Immune - Respiratory


_AM: Inhale…

_I: Inhale…

_AM: Hold…

_I: Hold…

_AM: Exhale…

_I: Exhale…

_AM: And it starts again, over and over again...

_I: Breath…

_AM: “Re spirare” in spanish, from Latin = “to blow again”. It is the most important automatic constant act that we perform at every moment, and perhaps the only one of the biological functions controlled by the parasympathetic system of which we are clearly aware.

_I: Key to our lives…

_AM: The Respiratory System is a sacred system in the body, which reminds us of the pulses and impulses of the universal mind. Breath gives life, and the breath that emerges from this system is what was known as the Soul. It was believed that the last breath that one takes in one's life is the one that frees the soul from within the body, it is the most subtle part of physical existence. For this reason, we call the plane of the subtle as “Spiritual”, a word that comes from “spirare”, “spiritualis” being the attribute of breath, the quality of breathing that gives us life.

_I: The spiritual plane of the being, therefore, at a universal level, is related to the respiratory system of the Universe...

_AM: Exactly. Taking the notion of fractals, we could understand that the Cosmos inspires the universal mind and exhales cosmic energy, or in other words, it is inspired by the spiritual and exhales the soul, soul. The entire universe is a breathing network that absorbs the subtle essences of space to take them through time conduits, historical lines, through densification channels, wormholes, which distribute the spirits through different worlds, where they will be incarnated to nourish history. , becoming an active part of the manifested body of divine consciousness, creating more worlds, and returning your experiences again to the universal essence, where interdimensional networks will use you as a basis to create more and better beings with transcendental information.

_I: Wow, I could imagine the ducts… The process, I remember…

_AM: Well, the same thing happens in your body, and that is the path we will take. Many times people who seek answers in the spiritual world tend to look at the heavens, imagine all those spirits crossing dimensions, creating souls, being born in the world, and others returning to the subtle planes after dying, and when imagining this magic, they do not They do more than describe the respiratory system, a system that is so close, that they do not pay attention.

_I: That is why it is said that the most important thing to connect with the universe is breathing, it is the most powerful tool to join the cosmos…

_AM: Breathe, feel the air enter your lungs, and how it comes out hot. Repeating the cycle incessantly. Well now, let's explore it like the universe it is. And to do this, you must remember: what are you breathing?

_I: Air…

_AM: What is Air composed of?

_I: Oxygen…

_AM: You could say so, but in reality it is the second most present. Air is the set of gases that make up the Earth's atmosphere, that is, the gases that are pressed on the surface of the world by the force of gravity. This atmosphere is divided into 5 main layers: from the outermost part, close to space, the Exosphere begins, followed downwards by the Thermosphere, the Mesosphere, the Stratosphere and the one that concerns us, the Troposphere, in which it is possible to breathe. It has a height of 7 km at the poles and 16 km towards the tropics and equator, and is where all climatic phenomena occur. Both the Troposphere and the Stratosphere are composed of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% argon, 0.40% carbon dioxide and the rest of noble gases such as neon.

_I: Oh, so there's more nitrogen than oxygen.

_AM: Fundamental element for living beings, especially the plants that use it for food. Oxygen, as we have once said, was not an element present in the Earth's atmosphere. It was thanks to the appearance of bacteria and phytoplankton, single-celled plant structures (the first to carry out photosynthesis), that oxygen began to fill the atmosphere. This happened, then, in the processing of carbon dioxide, necessary for the absorption of light in plants, which filled the Earth due to its deep volcanic activity. By breaking down the molecules, carbon was taken as a source of energy, thus releasing oxygen molecules, useless for the photosynthetic process. These bacteria began filling the atmosphere about 2.3 billion years ago. To this day, no matter how much one believes that it is the forests and jungles that generate the world's oxygen, in reality they represent a small part of its production, since it is the phytoplankton of the oceans that is responsible for generating the oxygen that we breathe. Single-celled organisms in the animal kingdom began to use oxygen as a source of energy, which allowed them to move. Animals acquired carbon and nitrogen sources, among others, by consuming plants, while oxygen drove cells to move. Oxygen, as its name suggests, oxidizes the internal elements of the body, which for animals is the key to purification: it destroys harmful elements, decomposing them through oxygenation, which causes them to be released from the cells to be excreted. Oxygenation is what allows the body to be healthy, and not have to process so many toxins, which depletes energy.

_I: Oh, interesting... So oxygen doesn't nourish us, but rather cleanses us... Purge.

