

_I: I kept thinking about what you told me about genetic modifications. The fact that Consciousness is not Morality. Does this justify all the horrible things that have been done by science?

_AM: Science is not Consciousness. Science is one aspect. Remember that the word comes from “scindere” which means “cut, discern”, that is, making cuts to understand what is between the parts. But this could easily be the description of a psychopath dismembering a body. Consciousness is the ability to discern the whole, in all aspects, from the spiritual to the material, passing through each level in all its breadths and lengths. In this way you can understand that what is done in the name of science will not always be conscious, much less moral.

_I: So the fact that cloning or animal experiments are carried out is not justified...

_AM: No, but consciousness cannot judge those acts either.

_I: Why?

_AM: Because in most cases they are done from unconsciousness, from not knowing other methods, from believing that it is the only way, or from not being able to relate emotionally with the subjects involved. Whoever claims to be conscious will understand that judging unconsciousness is like criticizing a child who does something wrong because he does not know how to do it any other way. Judging those who do it wrong does not make you a better person, but educating them and showing them other ways makes you a conscious being.

_I: Sure… I understand. The thing is, one of the things that I have read or been told are things that I myself believe, for example, the fact that these vaccines are not reliable. What to think?

_AM: You have every right to think they are not trustworthy. As were all vaccines at the beginning. But it is important not to confuse “unreliable vaccine because it is in testing phases” with “vaccines have extraterrestrial nanotechnology financed by the Illuminati to kill people with 5G.” Do you think that if someone wanted to kill people, he wouldn't do it in a much easier and more direct way than generating millions of unnecessary losses? The distrust of some doctors who know that what is being done today is wrong has been taken as a flag for conspiracy theories. And it is important to discern. In the year 666 this number was considered to mark the end of the world, because it was the number of the Beast. Many freethinkers were persecuted based on marks they considered to be from the Devil. Conspiracies in the Middle Ages were recurrent, and led to the death of many people. Over the years, the end of the world never came, so the concept evolved, making the mark of the Beast always something new that seems definitive. And let me explain something about this: there will always be marks of the Beast, there will always be the end of the world, there will always be the 7 Plagues, because in every era there is a crisis, an inevitable process of adaptation. And as you have seen, since the year 666 people have adapted, and their lives have gone on. Because? Because they evolved, they transcended the previous idea that seemed unique and undoubtable, and were able to move to the next level. What we are experiencing today will be an anecdote for those who live in the world in 100 years, and they will have their own dilemmas. You understand?

_I: Yes…

_AM: This is not to take away the weight of history, nor to undermine possible conspiracy theories, in fact, there are surely many things happening that we do not control and that are in the hands of powerful people, however, those powerful people will die, like you. And new forms, new people will come. Nothing is eternal. Only the Change. And therefore, it is necessary to build the future instead of getting lost in certain stories.

_I: And... if the conspiracies are true? What would happen if what they say is true in the vaccine?

_AM: You only have two options: find ways not to wear it, since you are free to fight for your privacy rights, or in the other case, adapt. Demonstrate the strength of your body, your evolutionary capabilities. All of this is a constant evolution, and as I told you yesterday, in the great processes of change, many are left behind so that others can advance, and those who advance have the responsibility of improving the world. Humans are a young species, they are in the process of development, still testing how to stop being an animal. You must take the time in which you live as such. For past generations, control was in the fact that people had phones, today they don't seem to care much about having a phone, so new forms of control emerge, such as vaccines. Fears adapt to circumstances. But I tell you again: If they wanted to kill a large part of the human population, believe me, no one would be cured of this virus so easily.

_I: This brings me to another question, related to humanity. Because yesterday you said that genetic modifications should not be seen from a moral point of view, because we always make genetic choices. But what humans do always goes wrong, that is, nature always has to correct what humans do because of their inability... So, how can we trust what humans do with the modifications?

_AM: Again, move away from the narrow view of human morality. Get away from the world and contemplate history. For a human to appear as Homo Sapiens Sapiens 300,000 years ago, and as a human hominid 3 million years ago, the Earth underwent genetic trial and error for more than 70 million years. The human, in short, was a genetic error.

