_I: One of the main characteristics of the sign of Virgo is Order. Put order, arrange, everything in its place, have a certain coordination. What would it be like to have Order on an emotional level?
_AM: Order is the ability to unite and connect different agents of isolated origin, making them coincide in the same line of time and space, to give them functional harmony. Virgo, for the northern hemisphere, is a time of harvest. The constellation was at its peak during the time when farmers and peasants had to begin harvesting what they had sown. Thus, that constellation was given the shape of a woman who gathers wheat, which is Mother Earth giving us her fruits to create the food that will keep the people alive during the dry or winter season. One of the fundamental tasks of women during the harvest was to “separate the chaff from the wheat”, that is, to ensure that the collected grains, whatever they were, could be stored in a practical way and ready to be used, without the rest. of the dry plant. But at the same time, that straw would be used for other functions during the winter, so nothing was wasted, but rather it was managed in an orderly manner. Each part of the plant or animal that the farmer had produced was arranged according to its function. This gave the connotation to this constellation that it brings us Order and Life from Mother Earth.
_I: And Virgo? Why the concept of Virgin?
_AM: Virgo is Virgin in Latin, and comes from the Indo-European “werg”, which means “to work”, origin of the word “work” in English (to work). It was time to work the fields, to do chores, especially, as I said, the detailed task of separating the chaff from the wheat, carried out by women, especially young women. It was believed that many of the tasks carried out in relation to recently harvested foods, such as fruits and milking, would be better carried out by women who had not yet had sexual relations, or who were not in periods of fertility such as menstruation, since they this could supposedly damage the food and render it unusable. This is why the purity of the harvested food workers were known as the “wergins”, that is, the “virgins”.
_I: So it had nothing to do with the Christian story of the Virgin Mary, nor directly related to sexuality.
_AM: No. However, there was a certain sexual relationship involved. During the winter nothing could be done outside, only work inside the house. The men went hunting, and the women worked in the houses. To ensure the survival of the clan, the time of the Virgo Constellation was a good time for them to get pregnant. In this way, it was expected that the birth of the new members would arrive during the spring, a better time to give birth, while this allowed the women to repeat the harvest cycle again in September without issues.
_I: Life seemed to be very calculated in relation to the field... To the Earth, with well-defined jobs. Today we might think that this form of order is very sexist.
_AM: It wasn't, that organization was called survival. When there were no supermarkets or agricultural producers, when everyone knew where the food came from because each one produced it, there was a different organizational consciousness, in which jobs were divided and ordered in such a way that this could allow the transcendence of the family. Living in relation to the rhythms of nature is totally the opposite of life today. This is why many retrograde thinkers, that is, those who think as in the past, compare by saying that to return to the roots one must live as before where men and women occupied their places. But that doesn't work in an Aquarian context where ideas go above the ground. Virgo, an Earth sign, involves taking into account every detail that constitutes the environment to build life, to maintain motherhood, to maintain the order and balance of things. In the era where if you didn't work the land you would die, order was not imposed by man or woman, but by hunger. And hunger requires leaving art and ideology aside, and being practical and concrete. You can be very liberal if you want, letting everyone do what they want. However, when there is hunger, if everyone leaves their place for an idea, death will be inevitable during the winter.
_I: I understand... This is why Virgo is so difficult for us, because today we live in a society of idealisms, coming from Pisces, on the way to Aquarius, in which we cannot conceive of living for survival, but for dreams and ideas. And this happens both externally and internally, right?
_AM: In the outside world, Virgo reminds us that Mother Earth has cycles, and that if you do not respect these cycles, she herself will be in charge of destroying what you do, but not by attacking, but by showing you that you cannot go against her. the natural cycles of life. Respecting the cycles of time and space, being attentive to how the world moves, to the rhythms of life, does not mean going back to living as in ancient times and going back culturally, but knowing how to take advantage of the power of the environment, recognizing its potential, and instead of moving by ideologies, rely on biology. No idea is valid if it does not respect the laws of the world in which it lives. There lies the crisis of your current time, in which utopian ideas and dreams were projected beyond reality. They built in their minds a new Paradise beyond religion and even faith, in which you have devised a civilization where everything is possible, forgetting that the Earth has its times for everything. You have broken the balance of the Earth, creating instability, dismantling the logic of the time cycles of the Moon and the Sun, ceasing to live according to the Solstices and Equinoxes, and constructing unreal times with non-existent and totally impractical end years. You have renounced nature, when you are nature, you cannot escape the lunar cycles (much less women), and men cannot escape the cycles of the sun. The constellations not only marked the astrology of personality, but also the astronomy of daily life. The seasons, dry and wet times, winds, ocean currents, birth cycles, feminine and masculine qualities... All are biological programming of order and natural harmony of Mother Earth. When ideas go against these rhythms, chaos, crisis, destruction is generated.
_I: But, your speech gives the impression that to live in order, it is necessary to return to living at the rhythms of the Earth and this would imply a very limiting society, in the sense that, I don't know, today to say, for example that a woman should return to living according to her menstrual period, sometimes sounds very patriarchal.
