

_I: Talking about hypocrisy, one of the things that humans often hide behind a smile is anger, discomfort, and annoyance. I myself experience it, that when I feel furious, the last thing I do is show it. I don't consider myself a person with a lot of anger to express, as I tend more towards depression than irritability. However, moments of anger are usually covered up, hidden behind a mask... Why do we do that?

_AM: To not appear psychopathic. It's a social consensus. One of the keys to living in society is to respect the rules, the established laws for coexistence. If everyone behaved like children who express what they feel in every moment without analyzing the consequences, with tantrums, excitement, fits of rage, imagine how that society would be.

_I: Well... Like it is now but without so much mediocrity. Haha...

_AM: Haha, true. However, that happens because people are not educated as individuals but taught as social agents.

_I: I understand...

_AM: Psychopathy comes from the Greek term "Disease of the Soul" (psijé and pathía). The Soul is the body's energy, and disease is the stopping or eruption of the flow of that energy. Thus, a psychopath is someone who cannot interact correctly with others' energy but constantly explodes. Anger, tantrums, are energetic explosions that need regulation. To live in a community, energy must be in certain balance for there to be good interconnectivity between individuals. That's why laws were created to punish erratic and virulent behaviors, the unpredictable, which can harm public order. This gives security to the group, the clan, the pack, the people. Therefore, culture and social education, the forms, try to hide those low passions, so that they do not erupt creating chaos, nor end up harming the generator of the same in the form of punishment. That's why people hide their low emotions. That is why, in the Roman Empire, in the Arab Empire, the Chinese Empire, and in so many others that were born from these ideologies, their philosophies or religions punished these erratic movements, dividing the body in two, from the plexus downwards, as the impure zone that had to be denied, and upwards the pure zone that sought God. Erratic, comes from the word "error", which gives rise to the word "errant", that is, one who walks aimlessly, without axis or destination, and whose word in Latin is known as "pecatus", that is, sin, which comes from the Indo-European "ped" (foot) giving rise to "pecco", which means "to stumble", that is, to walk erratically, without looking where I'm going, and therefore, to stumble with my feet. In English "sinner" (sinner, sin), its Latin origin comes from "sons - sontis", which refers to the guilty one, that is, the one who struck a "blow", the one who is "so" guilty under the law.

_I: "To err is human"... "We are sinners"... It's the way we learn, through trial and error.

_AM: But culturally, error is punished, as a sort of forced education for peaceful and harmonious coexistence. Imagine. Put yourself in the 3rd century, around 300 A.D. The Empires grow, Rome is so large that it has no choice but to divide its power in two, East and West. The provinces extend from Persia to Portugal, from England to Libya. Many provinces, many cultures and languages, many gods. It's complicated to make everyone follow Roman laws, norms. Thus, the Church is a great solution. All errors, thefts, murders, everything that Roman law used to punish was not enough to control such a diverse population. The implementation of Christianity was the only solution. Who imposes the Law now is God, not Caesar. God can see everything, beyond Roman law, and God punishes all those who do not comply with his 10 Commandments. He knows if you're sinning because he sees everything with his Great Eye. Thus, everything impure and erratic becomes punishment. The idea of Reincarnation is eliminated to ensure that there are no second chances, and that it's now or never, it's Heaven or Hell, the worst prison of all, because there's no way to escape.

_I: Of course... It's the best system of social order, in an uneducated town. Fear of one's own desires.

_AM: Desires are the greatest source of vital energy. Desire is the fire of life that leads us to awaken the will to do, to achieve. The search for social order, instead of educating to guide that fire, dedicated all its effort to extinguishing it. But the vital fire, which lies in the genitals, is like the Phoenix: when you extinguish it and it turns to ashes, it reignites, resurging with greater force. And every time you try to eliminate it, you only make it stronger.

_I: Provoking a fire...

_AM: Anger.

_I: What is Anger?

