_I: Today I went to the pyramid to write down everything you showed me for today. The feet guide the Path, the steps we take, where we want to go. And therefore, if the knees imply the inevitable changes that have modified our lives due to external aspects, then the feet would imply those decisions that one has made and decided along the way. So I set out to write the things that I myself decided in my life, the things that I have done in my life of my own free will without an external force telling me where to go. With great pride I wrote the question you asked _I: “What are the decisions that you yourself have made that changed your life?” And when I was making the list, I realized that none of them had been of their own volition...
_AM: What did you see this in?
_I: Well… The first thing I wrote down was having gone to study Pedagogy. But then I remembered that they had been my guides who told me that I should return to Argentina to study specifically that career. Then I thought that making RomaamoR had come from me, but no, it was the mandate I took from Roy Littlesun, and the messages I received in Antarctica. I thought about the fact that I had bought my own house, but I realized that it was never my will, but rather it was more of an intention of my mother, and for my mother and the female lineage of my family. I thought about my mission, that I chose to fulfill it, however, what I do is because of an ancestral mandate, not because I have chosen it. I also wrote about being able to travel where I want and when I want and be with whoever I want, being free in the world. And I think that's the only thing that felt right. Although most of the time I travel for missions, for tasks, and my task is to travel. Then, I suddenly felt like it wasn't really my decision...
_AM: What does deciding mean to you?
_I: Being able to choose for myself the things I want to experience. And today I realized that all the things that I thought I had decided were not like that, but were planned or dependent on reactions from the past or the environment. And that makes me question: am I really free to make my decisions and choose?
_AM: First, understand what “deciding” really means. It comes from the Latin “decidere” which in turn finds its origin in the verb “caedere” and means “to cut.”
_I: Cut… Like with scissors?
_AM: Exactly. Cut something, separate it from something else. This etymological root also gives rise to the Spanish word “caer.” Thus, the word decision is the same as making an incision, a cut in the path to start something new. Deciding something is letting two concepts be separated: what I choose and what I deny. To decide on something is to cut through the doubt of a choice to get rid of one of the extremes by accepting the other. When you find yourself at a crossroads, on a path that forks, you make the decision to “fall” into one of them, cutting off the rambling idea, to launch yourself, leaving the other behind or aside. The feet, the ankles, are the ones that biologically register this turn in the direction of the decision, and therefore, it is your feet that register each step, each decision made in your life. However, just like with your knees, which we call “Conscious Wisdom” and “Unconscious Knowledge”, you have two feet, and you cannot move forward with just one.
_I: And what would those two feet be?
_AM: One is called “Ego”, and the other is called “Being”. Let us remember, Ego is the Latin word for “I”. The first person singular embodies Personality, the identification of the individual, made up of a specific culture, emotions, feelings, ideas and biology. It defines what you are as a result of the division of your cells in the process of gestation and life, as well as what is acquired in experience. Your Ego is the filter of the world, its interpretation, your place in it. It, then, embodies your ideological, emotional and biological needs, related to your environment and survival in it. Therefore, the Ego, the “I”, is based on the needs and wills of the individual.
_I: And the “Being”?
_AM: The Being is the one that embodies the Verb conjugated in the first person singular, becoming the “I am”. Unlike the personal pronoun that indicates the question “who?”, the verb indicates the action of the question “what?” “For whom do you do what?”
_I: That was today's dilemma... What do _I: Yes... And who do I do it for. Well, I felt that everything I did in my life, everything I thought I was doing for myself and by my own choice, I was actually doing for others and from others.
_AM: The great dilemma of two feet.
_I: Which one?
_AM: Which foot makes you move forward: the one that rises to take the next step or the one that holds you firm so you can take it?
_I: In what sense?
_AM: What came first: the chicken or the egg? What came first: the question or the answer?
_I: They are abstract questions, difficult to answer…
_AM: What came first, the I or the Am?
_I: I understand. It is an ouroboros, like the snake that bites its tail.
_AM: A palindrome... Like “I AM”. So think. Who makes the decisions in your life?
_I: …Both?
