_I: Let's begin our journey through the body…
_AM: Our journey will take us through the body systems, the tissues that make us who we are. Remember that “system” comes from the Greek “syn” (with, set), “histemi” (establish, stand up) and “ma” (means, tool), so a system is a means by which it is established. a set of things, that is, a specific order. Our bodies, like everything in the Universe, are the product of a network of systems. As we have said, networks are the mechanisms by which information is connected in the universal mind, the synaptic network is the exchange of data in the form of electromagnetic pulses. By resonance, this data is grouped together creating packages of information that we call “organisms”. An organ (from the Greek = instrument) is a means of work by which an objective is achieved, like a hammer to drive a nail into wood, or a knife to cut; instruments of a certain complexity that help resolve diverse issues.
_I: So we call the parts that make up a physical body “organs,” but in reality, the word can define many more things, such as “social organism.”
_AM: Yes, and also a galaxy can be considered an organism, or the climates of the Earth. They are means of development through networks of interconnected aspects. As we said yesterday, the universal Mind expresses itself by going from the internal to the external due to an intention, which begins to generate Vibration, which in its different states of tension generates Energy, and it produces Matter from the union of energetic particles in the conformation of an atom. That atom becomes more complex into molecules, into chemical elements, compounds, which end up developing the basis of life, and contains it in a cell, which interacts with others, becoming multicellular, which turns it into an organism composed of the interaction of several organs. Thus, the organs are the mechanism, instrument, that allows the Universal Mind to be reflected in matter, in reality, and live its ideas. For this reason, the organs produce chemical reactions that have various functions, all to maintain the balance, the harmony of that vibration in matter, but some have a more specific and fundamental function: to be portals between the cosmic mind and its manifested attributes. In this case, these organs will be responsible for generating hormones, which will produce chemical reactions in the body, prompting it to act, which generates movement, that is, emotion. And emotion produces alterations in consciousness, in the nervous system of the body, which produce understanding, reasoning, and from this, it makes one manifester, communicator, creator.
_I: And so the mind of the cosmic spirit can express itself in the universal body, in this reality...
_AM: That's right. And to do so, it uses its vibration so that the energy resonates and opens the doors to the chemical reaction necessary for the idea to take shape. You could, perhaps, understand how this works through a glass prism. Imagine that the divine spirit, the mind, which is infinite, decides to discover and experience one of its attributes, but is unable to see it on its own because everything coexists in it, as a unity. Now, we will call the spirit “white light”, a light that incorporates within itself all the possible vibrations of the universe, and therefore, contains within itself all the frequencies, the attributes of its being. But if you want to see one of them, you will need something, tools, that allow you to separate your vibrations into different frequency waves to be able to identify those parts of yourself. To do this you will need geometry, a geometric pattern that, because it has various veins, will involve obstacles to direct light, and will cause the different types of frequencies to fractalize.
_I: The crystal prism… Like the famous Pink Floyd symbol. A crystal quartz, to which a ray of white light is subjected, and on the other side you can see the rainbow...
_AM: That is the refraction of light before molecules that reflect their photonic waves at different frequencies, the highest will make you see violet, the lowest will make you see red.
_I: The chakras…
_AM: This is how they appear. They are tunes of the same being that fragments itself. Imagine that the pure, white light is the divine mind, the spirit, and that your organs are those cellular crystal prisms. Thus, when it enters you, it comes out fractionally forward like a rainbow.
_I: Oh, I see it clearly now.
_AM: The state in which these organs are found will make you see one color or another, darker or brighter, depending on whether their vibration is very low or very high. You can imagine your organs as vortices, like whirlwinds that absorb pure light from a plane and fragment it outward into refracted light. So you can see your attributes. Now, neglecting these prisms would prevent the light from passing through correctly, and a distortion would be generated in the light range, which would prevent this attribute from manifesting itself. A stagnation of incoming energy, due to an opaque, dirty, broken prism, would prevent you from seeing that light in yourself.
_I: Why would that happen?
