_I: Deep peace… Deep emptiness… Nothing.
_AM: Welcome to the Ocean.
_I: What is the ocean?
_AM: Okeanós, the great circular river that surrounds all lands. That's what the Greeks called the idea of infinity. An ocean is the large mass of water contained by the seas, that which does not directly touch the continental coasts. Through them, the great ocean currents move that keep the world's temperature circulating. But do you know what is curious about the oceans?
_I: What?
_AM: That humans know more about the Sky, the Moon and the Stars than they know about the deep sea.
_I: Why?
_AM: Because the pressure of so much water together makes investigation impossible. The average depth of an ocean is around 4,000 meters, while there are parts, such as the Mariana Trench, that exceed 11,000, that is, 11 kilometers deep, 3,000 meters deeper than Everest. A human can reach up to 13 meters deep before starting to have problems due to the water pressure. Each liter is like a kilo on your body, and in an ocean, it's like feeling those kilos in all directions, pressing, to the point where it can burst inside you. For this reason, special equipment is used to reach as deep as possible, and even then, it cannot remain there for too long, which makes the investigation of millions of square kilometers impossible, in territories where sunlight does not reach.
_I: It's impossible to see...
_AM: Impossible to know the creatures that hide in the depths, the strange realities that happen between the cracks of the continental ridges, the canyons, valleys, plains and mountains submerged for millions of years. More than 80% of the oceans remain unknown to our species, hidden in anonymity, under shadow and pressure...
_I: That is to say... There is much more than we think we see, or what we discover...
_AM: These days you have investigated emotions that lie in the subconscious, and they are nothing more than a poor and maximum 20% of what is actually hidden within you, as within every human being.
_I: It's... A lot to discover. In other words, if it has taken me years to review the same oceanic territories within me, returning to the same circumstances, it is because I still cannot even understand what inhabits that 20%, not knowing that 80% that will take me an eternity to know. …
_AM: And that's fantastic, because it reminds us how infinite we are. There will always be something new to discover. There is still a certain percentage of the earth's surface that we do not know, that no one has stepped on, that we do not know what it hides, and this implies that we still do not even know what we can see and touch, that we as humanity still ignore some parts of the territories in which we can walk. And as individuals, we tend to ignore a large percentage of that world. How many are really aware of everything that exists on this planet? Their countries, cultures, languages, territories, stories, discoveries... Getting to know the known world is also a great challenge throughout life. Imagine that the continental surfaces (The Americas, Africa, Oceania, Asia and Europe) are what you can know, of which you can be conscious or unconscious, but that, in a certain way, you know that it is there. The territory that a human can walk does not reach 30% of the planetary surface, and of that 30%, perhaps in your life you will get to know 1%. Thus, while you are aware of that 1%, being your country or environment of birth with its culture and tradition, and the places you have traveled to or read and learned about, on the other hand you will be unaware of the remaining 29%. , of which you may have a certain idea, but very vague or none at all.
_I: Not to mention the ocean then…
_AM: More than 70% of the earth's surface, more than 80% unknown, in which, in turn, hide almost 85% of animal and plant species that are completely unknown to humans.
_I: Wow.
_AM: Imagine, then, that the oceans are your subconscious. There you will be able to understand how difficult it really is to raise awareness of the subconscious, knowing that a large territory will forever be in the shadows, since the light will never reach the bottom. Unless…
_I: What?
_AM: May you dare to immerse yourself, to face the risks of submitting to the pressure of its emotional waters, to navigate towards the depths where darkness dominates everything, to dare to explore spaces that no one has ever touched, surrounded by creatures that you do not know if They exist, perhaps, in the forms of your worst nightmares. The ocean is beautiful seen at sunset, but it hides the fears of every human under the calm surface. The eternity of its horizon terrifies those who seek to reach a port, a destination, something to cling to in an irregular territory that can become something unstable and without any direction. Sailing the oceans is not an easy task, much less when the objective is not to reach a port, but to experience the depths of the ocean itself.
_I: I was always afraid of the oceans, but because I know that I drowned in the middle of the sea a few lifetimes ago. However, I faced that fear, and today I can get on a boat without problems. I have even dared to jump into the sea from a boat to swim, something unthinkable before. Despite this, it still scares me not knowing what's underneath. Creatures like sharks or any other animal.
_AM: They are like the hidden fears that you think you have overcome, but they remain there. Just because you've managed to kill a shark doesn't mean they stop existing. They reproduce, and the oceans are infested with them. It is not a question of eliminating sharks, but of being aware of them.
_I: Knowing that they are there makes me take precautions…
_AM: And recognize that it is thanks to the sharks that the schools are controlled. Everything has a meaning. Think about it. If there were no sharks controlling the fish population in the reefs, they would devour a large part of the phytoplankton and zooplankton, causing an imbalance in oxygen production, and we would die of asphyxiation. Predators control this. Fears, those sharks of the subconscious, control the schools of imagination, so that we take care of our fragile bodies. Not knowing the role of the shark is what leads us to live in fear of the subconscious, of facing what is hidden there, and thus, fear devours our lives. But by knowing it, by looking at it, by understanding it, our interaction with fear is different, because we respect its function, we recognize its logic in the environment, and from there, we can navigate the waters with consciousness.
_I: It reminds me of all the mythological stories of sea monsters…
_AM: Oh yeah. In all cultures there have been water monsters, hidden in the shadows of the subconscious, terrifying sailors and those who approached the coasts. Kraken, Leviathan, Mermaids, Jörmungander, Makara, Hipocampus, Umibozu, Hydra, among others. The monsters that terrified sailors of the past are examples of the monsters that stalk humans in their internal oceans. But, if you look at the historical facts, none of those monsters were real, but rather perceptions, beliefs, fears, confusions, all children of ignorance.
_I: And I don't know most of me...
_AM: Therefore, do not punish yourself by thinking that you have not been able to heal one emotion or another, or that you cannot transcend any of your ghosts from the past, internal monsters. Because there will always be them, as long as you don't know parts of yourself. Life is a path of discovery, and self-knowledge is the perfect vehicle to discover existence.
_I: I cannot know the entire ocean that holds my body floating in its waves, but I can open myself to feel it...
_AM: You can feel the entire ocean when you close your eyes, you can perceive everything through sensations and imagination. There you will be shown the dreams and nightmares that flood your soul, your being. In the ocean you can know what contains what you are. Dive in.
_I: I dare to submerge my head under the waters... Let myself be dragged to the bottom, to the shadows. I feel peace on the first descents, I feel freedom despite the pressure. I see the rays of light cross the water and slowly disappear as I go deeper. The shadows surround me... I feel the pressure on my chest, the pain in my joints, in my head...
_AM: The weight of your interior on you. Now you only have one option...
_I: Die…
_AM: Expand yourself. Letting die the old Self, which is sustained under the pressure of an idea that transcends itself. The subconscious goes beyond your ego, you cannot sustain it from the personality, and you have no choice but to let the ego die so that a new one can be reborn.
_I: Joining the subconscious as one. I expand... I let go of control, to flow into the eternal.
_AM: This is how you open yourself to everything you can be, to everything that lives in you without judgment. This way you can discover all the worlds that inhabit you.
_I: Allow myself to receive all the information about what I am beyond who I am. All the worlds that make me possible. I am a Dreamer of Worlds…
_AM: Allow yourself to immerse yourself in the waters of this eternal Ocean, to the mind of the Subconscious.
_I: I feel like I'm fading... I lose weight, control, I completely disarm... I stop being...
_AM: And only then, can you truly Be. The journey has just begun. Welcome to the Subconscious.