

_I: These days I was thinking a lot about fatherhood. How will I be as a father? I think many of us sometimes ask ourselves these types of questions, and in many cases, according to our own stories, we unconsciously seek to repeat what our parents did or do the complete opposite of what they have done with us. In my case, my father was absent for 27 years of my life, and I thought about whether I would project that to a future child with so much travel and projects... But my grandfather, who was always at home, also seemed absent, as if his presence did not make a difference. one difference. Am I perhaps something similar to my children? A shadow from the past? And this leads me to wonder how I will be present in his life, how I will transmit what I am without passing on the weight of what I am to him.

_AM: It's something impossible to control...

_I: To what extent?

_AM: What you are and have done lives in your cells, and it is the information that you will pass on to your child. What you do will not change what lives inside.

_I: How to improve then?

_AM: Sharing what you have learned from what is inside. The experience, the stories, what you have integrated, your own dreams, projects, always reminding him or her that he or she is free to create his or her own path, and you tell him or her so that he or she is aware of the previous path that his or her cells have taken.

_I: So it's not a question of releasing him outside, so that he starts from 0, but telling him everything without the weight of that being his truth.

_AM: This is how you give him everything that you have achieved, giving him the freedom to do it his way, to choose the steps he wants to follow. In general, parents do not tell their experiences to their children in order to give them tools, but rather they do so for the simple reason of continuity, that is, to indicate life to them, to tell them what is right and what is wrong. Instead of transmitting “sophé” (wisdom), they transmit “logos” (knowledge). Wisdom is the understanding of a text, while logos are the words within the text. And, in general, single words do not convey knowledge. You can read the dictionary and only gain knowledge of terms, but you will not find wisdom in the words. Genes in biology and traditions in a culture are like that dictionary, full of codes and words, but without understanding, interpretation, wisdom, they cannot be understood.

_I: Oh, I understand, then, what you're saying is that the problem is repeating things without intelligence, but out of tradition.

_AM: When, even having had an unexpected result of an experience, I keep it alive by simple tradition, I am sharing knowledge but not wisdom, since there is no transcendence in the cycle.

_I: Like the example that I always give about Christmas, of many people who even don't know what Christmas is, continue celebrating it and teaching it to their children without the new knowledge, but maintaining the tradition just because it is beautiful.

_AM: Exactly. Instead of looking for new ways to celebrate, it becomes repetitive karma. This is what we mean by “negative harmony.” A harmonic is the combination of certain agents that combine with each other and work in that logic, but perhaps that harmonic logic in a Heavy Metal song does not sound harmonic to someone who listens to Classical music. Therefore, there are harmonies that can be based on violence, pain, trauma or lies that are sustained and that seem sweet and beautiful, like certain traditions, or jokes, which we do not recognize as harmful to the integrity of the being due to our custom. when contemplating them. It is like someone who naturalizes the idea of ​​the crucifix as an act of devotion or love for God, and never sees it as a symbol of torture, which is what it really is.

_I: Like hanging in the house a revolver with which a loved one was killed and honoring the weapon more than the smiling portrait of the loved one...

_AM: In the same logic, when the arrival of Santa Claus is celebrated, it is nothing more than the celebration of the arrival of Odin, god of Viking warriors, to the Yggdrasil tree, giver of runic knowledge. Bathing before going to the temple, in many traditions, is not to present oneself pure before God, but because for the ancients, God was Water, since in the desert, without water, people died, and this represented life. Celebrating Easter with chocolate eggs is nothing more than a tradition that remembers the famine in Europe where there were only eggs and rabbits to eat during the plagues. Thus, many traditions are repeated without awareness of themselves, like sweet memories, when they are based on tragedies.

_I: Reminds me of Disney. Walt Disney took all the tales of European tragedies told by the Brothers Grimm and other contemporaries, and softened them, turning them into beautiful stories for children who he filled with preconceptions of the time, such as the weakness of women, the dependence on a man with power. that saves it, the absence or criticism of certain ethnicities, the justification of violence and certain political propaganda...

_AM: The stories that we sweetly tell children many times are actually the surface of something much deeper of which we are not aware.