_AM: That's right. Helps cell regeneration. Understanding this, you will understand that oxygen atoms are similar to the spiritual world, which incarnates in the worlds to purge, cleanse roughness, remove the weight of living cells, karma, in order to expand...

_I: Wow, that makes sense…

_AM: Now let's take the journey that the spirits take in your body. The spiritual plane is full of many other denser creatures that are not necessary to carry out this purging process, such as carbon dioxide, which represents the dark beings that nourish matter, but that imply a weight on the organism, a densification. Therefore, the respiratory system is responsible for discerning oxygen from the rest, allowing only these atoms to enter the body, while taking the rest of the unnecessary ones to eliminate them.

_I: Karma and Dharma.

_AM: The Respiratory system begins with the nose, where the air enters with all its external particles. It circulates through the nasal cavity, which finds its limit in the sphenoid cavity, where the Pituitary gland rests. Thus, with each breath, the vibration keeps the spirit burning in the matter. It descends through the pharynx where it meets the oral cavity, which is why you can also breathe with your mouth, although it is not recommended, because the mouth has another purpose, and oxygenation does not occur in the same way (breathing through the mouth it indicates need, while through the nose it is temperance). The pharynx crosses the esophagus to meet the larynx, where air will find its way to the lungs. The vocal apparatus is located there, the vocal cords, which mark the limit between the larynx and the trachea. The trachea is the rough duct that resembles the trunk of a tree, which begins to divide in the same way as the plant, branching. These branches are called bronchi (which we can relate to “gill” and “branch” = branch), and the main ones are divided into 2, which lead to the organs called Lungs (this word comes from the Greek “pleu” = flow, and “ pneu”= breathe, which gives us pneumatic, pneumonia; with the suffix “món”= agent, subject). They are constituted by an increasingly smaller branching of thousands and thousands of small branches, which are subdivided from upper, middle and lower lobar bronchi, towards the segmental bronchi or bronchioles from which small stems called alveoli arise, contained by the alveolar sacs, which are covered with veins and arteries, blood capillaries; tiny vessels that receive the oxygen molecules filtered by the alveoli, at the same time that from the arteries, the alveoli receive the carbon dioxide molecules and impurities to be expelled through the same duct in the opposite direction. This is possible thanks to the diaphragm, an elastic tissue that divides the lungs from the digestive system, and that extends when air enters, and contracts, returning to its place, pushing out everything that moves through the lungs. Not all animals carry out the same process, since there are insects, amphibians, reptiles and marine beings that breathe directly through their skin.

_I: Wow, it's a trip...

_AM: The universal journey. If you compare, these spiritual beings that enter through the wormholes, in you they do so through the bronchi, which dissipate through bronchioles and alveoli, which are like the fruits or flowers of the tree, the different worlds, where they enter the bloodstream as the very flow of life, where worlds, countries, lives will change, cell after cell, in different experiences, illuminating and purging density, returning it to the cosmos as experiences, wisdom, called carbon dioxide, the records of the molecular level.

_I: It's the tree of life... Amazing. The lungs are like that tree of existence where we all incarnate, experience, disembodied... We transcend.

_AM: And in turn, many entities can also enter through this system, there can be many invaders, beings composed of carbon that seek to feed on the worlds, create their colonies, and create their own realities in this dimension that you are.

_I: Who are they?

_AM: Viruses and Bacteria. The simplest and at the same time most fascinating organisms in the kingdom of organic life. They are so small that they float in the air. There are millions of bacteria and viruses that enter your body with every breath. The air is full of these creatures looking for a place to stay and reproduce, a favorable environment. For this reason, the respiratory system needs a constant ally.

_I: Which one?

_AM: The Immune System.

_I: The defense system.

_AM: It is a complex system, which can be seen from two points of view: Conditional and Unconditional.

_I: What would Conditional be like?

_AM: It is the one who is dedicated to defense, since its greatest condition is life, and the integrity of the organism that it builds, therefore, it needs to keep the entire being in harmony, clean, pure of everything that can intervene in its survival and stability. Thus, it will only allow those viruses and bacteria that adhere to the condition of homeostatic life to live in the body.

_I: Huh? Are there viruses and bacteria that help?

