_I: Today I woke up dizzy, without strength and with a slight headache...
_AM: Probably aligning you with the task of the day.
_I: Yes, it is the safest thing, since I have been living the process day by day aligned with what we must work on. Yesterday I was able to understand something very strong for me, and that culminates my week of emotional work, and maybe that is what makes me feel this way today.
_AM: What was the process involved?
_I: Well... After working with what I feel, with my ancestors, and so on, I realized that I chose to learn to play the piano this week, just finishing the 10 days of the emotional one. In February 2020 we bought a piano for Guille to play on trips, but I had never really realized that the piano was mine, in my head I had bought it for Guille. The thing is that the piano was left in Egypt for all subsequent trips, and I decided that I would learn to play it if I returned here. Since I'll be in Egypt for a year, I had no excuses, so I brought it with me and started a few days ago. But it wasn't until yesterday, when we closed the emotional toroid, that I realized why it is difficult for me to play the piano and it makes me so nervous and frustrating at the same time. Since I was born, nothing other than classical music was heard in my house. My grandfather was a fan and had a huge CD collection. I listened to everything with him, every day, while he cleaned his coin collection, since he loved numismatics, I sat nearby to draw, and in silence, we both listened to Chopin, Mozart, Holst... And because of this I wanted to learn. piano. My mother, when I was 8 years old, gave me a small piano, an organ, and I started with my classes. I wanted to play classical, but the teacher I had was horrible. She made me play “La Cucaracha” and “Happy Birthday,” and she had me for hours writing down the note C on one page, the RE on another, and so on. Also, she smoked next to me while she “taught” me. I never learned anything from her. When I came home, she would try to play by myself, “Para Elisa”, “Claro de Luna”, and many others. One day, I made my own melody, and I achieved something that seemed impossible to _I: playing with both hands. I perfected the song, and practiced it every week. Already at the age of 9, my grandfather was dying, although none of us knew it, only him, because he had chosen to let himself die by not using insulin for his diabetes. One day, when I was older, my grandmother told me that when my grandfather heard the complete song I composed, she started crying, something very unusual for him. My grandmother asked him what was wrong, and he replied: “It's my Requiem” (song or prayer made to the dead). He always liked to joke that he was having a heart attack, but a few months after that, the real thing came. The song I composed was his Requiem, and since his death, I never played it again, and shortly after, I never played the piano again. Yesterday I realized that it is the left hand, the one with the heart, that I cannot move easily, and I recognized the emotional trauma that my subconscious has in relation to the piano. My body was reacting to something I had never related to. And it seemed very symbolic to me that, after healing all this, I decided to learn to play it again.
_AM: It is normal that, when the emotional process is understood or allowed to be felt, it passes into the physical body as a reaction. At first everything is an idea, which is moved by energy, processed into emotion and materialized into action. Thus, everything you think or perceive, you will feel as an emotion within you, which will pass to your organs. For this reason, the reaction in our body, which we call “symptoms”, can occur in two senses: one, you have never paid attention to the emotional process. So, it draws attention through illness and physical problem. And another, that when working on it and beginning to become conscious, the body tries to process and balance it, feeling exhausted, dizzy, and certain pain.
_I: So it doesn't matter if it's good or bad, it will hurt the same, hehehe.
_AM: Well, it's like when you sit in front of the computer all day in bad posture and then everything hurts, or at the same time when you go to the gym and everything hurts but you feel better.
_I: I understand.
_AM: The body works by pulses, reactions to external events that modify the internal. Therefore, many times the body does not know how to interpret between pleasure and pain, both are mixed. One of the fundamental keys to understand is that for the body, they are just pulses, it is your ability to manage those electrical pulses that will awaken adrenaline or dopamine.
_I: …Wait a minute. Something just came to my mind now with what you just said... Yesterday we talked about how emotion is key as a way of assimilating information, and it is the most important intelligence; but when I heard you describe this I realized that all emotions are not external energies, but produced by hormones. A hormone, or a mixture of them, produces each of the physical reactions that we know as emotions... So, all the emotions we feel do not arise before the symptom, but are a reaction to the symptom...
