Light - Shadow
_I: Today is a very important day, a day that I have been waiting for for a long time.
_AM: It is.
_I: Today there is a Solar Eclipse, and it is a very special one.
_AM: How can you not be, right? The solar eclipse on June 10 is the door to a very powerful process that will culminate on December 4 with the other solar eclipse.
_I: Both at the poles of the Earth.
_AM: Eclipses usually occur every 6 months, times when they combine the Earth, the Moon and the Sun in a straight line.
_I: What exactly is an eclipse?
_AM: Eclipse comes from the Greek “èkleipsis”, which means “abandonment, disappearance, absence”, coming from the two terms “èk” (from a place) and “leipein” (let go, leave, leave). The term did not refer to the stars at first, but to the act of abandoning or leaving someone. It was Herodotus (around 450 BC), who referred to the disappearance of the Moon or the Sun in the sky as “Abandonment or Absence”. The Earth has an orbit around the Sun of approximately 365 days, and the Moon orbits the Earth in 28 days, almost the same amount of time it takes to rotate on its own axis, which is why we never see one of its faces. . You call the 28-day process Lunation, by which you see all the lunar faces by their shadows. The sensation of speed that the Moon has with respect to the Sun is that it rotates, even though both move one degree to the East per day, but due to the distance, the Moon delays its rise by about 50 minutes a day with respect to the Sun. Sun. The reason you see it every night is not because the Moon rotates around the entire planet, but because the Earth is rotating on its axis, which every 24 hours will meet the moon at the same point. The Earth's orbit varies depending on the equinoxes and solstices, in which the Earth's axis swings, causing sunlight to enter directly into the northern or southern hemisphere depending on the time of year. This effect inevitably means that, approximately every 6 months, the perspective of the Earth in relation to the Sun is interfered with by the Moon, or in any case, the Earth is the one that is positioned between the other two stars.
_I: If the Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun, it is called a Solar Eclipse, because it is the Sun that is absent and disappears into the shadows, it is this star that abandons us. And if the Earth is placed between the Moon and the Sun, then it is called a Lunar Eclipse, because in this case, the shadow of the Earth hides the Moon, and therefore it abandons us, it disappears.
_AM: Every 6 months this process will be repeated, although they will not always be exact eclipses. In the case of the Sun they can be Total, Partial, Annular or Hybrid. The total Eclipse occurs when the Moon completely covers the Sun. The Partial Eclipse occurs when it only covers a part, no matter how minimal. The Annular Ring occurs when, due to its distance from the Moon, it appears smaller and leaves a halo of the Sun around it. And the Hybrid is when, at the same time as seeing a total or annular eclipse, a partial eclipse can be seen in other parts of the world. In the case of the Moon, they can also be Total or Partial, and also Penumbral, in which a soft shadow covers the Moon and not the direct shadow, which in this case, is the shadow of the Earth projected on the Moon, which , being smaller, can be covered by part of the shadow of our world or its direct shadow. The reason why the sun disappears completely, but the moon can look reddish, is because in the first case, the Sun, which emits light, is covered by the hidden side of the Moon, which does not emit its own light, while in the Lunar eclipse, the projected shadow of the Earth, allows the rays of light from the Sun to pass through the atmosphere as a magnifying glass effect, which traps the short frequency rays, which manifest the blue colors, and allows the long frequency rays, such as the color red.
_I: Interesting to know.
_AM: Since the beginning of time, biology has been directly linked to lunar movements. The Moon moves the tides, and drags the oceans in its wake, leading all creatures to live at their own pace.
_I: That's why we should live according to the Lunar calendar... To be in rhythm with the Earth... With Life itself.
_AM: That's right. However, it is the Sun that gives life. While the Sun marks the Vibration, the Moon marks the Rhythm. Thus, all beings live based on these two stars, which biologically generated a dependence on Light and its cycles. For billions of years, every cell in this world knows what night and day are, and psychologically, their neural networks have put together a path of understanding about this, storing data and folders of all the things that happen at night and in the night. what happens in the day.
_I: For example, during the day there is light, food, clarity, we see the paths, we feel safer, awake, alert, at least most of the beings that have lived since the appearance of photosynthesis and those of us who depend on it. While at night, there is insecurity, it doesn't look good, predators can hunt us, the temperature drops, and our defenses lower, making us hibernate in a certain way.
_AM: This creates an internal belief that our brain interprets shadows or lights in relation to mental, emotional and biological circumstances.
_I: So… When there is an eclipse…
_AM: These insecurity mechanisms are activated.
_I: Wait, then, here I understand something, it is not that an eclipse itself influences us, but that it is we who react to an eclipse from the deepest cells!
_AM: That's right. Psychologically, internal registers are activated, and the collective perception that the sun is going away or the moon is setting indicates that something is not right, releasing all hidden things, mixing lights and shadows.
_I: Letting ourselves see our darkness clearly.
_AM: And each eclipse is special, depending on which constellation it occurs in, as well as what period of the year it occurs, and to what degrees, as well as on which areas of the world it is projected.
_I: And this eclipse today is projected in the right place...
