

_AM: Can you do everything? Are you able to ask for help?

_I: I think it was around April 2018 that I decided to rent a motorhome in Paris and head to Scotland… One of those absurd things that I do without thinking much. I toured Normandy and Brittany before crossing to England by ferry. That same night on the ship, crossing the English Channel, it started to snow, and when we arrived in England it was so late that I decided to look for a quiet place where I could park and spend the night. But the snow made it impossible, plus you can't stop anywhere with a caravan. So I found a little town, on the outskirts, near Old Harry Rocks, in Poole. But there were no lights and it was impossible to see the road well, so I had to turn off all the internal lights of the caravan to be able to see the outside ones in better detail, and then a horrible noise was heard. I stopped, and went out to see what it was... When I touched the buttons to turn off the lights, I also touched the button that brings out the ladder, and because the streets were very narrow and rocky, I started it and dragged it through some streets. I couldn't go on, so I went into a farm, and waited. It snowed so much that the water that keeps the heater circulating was released by the emergency system, so I stopped having water and heat. Inside it was 5 degrees below zero, outside it was 8 below zero. The next day, everything was covered in snow, and I tried to fix the stairs, wet, frozen... It was maybe the first time in my life that I tried to do something mechanical... But I couldn't. I didn't understand anything, cables, screwdriver... Uncomfortable position, impossible to do it with gloves... My wet pants were starting to freeze, I couldn't feel my limbs anymore, and I had dirty everything inside, without having water to clean. I made a tea by melting snow, and I kept trying.

_AM: Stubborn…

_I: I know... So I opted for the most Aryan solution possible: tearing out the ladder. I started pulling out all the wires, and then I thought: if they get wet it will short circuit and not only will I leave the caravan without light or electricity, but I will also be electrocuted. So I cut the wires without knowing the result, and taped them to the lower structure. I took a piece of iron that was there and began to use leverage to start the ladder. Then a farmer appeared on a tractor telling me that he couldn't be there, to which I responded: when I finish removing the ladder I will move forward. The man got out and took a better iron from his vehicle, and without telling me anything, he began to pull the ladder, until he managed to tear it off in minutes, when I had been there for an hour. “There are things you'll need to put away downstairs, and you need tools to do that,” he said. Where I can go? Then he told me that there was a store further down, I could ask there. I approached 60 meters below, and a couple of grandparents who ran the business asked me what I needed. So I said it: I need help. I couldn't leave there without fixing the rest of the things hanging around, and I needed tools I didn't have. The man looked at me intently, and made me follow him. Behind the house, there was a workshop, and he gave me the entire tool kit, in complete confidence he told _I: take the time you need. I did it like that. I left a note to the people at the farm thanking them for letting me stay there until it was fixed, I fixed everything I could, and I was proud of it. I went back to the store, returned everything, and was grateful for the trust. I realized at that moment that I had spent an entire morning trying to solve a problem by force, when with a simple: “Will you help me?” I would have solved it in 30 minutes.

_AM: Why is it so hard for you to ask for help?

_I: I think it's pride. I get the impression that in life, individual success is highly rewarded. From a young age we are told that we have to work hard to get what we want, that mom or dad won't always be there to do it for you, that the things you want you must learn to get for yourself. At school the exams are individual, and they are almost always about competing for who has the best grade. Asking for help, culturally, is considered a weakness, a failure, it demonstrates our inabilities. And I feel that it awakens frustration and shame.

_AM: Shame?

_I: Yes... To say: I can't... To appear weak, vulnerable.

_AM: Words that are difficult to pronounce… Well, as we have seen at the beginning of our year, the key was to say “I Can”. And perhaps, we must understand that this statement also incorporates the concept “I can ask for Help”…

_I: Yes… It's true.

_AM: In the aspect of the Capricorn truth, the effort to achieve the objectives, to achieve the goals, the tireless work to improve, the focus is so much on achieving what is expected through perseverance, that the focus is lost on recognizing that 4 hands are more useful than 2. That sometimes you can't hold everything yourself, and that results are optimized when there are more perspectives. The Capricorn attribute that lives in every human is the belief that the important thing is to show that you can get there without anyone's help, to show that you can do it alone. And this is one of the big mistakes that is made in both the unconscious and conscious worlds.

_I: In what sense?

_AM: Let's start with the unconscious. In human culture this idea of ​​success has developed in different stages of existence. We go from the most innovative to the most ancient. Today people live in a world of exacerbated competition. It's all about being successful, about competing, about getting better results. In the business, political, economic, educational, cultural world, everything is linked to seeing who can go further or higher. Momentum is constantly promoted by the force of comparison with others rather than collaboration with others. This is based on the principle that you mentioned: personal success, which is exercised by the family, which in its desire to survive and find stability in all its aspects, forces its children to be better than others, to strive to achieve better results. , to do things alone and not depend on anyone.

_I: “You must manage to be your own boss and not anyone's employee.” For example, it is one of those ideas... "You should be a doctor, or a lawyer, not an artist or a musician, because that doesn't make any money," is another of the sayings.

_AM: This was born from the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century. When most of the people left the countryside for the cities, food could no longer be obtained from the land, but rather by working in factories for about 12, 14 or 16 hours a day. In exchange, you received money to live on. The better or harder you worked, the more money. This made it clear that those who worked hard would obtain better results, it would give them economic freedom to create their own business. This is how the Middle Class emerges, something unthinkable before: poor people with resources and economic freedom. Those who managed to have their own capitals and live in the city without dependence on the countryside were known since the Renaissance as “the citizens”, who in Latin called them “bourgeois” (burgos = city).

