

_I: I woke up thinking about the future. In projects to come. I feel like my hands are tied, anyway, until my mission ends in 2022, I feel like I won't be able to do anything I imagine in my head.

_AM: Well, everything is an idea, and if you give it shape, every idea is capable of manifesting.

_I: How do I make an idea manifest?

_AM: Remember, the Universe is Mental, and therefore, everything that exists is nothing more than an understanding of itself.

_I: But that is strange, in a way, because from that place, the doubt that comes to me is: do stones think? If everything is mind and the manifestation is the mind itself recognizing itself, then that would imply that there is conscious thought in inorganic objects as well… How is it explained?

_AM: This is due to your conception of what the mind is, wrong by the way.

_I: What is it then?

_AM: The Mind is the product of an intelligent network of data exchange through magnetic and electrical pulses that are vehicles of information. Consciousness is the entity, agent, entity or subject, formed by this exchange of data, since the word comes from all those parts separated from each other ("scire" = know, know; from the Indo-European "skei" = cut, parts ) that come together (“con-“= unity, set of something, of parts in this case), that have taken on an entity on their own (“-ent-“= being). Consciousness is the set of recognized parts of a being. Mind and Consciousness are not concepts specific to the human species, and yet, you tend to humanize the idea of ​​Mind and Consciousness when we talk about the Universe. The Universe is mind, it is not a human mind, since the human mind is a distortion of the mind of the Universe. It is not a gentleman or madam thinking, it is simply a network of data interacting. You understand?

_I: Sure... I mean, what happens is that humans cannot understand the object without the subject. That is, we inevitably relate an action to someone, and we give that being a form that fits our patterns of existence. We humanize the Mind.

_AM: That is why it is difficult for you to understand the Universal Mind if you summarize it to mere earthly parameters. Now, taking this into consideration, you can see that the Mind is an eternal fabric of data exchange, which forms different types of interactions in different dimensions and kingdoms, mineral, vegetable, animal, even us, humans; and this is only talking about this world, since in others each story will be unique. The key that this idea leaves you with is that everything exists simply due to an extension of data, exchange of information, which puts us in a training process.

_I: So for an idea to manifest, the exchange of data between the parts is necessary, like the neurons in the brain or the cells in a tissue.

_AM: And there will be two specific ways to carry out this exchange: vertical and horizontal.

_I: What is the Vertical?

_AM: It is the one that refers to oneself: the connection between Spirit, Soul and Body. There is no manifestation if there is no coherence between these three aspects. The mental aspect of the spirit, the emotional aspect of the soul and the physical aspect of the body must be in fluid and constant interaction for manifestation to be possible.

_I: Why is it easier for many bad people to manifest, and for people with good will, it is more difficult?

_AM: Because usually those you consider bad are consistent with themselves.

_I: Huh? But if they do evil... They are not coherent. How would their spirits be okay with something bad being done?

_AM: First of all, the spirit does not have morality, for the spirit there is no evil or good, and therefore the spirit gives you the license of imagination, in which you can do what you want without any judgment. The spirit is a pulse of consciousness, not a judge of your actions. Secondly, they are not coherent with the environment, but they are coherent with themselves, at a Vertical level. Thus, what they think is what they feel, and what they feel is what they do. The people you very loosely call “good” are the people who see themselves stuck in a pattern, afraid of the rules, and who, following a kind of morality, prohibit themselves from seeing outside the box. The first mistake is to think that there are bad or good people. Nobody is born good or bad, attitudes are built throughout experience. This does not mean that you have to be bad to be a manifestor, but rather consistent with yourself. And now I will give relief to your morality: if what I do is consistent with myself, but incoherent with the environment that surrounds me, the manifestation will end up collapsing, destroying itself.

_I: And why then are there bad things that last so long, like dictatorships, hunger, wars, corruption...?

_AM: Because they are coherent with the environment that surrounds them. A war is only sustained if the agents that contain it vibrate in the same state, corruption is sustained if the environment that surrounds it enables it. Germany, for example, experienced that state of war, corruption, hatred, destruction, racism, but it was not sustained over time by that country because the majority of its individuals did not sustain that energy, and that is why it collapsed, being reborn.

_I: It's good to know that there is an opportunity to be reborn.

_AM: Always, as I have told you, it is a constant transformation.