_AM: Why does it sound patriarchal?
_I: Because it's like saying that for there to be order, women should return to living with the rhythm of the Earth, and men too, creating the feeling that they couldn't do anything else, or transform and occupy different places.
_AM: Your mind has adorned the facts with falsehoods. One of the great errors of ideology is that it destroys any real argument for transformation, since the idea is a belief, and it will be defended to the death. The Earth is what always evolves and adapts to change, not Ideology, whatever it may be. Today you have political parties and cultures that continue to defend outdated ideas, when the Earth has already surpassed them.
_I: How?
_AM: For example: the advice “it's winter, it's cold, put on a coat?” makes you patriarchal.
_I: Mmmm… I don't think so. I don't see the relationship.
_AM: Well, the same thing happens to me when you consider that respecting the cycles of nature is a limiting and patriarchal idea. The advice to “put on a coat” does not limit you to where you are going, it does not judge you what you are going to do, where you are going to go, what your intentions are, it only tells you in a pragmatic way: “it is cold, and it is a reality, therefore Therefore, the advice is to keep warm.” Virgo reminds us as that mother who knows what is happening in the world and reminds you that, no matter where you go or what you do, prepare well for the trip. Nature does not limit men or women, it only tells them that there are cycles, and that going naked in winter or covered up in summer is counterproductive. The concept of “going against the natural order” has been distorted by religious and cultural ideologies, destroying the word Order. Today, this concept is identified with the military, with the repressive, with the patriarchal, with the hierarchical, with the control of some over others. You have a very wrong idea of the concept of Order.
_I: What would be the real one?
_AM: The one I mentioned before: unify by connecting agents from different origins in coherence so that they are functional in a specific time and space. Neither the origin nor the nature nor the objective of the agents is judged, the order only seeks to ensure that they are functional with each other, harmonious, logical and practical. “Separating the Chaff from the Wheat” is realizing the attributes of each thing, and ordering them so that they are functional. Religion took over this phrase to talk about evil and good, as if the wheat straw were bad or useless. However, order is not separating or judging use, but recognizing its capabilities and practicality. Just as on a social level today you live in external chaos due to this erroneous concept of what Order means, you have also projected it towards the internal world with a very Aquarian phrase: “I do what I want.”
_I: What would that be?
_AM: That your inner world uses all the time to deny what you do not like, calling it “the chaff of the plant”, and what you do like or dream of as “the wheat and fruit”. You forget that the straw is what will nourish the soil for the next harvest. Speaking of Emotions, the denial of low emotions and impulses, and the search to feel happy, to live from dreams and projections. Ideology has kept you from analyzing what you have inside. Therefore, the job of Virgo is to Analyze, to recognize the potential of all that is within, that I deny, that I do not see, and what I have conceptually enhanced in myself. Think of your chakras as the grains of wheat, or the flowers of the sunflower, or the fruits of a tree, and the branches, straw and leaves as that which connects them to each other. You must search deeply within yourself to be able to identify each of the functions of your inner being, discover what you have denied due to ideology or survival, and thus, upon seeing it, learn to manipulate it. When you understand what you are capable of doing, you will be able to nurture others who join you, your family and group, healing the bonds you have created, which will allow you to feel with greater flexibility and understand the energy cycles that make up you. , with which you can express in coherence from the pulse of your emotional being.
_I: It is the process we have done throughout the Emotional week. “Separate the Chaff from the Wheat like Virgo does.”
_AM: Everything we have analyzed on our emotional level is precisely that. In this way, you can understand the natural potential within you, learn to take advantage of it and stop running away from it because of your ideas and expectations. The hard work of the field, of getting your hands dirty and meticulously taking the hours of a systematic and repetitive task such as writing, taking notes, organizing concepts, is a fundamental process if you want to survive in the cold winter of the Soul. You will have clarity about the foods you have harvested on your emotional and sentimental path. You will know how to use them, give them meaning. You will understand what it means to bundle up to go out during the winter, because no matter how much you believe in an eternal summer, the cold will end up freezing you and you won't get very far. Virgo is that mother who incessantly asks you the questions: “Where are you going? Did you grab the coat? Don't forget the document! Did you eat well? Did you do your homework? What grade did you get? Did you tidy your room? Did you wash the dishes?”
_I: We all know those phrases, we all have a mother.
_AM: Therein lies the true Order. It is asking yourself the question, finding the consequence and coherence between all the things you do, think and feel. Free yourself from the preconception that you have about Order, and recognize that it is there to help you go further by understanding the context in which you will move and the tools that you will take on your journey.
_I: So what's the task for today?
_AM: “Do you live in Order with yourself and with the environment that surrounds you?” Write down those things in which you recognize that there is no order in your life. Identify them, make them aware.
_I: Done. It has been an intense week of emotions…
_AM: It is important to understand what you fuel the actions of your life with. Without good fuel and food you won't get anywhere. Analyzing is the key to bringing order to your life. Always ask yourself the right questions: “What? Why? And for what?".
_I: I Am Order and Coherence.