_AM: What do you expect from others? Do you consider them tools? What are your links like? Are they free or based on need?
_I: Aren't all ties a relationship of necessity?
_AM: Exactly so. Do you know what a necessity is?
_I: The search for something I don't have, filling a void with something external...
_AM: That is the meaning that has been given to the word need. However, it is not its true origin. “Necessity” comes from the Latin concepts “Ne” (No) and “Cessare” (stop, stop). That is to say, the term refers to something that does not cease, that never ends, eternal. The concept “cease” refers to finding a point of tranquility, of stillness, with which denying stillness implies movement, something that never stops.
_I: You just broke my mind... I mean, we are in a world full of needs, and we seek all the time to meet needs, to eliminate needs, even as if they were bad words, and suddenly, in your explanation, it's almost as if suddenly the need took on a very different meaning...
_AM: And I'll tell you why. Because the vision you have of the world, culturally speaking, is from negativity, criticism, pain, martyrdom. Depending on the point from which you look at the world, their very words or actions will take on a much broader meaning. The need seen from the negative speaks of something that cannot find calm, that seems anxious, nervous, and desperately seeks tranquility, without ceasing (no cease). This is born from the conception that humans, life in general, never stops and therefore in this constant change they seek stability, stillness, security. But on the positive side, what stops, what ceases, gets sick and dies (which gives rise to the word disease in English: “disease”). For this reason, it is inevitable to move, to advance. Remember: axis is found in movement, stability is found in expansion. Evolution is a necessity, because it never stops, it is a constant expanding learning that brings what is inside out, again and again. Do you know how it is said in Latin “the action of expanding over and over again”?
_I: How?
_AM: “Relationship”. It comes from the word “Re” (again), “Latio” (expand, leads towards, extension), and “-tio” (action). This word has the Latin word encoded in it, which we have used so much. It refers to the flat and extensive region of the Italian peninsula surrounded by the Apennine mountain range, a region called “The Flat Expanse”, that is: “Latio”, which originates the Italian region of “Lazio”, where the Roman Empire, and therefore, the people that emerged from King Romulus were known as “the people of the extensive plain”, that is: the “Latinus”. Today the word Latin refers to all those that emerged from the cultures of Lazio extended to the world by the global expansion and colonization of the Romance cultures, that is, of the Roman Empire, such as France, Italy, Spain and Portugal.
_I: They are all “related”, due to the expansion…
_AM: That's right. The pulses of terrestrial history, human history and individual history, make things repeat themselves over and over again, like the beat of the heart.
_I: I remember that in Spanish the word latir, heartbeat, comes from the Latin “bark” (glattire, with the g aphone), although philosophically it makes more sense to say that the heart expands and carries blood, which sounds the sa_I: “latire.” .
_AM: It is in resonance. The expansion of the heart is a key to understanding relationships. Just as Europe is the heart of the world that in each expansion has conquered others around it, each person is also a heart that expands around it conquering other hearts. Now, don't you find it strange that when it comes to one country conquering another it is considered an invasion of human rights, but when it comes to the concept of one person conquering another it is considered romantic?
_I: It's... Absurd, yes. Furthermore, the word “romantic” comes precisely from Rome, from the empire, which conquered other peoples…
_AM: Because in medieval times, Romance writers, that is, those who used Roman languages to describe the beauty of the Latin cultures of the Middle Ages, were called “Romantics”, that is, those who relate to Rome. Since the other Saxon, Ottoman or Slavic writers were incomprehensible, because their languages sounded like “blah-blah-bar-bar”, and for this reason they were called “Barbarians or Barbarians”, that is, related to those who speak “bar -bar".
_I: Wow… We just killed all the modern and contemporary romanticism…
_AM: Love is seen today from an imperialist, sexist, dominant, controlling tradition of conquest and inquisition.
_I: Mother of God… It's getting worse hahaha, I don't know if I want to be romantic anymore…
_AM: Well, we will have to redefine the word perhaps. You could call it “Parisian, or Hollywoodistic.”
_I: Yes, more connected today to those who produce or sell ideas of love… Hehe.
_AM: However, beyond the historical data, we see how the idea that love and relationships are about conquest, romance, having, wanting has been incarnated in the collective subconscious and unconscious. The word conquest comes from “conquer”, that is, from the Latin: to want everything together. When in Spanish you say: “I love you”, the word arises from the will to possess, to take everything for oneself. In English the equivalent is “I want you”, although its “I love you” comes from the sexual need of lust and pleasure.
_I: Our entire idea of a relationship is conditioned by the history of dominating another. Like when girls between 11 and 15 years old were sold or given in marriage to men with land or businesses, since they entered the reproductive stage and thus increased their resources by uniting two families by blood. Men conquered young girls to secure their legacy, not for love. Just like the teachers who slept with their students to ensure their relationship with the disciples. Girls secured their future, boys secured their place in the elite. Social concepts have changed, but for many this concept continues to exist in the subconscious, in genetics.