_AM: The misuse of the body, or the mistreatment of it, between what you receive, live, and eat. Everything that generates stress in your organs and glands. Traumas, fears, fights, hunger, poor diet, insomnia, conflicts, all of this, in the long term, destroys the purity of the prisms, which begin to contain or contract the reflection, generating diseases.
_I: How do I identify those problems in my prisms?
_AM: First you must know them well. And by understanding its physical function, you will be able to understand its spiritual function. Spirit designed this reality for its purposes of expression and creation, of self-realization, and each of these prisms, therefore, has a specific function in your spiritual path and development of the being.
_I: What are these prisms?
_AM: The glands. The word comes from “glans”, which means “acorn”, fruit of the oak, holm oak and cork oak, due to the shape that these organs have, similar to the seeds of the genus “Quercus”. Above all, there are certain main glands that regulate the frequencies of the spirit, converting them into manifested attributes, and they are part of a network called the “Endocrine System”.
_I: Oh yes. Pineal, Pituitary, Thyroid, Thymus, Pancreas, Adrenals and Genitals. Why is it called Endocrine?
_AM: The word comes from the Greek “endo” (interior, within) and “krinein” (separate, distinguish), and basically it is the system that refers to the separation or distinction of the internal aspects, which regulate each of the others. organs in their functions. The endocrine glands hormonally command the functions of each organ, driving their actions through the chemical reactions that produce hormones. A minimal and tiny amount of hormones can produce a great change in the attitude of the entire physical body.
_I: How to understand each of them?
_AM: Let's first locate them in our body, then understand what their function is, and thus be able to understand what generates their functionality or their conflicts.
_I: Perfect. We start at the top, then: Pineal Gland.
_AM: The Pineal is called that because of its shape similar to the seed of a Pine, a pine cone. The pine was always considered a sacred tree because its shape points in a spiral towards the heavens, considering it a tree of ascension to the divine. Its seeds, arranged in the same way in a beautiful and perfect double golden spiral, show the sacredness of this species, in addition to being a source of energy for animals and humans during the winter, both as food in the pine nuts, as well as fire in the structure. that contains them. In many cultures you can see pine cone-shaped decorations in sacred temples representing this connection. The Pineal is located in the center of the brain (Cerebrum), placed in a hole above the epithalamus, a part of the diencephalon (made up of the thalamus and hypothalamus). The diencephalon is located exactly in the center of the head, and has the function of processing all sensitive and emotional information, memory and movements in relation to them. The Pineal is no larger than a grain of rice, and regulates the sleep and wake cycle through the secretion of the hormone “melatonin”, secreted when darkness increases, since the presence of light calms its production, thus constituting the gland that regulates our 24-hour cycle; and it not only regulates sleep, but wakes up or turns off every biological function, especially regulating heart rate and reproduction. Due to the fact that it is a photosensitive gland, it is capable of capturing more than 700 colors and frequencies of light, which makes it the receptor gland for all information coming from the light planes. Thus it allows direct connection with the Universe, with Divinity and the spirit. The gland vibrates constantly, and regulates the resonance state of a being. By receiving light data, it is in turn a door to the infinite thoughts of the cosmos, and because of this, it is the gland on whose activation our way of seeing and perceiving the world depends. It functions as an inner light, capable of being an inner eye that not only receives light but emits it, and therefore, a completely overexcited pineal gland can be seen as “Enlightenment”, being what we consider the Third Eye.
_I: Like the halo of the Saints, of the enlightened masters.
_AM: Yes. Conflicts in this gland tell us about poor management of our ability to see beyond, to understand the world, to open ourselves to other points of view, to have a mind closed to a single way of seeing things, beliefs, traditions. Furthermore, it is related to the fear of the perception of other planes, traumas in relation to things that we have seen and that we deny. To correct the pineal prism it is necessary to sleep enough, rest, and take walks where you can see far away, to the horizon, at long distances, as well as, of course, meditation and eye exercises.
