_I: In the moments when we begin to work on our shadows, those things that make us uncomfortable, is when our denied, hidden, unworked aspects come out the most, and therefore, all our hypocrisy. I was thinking that the world of Spirituality is probably one of the most hypocritical today, because in the search to be conscious, one dresses in hundreds of costumes to fit into a spiritual parameter. Being accepted is almost a constant human condition that is transversal to spirituality as well.
_AM: Because spirituality is a biological condition, not extraterrestrial. Everything that exists in matter arises from the law of Attraction, in which Polarity, positive and negative, seek to complement each other and attract each other to form a reality. In order to find balance, both must do what is necessary to combine, perhaps leaving something of themselves or adding something external that helps them look more attractive, precisely. Thus, atoms change their electron charges to be able to attract each other, thus chemicals modify themselves to generate reactions, thus life transforms to adapt to the environment. The path of physical existence is a constant modification of the essence in order to attract what is necessary and thus survive and transcend. Living beings begin to imitate their environment, changing colors, shapes, camouflaging themselves or drawing attention, depending on their need.
_I: Pretend to survive.
_AM: Exactly. A chameleon changes colors to camouflage itself. A peacock opens its tail, appearing to have many eyes, to scare its enemies or attract females. An owl pretends to be a trunk so as not to be seen. Insects camouflage themselves with the colors of their environment, such as the stick bug, the moth, the cuttlefish, the octopus, the leaf butterfly... Strong colors, such as black and red, will announce dangers, poison, such as the coral snake, and others will simply dress in the same colors to scare, appearing, like the false coral snake. Nature discovered mimicry as a form of adaptation and survival. Pretending what one is not was key to the transcendence of many species. All animals camouflage themselves in nature, they all know how to imitate, and it is the key to their existence.
_I: And humans are not exempt from it.
_AM: The only thing that humans have done differently is become an intelligent animal. Human brain development has allowed it to camouflage itself in language, culture, personality, religion. The seed of all this is summarized in the following: “pretend what you are not to protect what you are.”
_I: That phrase is a great key to understanding it. Our being is so subtle that the universe has built millions of layers to protect it, like an onion. Each layer is harder and harder, protecting the previous one, like firm shields, all pretending strength to take care of what is soft and weak.
_AM: In the animal and plant world, that soft and weak refers to the organs, the heart, what allows them to stay alive. But when the human evolved towards the conceptual, the psyche, the soul, the deepest part of the being, became the softest. While the body protects its internal organs, its mind is dedicated to protecting its interior, its soul and spirit. Everything is a threat to the biological body, and therefore, it must be defended. The evolutionary strategy took action through masking.
_I: Masks that allow us to take action…
_AM: That, friend, is “Hypocrisy”. It comes from the Greek “hypos” (mask) and “krisis” (action), which with its derivative “krytes”, gives us the word “Response”. Thus, hypocrisy is the ability to respond with masks. In a time when we seek the truth, hypocrisy becomes a falsehood, a lie, a disgrace. However, it is the skill that has made you get here, and be who you are. How you talk, how you dress, how you move, who you hang out with, what you do, what you talk about, how you live. The individual owes everything to the pack. In mammalian groups that have evolved in the form of packs, families function in clan mode. Clans generate traditions and regulations, and whoever dishonors the clan is banished. Thus, human individuals do everything possible to appear and fit in, to belong to the clan, to honor it, so as not to be banished. With the advancement of society, this happens to different areas, such as groups of friends, school, university, jobs, social strata, and now networks, the media, fame.
_I: We take things that are not our own and make them our own, assimilating them, becoming them.
_AM: Just as when you eat your intestines absorb the nutrients from the food, you absorb what is necessary from the culture and the environment. You dress like others...
_I: But… “Even if the monkey dresses in silk, she stays cute.”
_AM: One way to sum it up, yes. The essence is always there, inside, waiting to emerge between the fructose layers of the fruit, like a seed with the will to germinate. But this seed must go through the hard layers, the patterns that have been created for millennia, the structures that surround it. One of the greatest abilities of humans is their infinite capacity for creation. Everything he creates, imagines, designs, is a new pattern that will become part of the clan, and will end up disguising more and more the seeds of this family tree. The clan makes the fruit of the action more important than the seed that the fruit contains. “Giving results” is the key to the clan, that what is done provides. This is how the culture of service and work is generated, of generating fruits for everyone. But one day, the seed must create its own tree. It is at that moment that the seed, the essence, must go through the patterns, the shells, and make its way through the hypocrisy to discover the truth of its being and not what the environment has imposed on it.
_I: So the patterns are tools, codes that we acquire to survive with the clan and within the clan, whether family or not, and all those patterns that we created are useful, they are answers to problems, but instead of use them as simple answers and solutions, we decide to become them... And there we make the mistake.
_AM: It's like wanting to build a wooden house. You have nails and a hammer. The hammer is a pattern, which you can use to nail and join wood together. The human error is to consider yourself a hammer, and drive the nails with your forehead by butting your head. Dressing as something you are not, becoming something just for the sake of being accepted, is an animal point of view, of survival. But don't get me wrong, it's very useful.
_I: In what sense is hypocrisy useful?
_AM: You are hypocritical for example.
_I: I guess. But in what?
_AM: You are not the same with your friends as with the people you talk to.
_I: It's just that with my friends I'm very rude, a lot of dark humor, we talk and play with many things that if you're not part of a friendship you don't understand, that's normal... It happens to all of us.
