_I: I find myself sitting looking at the pyramid, and a sensation invades me that I feel from time to time, although for years I thought I had normalized it.
_AM: Which one?
_I: The fact that today they are ruins. Even though today when entering the vibration that is felt inside it is unmatched, I can't help but think that sometimes, in the chamber, I feel like a small creature that sings inside an empty skull, whose life disappeared centuries ago. A certain melancholy surrounds me, seeing that they have died, and yet, their bones continue to resonate. Every day I enter the pyramid, a part of me expands, but another part feels like it is dying a little more every day. And when people come to visit the pyramids, I often tell them: “what you see is the skeleton of what once was.” Every day I walk through Giza, the feeling is like walking through a cemetery. And the question arises: why did something that vibrated so high and perfectly had to end like this?
_AM: Because everything that is created is destroyed. Everything that lives, dies. Everything that goes up must come down.
_I: Why does the same creator who generates beauty in expansion distort to the point of destruction?
_AM: Destruction has two ways of being seen. By Continuity, or by Opposition.
_I: What would it be like for Continuity?
_AM: In the Universe everything is eternal, nothing ends, it only changes its forms. If there is one thing certain in the Cosmos, it is the law of Constancy. Time and Space are the two most important and fundamental constants of existence. Vibration waves move through them, which depending on their speed and contraction will become particles. They will modify their states along these constants, going from being solitary particles to forming larger particles, then atoms, molecules, compounds, elements, cells, tissues, organisms, bodies, which will connect by reproducing, generating links, emotions and feelings, creating cultures, societies, art, philosophies. But the journey continues. The only thing these tiny particles have done is share waves and energy. You could imagine this sharing as a sport with balls: soccer, volleyball, basketball. The ball is the energy, and the players are the particles that move in waves through space. They share this energy, forming a team, exchanging the ball between two groups, called Positive and Negative. In some cases, the team is organized in such a way that it needs the other team to continue the game, as in volleyball; and in other cases, they organize themselves in such a way that they must avoid the other team, as in soccer. This creates different forms of exchange. When energy was passed from particle to particle in this game of life, it was also passing through the constant of time, which seeks to fulfill cycles of energy generation, which we could call “game times” and “points or goals.” . The latter are the charge generated during a cycle of time, which shows the ability of a particle team to manage energy. Those who have managed to manage more energy by accumulating it on the opposing team (since the goals or points that are added depend on how much energy you have shared with the opponent), are worthy of Evolution, and will go to the next level to play with others. equipment with the same level of energy management. This causes evolution and adaptability for the winning team, and reorganization for the defeated team. That is, the players who lost need to reorganize, forming a new strategy, a new team, perhaps exchanging some of their players for new ones, forming a new structure. The team you had known before, conceptually disappeared, however, it took on a new form. In reality, it did not die, it did not disappear in reality, but rather it rearranged its components to become something else. Thus, the constant is an eternal game of exchange and rearrangement of waves and particles exchanging energy.
_I: I liked the example, I understand it better now. So, in a way this explains the example of opposition.
_AM: Well… It's a start to understanding it. The opposition is a little more violent, and takes the teams to a different level.
_I: In what sense?
_AM: In the case of Continuity, there is a willingness on the part of both to carry out this exchange to evolve. In the case of the Opposition, one of the two forces refuses or ignores this change.
_I: For example?
_AM: A war, or an asteroid that destroys life on a planet.
_I: That is the destruction we normally refer to, as absurd to a mind that considers the Universe a loving and creative being. Something that always catches my attention is that consideration that we have to believe that the cosmos, that this “God”, is a kind, generous, loving, protective and creative being, but on the other hand, it allows there to be wars, hunger, theft. , destruction and all kinds of horrible things. I am amazed in religions at the idea of asking God for everything to go well, and when things go wrong, instead of asking why believe in someone or something that allows bad things to happen even if I do everything well according to their rules, They ask God for protection or guidance to get out of that problem. That is to say... The key to atheism is to realize that things cannot be administered by a mind that is neither benevolent nor malevolent, since things happen simply because they happen. Many I met who didn't believe in anything. It is basically because of that religious disillusionment of seeing that God allows hunger or wars in the world even though thousands pray, which implies that there is really no one there. And if this happens, many excuse themselves with the easy answer: “God has a plan for me,” or “the Lord works in mysterious ways.” Because?
