_I: The boys came back. Their flight was delayed a day and they had to return to “my house.” Even though I was already entering a quiet time, it felt good to know that I wasn't suddenly alone.
_AM: You could enter a moment of very strong emotional lethargy, after 20 days of a lot of activity.
_I: Yes... It usually happens to me that my being is 100% active when there are people, but when they leave, or I leave, I suddenly enter a harsh process of depression. But, I don't miss anyone, so I don't understand why I get depressed...
_AM: Easy. We know that you are a detached person, which has nothing to do with the absence of ties, but with adrenaline. Your life moves forward in leaps and bounds when there are people, because you can awaken a great amount of energy. Your Sun in Leo, your Moon in Sagittarius, both need groups, friends, people who push you forward in a fun way, to expand. What elevates you is not the people and their connections themselves, but what they do to you when they are present. Knowing that you have so much to do and deliver activates adrenaline, accelerating the body's blood flow, dilating the veins and arteries, accelerating the heartbeat. This drives you. But when there is no activity to sustain, when your muscles do not need force or reaction, but can relax, the irrigation of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin, among others, is activated, which shuts down the system, leading it to a process of hibernation and of energy saving, taking us from a state that has us under pressure towards a state known as depression. When the pressure is released, depression arises as a response mechanism, like a muscle contracting or expanding. So you feel the sensation of sadness, melancholy, frustration...
_I: So low emotions are related to energy savings after moments of great activity and dedication... Which kills the emotional romanticism regarding goodbyes...
_AM: In the same way that when you have exhausted all your energy reserves you feel sleepy, and you feel physically tired from having had a day of strong activity, you can understand that on a mental level, in the humors of the body, in the hormonal segregation that occurs. felt as emotion, that exhaustion is interpreted as sadness, anguish.
_I: What about people who are depressive by nature? What energy do they spend?
_AM: There are decompensations depending on the body, astrology, environment, climate, genetics, experiences, traumas, ideologies, diet... Many factors can decompensate hormonal reactions that destabilize homeostasis, causing the entire organism to turn to these misperceptions. The balance of a being is neutrality, in which things affect him justly and necessary, without losing the axis, without entering into meaningless depressions, or submitting to unnecessary pressures. Neutrality is an emotional stability that is not compared to “feeling nothing,” but rather to feeling coherently, to realizing the emotion and its origin, but also its purpose.
_I: Purpose of a depression, does it exist?
_AM: Yes. Just as going to sleep helps the body to regenerate, depression helps to restore the soul.
_I: Wow… So, you don't have to avoid depression…
_AM: What you have to avoid is subconsciously immersing yourself in it. It must be recognized that it is useful for specific moments of lethargy, emotional rest. Moments of dream, of depth where unrecognized roughnesses are purged. Yin Yang, the two forces are necessary and useful to exist.
_I: So you don't have to escape depression or always try to be happy. I have seen in many currents this search for happiness as something divine, in which many hide what they feel just to smile and appear enlightened or conscious, when underneath they want to kill others or burst into tears.
_AM: Of course, well you can't be awake all the time.
_I: I think the problem is the fear of Bipolar…
_AM: What does bipolarity mean to you?
_I: A mental syndrome in which a person lives two totally different and uncontrollable lives, where everything is good and in a second everything can be bad.
_AM: Bipolar is the person who has two poles. And, forgive me for being obvious, but nothing exists without having two poles.
_I: Clearly... That is, I have two poles, north and south, which are my crown and my feet, sky and earth, light and roots... I would not exist without both.
_AM: All people in the world are bipolar, and oscillate between both polarities in a subtle and calm way. This means that in certain periods of time we are introverted and sometimes extroverted, related to the ancient periods of activity and hibernation, hunting or hiding, night and day, cold and heat. As mammals, an emotional bond was built for millennia as survival bonds, which made the herds survive together in these changes, and which sent warning signals when one separated from the group, as it could be exposed to dangers. In this way, the idea of emotional ties and emotional states when relating to others was built. The states of “hypocrisy”, that is, the connections that allowed us to adapt to groups by interpreting their idiosyncrasies, made our psyche perfect to be of different shapes depending on the environment in which one develops. For this reason, every individual is bipolar.
_I: So by nature we are. When does it become a problem?
_AM: When bipolarity is uncontrollable and off its axis. Imagine that the environment is cold and requires adaptation to the snow, but you, without any notion of this, decide to go out in a bathing suit. This shows your inability to identify environments and their circumstances, losing control over the reality that surrounds you. The concept of natural bipolarity comes to define a state of loss and absence of personal control.