_AM: You humans have emerged from a single cell, like all living beings. Unicellular organisms that learned to perform mitosis, sharing genetic material, multiplying and diversifying along the paths of evolution. By apprehending everything necessary from life, you could be what you are now. The more than 30 billion cells that an average human has, emerged from a single one. And yet, they are all different, and have different potentials from each other. They formed organs, and were divided among themselves even though they all together make up a single body. But human consciousness, the development of contemplation of the external, led the individual to see himself separated from the rest. Which created a culture based on the grouping and separation of things. The brain was designed to catalog objects and situations, so that it could analyze probabilities more quickly, predicting situations. What we have already explained with prejudice. Now, this also generated the idea of separation of the inner world, of the spirit, soul and body, of the being as diverse aspects. He separated the Heavens from the Earth, the divine from the mundane. Every decision that humans have made in their history has divided the world into dual and opposite concepts. And thus the struggle between the parts is built, the conceptual and real battle in many cases between the polarities, both seeking to free themselves from the opposing force that controls or imprisons them. The pronoun fighting against the verb. Do you see the irony?
_I: It would be impossible to create... We couldn't manifest anything or decree ideas...
_AM: Both the verb and the pronoun would become useless. The struggles between tribes, between peoples and cultures over hunger, territory, religion, began to take shape philosophically, ideologically and conceptually. Thus, beings on the path to awakening are positioned in a determining vision of the cosmos in which it is believed, it is thought that there is an external and spiritual or universal force that guides, controls, dominates, determines us, and that humans are mere puppets. of a cosmic chess game manipulated by interdimensional elites.
_I: ...And that's not the case?
_AM: We will discuss this fact in depth later, but for now I want you to understand this concept: tell me... Who has advanced the most in human civilization: those who believe and have faith in a superior force or those who, feeling free, develop their abilities unlimited?
_I: I would say that the second group... Atheism, agnostics and scientists have done more for the advancement of humanity than those who believe in an order diagrammed by a superior mind.
_AM: And do you know why this happens?
_I: No…
_AM: Because whoever believes in the possibility of a superior mind over the individual limits himself to the hope of being saved from his evils without responsibility for his actions, and to the faith of believing in certainties without the need to seek diverse answers in depth.
_I: You are practically telling me not to believe in what I feel, in the universal mind, in guides, in teachers, and in so many other things that I felt and experienced.
_AM: Oh no, I never said that. Pay attention to me. The Self, the ego, who perceives things, does so from necessity, from desire, from survival in the midst of a separate cosmos. And that is why he projects culprits and saviors outside. From both the religious and atheistic perspectives, the ego is limiting. But when you open yourself to spirituality and science, you turn the pronoun into a verb, you stop feeling sorry for yourself, you stop referencing the cosmos according to your own human needs, and you begin to be an active part of the Universe. You become God: the path of spirituality and science. Both discover that the potential is inside, not outside, both recognize that the power of the universe does not lie in the galaxies, but in the atoms, both know that the truth is not out there, but within oneself. There you find responsibility. There he discovers that the I is a tool, and that the Am is the action that is performed with this tool. None of them are real, because they do not exist by themselves. The Universe creates itself. Each step is your decision, sometimes the I advances first, sometimes the I am advances first, but as one advances, the other supports him. When you say that Matías never made a decision in his life because he has always been commanded by other higher consciousnesses, you are basing yourself on the unreal law of separation in which you consider your ego as a whole, and “I am Superior” as just that. , something above you. There is no such thing as “the Lower Self” or “the Higher Self”, there is only the I and the Am, the pronoun: who, and the verb: what. The decision is joint, because we are One. We are mirrors, as are the hands, the feet, the eyes, the ears. Both hands grab and create, both feet walk, both ears hear everything, both eyes see more widely. Both cerebral hemispheres regulate the entire functioning of the body. Sometimes one has more strength than the other, but both are One. Therefore, in your Spanish language, “SOMOS” (we are) is also a palindrome. So that you remember it.
_I: “RECONOCER-SOMOS-SERES-YOSOY” (Recognize that We Are Beings I Am), the great palindrome that you told me before beginning the entire Path.
_AM: Well, the true path is only realized by recognizing this truth. Anyone who continues to think that there are superior beings who control the freedom of others and that the objective is to free themselves from this system has not yet understood what or who the system is. And although in cosmic nature these struggles exist, and we will talk about them later, you will not be able to understand why they exist without understanding the basic law that in the cosmic essence, they are actually mere perspectives.
_I: So… It is not me who decides in my life, it is the two of us, as one, it is the “I Am”.
_AM: There you will find the freedom of your path. Write down, then, “What are the choices that you have made yourself (without apparent external forces) and that have transformed your life?” And when you write the answers, remember that it wasn't you, it was the two of us.
_I: I am. So, I decide not to decide anymore in my life, and from now on I choose to “choose”.
_AM: Choose, Election, come from the Greek “ex-” (outwards), and from the Indo-European “legh” (to collect). Unlike “Decide,” the word Choose places the intention of putting things together. Therefore, turn your life and every step into a Choice, and there we will always be together.