_I: The Pituitary Gland.
_AM: Many times called Pituitary, due to a misconception from Roman times, in which it was considered that this gland, located just behind the eyebrows at the level of the nose and temples, was the one that produced nasal mucus. “Pituita” means mucus in Latin, and I don't think this gland deserves such an unattractive name for what it represents.
_I: Of course not…
_AM: Hypophysis means “below the growth”, since it is located below the Thalamus as opposed to the Pineal (also called Epiphysis = above the growth). It is located contained in a hole in the sphenoid bone, a space commonly called the “Turkish sella”, which is the Throne where the King sits, therefore, this gland is related to the Crown, who directs the rest of the physical kingdom. The Pituitary gland measures no more than 12 millimeters, that is, slightly larger than a grain of rice, and its shape resembles the genital gonads. This gland is responsible for regulating the functioning of all the others, it manages the process of homeostasis, that is, the harmonious functioning of the body, it is like the king on the throne that controls his kingdom. Therefore, it regulates growth, vitality levels, boosting strength, hair and hair production, therefore the electromagnetic charge and discharge of the body; which awakens spiritual and artistic attributes and gifts, divine inspiration. And as the king that he is, he dictates the ethics, the morals, the philosophy of an individual. Problems in this prism can be observed in critical, dissatisfied, highly structured people, with great inconsistencies and gigantisms in the ego and ideas. Reactivating this gland is possible through vibration, sounds with the palate, singing, resonance of strong or nasal sounds that make the sella turcica vibrate, in the highest and deepest part of the upper part of the palate, so massage with the tongue in this area they could in turn stimulate this gland in the same way as stimulating the genitals during sexual intercourse. By doing so, empowerment can be ignited, the ability to execute ideas, to be guided by one's own thoughts, being flexible and conciliatory, opening paths forward.
_I: The Thyroid…
_AM: Its name comes from the Greek “thyreos” (shield) and “eidos” (form), that is, it is shaped like a shield. It is located in the throat, surrounding the trachea below the vocal cords. It is like a communication bridge that filters the signals from the Pituitary gland to the rest of the body. Basically, the Pituitary gland sends its signals to encourage the Thyroid to regulate and communicate the impulses of the other glands, and therefore, like a shield, it is dedicated to protecting the excess functioning of the lower glands of the body. Its greatest action in the body is to promote development and growth. Thus, its hormones (thyroxine or T4, and triiodothyronine or T3), are present in all tissues, driving the metabolism that allows the dissolution of lipids and carbohydrates, and the growth of tissues, regulating heat in turn. body, such as the generation and regeneration of nerve cells. Thyroxine regulates body temperatures, and promotes growth and size. Due to its role as a communicator between the higher planes of the Pituitary and the lower planes of the rest of the body, regulating all metabolism, it is the communication bridge that embodies the Laryngeal or Throat chakra. Prism ruptures are seen in communication conflicts, in diseases that affect the development of an individual, generating hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, which shows us our capacity for internal growth, to learn, to receive or to be incapable of recognizing and accepting. dialogue or new information. It is affected by things not said, by lies, by lack of communication and the denial of evolution. It is the producer of energy, so a drop in the body's energy is related to its malfunction. Conflicts in this gland can lead to poor communication between the Pituitary and Thymus, making a person unable to regulate the balance between what they think and feel. It generates a void for the future, an inability to undertake anything new. The imbalance produces excess unregulated fluids, which exacerbates genital production, uncontrolling sexuality leading to aggressive acts. To regulate this gland it is important to produce heat through mouth breathing, singing, neck massages and a regulated amount of iodine consumption. This will help the portal keep us active, energetic, with the stamina to live longer and the strength to undertake and learn.
_I: The Thymus, the gland of the heart.
