_I: “Hear, Mortals, the Holy Cry: Freedom, Freedom, Freedom. Hear the noise of broken chains, see the Throne to noble Equality. The throne most worthy of him has already been opened, the united powers of Being, and the free of the world respond, to the great Human People. Cheers! … May the laurels that we knew how to achieve be eternal, crowned with Glory let us live, and swear with glory to die…” Today I heard the voice of the Cosmic Father lying on the sarcophagus, and recited the Argentine national anthem with some changed words. The Resurrection is not returning to Life, it is remembering that you are Life, and this makes you Free...
_AM: “I Am You and You Are Me.” Every year, the Earth experiences a crucifixion, which culminates in the Winter-Summer Solstice. The cross has a vertical line with its north and south ends called Solstices, and another horizontal line with its east and west ends called Equinoxes. In the center is the Axis, the Sacred Heart. The horizontal line shines pink, while the vertical line radiates light blue. The two rays, warm and cool, reflect the beats of Being through the cycle of time. And in space they manifest themselves in the forms of water, earth, fire and air. In the center of the world a white sun radiates that expands the 12 colors of the Rainbow, finding expansion. And in its colors all the names of the I Am resonate.
_I: I am the Unity, I am the Light, I am the Truth, I am the Love, I am the Essence, I am the Creation, I am the Life, I am the Meaning, I am the Way, I am the Internal, I Am the External, I Am Eternity… I Am that I Am…
_AM: And you remember that the Whole is reflected in them, the fractals, the different parts of creation, the fragments of reality manifest in each atom, each particle, and it does not matter where they are, whether lost or in the full sense of their being, one day they will remember that they are not trapped in reality, but that they themselves are the great reality, Everything and Nothing. You will be able to say “I am who I am”, and you will find Freedom.
_I: What is freedom?
_AM: In Latin languages, freedom is the quality of “liber”, which comes from the Indo-European “leudh”, referring to “the people”, those men and women who choose to live together, with freedom of choice. In Germanic languages such as English “freedom”, it comes from the Indo-European word “prei”, related to “what is dear or loved”, those with whom one feels an emotional relationship of affection, sweetness and flexibility, without dependency, which gave rise to the word “friend”, something that not only linked outsiders but also those within the family circle.
_I: So being free does not mean detaching myself from all things, ties and realities to float in the void, but rather it means loving unconditionally, in flexibility, those around me.
_AM: Freedom is not gained by escaping, freedom is gained by being. For this reason, the Cosmic Father reminded you: “Say my name and you will find Freedom”, because those who look for it outside do not find freedom. The image of human freedom is that of someone who finds themselves inside a house and feels trapped, looking in every corner for a way to open the door or a window and exit to the outside world. For the Universe, that external world is relative, because when you leave you also find yourself in another box, which is the region or town in which you find yourself, and if you manage to get out of this, you find yourself with the limits of geography, which when you cross them They face you to the limit of the oceans. But if you learn to fly them, you will look at the skies wanting to fly, and one day you will want to go out into space, where in reality you will be more imprisoned than ever before in a small ship made of metals and plastics with limited oxygen. Then the Universe will show you that you have always sought freedom by escaping from the previous situation, which only led you to a new prison. For this reason, the Cosmos decides to do something different: it sits in the center of the house and meditates, finding within itself imagination, ingenuity, consciousness. And in its expansion, it recognizes itself as limitless, and sees that the house is an eternal void where it can be created, generate new spaces, constantly expand and transform, and it begins to find ways to get out, but not to escape but to rebuild the house. with huge portals and windows. There the being discovers that Freedom was not found in leaving a place, but in becoming the place. He does not find freedom by freeing himself from a story, but by becoming that story, integrating it.
_I: Of course... That is why I have to say “I Am”, that is why if I look for the light I must recognize that I am the light, if I walk a path and I have gotten lost I must remember that I am the path. Freedom lies within, in the mind, in my thoughts, in what I believe about things.
_AM: No one can take away what is within you unless you give them the power to do so. And yet you always have the possibility and inner freedom to recover it.
_I: Today I felt that freedom… I felt in the song that I do not belong to Argentina, I Am Argentina. I felt that I am not from anywhere, that I Am the World, I Am the Earth. I felt the Network, the consciousness of each individual who is recovering his power, his freedom, and I felt powerful and free. Like the vibration of the spider web, the resonances of it have reached me. Everyone is remembering that they have been Sent, that they are Christs, and that there is no command in it, but Freedom. Well, no one has sent us by force, we have all chosen to come, be born, experience, be of service, it was we ourselves who created our reality, and therefore, we can say that we are the sent of our own being, because I am the that I am.
_AM: There you find Freedom, in recognizing that it is you who decides your feelings and your thoughts, just as both decide your actions. Your Spirit, your thought finds Freedom, the first sacred cry is the liberation from limiting beliefs, from inherited patterns, from old thoughts. The second cry of freedom is that of the Soul, your emotion, which is once again free to feel, to express, to love without conditions, light from all the weight of history. And the third cry is the Freedom of the Body, your temple, your divine and biological vehicle, which frees itself from the ties of the past, to transform its actions, raise its vibration in a new frequency. The three freedoms are the Coherence that allows you to be the creator of your own freedom.
_I: I will never find freedom by running away from reality, but rather I will find it in my ability to transform it.
_AM: That is why you have been sent, to transform the world. You have lived for millennia and many lives in this world, you have gotten lost in its paths, you have had hope in the unknown, faith in divinity. But now is the time to remember that you are divinity, and that you have the gift of acting instead of waiting.
_I: So we can say “I Am the Christ”, and take action in the coherence of our responsibility. We are a Network of Christs who awaken. Before I thought that saying this made us feel an enormous weight, in many ways, because for many the word has a very dense historical burden, or a very religious burden, or too much responsibility. But these days I felt the complete opposite. Instead of weight I felt freedom, I felt like I was expanding. By recognizing what one is, what one lives and awakens, one stops feeling weight, because the weight was only produced by the force that my being exerted in the opposition to what was inevitable, like a dam holding enormous torrents of water.
_AM: And when the dam breaks, the weight disappears, and as it destroys everything old in its path, you discover the freedom of water taking its healthy course. It is time to break the dams of life, it is time to break the chains that we have put on ourselves. It is we alone who have limited ourselves out of fear to what we are capable of doing, since no one taught us how to use that power.
_I: Today more than ever I accept my Freedom, and three times I shout to the heavens and the world so that it resonates in Eternity, that my body, my soul and my spirit are free from all oppression that I have imposed on myself, and from there, I eliminate all possibility of being repressed by the external world.
_AM: Well when you know who you are, you do not fear silence, and your cry becomes harmony.
_I: The Truth will make us Free, and the only possible truth is the only real name in all of existence: I Am...
_AM: “Hear Mortals, the Sacred Cry: Freedom, Freedom, Freedom…”.