_I: Oh… Wow.

_AM: Like everything in life, they are divergent copies in the DNA. Sometimes you cannot take the magnitude of understanding that the Earth does with Life the same thing that humans have done in recent centuries, and even more so in recent years. Evidence. And the tests that manage to adapt are the ones you see today as species. The reason why everything works in harmony is because the processes have taken thousands, and even millions of years to occur, with which optimal adaptation has been achieved. And do you know what the other mistake you usually make is?

_I: Which one?

_AM: Talk about Humans and Nature, as if they were separate things. Do you consider yourselves so superior or different from the Earth that every time you talk about this you separate yourself? Don't you realize that you are a mechanism of Earth's evolution? You are the Earth! And what you do, is yourself, is the Earth itself. There were periods when other species caused disruptions in the environment, leading to mass extinctions. Excess oxygen or lack thereof, natural regulation by glaciations, plagues of certain creatures that devastate entire territories, and today, humans. Of course, Humanity is causing a great imbalance, but you are still the Earth. And what you do is part of what the species you are is capable of, a species fostered by the Earth. You understand?

_I: Yes, that is to say, if we are still here, it is because in a way the Earth needs us here, or rather, we are the Earth itself experiencing something new within the millions of years of its constant errors and trials. For Earth, our existence is nothing more than another day on its calendar. Maybe it will be a very intense day.

_AM: A day not to forget. But, it is the Earth that has decided to live this day. Do not separate yourself from nature considering that you are not natural, because everything you do is part of nature on a different level. The big difference is your ability to be aware of what you do and how you affect the world of which you are a part. For this reason, there is more responsibility in your actions than in those of other species, which gives you the feeling of human-nature separation.

_I: What about the extraterrestrial modifications we have experienced?

_AM: There you go. The genes joined together to create cells, the cells joined together creating tissues, and these organisms, and the organisms created intelligence, and intelligence culture and knowledge, and these created spirituality, techniques, art and science, capable of molding the genes. Dresses? They are the same genes looking for ways to modify themselves... Your idea of ​​separation does not allow you to see the Networks, and in Aquarius, it will be essential that you learn to see this.

_I: Networks… Our new Time.

_AM: Red comes from the Latin “rete”, from the Indo-European etymology “ere”, meaning “separate, loose”, and refers to fishing nets, fabrics basted in such a way that they are flexible, appearing to be loose with each other. However, they are joined by nodes, something that in Latin we call “nox”, and that comes from the concept “nexus”, giving words like “netere” (to weave), from the verb “ned” (to tie), and that in our languages Today we use “nexus” or “connect.” This word gives rise to the English “net”, which derived from something beautiful, neat, like a precious and neat fabric, which gave the concept “clean” (net) in Latin languages ​​such as French. This was what brought to Anglo-Saxon languages ​​the idea that something bright and clean, in order, was known as “net”. Towards the last centuries close to us, development led to the weaving of roads, paths, towns that had to be programmed in a perfect order of communication, something that was called “clean work”, or “network”. Over time, the idea came to describe networks of things, interconnections, networks.

_I: Our mission is to create that network…

_AM: But you will understand that it is impossible for you to believe it if you continue thinking that there is duality, bad and good. Networks cannot be polar, networks are networks in which all information is useful to someone. What is false and absurd for you may be useful for the awakening of others; what you consider important for others may not be. What your morality says is bad, maybe it is the only solution for others. As long as you live in duality, it will be impossible for you to see the network, since you will continue to judge existence from only two nodes: the preconception from which you come, and the expectation to which you are directed. Between both, you will find the lateral points that balance your _AM: the good and the bad, creating counterweights, thus, as you go too far to one side, the other appears to compensate for the balance of your path. The bad thing is the crisis that drives you to move forward, while the good thing is what reminds you of the stability and potential you have to achieve it. But if you see them as enemies, you will never understand that the network is much larger and holds more potential for you and your development than if you only look at everything from your morality (remembering that morality means the quality of inhabiting a specific place).

_I: I can't understand the network from just one point of view...

