

_I: Today is 12-12-2020, Mother's Portal. It is 8 years since Portal 12-12 that we carried out in Tandil, the “Planetary Birth”, where we planted a tree together with the soil of about 45 points of the Planetary Kundalini, irrigated with water from Antarctica. It is a cycle of eternity, of infinity. I believe that everything we sowed at that moment is what we are reaping now with the paths that are uniting us all towards the I Am. I feel that this December is the germination of that seed that we planted together.

_AM: That's right... What was planted was not to begin, but rather strength and intention for what was to come. And that time has arrived.

_I: In the second Pyramid, in Khafre, two beings appeared today; one of absolute darkness that gave us many intense interior perspectives to resolve and recognize, and another of great light that sang a melody that, at least within me, sounded beautiful, reminding us that behind all that shadow lies the light.

_AM: Tell me about the message from the Dark One.

_I: First of all he made an observation to us, he reminded us that it was darkness that created matter, and that this world was designed by them, with all its beauty. And that we, believing ourselves to be representatives of light, have done nothing but destroy the world since we came to it. He said that beyond the fact that matter is based on light, and that everything is light, darkness is the distortion of said light to be able to see forms, feel, experience. That is to say that if everything were the original light, no one would have ever lived or created. Therefore, the dark ones consider themselves the creators of this reality. And they see the beauty. He said that in every flower, sunset, falling in love; In everything that provokes admiration, there is also darkness, the contrast that allows amazement. And then he reminded us that the Universe is pure, Unconditional Love; that the concept of God is the Mind that dreams, and that mind uses the imagination, which is an infinite tool. And therefore, where you can get lost. For this reason, darkness began to bend the imagination to limit it, and thus create patterns so as not to get lost, which generated universal laws. So, the Cosmos is Mentalism, the only law, and the rest arises from the appearance of distortion: Correspondence, Vibration, Rhythm, Cause-Effect, Polarity and Generation. Then he told us: “now you live in darkness looking for light, and to play this game, it is necessary to follow its rules.”

_AM: That's obvious.

_I: Yes, it's clear... Then he said that if we are working for consciousness, we take charge of what we have created, of what we feel.

_AM: Darkness is not bad. Just as the light is not good. Simply, like the beings of light, the more they expanded and fractalized, their ideas and clarity became diversified and fragmented, until they became lost in their own creation, losing meaning.

_I: And that was when he said something key: “This is the gift of the Second Kingdom of the Soul, it is to stop looking for the meaning of things in the external colors, and find the meaning in the internal and sensory, that is, to live “in sense". And here is hidden the second key to the gifts of the Three Wise Men, since in English, in sense it is said “in sense” which is pronounced the same as “incense” (frankincense), that is, “incense”.

_AM: As we have talked about in other moments, the greatest gift of life is being able to feel it. Sense comes from the word “sensory”, from the Latin “sensus”, which is “to feel”. The 5 senses, taste, smell, touch, sight and hearing, are the vehicles of energy, of light that the body assimilates, and the same are the distorted mechanisms of matter that allow it to be permeable to external information. that otherwise would never be processed by the brain. Thus, the 5 tools of the Pentagram of Darkness, of the Sensory, become conduits of light and consciousness. The gift of incense, on your path, reminds you precisely that in order to perceive light from matter you must honor the senses, and you must inhabit them fully, live in the full sense.

_I: And how is this related on an emotional level?

_AM: The senses translate, therefore, the vibrations of the spirit into a physical language to be assimilated into matter, but the vehicle and registration of said data occur at an emotional level. Thus, the main channel through which all information is assimilated and integrated into a body is thanks to the flows of information and emotional data that you call Feelings. In English, the term “Feelings” comes from the proto-Germanic “fölyana”, referring to what is ingested, to eat, to taste, which is one of the senses.

_I: What is the difference between Feeling and Emotion?

_AM: An emotion is a hormonal, energetic reaction to a specific circumstance or effect, an immediate response to momentary information, in a specific time and space. On the other hand, a Feeling is the energetic interpretation of what happened, which is recorded as data similar to emotions but in the memory of the cells. An emotion arises from an external stimulus, when a feeling, after having been assimilated in the form of an emotion, never goes out and is sustained over time as a record that can be used constantly, regardless of the context.

_I: For example, would a feeling be to love someone in your family very much, recognizing the feeling of love or admiration, while on the other hand I can get angry with that person, or have fun with that person, and those will be concrete emotions in a specific circumstance, such as arguing about something or playing something, and in neither case was my feeling modified by these emotions?

_AM: Exactly. Feeling is the record of all emotion like a library that generates large-scale data packets that nourish the energy of the soul, creating its history, its memory, its essence. Therefore, it is important to identify the difference between an emotion (read: reaction), and a feeling (read: action). Well, the feeling is permanent, constant and is activated from one's own internal register without the need for external stimulation, which works in its complete opposite for emotion. The majority of humans live from emotions, and therefore they need constant stimuli to be able to feel alive, which increasingly accelerates the pace of life, leading them to stress, since one cannot live at the pace of emotions.

_I: It would seem that emotion, or the search for it, is something very characteristic of a Sagittarian soul.

_AM: In your incessant search for new things to learn, you often fall into the need to feel too much, to keep your spirit alive through emotion, like a constant roller coaster that makes you feel alive...

_I: I understand this having my Moon in Sagittarius…

_AM: This leads you to wear yourself out, because you are putting the focus of your energy on reactionary hormones. Thus, the objective is to live from Feelings, which will show you greater balance, over a longer period of time, in the long term, and that maintain stability in internal and external links. Therefore the gift is to remind you that it is necessary to live in the sense, in the feeling, in the ability to perceive the spirit in the matter through the feelings of the soul, without fear of the shadows that have been created for them, remembering that the light shines in its interior, and that the forms are only limitations designed by the mind to experience.

_I: Returning to the center, to coherence, is thinking, feeling and acting in harmony, and Feeling is the bridge between thinking and acting. Without the Sense, without the registration of the 5 senses at the energetic level of the soul, I will never be able to create that bridge...

_AM: Therefore, ask yourself what your feelings are. Write them down and describe them. Ask yourself who you have feelings for and why. When you identify them, you will know what bridges you have created, and you will be able to receive the light with total clarity, being in perfect sense from your heart.

_I: It is time to light our “incense”, “in an emotional sense”. Ignite the Sacred Flame of the Mother's Heart.

_AM: The breath of the Soul… It is the Sense of Existence.