_I: Like the story of Little Red Riding Hood being the story of first menstruation and rape. Or that of Snow White being an allegory to the 7 deadly sins after Eve's sin of biting the apple...

_AM: In most cases we continue holding a “logos” without becoming aware of it. And this is how Ideas become Ideologies.

_I: What is an ideology?

_AM: It is knowledge about an idea. Remember, “idea” comes from the Greek “eideía” which means “form.” It is related to the verb “eido” which means “to see”, so one is able to see the shapes of the world. Logos, is the word, is knowledge about something. Thus, Ideology is the quality of seeing the forms of knowledge, or following the forms of a word or message.

_I: So it doesn't just have to do with politics... But with much more.

_AM: That's right. We can go back to the first times of humanity, when the words that define the forms were constructed. When a human looked at a bee, he related it to the sound, creating the word “btzeh”, which over thousands of years would evolve to create words like “abbzi”, “beez”, “abbyss”, “abis”, “ apis” (bee in Latin), which gave us “beekeeping, apiary.” The shapes we see begin to have names, and these names encompass imaginary concepts, which we will call “ideas”, mental forms. For example, the word “bee” can bring to mind the colors yellow and black, honey, sting, sound, honeycomb, teamwork, flowers, spring, breakfast, bears… Just one word that encompasses An image ends up becoming a network of images called Idea, a mental map. As these maps become more complex, words do too, and ideas can become increasingly abstract, such as going from describing a fenced oasis as a paradise around which to build a town or kingdom, to transferring this concept to the heaven as the destiny of souls, and around it build the kingdom of God.

_I: Of course... To this day we call it the Kingdom of God, of the angels, and we continue to use terms forged in times when human policies were hierarchical and the idea of ​​direct democracy or networks could not even be visualized...

_AM: That's right. Therefore, maintaining the idea that the Universe is the realm of a superior being is nothing more than a conceptual translation of an ancient idea, that is, of what the ancients saw in the world of forms. Thus they have named things like the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of Men, the Animal Kingdom, the Vegetable Kingdom, the Mineral Kingdom, when the only one who has built kingdoms is the human.

_I: Oh… Sure…

_AM: This makes the observation of a form become a logos, a word that summarizes concepts and beliefs.

_I: That is why I have heard that some philosophies call the dark side of the Universe the “Logós”.

_AM: This is a typical error in spiritual concepts that only observe things from the surface and stay with what they see instead of what is. The concepts of Knowledge (Gnosis) are divided into different mental entities called “Logós”, which encompass abstract concepts of thoughts, ideas, imaginaries, difficult to describe as individuals or beings in themselves. For this reason it can be called “Solar Logos”, “Christ Logos”, “Diabolical Logos”, “Divine Logos”, “Sophistic Logos”. The Logos is not an entity, but a set of concepts born in philosophical terminology and adopted by the spiritual world to define archaic concepts of divinity. In fact, one of the standards of philosophy is the “passage from Myth to Logos”, where the invented story is supplanted by a piece of knowledge. Non-religious study groups were considered “Lodges”, that is, those dedicated to the study of abstract knowledge, converted into cults and hermetic sects due to pressure from religions due to the prohibition of studies.

_I: And that led them to become almost public enemies.

_AM: Another of the traditions that make spiritual people interpret the Lodges as the evil ones in history, a cultural tradition that the Church instilled in all of us to distance us from them and their studies.

_I: Are you saying that the Lodges aren't the bad guys in the movie?

_AM: The Lodges are not, however, the individuals who make them up are another matter, since I will not be responsible for those who make them up and what their far-fetched purposes are as individuals. What I want you to understand is that they use words to define ideas that are not, and they encompass people and stories in wrong ideas just because of the tradition of repeating them. This is what Ideologies build, the inheritance of meaningless words that give the impression of encompassing concepts that in reality they do not encompass. Like considering that everyone in the Church is a pedophile, or that everyone in Islam is a terrorist, or that all Jews are Zionists, or that all Socialists are Communists, or that every Capitalist is Neoliberal. Ideologies do not allow us to understand the sentences because they are left with the single words that encompass them, and people inherit the data packages without taking any notion of what they encompass.