_AM: Pedophilia, then, is an unhealed cultural heritage in the cellular memory of individuals stuck in a system that prepared boys and girls for a chaotic context 1,500 years ago. This conditioned the relationships not to be for love, but for continuity, the need for survival and social pressure. Thus, the words romance, conquest, relationship, were constructed to describe a socio-cultural context of the ancient age, and which, due to medieval poets, were reused to describe concepts of the soul and not of society. Thus, we have inherited these words for love, and we have passed their ideologies into our relationships.
_I: So there are no healthy relationships per se...
_AM: Let's start from the universal base: everything is an interconnected network, all are aspects of the One, and therefore, there is a continuity of inevitable connectivity, which is the Expansion of Consciousness, something that we will call “the first Relationship universal”, between the Conscious, the Unconscious and the Subconscious. We continue by the principles of Being: the three levels of consciousness mentioned become what we call Spirit, Soul and Body, which enter into a direct relationship, which we call the Expansion of Being. The third step is the physical-biological: each Individual has internally an inevitable relationship between its cells, organs, molecules and particles, what we will call Evolutionary Expansion, which occurs through food and reproduction. The fourth step would be the interaction between individuals: here, relationships are based on the capacity for interconnection of people who share ideas, emotions and actions, with the aim of transcending and expanding their being to others, what we would call Interpersonal Expansion. They are all different types of relationships, all related to the intrinsic need to expand one's being, to transcend oneself, to continue, and that “without ceasing”, that “need”, that endless, constant, eternal, never dies (“love”). in Latin languages) and produces enormous divine joy (“love”, in Saxon languages).
_I: How do I have a free relationship then?
_AM: Being aware of your needs. There is no such thing as a free relationship in the universe, since everything is a constant consequence of relationships, of links, links that exchange, and in the same way that an electron particle and a proton particle need each other, you You will need others too to create an atom, and you will need to expand, open your possibilities of new needs that become molecules, and expand to more relationships that become societies, cultures, humanity. The key is not to see how to love freely or free yourself from relationships, but to really understand from where and why you bind yourself to others.
_I: There are relationships of various kinds... Negative, harmful, positive, family, friendship, love, couple, mastery... How do I know which ones are best for me?
_AM: All. Because they are all key to your expansion. Well, you learn something new about yourself from all of them.
_I: Could I say that then I use all my relationships with a personal interest? I remember when I was a teenager I used to say: “people are like steps that you have to climb”, then I felt that it was horrible to think like that.
_AM: Remember, people are just aspects of yourself. If you use them, you are only using yourself. But if you exchange, you are expanding. When a person uses another for his own benefit, he did not understand that all is One. When a person refuses to use others, he in turn is denying the understanding that we are all one.
_I: What's the middle ground?
_AM: Understand that every relationship arises from a need to expand again, that others are catapults to grow, learn, expand, and you will always get something good from others when you relate to them. The middle point is knowing how to take advantage of that energy of expansion without believing that to achieve it you must possess or conquer the other.
_I: At the level of empires and nations, it would be like, for example, Spain conquering the Americas to obtain minerals for the European Crown, taking away the resources of the Andes and the Rockies, as opposed to the idea of allowing the Andean countries to be free and generating a exchange relationship in which Spain gives something to the Andean countries and they exchange equal value to Spain. In equilibrium. There is a need there from both sides, but from the freedom of the other, a healthy relationship of interaction.
_AM: And the same thing happens with interpersonal relationships, in which couples, friends, family members, lovers who seek to possess, control, dominate the other, conquer through wanting, love through suspicion, fall in love through condition, romanticize by the imposition of affection (a word that originates from the Latin concept of protecting what is lacking something), all of this is the colonization of a free being seeking to obtain a result. And you, do you conquer or exchange?
_I: Honestly, I have used conquest many times in my life, romanticism as a way to use others, to manipulate from emotions and love to obtain the expected results... In many cases I have related from conditioning, from using the other. That concept of the steps, but I didn't realize this so clearly before...
_AM: Everyone has done it at some point, it's in the cells... In the programming.
_I: Now I realize it, but I don't know if I am free from the mechanism... How do I relate without expecting anything from others?
_AM: You can't, you always expect something from others in a relationship. Unless…
_I: What?
_AM: …May you remember that others are nothing more than aspects of you, and that the only thing you expect from others is what you have not yet discovered in yourself…
_I: In that case, I would only expect things from myself, and others would be the tools to remind me of what I don't see in myself yet.
_AM: There you free others from the burden of being who you expect, because now you know that it is you who projects the need on others, and you can do the same with everyone in this network. Thus, by being aware of this, you free others from the burden of being, and simply let them be who they are.
_I: And there is the unconditionality…
_AM: Remember, relationships are inevitable, they are a necessity, love is eternal, bonds are necessary, because we are beings in constant expansion...
_I: And my heart will only be able to expand in freedom if instead of conquering others, I invite them to expand with me.
_AM: Our relationship is one of constant expansion.
_I: I Am Expansion, and my home is the expanded Heart.
_AM: And from it you can give that intense hug feeling that the tighter they are, the more free they will feel.