_AM: It is located above the cardiac organ, embracing it. The origin of its name comes from the Indo-European “dheu” which means “smoke, fire”, and which gave rise to two Greek words: thymós (vital energy) and thymus (thyme). The relationship between energy and the plant occurs in that thyme was used to make fire in ancient ceremonies, whose aroma revitalized giving vigor and power to those present, who felt their chests expand. The gland also has the shape of a thyme flower, enveloping the heart from above. Its importance is fundamental, especially in the first stage of life, since it is responsible for the formation of thymocytes, T cells, which arise in the bone marrow and are formed in the Thymus to be useful in the immune system. Basically, these cells generated here are the ones that will travel through the blood in search of invaders, trained to capture them and incorporate them as defense records. The Thymus is the great glandular shield against all evils, and is the life expectancy of all humans. Its predisposition to defend the entire body without exception, makes it the gland at the service of the whole, which places it in the place of the High Heart Chakra, that unconditional energy that provides us with security, confidence, certainty, determination, freedom, and faith. Therefore, if it does not work regularly, fear, dissatisfaction, negativity and depression will be keys that will lead us to lower our defenses and get sick faster. Therefore, the lack of love, hugs, affection, joy and inner fire turns off the system, leaving it defenseless. To activate it, hugs are necessary where the chest feels the other's chest, the heartbeat, while doing things for the love of helping; stick your chest out in front when walking, sitting, back straight, and gently massage the sternum with subtle and loving taps on the heart. This will ignite conviction, self-confidence, the breath of life, hope for the future.
_I: Pancreas, the gland of sweetness…
_AM: It comes from a somewhat unpleasant name, being “all raw meat” (pán= everything, and kreas= raw meat). It is located in the abdominal cavity, between the stomach and the liver, connected to the duodenum. Its function is essential in the body, in direct relation to the digestive system. It fulfills two functions: endocrine (separates inside) and exocrine (separates outside). Endocrine is related to its known function of secreting hormones such as insulin, as well as others such as glucagon, polypeptides and somatostatin. Insulin itself is the one that fulfills the most recognized function, which is to spread through the bloodstream in search of sugars, which it captures to take them to the cell walls, where it processes them so that they are absorbed by the cells, nourishing them. This leads to it controlling blood sugar. For its exocrine part, it sends gastric juices to the duodenum, which receives not only these juices from the pancreas, but also bile, which together will prepare to dissolve those fats and materials that are most difficult to corrode from the stomach and liver. The duodenum is the bridge through which the stomach sends what is digested to the intestines. The pancreas, therefore, has a double function in relation to the internal process of the being as well as the external process, which makes it the gland of relationships, the one that nourishes the internal world from its links with the external world. . A bad relationship with the external world and what we consume from it can generate imbalances in this gland, leading us to not be able to process certain situations. Bad relationships, people with whom we never close ties, things that we swallow in life and cannot digest, the lack of love that leads us to a constant search for sugar or empty relationships... All of this is a reflection of the damaged prism , which makes us closed, selfish or self-centered, dependent or manipulative. To calibrate it, it is necessary to evaluate our dependencies, change our eating habits, perform circular massages in the stomach area regularly, and give ourselves affection. This will awaken our capacity for dedication, balance, to be able to better process information from the world, to have more harmonious relationships and bonds without dependencies. All this takes us to the center, to the Plexus of being.
_I: Now, the Adrenals, the glands of power and will...
_AM: They are related to the Sacral chakra, and despite this, they are located almost at the same height as the pancreas, but behind the back, above the kidneys. That's where their name comes from: from the Latin “Ad renis” (next to the kidney), although specifically, since they are above it, it is normal to know them as “Adrenals”. Its function is basically to regulate stress, both to relax the body and activate it in a situation that requires all of our attention and power. Firstly, to restore homeostasis and regulate the functioning of the body in a stressful situation, the adrenals produce cortisol, which activates the sugars in the body, relaxing it, leading it to a state of satiety. On the other hand, if it is necessary to react, the adrenals will generate the famous hormone adrenaline, which will put the body in a state of alert, promoting muscle contraction and the generation of energy destined to respond to external stimuli. An imbalance in this prism can lead us to lose the notion of direction, of why we do what we do. You see frustration, reluctance, the feeling of uselessness, the loss of strength, and therefore of desire and will. A conflict here leads us to fight, combat, war and uncontrolled anger, panic, or in its opposite, defeat, fear, surrender, the feeling of being lost and wrong. We can thus understand that these glands are completely dual, polar, that make us oscillate between positive and negative incessantly. The sacred is related to the creative, to the manifestation; and therefore, to regulate it, exercise, art, all types of manifestation of dreams and desires, doing what we like, and taking the necessary relaxation times are necessary. This will lead to igniting the inner creative fire.