_AM: And this is how you open the layers of the onion. Emotions, as we talked about yesterday, are electromagnetic, energetic pulses, positive and negative pulses. But you, like many humans, are designed to analyze the parts. And instinctively, when we said this, you separated the physical body as if it were something else, when the physical body is the manifestation of those pulses. Sooner or later religious, spiritual and spiritualists will see that there is no division between mental, emotional and physical, but that all three are reactions between aspects of the same being or thing. As we talk, just as Water has a solid, liquid and gaseous state, the Being has a mental, emotional and physical state. And one day, well, atheists, scientists and scientists will understand that the spirit and divinity are part of the matter that they studied so much, until they understand the spirituality that lies in it. Like an Ouroboros, the pulse of cosmic vibration generates energy, that energy generates matter, and matter generates hormones, which allow, through electrical pulses, to generate emotions that interpret those energies, and which are processed by the mind as information data.
_I: I understand, that is, it is like a cycle, it is the same being, which through its own creation manifests itself and then interprets itself in said creation.
_AM: Thus, you are the manifested spirit; The body, biology, matter, are the embodiment of spiritual consciousness, they are the projection of cosmic energy. Now, you have started studying piano, right?
_I: How?
_AM: Well, let me explain something to you about his music. There are no different sounds or notes in the universe, but rather a constant wave of vibration that changes its frequencies, like a single ocean with a lot of waves. Imagine yourself now on a small raft in that huge ocean, for example, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. How far do you think you can see waves on the horizon with your human eyes?
_I: Mmmm I don't know well...
_AM: Approximately 5 kilometers with a good, clean horizon. Now, the Pacific Ocean is approximately 18,500 by 14,500 kilometers wide. That is to say, you will only see 5 kilometers of waves in a radius that, the further away it is, the more difficult it will be to perceive. Now close your eyes, and imagine that you can only hear the waves for those 5 km. But the waves further away will be drowned out by the noise of the waves closer to you. Well, imagine hearing the waves that are 10,000km away from you...
_I: Impossible…
_AM: Which doesn't mean they don't exist. Then, humans schematized the ocean, dividing it into regions, into seas, into oceanic currents, delimiting the waves to be able to mark distances and spaces or reference points. In music, you call those Notes. In reality, they do not exist, they are random, and they only delimit the spaces that you can see. The notes you know are the same throughout your life, they are the ones that enter the 5 km that you can see and hear. This is how your brain works. Separate, limit, divide, with the intention of being able to perceive something impossible to control. And that is why energy, that vast ocean, needs notes to be understood. When the waves reach 5 km, the cycle will begin again, but in another instance exceeding, which creates what you call "scales", that is, an octave of vibration more, repeating the cycle until it disappears due to your inability to perceive him. Look at the keyboard of your piano, and you will see that in the middle you find yourself facing 12 main notes, 7 major and 5 minor tones. Those 12 are the main ones that you will have to play for any song you want to play, and sometimes, you can slide 12 notes lower, lower to the left, or 12 notes higher, high to the right. But the center is you. You are a continuum of vibrations that have been divided into aspects that you can perceive, of which the central 12 are your body. Thus, in the 12, you see the 7 major tones that you call glands, each one alive by its energy wheels (chakras). That is: pituitary, pineal, thyroid, thymus, pancreas, adrenals and genitals. And then, you have the 5 minor tones: knees, ankles, lower center or grounding, higher center or connection to the Higher Self, and the Skin connected to the Heart. Within the immensity of eternal vibration, the being was divided into hundreds of groupings of 12 notes, and one of them is you, here and now. On a lower scale your organs vibrate, on a more medium scale your emotions sound, and on a higher scale your ideas. But the scale continues, towards the Higher Self, towards the other dimensions, to Mastery, Divinity on the one hand, to nature and darkness on the other. A gigantic being of which you are only 12 notes joined to a major and a lower scale, that is, 36 notes that make up your mental, emotional and physical being.
_I: Wow… Yes, I think I can visualize it.
_AM: So, your balance uses the harmonics between these notes.
_I: The Chords.
_AM: Chords are groups of 3 notes each, that is, an organ or gland together with an energy or emotion, connected to an idea or belief. When you manage to connect a physical note with an emotional or mental one, the music sounds harmonious. That is, if you play the C note (C) in a medium scale at the same time as a C note in a low scale, it will sound somewhat melodic. But if you play the C note with a D note, it will sound dissonant.