_AM: Anger comes from the Indo-European term "eis", which means "passion", referring to a rapid and abrupt movement, like the irregular flaming of fire that emits sparks. For the ancients, fire was sacred, as it provided light at night, cooked food, gave warmth in winter. It was the divine made material, something that could not be held in hands, a free spirit capable of giving life or taking it, reducing everything to dust. Therefore, fire was considered Sacred, becoming a synonym. Fire comes from the Greek word "pirós", as in pyrotechnics or pyromaniac. A Sacred Fire is a Pyre, and an Uncontrollable Fire is a "Crazy" (a word in Spanish that refers to someone who is crazy and has lost their mind). Passion, desire, when they become a sacred art, when sexuality and emotions are used as foundations of chemistry and psychology, to interact with creation, are an eternal and sacred fire that ignites the spirit in matter. But if that fire is repeatedly extinguished trying to control it, it will find a way to escape, like a pressure cooker, exploding on the sides, in an irascible fire, that is, one that moves abruptly. The word "eis" gave rise to the Greek word "hierós", which precisely refers to that quality of fire, to the Sacred. "Hierós" gave rise to the words Hierarchy (´ierós-arjé: sacred power) and Hieroglyphic (´ierós-glyfos: sacred engraving).

_I: You've just turned Anger into something sacred. You're shedding light on all the shadows... Clearly.

_AM: As it should be. In English, Anger comes from the Indo-European "angh", meaning "compressed, tight, repressed". Anger is the fire you have repressed, it is the power you have hidden or been forced to hide. Anger arises from a lack of power, that is, from Impotence. Men are more prone to anger due to testosterone. The male hormone generates a lot of internal fire focused on a single point and a single objective: to reproduce. It needs to satisfy that organic desire and, unlike the female (who can expand her hormones and her fire in many parts of her body at once and contain it inside for gestation), the male needs to discharge it immediately. It's an organic issue. Thus, male fire is more abrupt and fast, faster, and it consumes much more easily. Therefore, it's more uncontrollable. A man who learns to direct this fire is more prone to enlightenment, because male sexual energy regenerates at every moment, which sustains the focus on Enlightenment. A woman finds Enlightenment in manifestation, in expansion, in the life of everything around her, in feeling part of creation. That's why the masculine divinity is in the Sun, and the feminine is in the Waters and the Earth.

_I: So Anger is that power of creation that is not channeled with harmony and love but repressed. Impotence, the inability to take one's own power... Extinguishes the sacred fire, and invites it to explode.

_AM: Think carefully about this example. When you see an injustice in the world, such as hunger in poor countries, or corruption, and you feel unable to do something because it's beyond your reach, you feel impotence, because you don't have the power to help, to do something different that solves the conflict, and in the face of that impotence, you feel rage, which leads to abrupt reactions, to anger.

_I: So, the problem is not Anger... and it's not synonymous with Hatred, but synonymous with and a product of Impotence. Having lost the power of manifestation, decision, action, sacredness...

_AM: The chakra of sexuality, of emotion, of manifestation, the two centers of power that lie in your genital and adrenal glands, are supported by a bone in the spine that you call "Sacrum." "Hierón Osteón", or Large Bone, caused the adjectives "large" and "sacred" to combine so that translators eventually recognized the sacredness of the point where vital energy is created. ("Hierón" means either sacred or large).

_I: So, the use of this part of the body is fundamental. Anger, then, is the Phoenix that tries to free itself from the cage in which morality has locked it. For the feathered serpent to rise, it must find softness, fluidity, respect, manifestation. We're afraid of our low passions because for millennia we've been trying to control them through them. We've been forbidden to talk about the lower parts, denigrating them, denying them. Disconnecting us from their creative power. That's why when we're told to let flow our lower energy, it's often thought of as licentiousness, as if nothing mattered. We've been taught that it's bad, and talking about it seems to imply that all we seek is lack of control.

_AM: When the truth is that what is being tried is precisely to allow us to regain our own control. You can't lock fire in a box because it will suffocate, killing the strength of your spirit. But you can care for and regulate the fire by feeding it with firewood, caring for it on an altar or bonfire, so that with love, respect, and contemplation, it does not end up burning down the house, the forest, and all the towns around it.

_I: We must learn to nourish the fire, not give it the freedom to burn down the forest, but give it the possibility of being that light that nourishes, illuminates, warms, forges tools, feeds...

_AM: So, the next time you feel anger, ask yourself: what are you powerless about? Discover the fault, discover where you can't act and you feel tied hand and foot. And don't quench the anger, don't repress it or try to hide or eliminate it for not being "spiritual" or "balanced", but on the contrary, look in it for the crumbs that will take you to its origin, to the Pyre where your lack of power lies. And from there, look for ways to get to work. Step by step, with care, with respect, you will transform anger into creation. For the Universe was born of a Great Explosion, and the Cosmos emerged from that fire, forging the life that contemplates the stars with fascination.

_I: I Desire... For I am a creator. I Am Fire and Life in Action.