_I: And lastly, the Genitals.
_AM: Also called Gonads, they come from the same origin: “gene”, meaning birth, emergence, generating something, giving birth. They have a double function: the production of sexual cells through meiosis, which allow the emergence of life cells (gametes), and on the other hand a glandular function in the production of hormones. In men, the glands are called Testicles, and they will produce testosterone. In women the glands are called Ovaries, and they produce progesterone and estrogen. In the process of embryonic generation, these glands are equal, and it is not until the organism defines itself as male or female that they will take different positions. The ovaries will remain inside the body, joined to the uterus by the fallopian tubes; all located above the bladder, below and behind the intestines, connected through the vaginal neck to the vulva. The function of ovaries in relation to gametes is the formation of eggs, female cells that will allow pregnancy in contact with sperm. While in the male, these gonads will descend towards the scrotal sac on the outside of the body, protecting the gametes produced in the testicles, that is, the sperm, at room temperature. In the case of the male, the equivalent of the uterus is the prostate, generator of all the sugars and nutrients that will surround the sperm, giving them a space conducive to development, called semen, which will be released during ejaculation through the seminal duct to the urethra. emerging through the glans, in the muscular structure equivalent to the vagina that you call the penis.
_I: So the male genitalia are basically female organs that have turned outward.
_AM: Yes. The male will produce testosterone, which will activate all the reproductive functions, which will give strength, vigor, heat, encouraging erection, stimulation, and secreting odors that attract females to reproduce. In the case of females, the same will happen with estrogen, which produces the development of cells, the assimilation of proteins, the absorption of fats; and they activate the sexual appetite, preparing the body for reproduction, attracting the male with their aromas, and generating impulses in the brain system of the thalamus, which causes mood changes.
_I: This is what happens during menstruation periods, right?
_AM: Yes, every 28 days, although the hormone responsible for the development of this process is progesterone, that is, the one that predisposes the body to gestate, influencing the female cycle, the development of the uterus, breasts and endometrium. In both men and women, these glands are regulated or stimulated by the Hypophysis, the genitals of the brain, since it is the spirit that asks to descend into matter. A malfunction of these glands implies a disconnection with the king or queen of the body, which produces fear of losing power, control over material things, over basic needs, living from the idea of poverty, or the intention of put on others to get what I need. The gonads are the anchor of the spiritual world, and mismanagement of them, whether in excess or in shortage, will imply a significant spiritual disconnection. Although it may seem strange, it is the genitals that regulate sexual appetite, calming the body through the production of its hormones. It is necessary to stimulate them for the proper functioning of this prism, through masturbation and orgasm (with ejaculation at least once a week for a good genital state), the sensitivity of touch and caresses, as well as kundalini or yoga and tantra meditations. . Its regulation will allow there to be strength, clarity, determination, self-esteem, health and happiness, allowing us to be achievers, manifestors.
_I: Interesting, understanding how this system builds what we are, they are the doors of the spirit in matter, and recognizing them is essential to live a full life, here and now.
_AM: They are the main sacred chambers of the Temple that is your body. Honor them, get to know them, learn about them, about the emotional meanings of each one, about diseases and their meanings, biodecode your body, and understand the temple you inhabit. Open the doors of these 7 main chambers, and let the spirit live in you.
_I: I am a portal of the universal mind made matter…
_AM: I am Channel of Cosmic Consciousness here and now.