_I: That's why so many cities are called like that: burgs: Hamburg, Strasbourg, Saint Petersburg... The bourgeoisie were the producers of companies in the cities.

_AM: Workers who became rich like the ancient feudal lords. Thus we go back in time, when most of the population lived in the countryside, and the only ones who lived in the cities were the princes, the feudal lords, the kings. In that period, success was not achieved through hard work and effort, but through battles, deaths, strategies, contacts, betrayals, theft or inheritance... The people, in general, had to make an effort to survive, and to achieve this it was not enough personal effort, but that of an entire group, a family. There the idea of ​​a clan was forged, in which no individual achieves anything without the help of the other. As you will see, it is the opposite vision of the industrial era. The 18th century brought the revolution that showed that everyone has opportunities to become feudal lords, something that until then was just a dream. This is how you can understand that “clan, help, community” were synonymous with survival, oppression and feudalism. When the first industrial revolution arrived, feudalism tried to continue with the system by taking the peasants to the factories, but the French Revolution changed this forever, giving the peasant the possibility of choosing the fiefdom, and taking control of the freedoms. Thus, the ideas of community and collective help became sociocultural synonyms of defeat, control, enemies of personal success.

_I: Now it makes more sense…

_AM: But let's go further back. The fiefdoms, princes and kings sought this success protected by the ideas of the ancient blue blood lineages, chosen by the hand of God. For the upper classes, competition did exist outside the eyes of the common people. The struggle for power and divinity of the kings, of feeling close to God, is born from the ancient traditions of searching for a King of the World, direct son of the God of Heaven. A Judeo-Christian tradition, contributed by the Semitic peoples, that is, all those who emerged from the Middle East. And because?

_I: I guess because of the traditions of the Anunnaki…

_AM: That's right. It is in the Middle East where the “gods of the Heavens” descended and had children with the women of the Earth, and their children were special, had extraordinary abilities, and were called “blue-blooded” or “heroes and heroines.”

_I: Like Hercules…

_AM: Exactly. Achilles, Odysseus, Hector, Persephone, Victoria for the Romans or Nike for the Greeks, all children of gods from the heavens with humans from the Earth. From them come the ideas of those individuals of royal blood capable of anything, all-powerful, imposing, who do not need help from anyone, because they can do everything. But this does not only come from those gods, but before, in the most ancient humans, there was the idea of ​​the Totem, a mythological being that had the attributes of animals and plants. The sorcerers and witches tried to incorporate these totems into their being, to awaken unique abilities, and the stories spoke, therefore, of bird men, werewolves, bear men, snake women, buffalo women, spider women, and there was talk of the tree of life and knowledge.

_I: Everyone wanted to be like them…

_AM: Everyone wanted to have the power of nature, to be omnipotent.

_I: So, asking for help has always been synonymous with weakness in the human world... It's in our subconscious...

_AM: And here we have arrived at the concept that we had to talk about. At one point I told you that this idea is also rooted in the conscious world. Everything we have traveled so far has been the unconscious. But what happens when you start to wake up? The search for enlightenment begins, the search for other worlds, to see who has better explanations, answers, mastery, capabilities; Let's see who is right, who is more divine, more awake, more conscious, enlightened...

_I: Yes, it's true, we hold this same idea on the level of consciousness...

_AM: For by seeking the Source of all things, you reach the I Am, and find an absolute truth: you are Everything. And in that truth, consciousness is lost in omnipotence, considering that a wise man does not ask, that the universe is not lost, that the cosmos is not disordered, that the enlightened is not dazed, that the balanced is not moved, that the teacher does not learn, that God does not make mistakes.

_I: But yeah…

_AM: Because the I Am is a network composed of millions of I, a neural network that without interaction, without sharing, does not create thoughts, ideas, actions, evolution... They do not dream, they do not reason, they do not manifest... "Help" comes from the etymology “ad” (towards) and “iuvare” (to support) which in turn finds its origin in the Indo-European “yeu”, which means “young, youthful, youth”. In English “help” comes from the Indo-European “kelb” (to hold). The concept refers to supporting the young person who learns. The Universe is a being in constant learning, in need of expanding its way of seeing the world... And without others, it is impossible to see other options. In the subconscious, we have registered both concepts: help makes us survive, but at the same time we consider it a defeat in the face of personal success. Do you know how you correct this?

_I: No…

_AM: Remembering that you do not exist as a person. The person is one of those tools that you use. The only thing that exists is the I Am, and it lives in you, through you, because you are part of the One, and when you ask for help, you are asking it from yourself, from another aspect of you with the ability to see what that you can't see. That is why you have two eyes and not one, two hands and not one, two feet and not one, to remind you that balance is not achieved with a single aspect, but with the sustenance, support, help of another. You would never have taken a first step without the concept of help. Help, it is the opportunity that your young self has to learn something new about yourself. Can you do everything?

_I: Yes, but not as an individual, but as the One that I am. My ego cannot do everything, it needs the help of many others, alone I would never have done anything I did, but all those who helped me and help me are me, we are One.

_AM: Are you able to ask for help?

_I: Now I am, more than ever... I recognize myself as the young person who has the will to learn, and everyone around me has something to teach me, just as I do the same with them.

_AM: Then, you can tell me…

_I: Okay… Can you help me?

_AM: …Take my hand.



