

_I: What happened yesterday was very liberating for me, and I thank you for that. I have never felt so coherent. Being one with others, an equal, talking about the things that bothered us about each other, the magnificent things we saw in each other, honoring ourselves for being mirrors with our differences, and being able to recognize falling in love with myself and being able to feel that love with everyone. . Yesterday I felt that I was freed from great burdens and weights, and that it was a day of rebirth, where all the strength was suddenly deposited in the present. Thank you.

_AM: Thank you for allowing me to discover what I am capable of.

_I: Something that amazed me was how the mix of channeling, laughter, travel, sharing, conflict, history, love, organization, emotion and ideas, wrapped in friendship and the transcendental, worked perfectly, in an incredible symbiosis.

_AM: Intelligence. That is Intelligence.

_I: Why?

_AM: They are the different neurons, each one with a different specialty, that come together to give rise to new results.

_I: I always thought that Intelligence was characteristic of knowledge, that is, being able to understand things, knowing how to solve mental issues...

_AM: People often relate intelligence to study, the ability to assimilate external data. And in many cases, everyone feels very far from it, because they perceive that the person who has managed to understand more things is intelligent.

_I: And that's not the case? At school they always told us that one or the other was more or less intelligent, "do like so-and-so who is intelligent," I heard some teachers say, because he had all the exams right, and everything was perfect...

_AM: And... Did So-and-so go far with that?

_I: From my vision, no. Because she went on to have a very confusing and depressive life, working on simple, mechanical things, where his abilities were not required.

_AM: Intelligence is not based on knowing, but on having the ability to connect things. Intelligence comes from the Latin “intra legere”, that is, “to read between”, and refers to the act of knowing how to read between the lines, connecting various points.

_I: It reminds me of a meme I once saw, in which Knowledge is explained with a simple image, as points on a sheet, Experience as a schematic design that joins these points, Creativity as a fluid form of these loose data, and Wisdom as an interconnected network.

_AM: Yesterday we talked about Soul Mates. Think, for example, the vision of souls from Knowledge. Here you will be able to observe that there are many souls, separate, and that each one is unique, with a specialty, capacity, ego, and therefore, only understandable by their differences, which can be grouped by categories. In the Experience, the connection between people, souls, of different categories, helps to trace paths of conflict resolution, which perfects the interaction of individuals, granting new qualities. In Creativity, it is necessary to open the mind, you cannot give each soul, each being or object the role expected or established by knowledge, since creativity implies thinking outside the box, opening the capacities to expand the imagination, where something that for knowledge belongs to a specific group, it is used in an unexpected place or situation to discover something totally transcendental to the previous. And of course, in Wisdom, everything else is incorporated, since it does not close itself to anything, understanding the data, its experiences and its infinite possibilities, without following steps or rules, and yet, forming its own.

_I: I understand... So, there intelligence is in each one of them, but above all in the ability to be wise about something...

_AM: Wisdom is a key to understanding Intelligence, since the latter implies the ability to connect data outside the established, beyond lines and words, it can see beyond what is written, what is recorded, and it is observed much more than what is shown.

_I: A few years ago I fell in love with a Geminian who knew a lot, a philosopher by nature, a lover of reading, of knowledge. He loved learning. And, to me, I am fascinated by people who know about many things. I fell in love with listening to him, with how he could intertwine knowledge with reading. I rarely finished a book in my life, and the ones I finished were not knowledge books but emotional novels. Perhaps I have read the number of books that fit my fingers, I don't even know if I have reached 10. He, at a young age, had read all the philosophers, and with each conversation, he was able to quote them bringing their visions. to our deep conversations. He had never felt so in love with me...

_AM: Love for those who know. Beyond the body, what a soul seeks is to nourish itself, to emotionally fill the neural voids that incessantly demand the attention of external data. The soul feeds on words, on data, which are received by the 5 senses, causing ecstasy in the brain, an orgasm for the being that seeks transcendence. A kind of Sapiosexual. This could define those who have Gemini present in their charts…

_I: But, I don't have Gemini anywhere...

_AM: Only in one place: in Chiron. The asteroid of karma, of the conflict to be resolved. There Gemini tells you about the transcendence of knowledge, about facing the deepest wound of those words that have determined your life. "You're smart".

_I: Oh, that's true, everyone always told me I'm smart, but I never felt smart. Since I was a child, since I was 5 years old, I remember people saying “this child is very intelligent, he knows a lot, he learns quickly.” However, I noticed how difficult it was for me to learn, and when I went to school, I felt the pressure of those words, when I didn't feel them.

_AM: Why do you think you don't consider yourself intelligent?