_AM: Yes, many, thousands of them. And this is what the Unconditional vision gives us. There are thousands of bacteria that help in the purging and digestion processes, which consume things that it is impossible for us to generate. We call this the Intestinal Flora, a set of bacteria necessary for life in a fair amount, which is maintained that way thanks to viruses, those that eat bacteria. Many viruses inhabit our body in a perfect symbiosis, regulating our system. Like the cold virus, influenza, which never leaves the body, and multiplies as a mechanism to improve the immune system, strengthening it year after year.

_I: I've never seen it like that… It makes sense.

_AM: But despite this, there are viruses, bacteria and cells that are not positive, and that is why there is an Immune system, to track, like the police, the military, ensuring the continuity of the entire organism, patrolling the streets of the veins and arteries, exploring every corner in search of actions that are not within the established harmony. Unconditionally, the immune system opens to receive viruses and bacteria in the body to improve the system; At first, the system does not defend itself, but rather takes the external to evolve, taking advantage of all alien resources to implement improvements in the structural system. This is symbiosis, the way in which the Earth has developed life, not fighting among itself, but learning to live together, interacting and benefiting from each being that inhabits this world. We would not have survived even 2 months as humans if our bodies dedicated themselves to fighting the environment instead of using it to improve and adapt. It was thanks to the use of the immune system that we exist, since it regulated the entry of exogenous agents to use them, giving it a home in exchange for its products.

_I: So the immune system works as a form of exchange, of barter, in reality it is not that it defends itself, but rather that it exchanges skills.

_AM: Until one of those parts threatens general living conditions. There the conditions are implemented, and those parties begin to be persecuted.

_I: I see it as in the society in which, if we had dedicated ourselves to prohibiting everything that we believed was bad, we would never have had development and we would live in dictatorships.

_AM: For a good immune system to function, everything must be allowed, until the cells themselves are compromised.

_I: But, for example, one of the great conflicts that exists today is drugs and their mafias. Do you mean that drugs should be allowed?

_AM: Drugs do not do the same damage as the mafia that moves drugs. Drug addicts will continue to be so, legally or illegally. Even if drugs were legal, there would be less consumption, as it would be more regulated by the health and psychology systems. There would stop being mafias, deaths, decadence, and people outside the system risking their lives without restraint. This is how the immune system works, it does not fight, it looks for a way to resolve the real problem, which is not drugs, but the mafia.

I understand…

_AM: In the world of viruses, there are also mafias that monopolize everything, and there are also cells that seek to control everything, to the point where they interpret that even the same healthy cells can be harmful.

_I: Like when we see the police or military attacking one's own people.

_AM: That's right.

_I: How do we understand the immune system?

_AM: Immune comes from the Latin word “in” (within) and “muno” (to build), the meaning comes from “raising an inner strength.” This system is structural, that is, it covers a large spectrum of the body, and is not specifically in charge of one organ, but rather are cells produced by several of them. Despite this, in the first years of life, it will be the Thymus that is responsible for strengthening the white blood cells generated in the bone marrow, so that they can defend the body. But the emergence of the defense system is created in different places and distributed by other systems.

_I: What are they?

_AM: The system is made up of elements and chemical reactions produced in organs that are soluble in liquid to be easy to distribute through the circulatory and lymphatic system. Mainly these reactions are generated in the bone marrow (in the spine), the thymus (above the heart), the spleen (on the left side of the stomach), the lymph nodes (distributed throughout different parts of the body) and the mucosal tissues. Mentioning this, remember that mucus is produced at the doors of the respiratory system, mucus is a set of dead cells full of cells of the immune system, which serve as a prison for all external agents that may enter, adhering them due to the goo. Mucus is the first shield in the biological battle.

_I: It makes me sick, but it's true...

_AM: Leukocytes (white blood cells) are generated in the marrow, as well as others such as neutrophils, lymphocytes, macrophages, monocytes, among others. These compounds travel through the blood searching for internal pathogens (in the case of malfunctioning cells, such as cancer), or external pathogens (such as harmful viruses or bacteria and parasites). What they do is identify them and adhere to them by surrounding them and dissolving them. Once they have done so, they decompose the DNA of this pathogen, eliminating its reproduction functionality, and integrate into the cells, where they will incorporate this DNA as a record, which will allow them to identify the next ones that appear more easily, which will return to the stronger and immune system, producing “immune memory”.

_I: And if the body is not able to do it on its own, what happens?

