

_I: Mitosis, Meiosis, Mutation, Networks, everything leads us to a constant change, a constant transformation, at what point do we rest?

_AM: Huh?

_I: Yes… I mean, rest. When does this process stop and we stop changing?

_AM: When you die. And even then.

_I: When I die, you mean, after I die?

_AM: No, I mean the postmortem moments. When there is no cell movement. And yet you continue to change, because all your chemical elements begin to seek energy in the body's reserves, and consume themselves by releasing them into the environment, beginning an oxidation without recycling, which you call "decomposition."

_I: Ugh… Well, but, I mean another break, you know? What they say: resting after work, or stability after a tough crisis... I don't know, something like that.

_AM: It's a very religious view of life, but yes, I understand what you mean. The idea of ​​“Eternal Rest”. It arises from something very basic, which is resting, sleeping after work, from hunting or gathering. The body hurts after so much activity, and it needs to relax and sleep to regain strength. This, for thousands of years, made us think that life is like hard work that requires us to strive every day, and that death was the well-deserved rest. That's why they turned death into an idea of ​​eternal vacation, where no one has to work, where everything is given. What is the purpose of living if in eternity you have everything required?

_I: I guess life is like a test from God or the Universe before reaching eternal life.

_AM: Test for what?

_I: That if we do things well, we will have good things...

_AM: And why? Do what things well? To what end?

_I: I guess the idea is that the Universe, God, created all this to find order and harmony, and if we manage to find that order and harmony, then we are worthy of living in eternity in a good way.

_AM: Then Paradise would be a reward within a system of punishment and reward. Wouldn’t it?

_I: Well…

_AM: Karma and Dharma? Divine justice?

_I: I guess…

_AM: For what?

_I: I don't know... I think there is a general idea that if we do things well in life we ​​will experience good things in the afterlife.

_AM: Morality, again. I would like us to be able to differentiate Morality from Consciousness again. Humans built the idea of ​​reward and punishment because it is the way that individuals in a pack have rights in a group. Whoever does part of the daily work will earn bread and rest. It is obvious why, because if they do not work, there is no production, there is no food. And therefore he dies. If you do things wrong and affect the integrity of a pack, you should be punished, as it shows others that what you have done is wrong, and that it can harm the strength of the group. This creates the idea that it works in the same way in the Universe. The heavenly “Patriarch” rewards or punishes with a paradise or hell those who do well the moral task of living on Earth. But morality varies greatly.

_I: In what sense?

_AM: According to history and traditions. For example, in ancient people incest was required to maintain a lineage, today incest is seen as something bad. In Greek schools, pedophilia was normal, as students and teachers were encouraged to create bonds in all bodies, just as their gods did. Image and likeness.

_I: Oh, of course... On the other hand, the Christian God, who is unique, and who has no relationships, encourages chastity.

_AM: Thus, for monotheistic Semitic peoples (Christians, Hebrews, Arabs), chastity until marriage is fundamental, since sex can only be seen as a reproductive method, while for Greco-Latin peoples, among others, sexuality from childhood It was required for an individual to know the power of his body and creation. Christian morality was placed above Greco-Latin morality, generating so many traumas and sexual repressions that they ended up emerging again as psychopathies. But beyond that, morality, the idea that something is right or wrong, emerges from a cultural idea, and not from cosmic truth. This means that the idea of ​​Rest is related to monotheistic Semitic cultures that consider living in the world as a divine punishment, and see work on Earth as a suffering in which we must demonstrate our repentance to God and that we are worthy of going to the world. Heaven and live in Paradise again.

_I: Again? There are many things I need to understand here…

_AM: Yes. In the beginning all beings, the souls, lived neat and illuminated together with God, according to these traditions. When the first couple was created to have children, the Devil tempted them with his tricks, awakening evil on Earth, original sin. From there battles were fought between angels and demons, and many souls fell to Earth. Thus many of those warriors of light began to be born, and all from the lineage of this original couple. So they carried sin, the denial of God, in their genes. This made them leave paradise to have to struggle to get food, and they began to work, to suffer. Since then, for having denied God, humanity suffers, works, must strive to achieve things, from dawn to dusk. For this reason, the idea of ​​rest is clouded with Paradise, leading us to a subtle idea of ​​believing that every process we experience is part of said punishment, which will one day end if we do things well.

_I: Wow… You just broke a concept in me, something that, even I believe, was instilled in my cells. The idea that everything I experience is an exam to prove something to someone, and that if I do it well, I will be approved and I will be able to rest, have that vacation, when everything is fine... In other words, it is not like that.