_AM: Well, it's a lot of things, but I understand where this is going. Let us remember, first of all, that religions were not designed as a path to Liberation, but as a means of Security. That is, they relegate us to a paternalistic idea of Heaven, in which God is placed in the position of a King, owner, master and lord of everything, just judge, lovingly strict father. The idea of loving God even if bad things happen is the same idea that we were taught to love our parents even if they hit us, because “they know what is good for us.” Teaching a people to respect their parents and ancestors is to value one's own origin, but religion has forgotten about respecting oneself, which is why centuries have passed in which people repeat the same mistakes simply for the sake of it. honor the father and mother, even if they break with the integrity of the being that we are. This is how the idea of “fearing God” arises.
_I: That seems strange to me, “God loves you,” but “you have to fear God.”
_AM: It is the systematic vision of a de facto government, in which they made the people think that the king loved them, but they had to respect him, because if they did not love him, they could have problems; In this way they avoided social revolutions. To justify the question of “why does God allow evil?” They had to create the idea of an opponent who is Evil incarnate. Thus, they create the enemy of God, the Devil, and the images that justify why inexplicable ugly things happen to us. Therefore, even if bad things happen, you will always trust in God, the King of Heaven.
_I: So how is it explained from atheism, or from the law of Opposites?
_AM: Distortion born from an incessant Diversification. Yesterday we talked about how the Universe is divided, generating the Diverse. Thus arise the two constants of Time and Space that will allow the expansion and existence of the cosmic being. Cosmos, remember, means Order in Greek. The image that you can see of this diverse order is given in the radial geometric projections, which organize the weaving of the constants in the form of intertwining spirals, like the seeds of a sunflower, or the tail of a peacock. The order is established here, as it follows the logic of mathematics, like the golden sequence (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144...). But the same structure in turn begins to repeat this pattern infinitely, not only in a third-dimensional plane, but also in all other dimensions. So you can understand this, imagine the Romanescu cabbage, and continue to expand it not only outwards, but inwards as well. There will come a time when the perfect structure collapses against itself, causing some of its extensions to collide with previous ones, breaking said perfection.
_I: Sure... I can see it, it's as if in the constant expansion, the same body divided itself so many times, that there would come a time when the outermost parts began to return towards the center, passing through the previous structures, damaging the body, like a tree that is crossed by its own roots or branches.
_AM: That collapse goes from being Cosmic to Chaotic.
_I: The cosmos itself creates chaos through its constant fractalization.
_AM: Which turns the own against themselves. War, conflict, emerged at a mathematical and geometric level in quantum entanglement.
_I: Wow… This explains the destruction, it is not a plan for bad things to happen, but rather distortions collapsing into each other… How do you correct this?
_AM: Before knowing this, you must understand what moved you. The pyramid being a skeleton, or your body becoming old. We call this process “Perishment”, that is, the act or circumstance of “Perishing”. The word comes from the Latin “perire”, arising from “per” (end or purpose of something), and the verb “ire” (from the Indo-European “ei” = go, advance). The word perishing, then, refers to “going towards the end of something.” When fractalization expands to such a point that it no longer finds any space to extend to, and begins to retract into the structure itself, superimposing itself on itself. It finds its end in its own structure, the limits of the universe due to its diversity. Therefore, we could say that the game is eternal, but it divides itself into cycles to manage energy, finding in each stage of time an end, and in each space an end. The equipment we were talking about can have several games throughout their life, but they cannot maintain the same level all the time. Inevitably, by the law of rhythm and vibration, they will follow the curvatures of the vibration waves, which will go up. and down like the waves of the sea, meaning that at times they cannot sustain the same team rhythm, which will lead them to have to leave the ball to new players.