_I: When it is said that a person is bipolar, it describes an individual who has two faces, perhaps one euphoric and another depressed, very marked.
_AM: And very uncontrollable. Hormones create chaos, altering brain perceptions. And sometimes, they reach breaking points, where this illogical oscillation divides the person into different logics, creating different versions of themselves. You know this as “schizophrenia.” The word comes from “skhizé” (divide, discern, separate) and “phrein” (mind, idea), that is, divide or separate the logics into several. Unbalanced bipolarity makes a person lose track of what he does in the environments in which he does it, while schizophrenia turns those attitudes into new personalities that can coexist inside.
_I: How do you know that you are not bipolar or schizophrenic? That is to say... What if I am schizophrenic?
_AM: Why do you say that?
_I: I always thought that, especially when I was little. I came to believe that it was wrong, because I lost track of spaces and times, I saw other realities and I remembered being many other people, I felt that I still was them today. Women, men, aliens, animals, plants... Beings from other dimensions. And I heard them talk to me, guide me, give me instructions and missions, teach me things. And one day I started channeling, and I stopped being myself, to be another, to speak for others. Something that I still do to this day, and I really do things that I would never consider doing on my own if I let my mind enter what is happening. How do I know that I really channel, and that I am not schizophrenic?
_AM: The big difference between someone connected and someone with schizophrenia is simply the emotional management that has been achieved over it. Bipolar and schizophrenic people, as well as many others with different problems, are only differentiated from other people by their inability to manage themselves internally. In order to channel, your body must reorganize itself, and profound changes and chemical reactions occur that accelerate the circulation of blood and hormones, in a strange state of neuronal alert. If you find yourself on your axis, working emotionally, you will be able to see that all realities can coexist in you without problem, but if you allow yourself to be consumed by hormonal chaos, confusing your brain with constant impulses, it will create images that are not there, and that will generate experiences outside of this plane. In the world of the 4th and 5th dimensions everything is possible, although in this 3D plane, it is necessary to find an axis that gives order to traverse the others. Bipolarity allows the fluctuation of being, adaptation, while schizophrenia reminds you that not everything is what it seems, and that there are many more realities of which we are a part, however, they are shown through poor personal management of emotions. that make everything else possible.
_I: It could be said that I need to recognize these two mental states in myself, but working deeply on my emotions and their management.
_AM: Remember that “crazy” in Latin comes from “locus”, one who has lost his place (locus= locare= location). You only go crazy when you lose your axis, your place, your center, meanwhile, the rest is a capacity for expansion and adaptation, breadth of consciousness.
_I: So when some people tell me that mine is schizophrenia, what should I say?
_AM: Yes, you have a schizophrenia centered on your axis, in the center, and this allows you to articulate all the possibilities of what you can be without losing the axis of what you are. Bipolarity is art, creation, schizophrenia is the expansion of consciousness to recognize that we are all one. Autism is a deep internalization, which can become dissociation from reality, just as schizophrenia is a loss of axis and bipolarity is constant confusion. But for all states you must remember that they are natural, that every human has them, and that perhaps some chemicals, hormones, foods, or external agents can promote these states, although their imbalance will depend on your ability to manage emotions, hormones. that make you live these parallel realities. If you can have control of it, you can benefit infinitely from the perspectives to which your world opens.
_I: Recognize the infinite creative capacity of the soul.
_AM: The fear of getting lost in the infinite built finite minds, conditioned to the idea that integrity is not changing, and always being the same, there the idea of the madman is born as one who changes, who stops being who he is, and dares to be everything. Transcend the fear of being called crazy, transcend the preconception about what you call mental illnesses, and recognize that they are natural aspects that we must learn to direct, use, direct, put an axis and center.
_I: They are expansion tools…
_AM: It can only be created with two poles, positive and negative, north and south, up and down, only then is there movement, only in the feminine and the masculine is there a manifestation of life and biological transcendence. For this reason, find your center, the axis of your being, and let it flow, allow yourself to be everything, and observe the infinite possibilities of the being that you are. Go Crazy, always remembering that you have chosen to live here and now, in the Third Dimension, in the logic of creativity. There will be time to fly through other planes, today you are a seed of the cosmos, dare to feel it, without losing track of the roots that keep you firm in this world.
_I: I set the intention to stay focused and use all my emotional energy to expand to the infinite possibilities of my being.
_AM: Dance between the poles of your being, and manifest life in your new reality.
Quereme así, piantao, piantao, piantao…
abrite a los amores, que vamos a intentar,
la mágica locura total de revivir,
¡Volá conmigo ya! ¡Vení, volá, vení!
(Balada Para un Loco)