_AM: Yes, but that is hypocrisy. You are one way with some and another way with others. For example: when you drive.
_I: My mother and friends tell me that she is afraid to get into a car with me when I drive in countries like Peru, Bolivia or Italy... But that in England and other European countries I am too polite and respect all signs. They also laugh because it depends on the country I am in, I try to speak with the accent of the place.
_AM: All of this is hypocrisy. And when you channel, or incorporate, you adopt the forms of others. All of this is a tool called Hypocrisy.
_I: When they call you a hypocrite it sounds ugly...
_AM: By culture, they have turned hypocrisy into a standard of morality, because being hypocritical defines people who hide the truth behind masks, such as thieves, corrupt people, liars. Hypocrisy has become the negative definition, denying its positive position. Resignify hypocrisy as the ability to adapt to others, pretending to move easily through a different environment. Imitating an accent is a way to get closer to the interlocutor by hiding who you are so that they receive the message more easily. A deception, but a useful deception that benefits both if the goal is to share. As in Attraction, you must become attractive for better reception and assimilation. Therein lies the capacity for invention, creativity, and human decoration. Art, beauty, literature, magic, languages, design, fun, everything is hypocrisy.
_I: How do I recognize the positive aspect and transcend the negative?
_AM: The negative arises from the need to deceive the other with one's own benefits, to feel safe, to obtain what one seeks, to manipulate. It is born from fear, from weakness, like those animals that appear larger than they are in order to scare. Bad hypocrisy arises from the fear of one's own weakness, of not knowing one's own essence. At the beginning you said that one of the hypocrisies that most astonishes you is that of spirituality, and this is because those who seek spirituality usually look for light, clarity, the brilliance of the sun in the heavens, where everything is harmonious. But the seed of the essence is in the center, behind the acidic layers of the onion, in the shadows of the interior. When someone seeks the light, being told that the only way to find it is through the darkness, the first thing they will do is deny said shadow. Well, there is what he does not want to see, what he has hidden. There are all the patterns he built. There is no work of consciousness in a light journey, since the cosmic seed does not float in the heavens, but rather inhabits the depths of the Earth. Hell itself is what shows us the truth.
_I: Apocalypse… What you said yesterday. Christians attribute the Apocalypse to the antichrist, the devil, the greatest hypocrite, the one who hides in the shadows and deceives souls. However, there are contradictory messages there. If the Final Judgment is from God, and the context of that Judgment is the Apocalypse created by the Devil, then God and the Devil are the same, working for the same thing, and it is the Devil who shows us God, through Revelation .
_AM: As I told you yesterday, ancient texts do not speak of facts, but of psychological circumstances. When you seek the truth, you must face the shadows, and there you will draw the veil, “reveal.” There you will see the Light that is God. The apocalypse narrates the passage from ignorance to wisdom, from unconsciousness to consciousness. Where masks disappear.
_I: “Take off the masks.” Moment when everyone will reveal themselves as they are. The monster inside us. We are all demons and angels.
_AM: The faun, of low passions, who plays with life, lives within controlled by the mind that decides our purpose and guides us. But the faun is the emotion that drives you to such a destination. Denying the lower passions, the inner shadow that you have hidden behind your mask of patterns and beliefs, will not get you very far. It's time to take off our masks.
_I: To recognize that we are all hypocrites.
_AM: Of discovering the mark of the devil within us. The Antichrist will produce the Apocalypse. Christ comes from “hrystós” which means “chosen”, and “anti” comes from “opposite”, the other side of the one who was chosen. The code of the beast, of the animal, of matter, of the lower passions, is linked to creation itself: code 666.
_I: What does it mean?
_AM: Simple. Life is composed of carbon, specifically Carbon 12, a chemical whose charges are 6 protons, 6 electrons and 6 neutrons. This pattern is the key to life and existence, and at its core lies the essence. 666 add up to 18, the petals of the Fruit of Life, so, in its center, lies the seed. 666 is the code of the Hypocrite, of the essential seed that dresses in appearances.
_I: So, they are not bad or diabolical things.
_AM: The devil was invented in the Middle Ages, 1,300 years ago, and carbon atoms were formed approximately 13 billion years ago.
_I: A little difference…
_AM: Revelation is the Illumination of the Carbon that forms your bodies. What they call Transfiguration. The transmutation of all patterns. The understanding of the logic of hypocrisy and therefore the liberation of it, its concept and manipulation. For he who is, does not need to pretend, since he is free and does not fear death, knowing he is eternal.
_I: Without fear, then, I drop my masks, not to eliminate them, but to recognize them as the tools that have allowed me to be and survive.
_AM: And so you can look in the mirror, without fear of what you will see inside you, because if you look deeper, you will find the light of the seed, waiting to germinate.
_I: What they have called “the Seed of Evil”, the “Antichrist”, is nothing more than a Christian way of naming matter, material life as opposed to the light and kingdom of Heaven. Well, if God is above, only his opposite of him can be below...
_AM: And when you remember that you are everything, you see yourself as Christ and Antichrist, you see the Holy Trinity or divine essence of love, wisdom and will, wrapped in the 666 of Carbon 12, which is your physical body. You are both, and there the struggle does not exist, the only thing that exists is the Revelation.
_I: Apocalypse…
_AM: Take off the mask, draw the veil, and discover the Truth.