_I: Because when I see others, how much they know about one topic or another, how much they have studied, the books they have read, their ability to cite sources, to make numbers, to know about science, to know authors, I realize that I lack that, and I admire it in the other, and it awakens love in me, that force that drives me to unite with the other, complete myself...

_AM: That is why you have fallen so much in love with him, among other things, the sensation that complements your soul, the medicine that heals your wound. Not believing yourself intelligent.

_I: That's why I seek to fall in love with the intelligent... The changeable, the free being who loves the book more than me...

_AM: The wound of feeling unintelligent has built on this word an emotional weight that clings to the search for appearing intelligent. However, you take the idea to the Mind, when intelligence encompasses much more.

_I: How much more?

_AM: In 1983, the psychologist Howard Gardner, studying the cognitive abilities of human beings, managed to establish that Intelligence is not summarized in the accumulation of mental data and the development of strategies, but that up to 12 types of different intelligences can be identified.

_I: 12? Which are?

_AM: Let's go one by one. The first is Linguistic-Verbal Intelligence: as its name suggests, it is the ability that some people have in relation to communication, whether in languages, as verbal, non-verbal or written language. The second is Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: it incorporates the ability to solve problems at the numerical level, logical and deductive reasoning. Due to its multiple uses in life in general, from the market to architecture, this intelligence is one of those that have been taken as essential to define an intelligent person since ancient times, applied in physics, chemistry, construction. and science. The third will be Spatial Intelligence, which implies the ability to be aware of the objects and places that surround us, which allows you to create mental maps, general images, plans, which gives depth to space, and enables the development of artistic, sculptural and architectural potentials, as well as photography, drawing, design in general. The fourth Intelligence is Musical, which is evident in those who have the ability to interpret and memorize sounds, identify harmonies, being able to design their own music, adapting to the sounds of the environment, musical creativity, and the ability to use various instruments. . Kinesthetic Body Intelligence is demonstrated in the ability of an individual to have complete control of their body, of each of its movements. Coordination, balance, skill in handling tools and objects, who apply their intelligence in sports and dances above all. The sixth is Intrapersonal Intelligence, one that many lack, and it is the ability to understand one's own emotions, the internal world, to close one's eyes and discover what lives inside, being able to manage it, understanding oneself, what which leads them to spiritual connection, meditation and self-control. Interpersonal Intelligence is one that has a certain empathy with others, being able to capture the different emotional states of others, capturing non-verbal information, and is able to connect with the needs of others. Following the list, we find the Naturalistic Intelligence, which makes one sensitive to nature, being able to easily interpret the animal and plant world, as well as the mineral world, which do not need to know much about nature to know and feel it in depth, and It includes biologists, veterinarians, botanists, shamans and natural therapists as its defenders. The ninth is Existential Intelligence, the one that you know well. The ease of being able to ask big questions, embodying philosophy; something that not everyone has easily, and that requires great mental breadth, flexibility and skill to change thoughts, patterns; so it is related to psychology and spirituality, to philosophers and free thinkers.Creative Intelligence is one of those who with great agility can awaken ideas at every moment, innovating at every step, proposing new ideas of different kinds, becoming entrepreneurs. The penultimate Intelligence is Emotional, it is the one awakened by people who have great self-control over what they feel, and who know how to interpret what others feel, which is why they are very good at social relationships and managing a person's emotions. group, as well as their own. And finally, the twelfth Intelligence, Collaborative, those who have great agility in teamwork, functioning in groups, solving problems and achieving goals together. It becomes an essential part of the group, and is perfect for network actions.

_I: I identified with more than one of these descriptions.

_AM: Because Intelligence is a network, an organic, non-linear capacity, in which they interact with each other. No one can be intelligent in only one of all these aspects. Everyone needs and possesses a little of each, perhaps 1% of some, but a large percentage of others. The ability of intelligence is to be able to identify which one you are in and how to combine it with the others. And there, intelligence must be loving, in recognizing the capabilities of the other as well as our own. No one is completely intelligent, since intelligence is a network of wise men, who in interaction generate Wisdom.

_I: So... I will have to heal my wound, and accept myself intelligently, stop devaluing myself, looking for love in those who know, to be love with those who know.

_AM: And only then will you find the great network of the Earth. Recognizing the intelligence of each individual is the key to the society of the future.

_I: Ontocracy… The network of wise men, where each intelligence interacts without the need for partisan intermediaries.

_AM: Where the love for knowledge outweighs ideologies for knowledge.

_I: I accept myself as intelligent in my own way, then, and I put my intelligence at the service of others.

_AM: That is forming an intelligent network, one that knows how to read and understand itself...

_I: I'm Smart!

_AM: Recognize it, and connect the parts that will build the New World.


Twin Flame