_I: The role of horizontal coherence is clear then…

_AM: Exactly, the one that implies being logical with the plane that surrounds me, that surrounds me. If vertical and horizontal coherence come together, manifestation is imminent. Well, you have created a node, a cross. The exchange of vertical data generates a flow of internal and own energy, which makes what you think descend to the emotions, and from the emotions the action is activated, while at a horizontal level, you need to share this data with others.

_I: This is what I always do, even if I am not sure that a project may be possible, I immediately talk about it with friends or people interested in the project, to make it possible and viable. The more minds that have it in their thoughts, the easier it will be to co-create.

_AM: If we consider that each person is a neuron, the interaction between them makes an idea more likely to become an action. Thus, a simple idea begins to weave data networks, uniting different agents, becoming aware of itself, forming an entity that allows it to manifest itself in matter. It's like being born.

_I: Being born?

_AM: The greatest manifestation of the universal mind is the ability to create fabrics, networks, that allow this mind to manifest itself as an individual, as a thinking, unique being that becomes aware of itself. As we have once said, To be born is to bring something new to the light, from the Indo-European “gene”, which means to give birth, birthing, and gives rise to words such as genes, genitals, gender, genome, and which in its phonetic modification al form a verb went from “gen” to “gne”, and from there to “gnasci”, which gave us “born”; shared word in English through “nativity” (natality, nativity). The concept of Birth, then, is the way to understand the manifestation of Divine Consciousness, in which the network of data makes up a conscious subject or entity, capable of creating on its own, living reality.

_I: So, manifestation is comparable to the birth of an aspect of the cosmic idea.

_AM: Or in any case, the manifestation of the cosmic idea is what gives rise to birth. Every time a chaotic network of something is in the process of transformation, decay, dissipates to nourish new bodies; This energy is regenerated in the form of a rebirth. Like the regeneration cycle of a field in which nothing is thrown away, everything is used, the Earth reuses the same molecules over and over again, the same tissues. Nothing ever left this world, we have always been here, it is always the same matter, which has only been modified in its forms. Decay is the key to birth, death is the key to life, just as the idea is the foundation of manifestation.

_I: So, from what I understand, in order to manifest, I must be reborn.

_AM: You must allow yourself to rise from the ashes. You can only be reborn when you are willing to reuse your old structures as compost for your new creation. In the same way that we have seen how Expression is the foundation for Experimenting, and what I experience inevitably seeks to be Integrated, to then carry out the difficult step of letting go, Transcending, in order to reestablish the cycle by returning to Expressing; In the most concrete aspects, these universal foundations are developed in the concepts of Reproduction, Growth, Decay and Birth. A human life usually aligns into being born, growing, reproducing and dying, a logical path over the course of a life. But in the existence of the universe, cycles repeat, and once you die, you are born, not because you leave one body to enter another, but because your body dissipates and your energy is reabsorbed by the environment where it will manifest. It's a constant. Rebirth is inevitable and logical from an energetic point of view, but for there to be a birth, something old must die.

_I: Yesterday I told you... I am willing to let what I had until now die, perish, in order to be able to be born again.

_AM: So, you understand that your energy must look towards the future, stopping looking at the past. That is why you have woken up with ideas of future manifestation, of things that do not take you back, but ahead.

_I: Yes… I am being reborn. And that rebirth implies manifestation...

_AM: The birth stage is the culmination of a process of data interconnection, and the beginning of its expansion. All this time you have been developing yourself, you have been nourishing yourself from Mother Earth, from the wisdom of the I Am, and each piece of information that we have talked about has led you to unite the data, the networks that allow you to be what you are today. Did you realize?

_I: Realize what?

_AM: Today marks the 9th month of your pregnancy. It's time to be born. You have started this path on July 30, 2020, and tomorrow will be time to give birth.

_I: Ugh… What does that mean?

_AM: That you have been bringing the idea of ​​the spirit, of the universe, here and now, unifying them in you, in the Network, giving shape to all the energies that create the information fabrics. And therefore, tomorrow, April 30, you will be able to seal everything you have created until today...

_I: And then?

_AM: We will welcome you Home. The House, Friends and Family await you.

_I: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer…

_AM: Take a deep breath today… As tomorrow you will be born.

_I: I inspire all this energy that I have designed for myself, and thus manifest it in my home, in my brothers and sisters, in the family that we are...

_AM: Welcome to Life, Welcome Home.


Free Will

