

_I: During yesterday's alignment, a Snake master spoke. His presence is already familiar to me, and every day I feel more how he is willing to collaborate with our network. He was the first dark one to come to help us on our Initiatory Paths by the Nile, and he taught people what Unconditional Love truly means. Many always wait for his return because he is very direct in what he says, and yesterday he was, as always. He reminded us that the reptilian brain is the one that knows about survival in this world, and that if we want to learn to live in harmony on Earth, the first thing we must heal and integrate is that brain, based on hunger, security, survival, reproduction. Most of the people who walk towards the light and the spirit of consciousness tend to distance themselves from these 4 concepts, which is why they appear as main conflicts. The masters of darkness say: "look at us, and listen to what we have to explain to you." Sometimes I feel that in the spiritual world, they want to start the house from the roof, when first you have to dig and lay the foundations. Every human is so immersed in basic needs that they do whatever it takes to cover them, without measuring the consequences, and in greed, they seek power, control, accumulation of goods. The master yesterday told us bluntly: "you blame the reptilians for controlling your lives, but it is time to recognize that you are the reptilians." And that is a great truth, we humans are the ones who act like reptiles, fighting for the most basic needs, as if we were still animals. He said that if we want to transform ourselves, we must change our skin, and they know how to do it. It's as if we were asking a dove for advice on how to crawl on the ground. Only a snake can explain that to us, and we are more like them than like doves. He said that they will control our systems until we stop acting like children and start taking responsibility without blaming anyone external for our own hardships.

_AM: He's not wrong... In his own words: "You are precious gems wrapped in your own shit."

_I: I know. His words are harsh but clear. And this truth is crushing for most, because it pulls us out of illusion, and grounds us, recognizing that things won't be fixed by wishful thinking, just as a house fallen in a storm won't rise again through prayers. This is a rupture of belief and value systems.