_I: An example… Please…
_AM: Let's visualize the C Chord in your body: suppose that of the 12 notes the C (C) is your lower center under your feet. Thus, we would have DO# (C#) in the ankles, RE (D) in the Knees, RE# (D#) in the Genitals, MI (E) in the Sacrum, FA (F) in the Plexus, FA# (F#) in the Heart, SOL (G) in the Upper Heart, SOL# (G#) in the Laryngeal, LA (A) in the Third Eye, LA# (A#) in the Crown and SI (B) in the upper center above the head.
_I: The C major (C) chord would be: Lower Center (C), Sacred (E) and High Heart (SOL), which would more or less mean that it is the chord related to “Infinite and Unconditional Love of Mother Earth Creator of Life.”
_AM: Exactly. Now imagine that my body is related to the Earth and its creative potential, but all my emotion is in the C# major (C#) chord, that is C#, F, G#, or from the chakras: Ankles, Plexus and Laryngeal, which would basically mean “Carry out my own path towards the search for my Truth”.
_I: Of course, my physical being would be in dissonance with my emotional will, and a conflict would be created, since I would never be able to achieve my goal.
_AM: When we are misaligned, there is no harmony, if there is no harmony, there is dissonance, and that generates noise, chaos, frustration, disgust, depression... Now think that each note is just a vibration, it has no emotional weight. It's just a code, but you can only identify the emotion that it awakens in you when you hear it playing in conjunction with the melody that your body and spirit create. All together, in the song that is you.
_I: Now I can see more clearly the mechanism of the three bodies, as one, it is like a song. Each note composes me, but they are neutral sounds chosen from the sea of sounds. Clear! It's not until I experience them all together that I feel the emotion. In the same way that we get excited when we hear a good song and are shocked when someone plays notes out of place.
_AM: This is how data with no apparent relationship to each other, make up what you think you feel. An emotion is another perspective, an interpretation of the energy that vibrates in the notes that make up you. Your organs, your energies and your beliefs are the notes that, combined, generate a song. If what you think, what you feel and what you do each have a different purpose or need, this sound reaction will create a dissonant noise that will produce hormones that will make you feel that energetic dissonance, telling your conscious that there is something wrong. You call that hate, anger, frustration. Your entire being is a being in formation.
_I: …And the head, what does it have to do with all this?
_AM: That's right... You are in a great training process. A being that is developing is accumulating a lot of data in the form of experience, which is interpreted as being accumulated in the head. In Latin, the process of being in formation is known as “information.” Erroneously, humans believe that having information, sharing information, delivering information is only a mental process, useless for the emotional and physical. In turn, when you can't stand the new, you usually say phrases like “I can't handle it,” “it's breaking my mind,” “I'm losing my mind,” and the list goes on. But we come back to the same thing, you keep separating things. Information is the act or capacity of entering the process of forming as a person, of understanding the data that make up me and creating melody from harmony. Your headache is showing you that you are in a process of too much “in-formation,” in which your notes are trying to align themselves in the correct chords. Do not force the process of accumulating data, since information implies that same thing, a process of training.
_I: The head represents the I Am, where are all the data of the different I's, which are the ones that are trying to unite in me right now.
_AM: For this very reason... Stop thinking, and allow yourself to be crossed by the process of the formation of your Self. The rearrangement of your inner music. Play the Requiem of who you thought you were, so that a new melody can sound, the Song of your new Being.
_I: And without the body… Without its hormones, I will never be able to feel the process I am experiencing.
_AM: Blessed be the matter, for it is the miracle of the spirit.
_I: …I inhale…
_AM: …I exhale…
_I: My head receives through 4 of the 5 senses all the data that makes me perceive the world: hearing, sight, smell and taste... My 4 different Selves, all trying to find balance.
_AM: But you hear music through your ears, because it is this sense in your head that finds the balance, the balance, the homeostasis of your being. For this reason, music is the language of the spirit, since hearing is the sense of the Crown chakra, of the Hypophysis, of those who seek balance. If you get dizzy, it's because your inner ear is looking for balance. That is why when you wake up “you hear the voices of the spirit in your head.” That's why you call it “hearing voices”, “hearing messages”. Not only are they beings from other dimensions, in 99% of cases, they are your lowest or highest notes trying to align themselves with the averages that are in you, making them sound like external voices, because you are still dissonant. Relax, lie back, listen to the silence, and then renew your song.
_I: Enough information for my head…
_AM: It will never be enough, because you are infinite...
_I: I am balance, harmony, melody...
_AM: I am the consciousness in the song of creation.