_AM: Exactly, so you must broaden your vision, see beyond the good and bad characters, the higher or lower nodes.

_I: Today we call Networks everything that connects us online...

_AM: This idea comes from the networks that I explained to _I: trains, roads, that connected stations and towns. Networks that were transferred to the concept of wiring, pipes, sewers within cities. Those who headed down the roads carrying one or another product or message called themselves “parts or members of a network”, which created the messaging network, the livestock network… When the long-term information exchange network was created distance from the United States government for defense, known as ARPA (Advance Research Project Agency), the idea of ​​online networks appeared, which a few years later would give rise to interconnected networks: the Internet. Starting in 1980, the Internet gave rise to the storage and dissemination of millions of data around the world, making each individual computer become a station. With the emergence of the first platforms that went beyond organizations, enabling individuals to upload and download data, what we call Social Networks appeared. Do you know what is it?

_I: What?

AM: A practice of capturing the Akashic Records in matter. The Internet and the Intranet are the visible and invisible concepts of the network of universal information records, which today are allowing humans to connect and learn what it means to be part of an organic network, something that has never happened before.

_I: We're just in our infancy in terms of connectivity, practicing getting in touch with each other.

_AM: That's right. They are unconscious networks.

_I: And how do we create Conscious Networks?

_AM: Expanding the ability to see everyone's potential without expecting everyone to be the same. The Consciousness Network is an arduous task of self-awareness, recognition of inner power and respect for the power of others. It is the ability to connect freely with others, share what we have to create new transcendental projects. You must first make yourself aware of what you are, so that you can then share this with the world. The Network of Consciousness is something free of preconceptions and judgments regarding what the other can contribute. And share it.

_I: When I usually say that we are working to create a Network of Consciousness, I think of two things: the fabric of the Planetary Network, the awareness that things are united in networks even if we do not see them, and on the other hand, the fact that we can recognize the number of people willing to work internally to create a new World. How do we proceed in each case to make it real?

_AM: How are they doing. Little by little, step by step, get to know the world you inhabit, from the internal to the external, becoming aware of everything that exists, that things are not separated. Knowing the origin, the history, questioning existence, investigating the meaning of all things and the union of them... When you follow the path of weaving your own networks, you begin to understand how the world is a great network of networks, which transcends personal organization, and then you prepare to be an organic and flexible part of it, flow. Learn. Educate yourself. And on the other hand, knowing that there are as many as one, with diverse lives and thoughts, with the same intention, proposes the realization of joint projects, in networks, that allow us to translate our ideas into matter. This should not remain a meditative meeting, because eventually, ideas will have to be put into action, starting first with oneself, and from there, to the world.

_I: I have spoken many times about the idea of ​​creating a Network of Networks. What would that be?

_AM: The Network of Networks is the etheric, virtual or physical platform of many people with different projects that can contribute to the same goal. It is something that belongs to no one, because it belongs to everyone, and that unifies many diverse currents in favor of change, of constant transformation. They are swarms of bees, flocks of hummingbirds, colonies of ants and termites, bivages of butterflies, which find the same purpose in flowers, without entering into conflict with each other.

_I: Almost as if it were a nation, a country, that is united under the same flag, but each one carries out their tasks and is part of internal networks.

_AM: Exactly. The difference between a nation and a network is that there are no leaders or representatives, but rather projects, nor is it necessary to be part of a common ideology or history, but rather one can fluctuate in the networks as required. There is no sense of belonging.

_I: I understand.

_AM: Aquarius will bring this concept of social creation, in which everyone is friends with everyone without being friends, in which everyone shares with everyone without being part of the same clan, it is the Gemini aspect of this new time.

_I: We are already noticing it…

_AM: You only need a few more years of unconscious practice until you know how to use it consciously. And then, everything will work. Until the next step.

_I: The first step, then, is to recognize my own networks.

_AM: History, Biology, Family, Bonds, Philosophy, Interior, your own spirit, soul and body, are your closest networks. You are a Network of Networks. Show that you know how to live in it, and you will be able to create an outstanding network.

_I: I am a Network of Networks capable of creating the Network of Networks.

_AM: So… Connect!