_I: The other day I saw an interview with a Peruvian politician who considered himself left-wing, and when faced with the liberal questions he was asked, he responded to everything with right-wing ideology, to which the journalist told him: “Sir, everything you answered me What you will do is a strict extreme right vision... And you are running on the left. Are you right-wing?” And he didn't answer. He made me laugh.

_AM: Because ideologies are useless in a globalized world of networks. Ideologies were useful in times of lack of communication, where countries were at war and needed to unite in homogeneous groups to defend certain interests. But since individuals have a public word, the idea of ​​following a joint current is absurd.

_I: Yes, I understand. For example, many people who say they are on the left (liberal, flexible, integrative) are more right-wing than those on the right (paternalistic, conservative, dictatorial). Today it is impossible to say who is right or left based on what they once represented, since throughout history people from the extreme Left ended up becoming right-wing fascists. And it also mixes with the economy, thinking that being on the left is controlling wealth to distribute it equally, when being on the left is giving opportunities to everyone equally, which is very different, since controlling is more right-wing, and throughout In history, it has been those on the right who have given more freedoms. So clearly that system doesn't work anymore.

_AM: Exactly. Today it is impossible to define people by ideologies of the right or the left, or the center. Because of their religions, philosophies or cultures, and even their ethnic groups. Today it is polarized with absurd concepts, to the point of turning women and men against each other. And one of the big mistakes made in ideological equality policies is to value the number of women and men more than the capacities they have to solve. The countries that function best in the world are led by women, but there was no law that made them equal to men because of punishment, but rather they did so because of their human value, because of their integrity, and because the people realized the capabilities of a being beyond a gender. Today the discussion is ideological, and that is why it does not work, it is not a question of gender, but of capabilities. The gender struggle is not won with egalitarian ideologies, but with human education, valuing each human being equally, not by their genitals.

_I: Pretty blunt… Yes, I get this. I share it. They are delicate topics.

_AM: That's why we have to talk to them. If we seek to create a conscious society, we cannot allow new ideologies to continue destroying the rational and emotional mind. What did the teachers of the Andes tell you years ago?

_I: “Moving from Ideology to Biology.” It is the main reason for Ontocracy.

_AM: Ideologies are left with mental maps of things that do not even belong to us, as communist revolutionaries in the 21st century, when to understand this struggle you had to live in post-Tsarist Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. Young people who defend names of people they did not know in historical contexts that they do not know, and who express their love for social policies that failed due to their corruption and inability decades ago. Ideologies create repetitive traditional maps, like a vice, an uncontrollable addiction, which instead of making us see the forms, blinds us to the realities. Being part of an ideology weakens the judgment of the being, of the individual, and makes it lose its axis in favor of the tide. A mere word can move a group of people, raising flags of ideas that they do not fully understand.

_I: And biology? Is it also difficult to understand?

_AM: But it does not live on expectations and dreams, biology works, after millions of years, it continues to give positive results. Biology is the example of an organic system without hierarchy that regulates itself without commands, but in the interaction of a network of networks that constantly maintains homeostasis, life. And yes, there are always conflicts to resolve, the body knows this, and it does not close itself to those conflicts, since they are the basis of its improvement, not enemies, but tools of evolution. Ideologies are functional to periods of biology, but it evolves, transforming ideological concepts, and whoever seeks to maintain them can become extinct.

_I: Of course... So, we should transcend the ideas we have about things, go beyond our ideologies, which is very difficult for many who have become accustomed to them and have made them part of their essence.

_AM: The deconstruction of the mind, unlearning what has been learned is one of the great challenges of life.

_I: How do you deconstruct an idea?

_AM: Knowing her. Investigating about it, knowing each of its aspects. Many times we are part of an ideology just because we are unaware of much of it. Investigate what you believe, look for what it is based on, where it comes from.

_I: What has happened to me this year is that I have gone so deep in what I believed, that many of the things that I held in me disappeared, that is, they transcended to another level where I better understand why I use certain words, or think. certain things... The truth is that I feel much freer from ideologies, more open to infinite possibilities.

_AM: Knowing what you think you know gives wisdom, and it brings freedom. Free yourself from the “Logos”, and become Everything. Transcend the forms of what you see, the Idea, and live life.

_I: Here and Now.