_AM: The Physical North Pole. During the year 2021, the only two Solar eclipses 6 months apart will occur at the poles: today, June 10, it will begin in the area of Quebec, Canada, moving over Baffin Island towards Greenland and going up through Ellesmere where in its coasts will have its maximum point at the North Pole, disappearing above the physical and magnetic north pole towards Chukotka, crossing the entire Arctic Ocean. While on December 4, 2021, the South Pole eclipse will occur, starting on the coasts of the Malvinas Islands to descend towards the Physical South Pole and return to the Pacific.
_I: And this… What does it represent?
_AM: Represents the opening and closing of a complete cycle. Between 2020 and 2021, the North Magnetic Pole will be aligned in the same place as the North Physical Pole, something never before recorded. Which means that the physical and energetic, corporal and spiritual, plane of the Earth are both on axis. This indicates a moment of need for stillness on the part of the Earth, to reprogram a new time.
_I: That is why Humanity stopped these two years… Covid19 has its logic, stopping the movement, making the world rethink “its north.”
_AM: Where are you going with your lives? The magnetic pole indicates the direction, and in 2022 it will be completely on the opposite side of the Earth, that is, it will have crossed Meridian 0 after thousands of years of having been in the west over Canada and the United States in the Paleolithic, crossing towards the east heading towards Siberia, in Russia.
_I: This is the “new normal”, it is a change of perception, of hemispheres… from right to left…
_AM: This is what makes 2020 and 2021 so special, it is a perfect moment for the Earth to rise to a new consciousness. It won't happen in a single day, but these two years are the portal. And the Eclipses represent the passage of this energy from one side to the other, as the pole passes from West to East, the energy of the world descends from North to South. The serpent of Light, the Planetary Kundalini, activates its divine consciousness, between light and shadow.
_I: Everything that is hidden is released, lights and shadows come together to calibrate the Earth, yin yang.
_AM: The forces of Light and the forces of Shadows are a single program, they do not exist separately, since both make sense together. Both are internal programs of your mind, which speak of hidden potentials and repressed emotions, as well as what you show and push to the world. Many times, that force is silent inside due to repression, culture, religion, beliefs, fears, depression, frustration, shame, judgment, expectations... Eclipses come to make us see these internal emotions and circumstances, to recognize them as fuel for what we we must carry out, promote. There is no war between light and shadow in the universe, that battle has been played between us here on Earth due to purely biological fears. As children, we fear the night, and that fear created enemies we call shadows and darkness.
_I: But what about the involutionary forces, the demons, the beings that I know very well exist on those levels?
_AM: They exist, just like mosquitoes and cockroaches, bats and spiders. Nocturnal creatures that you can fear, and that does not mean they are bad, but, like all creatures, they seek to survive, and have evolved in such a way. The darkness, as well as the nocturnal biomass, can give you many positive things, strength, tools, that you deny because of this absurd battle in which your enemies have made them. That battle does not exist in the Universe of Consciousness. You must decide whether you will walk this path being conscious, or fighting a bipolar battle in unconsciousness.
_I: I put all my intention to be Conscious and unite the light and darkness in me.
_AM: That's being the Gray Man. Walker from the North to the South, returning to the mother of the South, returning to her womb on August 22, on the Blue Moon, when the North returns to the South, to light the Lighthouse at the end of the World. And to do so, you must light the 12 doors of the world. The 12 people you have chosen to represent you at those doors will align the spirit, soul and body (1.1.1) to be ready for transcendence on 2.2.2.
_I: After the activation of Kundalini between the two Solar Eclipses of 2021, on January 11 (1), we must align the three bodies, physical, emotional and mental, in the 12 nodes of the Earth... And thus begin the reactivation of the system on February 22 (2), all this in 2022. Is that it?
_AM: That's right. And the task of the entire Network will be to sustain and expand it.
_I: How?
_AM: On the day of Eclipses, like this June 10, as well as December 4, everyone must face their light and their shadow. They will do this by carrying out a meditation in which they will be placed in a dark space, and light a large candle. They will put it on a surface (wood, cardboard, leaf) where they have drawn a 6-pointed star, each point of which will represent the attributes of the _AM: Vibration, Energy, Matter in the triangle that points below, and Love, Wisdom and Will in the other triangle that points up. There, they will take the time that each eclipse lasts to concentrate on their own shadows and lights in relation to their life on the physical, emotional and mental level, bringing both the positive and the negative to the candle flame, for at least an hour. around the shadow maximum (that of June 10 will be at 10:35 UTC, while that of December 4 will be at 7:33 UTC). The meditation will be with eyes open, contemplating directly into the light of the candle. In this way, they will all be connected, united in a network, opening the door to neutrality from North to South, setting the intention to balance the forces of the world.
_I: And then?
_AM: We'll talk about later. Now, focus on the Light and Shadow of your being, which are projected onto your internal and external world. This will be the key to opening the doors to a new time.
_I: It's time to open the doors.
_AM: On the other side, there can no longer be duality. North and South will be one, light and shadow will unite.
_I: We are ready to go to the other side.
_AM: Welcome to the Path of the Dragon.