy.

_I: How was it?

_AM: Yesterday we explained it in the broadcast; In the Universe everything is a continuum of energy, vibrations that, due to magnetism, cause its particles to expand or contract. These two options constitute any vision of time and space through the different dimensions. A dimension is just that: a dimension, that is, something that is measured by the perspective of two points of view and separated by them: “di-” (two, divided) and “mensión” (measurement). Thus, the contraction or expansion of the particles generates the mental, emotional or physical levels in which consciousness will be experienced, all with the objective of learning about the creative potential it possesses. The two visions that generate these dimensions are the Positive and Negative perspectives, which manifested in a Proton and an Electron, allow information to move bending time and space in the form of spirals. The spiral movements of the cosmos mean that in periods of positive expansion, a reality is experienced, while in negative expansion, that reality is integrated, recovering energies in assimilation. We could say that for the mind the Positive seeks data through Knowledge, and the Negative integrates them through Wisdom. In the Physical Body, this same thing is called Life and Death. For billions of years, the Universe goes through millions of forms, along this spiral, with the goal of awakening wisdom in the search for knowledge, living different lives and having to die in many instances. When you realize that there is no death or different lives but that everything is a continuum of vibration at different frequencies, you recognize that everything is fractal and cyclical, which causes many of the patterns to be replicated at all levels. In this case, the fact of being born and dying repeats itself like waves in a sea, without ceasing. Everyone knew this in ancient times, because they observed nature, and understood that divinity could not be different, in the same way that a child resembles its parents. For this reason, they understood that there is a cosmic reality, called the World of Ideas, and a physical reality, called the World of Shadows. The two progenitors of the Being. It is understood, therefore, that physical reality is the flesh, what is perceptible by the 5 senses, and that it only transforms, it never disappears. But the world of ideas can expand and contract again into a new being, a new form. They call this “Reincarnation”, that is, returning to the flesh, to the body. The subtle world expands at death and contracts at birth in the same way as the lungs do when breathing. The cosmos does the sa_I: galaxies, stars, solar systems, worlds, nature, life, everything expands and contracts, being born and dying in the magnetic spiral of the universe in expression. And the 4 Seasons are one of the ways to perceive it. The Solstices and Equinoxes show a different position of the sun,expanded or contracted, which changes everything in nature. The ancients called this “The Cross of Time”: spring, summer, autumn, winter. And it was combined with “the Cross of Space”: north, south, east and west. Physically related to “Water, Fire, Earth and Air”, which you conceptually know as “Expression, Experimentation, Integration and Transcendence. And that a human lives as “born, grow, reproduce and die.”

_I: The 4 Pillars of Existence.

_AM: And at its center, the world, the power of the Divine Being, the essence. Thus, the first symbol that described the positive and negative cycles of cosmic reincarnation in the universe was a cross with a circle in its center, the sun, which summarized everything said. Thus, each being who had incarnated divinity through illumination was understood as “Son of the Sun”, Son of Light…

_I: That in Indo-European it was said “dyeu”… Origin of the word “God”…

_AM: Son of God. Every enlightened being was a Son of God in the center of the cross of the seasons of the year. On December 21, like every year, although sometimes it is the 20th or 22nd, the Winter-Summer Solstice occurs. In the northern hemisphere, Winter has begun, but at the same time, it also begins the path back towards spring and warmth. Starting in December, the movement of the Earth will make it appear that the Sun is moving slowly and towards the north again. The maximum moment that it has tilted towards the south is that day, December 21, the shortest day of the year for the north and the longest for the south. This moment is interpreted as the Death of the Sun. For 3 days, until December 25, the sun will rise at exactly the same point on the horizon until it begins its return to the north. For this reason, December 25 is considered the Rebirth of the Sun, or the Resurrection, returning from the ground and darkness, to rise high in the Light.

_I: So, the story of the Birth of Jesus and his Resurrection from a cross speaks of astronomy... Something that has been understood many other times...

_AM: With many other “sons of God” in history. This means that what Christianity celebrates is the return of the Sun. A pagan ceremony. And in this is the allegory.

_I: Which one?

_AM: All humans go through the same process in each life: they are born, grow, produce and die. And throughout these 4 organic and biological processes, day by day, month by month or year by year, they express, experience, integrate and transcend. All this to find your own brilliance, your inner light. All humans are crucified in different situations.

_I: “Each person carries his Cross”, I heard it said in relation to the fact that each one has his own journey along the “Via Dolorosa”, carrying the cross to the Mount of the Crucifixion…

_AM: Which means that every individual has a story that they carry on their skin, a responsibility, a guilt, a duty that, if not faced with inner light, will be a painful weight that they will carry. That weight is the process. An unresolved conflict, an unassimilated relationship, an unfinished project, a heavy inheritance. But the objective of walking the cross is to become enlightened, to stand up straight again and rise again, that is, to find resurrection.

_I: And how do you get there?

_AM: When you make the shadows conscious, the place where you find yourself buried, kneeling, humiliated carrying the weight. When you see it, you observe it and instead of letting yourself be defeated, you gain strength and get back on your feet. Living beings, plants, animals and humans, live constant resurrection practices in their lives: every time you get up in the morning and stand up, you are resurrected. Every time you free yourself from heavy bonds, you are resurrected, every time you finish crying to continue with your routine, you are resurrected, every time you resolve a conflict, you are resurrected, every time you become aware of your shadows, you are resurrected. You stand firm, stand up, and change your position, your dimension.

_I: And you realize that you are the Sun.

_AM: The dimension of Unity, where all things, everything expressed, experienced, integrated and transcended, arises from you and returns to you, because everything is you. The ancients knew that the resurrection lives in the cycles of reincarnation, in the continuum of life. Christians eliminated the idea of ​​reincarnation with the sole objective of making Christ the only one capable of returning from the dead.

_I: This takes away the possibility of redemption for ordinary humans, that is, that they can try again free of guilt.

_AM: The abolition of Reincarnation and the accentuation of the Resurrection only in one person has made us think that this act is typical of the masters or divine. And the truth is that it is typical of the natural world.

_I: We must recover the divine ability to resurrect, to rise from the ashes like the Phoenix. The Resurrection is in all things, and we practice it every day.

_AM: You just have to become aware of it. “Lazarus, get up and walk.” Put one foot in front of the other, it's time to get up from the ground, to let go of the weight of the shadows and use them as fuel. Stand up, rise again. Recognize that by overcoming any conflict, emotion or idea, you are re-emerging, you are freeing yourself from the weight of the cross.

_I: Like the Lotus that without mud does not grow, does not bloom, the darkness and shadows have given me the necessary terrain to nourish myself and be able to stand firm and straight towards the sky, to flourish. Rise from the shadows.

_AM: Make the divine something everyday and natural, and you will live day by day in paradise. The grace of Sagittarius is the joy of existence, the joy of living creation, because upon discovering that shadows and darkness are no longer my enemies but the choreographers of my life, you launch yourself to see with art the lights, shapes and colors of creation, learning and enjoying the path, the journey through existence.

_I: I rise from my shadows, to fly with the lightness of the wind, recognizing the world that the shadows have created so that I can have fun, learn and play.

_AM: The Great Journey Begins…