_I: Die…
_AM: Death does not exist as such, as it is only a mental concept of finality. On a real level, the only thing that has happened is that the team that made up your trillions of particles has begun to reorganize, passing the energy to other particles. At the atomic level, you have never existed, in the same way that when you look at the sky and see the stars you cannot understand the Galaxy, its shape, or where you are in it. The Galaxy does not exist for your eyes, just as you do not exist for the eyes of an atom. And yet, your movement through the galaxy changes its order, and after millions and millions of years, the stars and planets explode or emerge, not from nothing, nor going to nothing, but the apparent death of A star is nothing more than the seed for life in other worlds. It was a dying star that seeded space with asteroids and comets, which one day, in their diversification, collapsed with the Earth, giving it just the right components for the emergence of life. You are a product of distortion and chaos, a child of destruction and death.
_I: Wow…
_AM: That's why you see history disintegrate, not because things have gone wrong, but because its expansion has reached its limit, which makes it turn in on itself, collapsing.
_I: Like the fall of empires…
_AM: Atlantis, Egypt, Persia, China, Mongolia, Greece, Rome, Spain, England, France, Germany... Each one with its own potential, expanded to its limit of time and space, to collapse on itself. This system is useful for the universe.
_I: In what sense?
_AM: Ensures that continuity is not static. Well, if that were the case, nothing would exist, and even today they would continue under the command of the same people, language, philosophy. The expansion of life without collapse of its own system is counterproductive to experimentation, expression, transcendence, it is counterproductive to integration, creativity and evolution. Without collapse and destruction there is no adaptability, there is no ingenuity, intelligence, development. Death is what gives meaning to life.
_I: That being said, then, can I ask the question again: How do you fix this?
_AM: You cannot correct the system by trying to eliminate its collapse, you can only channel the energy so that the collapse is not painful or traumatic. And this is achieved by going through ignorance, that is, the denial that things are not connected. You must recognize that everything in the universe is a single organism in transformation, and that to deny its transformation is to cling to a form. The only way to understand the purpose of things is to give them a purpose. To every day comes its night, every journey reaches a destination, every inspiration dies in the exhalation, to every beginning there comes an end. Not recognizing the cycles that constitute the constant, clings you to a node that will only lead to trauma at the moment of collapse. It is essential to move, move forward, and recognize that everything you do will perish.
_I: Learn to perish. See in the withering the magic of life and the achievement of energy.
_AM: To perish is to recognize the limits that we ourselves have created, recognizing that there lies the key to the transcendence of our forms into new ones. What would you be willing to let go of, to destroy about yourself, to allow yourself to move forward? What is the limit that you have reached in yourself and that you are still holding on to?
_I: …Ugh… I don't know… I can't figure it out right now. It's a strong question, I think...
_AM: Think about it…
_I: ….
_AM: …
_I: Egypt…
_AM: Egypt?
_I: Yes… The pyramid. He is dead to me. It's a skeleton. And I'm willing to let go of it, to let it go. I mean, what I experienced in it...
_AM: What do you let die?
_I: To Shiw. Who I was 12,000 years ago. Every day I go, I feel less like her. I feel freer. That's why I see a cemetery, that's why it bothers me more and more when they ask me about details of that time... Because I feel like I've died... And I feel like every day the time to let it go is closer.
_AM: When you let it go, you will be able to capture it externally, and you will release it. Well, Shiw has found his limit in you, and when you look into his eyes with awareness, instead of the weight of history breaking the integrity of who you are today, you deign to observe the perishing. And what notion does this give you?
_I: That Matías must also die... Letting go... That by finding Shiw through time and space, I also found my limit. The past no longer calls me like before... Now the future does.
_AM: And for the future to happen, what must happen?
_I: Recognize that I must die... If I do not die, I do not allow myself to perish, the information of the future will not flow, conditioned by the past. That's why I see my grandson at the pyramid every day! As I wrote in my story “The Great Inheritance,” if I didn't die, he couldn't come here, and he would never have told me what I need to know to carry out this mission.
_AM: Now, Matías, you understand. You will no longer go to the Pyramid to see the dead and remember their fascinating lives, but to speak with the future, and leave them your great inheritance.
_I: I understand now… Thank you.
_AM: Thanks to you. We are one.
_I: My paths, both past, present and future, are yours and mine. I am your other Self.
_AM: And where one dies, the other is born...
_I: And I am the Designer of the Paths.
_AM: Perish, and only then can you be Born.