_AM: Of course not. It's culture, it's moral. Does a molecule rest? No. Does an organ rest? No. They are always, in one way or another, functioning, doing something. Now, in nature there are two processes that we call Contraction and Distension. The process of Contraction is the force of Action, in which the polarities contract with each other to generate energetic tension that gives rise to movement. Distension is the process of releasing that energy, in which the polarities relax after the action. These two processes are natural in all things, and mark their cycles, such as seasons, storms, earthquakes, birth, chemical bonds, everything. Naturally this produces wakefulness and sleep, states of alert or relaxation of the nervous system. The state of Alert is what puts us into Action, making the body react, producing different emotions and creating mental links that generate ideas or solutions to circumstances, effectively. This process requires a lot of energy, so it will eventually need to be recovered. For this reason, the body itself and its networks go into relaxation, releasing all the energy, and leaving each part of the body distended, relaxed, which leads the body to “rest.” Rest comes from the word “tire” from the Indo-European “kwet” and thus from the Latin “quassare” which means to shake, shake, hit, so adding the particle “Des-” tells us about stopping shaking or hitting. In English, “Rest” comes from “restare” which means to stay in one place, as opposed to “tire-out” which comes from “tiorian” and this from “teu” which means “lack of something”. That lack is energy. So, to generate that energetic agitation, a moment of recharge is needed. In the subconscious, this very basic idea of ​​energetic functioning created the basic concepts of “we sleep at night”, “at night we have to hide”, “we work from dawn to dusk”, “we rest when the work is finished”. , “you have to do things well to be able to rest.” In work cultures, rest is seen as a reward or a defeat, since a good job done during the day deserves a good rest, and a bad job in between which you decide to rest for a moment is a defeat for survival. .

_I: Wow, but yes, it's true, even today I tell myself things like that, that sleeping during the day is like a defeat...

_AM: When it doesn't make sense, because if you are tired it is because you lack energy and you must sleep to recover it. The lack of knowledge of the physical body created ideologies that kept the body at the limit of what it can give. Taking life and its effort as a divine punishment. Therefore, the concept was generated that life in its entirety was a trial work to know if we were worthy of becoming part of the divine clan from which we were once expelled, and so, in our death, what seemed to be a long rest, being able to rest in paradise, being approved by God.

_I: Sure… Everything very much seen from the human vision.

_AM: But the truth is much more different. Mitosis, Mutations, Networks... And what you are looking for, I am sorry to say, does not exist.

_I: The rest after this whole process?

_AM: Because the process is Eternal, and there is no “behind” or “before”. It is a constant, of Contractions and Distensions. Of Valleys and Montes in a wave of vibration. For this reason, you must broaden your vision of things and recognize that only you are capable of determining how much and why you need rest. It is depending on how you decide to live your life that it will be one way or another. You understand? It does not depend on a punishment, nor on anyone superior, but on your way of living the constant.

_I: And... How do I live it harmoniously?

_AM: With Innovation. Surely you have heard this term referring to technology, since lately it is Technological Innovation that most modifies the world we live in. However, innovation goes further. Innovation is remaining in a constant state of seeking the new. Humans are animals of habit, who, when they find something that is good for them, try to maintain it constantly. This wears out that something, causing it to deteriorate in use, and sooner or later it will end up being obsolete. And yet, they continue to use him. Systems, beliefs, objects, spaces, ideas, relationships, and they fall again and again into the same thing, increasingly deteriorated, broken. This always produces, cycle after cycle, the same conflicts and errors.

_I: “Better evil known than good unknown,” says a human saying.

_AM: And that's how it goes. This phrase summarizes this idiosyncrasy very well. The fear of not knowing how to manage the new makes them cling to the old just to know its mechanisms. They question the new with fear, not because it does something bad, but because they will make themselves look ridiculous by not feeling knowledgeable about it. They prefer to have well-known arguments about old and useless ideas in the current context, than to launch into the new and suffer from mediocrity. Therefore, it is important to accept change and innovate. The daily practice of innovation helps us understand that nothing is fixed, nothing is static, that everything changes, and that it is necessary to readapt, learn new things in life, always look beyond habit.

_I: So you advise us to always try to do something new.

_AM: After a crisis does not come the promised rest, another crisis comes. Crisis is a moment of transformation, and transformation is constant. You will always suffer from crises if what you long for is eternal rest, saying: “How long will we have to do this work of consciousness?”, because the truth is that this rest depends on your ability to innovate, to understand that each crisis is a opportunity, that in every conflict you learn something new. Those who see work as a punishment instead of a growth mechanism will always long for a break that will never come, because there will always be something new to manage.

_I: So, to those people who usually ask “how long”, it is necessary to say: Always. And because of this, we must learn to turn the crisis into stability...

_AM: A daily growth option. Getting rid of the fear of not knowing, not knowing is okay, because it invites us to learn something new. And if that new thing does not come, it will be necessary to invent it, create it, live it. It is okay to feel like a child even if you are 90 years old, it is okay not to know and to ask, to be surprised, to learn something new every day if possible. Innovation enriches the being, nourishes it with thousands of new options. We are entering an Aquarian time in which the key is Innovation, things, objects, novel situations in every corner. For this reason, you cannot deny the obvious: there will always be something new to learn, and the only way to adapt to the new is to “live in the new”…

_I: That is to say: “innovate”.

_AM: So ask yourself this: what are the things in your life that need a change? What things have you always wanted to do and haven't done? What are the things you always repeat or have the same result every time? Become aware of this, and recognize that within you there is the power to innovate, to transform yourself into something new, and that no matter how small it may be, what you learn will make a big difference in you.

_I: Like learning to make fried eggs, something that seems very easy, but could make the difference one day in your life, when you are very hungry…

_AM: Exactly. Therefore, human, recognize yourself as an eternal innovator, because there is no rest in life, life must be lived, and as long as you live it like a child, surprising yourself at every step, learning at every game, you will know that you already lived in Paradise. , you just forgot what this one meant.

_I: I am the generator of everything new…

_AM: You are a product of that generation. You have been innovation, and you can be again.

_I: To build a new world, I must be someone new.

_AM: Get innovative.