_AM: Throughout history, humans saw how certain plants and elements of nature had qualities that strengthened the defense mechanism. This is how natural medicine appeared, using flowers, plants, roots, mushrooms and sometimes also parts of animals and insects, which helped strengthen the body, and established the quantities by creating potions. But sometimes it wasn't enough. It is one thing to prevent, another thing to cure. The immune system needs to create antibodies, that is, internal chemical elements that recognize the virus, parasite or bacteria. Imagine this: in the first case, a viral disease suddenly appears affecting a large number of people, who had never faced this virus, and therefore, their bodies need time to recognize this new microbe. In the process, the virus colonizes the body, and it fails and dies. But in a second case, imagine that the population knows that a virus is coming, then some take this virus in a laboratory, decompose it to the point of destroying it, killing it, and leaving only its dissolved DNA compounds. So, with this, they carry out a previous step that the body will not have to carry out, which is the investigation and attack. They put this dead virus inside the body, and the body reacts to this new thing that happens. The same organism raises its body temperature (since viruses and bacteria can die at more than 37 degrees), but suddenly it is easier for them to find them, since they do not move or reproduce. This gives the body much more agility to identify the invader and prepare for the new ones to come, the live virus. Thus, when it reaches the body, they will already have the knowledge of how to act on it.

_I: This is what we often don't understand about vaccines. Today with the Coronavirus there is a kind of fight against the vaccine. I am not against vaccines, but I am in favor of the body being the one that learns and naturally develops immunity, because, despite the risk it poses in the middle of a pandemic, vaccines can also be wrong, and need more preparation time. In itself, I know that vaccines are basically a simple preliminary step that saves the immune system, but at what cost?

_AM: The vaccine is named after the first inoculation experiment with a virus, called “Cowpox.” In the late 1700s, smallpox was spreading across Europe, killing thousands of people. The English rural doctor Edward Jenner noticed how people dedicated to working with cows who had had mild cowpox did not get sick from human smallpox. This recalled how other cultures used to inoculate mucous membranes against certain diseases to counteract their own relapse. For this reason, this doctor used the same system, injecting some people with the cowpox virus, and 40 days later, with the human smallpox virus, which did not affect him in the slightest. This led to the spread of smallpox injection using the disease in cows as a way to prime the immune system. From there, in honor of this discovery, we have the word “vaccine”, which comes from cow (vacca, in Latin).

_I: I would never have imagined that vaccine comes from a cow. So what is your position on this?

_AM: That vaccines are not negative, but have improved the development of human life, making us immune throughout history. This does not mean that experimentation with vaccines can bring its problems. The poor development of a vaccine, the lack of tests and the chemicals or metals that may be used as tests, can end up being counterproductive to the body, at the end of the day, remember that they are inoculating dead bugs into the body, which , if the body does not react, it will get sick. It is a risk, yes, for many it is, just as for many others it is salvation. Each human has a special immune system, and not everyone will react in the same way. This does not mean that the vaccine is wrong, but rather that each individual adapts differently. Always, the best option will be to allow the body to get stronger to learn to fight for itself, learn to adapt.

_I: So... Regarding Covid 19... Do we get vaccinated or not?

_AM: It's very recent. A vaccine needs development of at least 5 years for it to work, and not even two have passed. What is being done now is an intention to accelerate normality, which may work for many, but for many others it can cause problems. It is not my decision to tell others to get vaccinated or not, as it depends on their own biology, and not on a philosophy.

_I: I understand... Sometimes beliefs can hurt us.

_AM: In the 18th and 19th centuries, many Christian doctors fought against vaccines, considering them enemies of the will of God. However, vaccines saved thousands of lives, when God saved a few. This led to thinking that faith and beliefs often stop development, because in the desire to survive, the errors of science are seen as the hand of the devil, until they discover the way, and become saviors. It's all about a process. Today the world is going through a pandemic that puts the immune systems of millions of humans at risk. The majority can overcome the virus without the need for vaccines, since most humans have a system capable of managing this threat, but many others do not, and will need a vaccine, although, as I have said, the development time is too short. …And what is hastened does not last.

_I: I understand.

_AM: This virus affects breathing, it is a painful test of our own resistance to the spiritual world, a wake-up call to connect with the purge of this world. We are poisoning the Earth, its air, and therefore, the Earth reminds us of it. Humanity must learn to breathe again, and therefore must fight against its own inconsistencies.

_I: Breathe to return to the coherence of my being.

_AM: Inspire…

_I: Inhale…

_AM: Hold…

_I: Hold…

_AM: Exhale…

_I: Exhale…


Circulatory – Lymphatic

