

_I: Tonight is the New Moon in Aries. I wonder what it will bring.

_AM: New things, if you're willing to leave the old behind.

_I: Am I willing?

_AM: That is the question I ask you. Only you have the answer. The energy of Aries is that of the Initiator, and this Moon is a perfect time to initiate a new version of the Self. So, to do this, you must let go of an old version of the Self.

_I: My old version of me… What is it?

_AM: The one who doubts himself for example.

_I: Do I doubt myself?

_AM: All the time. Happened yesterday?

_I: Well… Yes, it's true… Even I doubt whether I'm really sane or not. I'm referring to the pipelines. It hadn't happened to me in a long time, and it felt very strange... Like being drunk. To what extent does that not take me out of my center?

_AM: You doubt something that you should no longer doubt.

_I: Why?

_AM: Yesterday we answered all the basic questions of who you are. Of what you are. And it's still not clear to you?

_I: …I am one option among thousands across time and space…

_AM: Channeling is nothing more than opening yourself to all the possibilities of what you are. If you don't know how to control it, you go crazy, but if you control it completely, you become separate from everything. Sanity is not shown in being Matías, that is what you have been taught in human culture. The question is, who is Matías really? And what is the human effort to defend a sanity that is only imposed at a cultural level?

_I: Do you mean that what we consider crazy or real is just a mere cultural perception?

_AM: That's right. From the vision of culture, it is as crazy to think that there is a man above the clouds who observes everything you do, as it is to say that matter is nothing more than the set of atoms that have never touched each other and are held together by magnetism. . Both are unverifiable by the simple eyes of a human. Believing that the spirits of the Earth must be honored, as considering that the institutions of a nation must be honored, is the same, and yet there are those who see one of the two as madness. Why is it crazy to philosophize, but intelligent to study philosophers?

_I: …Because culture gives importance to scholars more than free thinkers.

_AM: Because freethinkers do not fit into the norms established by the culture. Why is it sane to talk to God, but crazy to be able to listen to Him? Why do you prefer the question to the statement, the question to the answer?

_I: I don't know... Maybe, because the answer is limiting...

_AM: In what sense?

_I: When the question is said, you are open to thousands of possibilities, but when you get the answer, there are no more questions. The search is over.

_AM: Or perhaps, you begin a new search, but clinging to the idea of ​​what could be, you refuse to take what you experience as a determining answer, since you want the answer to fit your pattern of beliefs and expectations about the question. “Question” is a word that comes from “prae” (before), and “cunctari” (to doubt), while in English it arises from the “act of the object”, a question (question = kwo-tio). The translation of the concept is “position yourself in the face of doubt”, confront it in a manifest way. “Answer”, like its opposite, comes from “re-” (to return, again) and “spondere” (to offer, promise). In English, it means the same, but with the terms “ante” (in front of) and “swear” (swear, promise), giving “antswear”, and thus “answer”. Answer would be to put yourself in front of a promise again, to offer yourself again. The answer is the act of searching again, of repositioning oneself in a new beginning, the promise of a new beginning. Whoever takes the answer as an end has not understood the meaning of life.

_I: Ah… I understand better what it means. It is constant, it is not finite. Yesterday they gave me many answers, and they all opened new paths for me. But my old self still feels strange channeling those who bring me the answers, it's as if I feel like I'm losing my sanity, afraid that others will think I'm crazy, or that I'm lying to them...

_AM: Why are you terrified that others will think you are lying to them? Do you have something to hide?

_I: No... In fact I show all my realities too much... That is, if it were up to me, I would never channel in public, because I am ashamed... I want to be an educator, not a spiritualist. Sometimes my old self feels like every time all the other me options come up, all they do is ruin his reputation, his ability to make any real change, by being considered a schizophrenic.

_AM: If the answer is useful to you, what does it matter if it comes from a madman?

_I: How?

_AM: The human mind overvalues ​​sanity, thinking that something is useful only if it comes from a sane source. I wonder, what is someone sane? Why does the subject continue to matter more than the object? If a madman shouts a great truth, will it become a lie?

_I: …I don't think… No.

_AM: So what does this person's status matter? The answers are not certainties, they are new beginnings. Remember. Even if you are lying about what you do, you are not lying about what you say. Even if your story was a hoax, your answers have opened paths and changed lives. “By their fruits you will know them” (Matthew 7:15-20).

_I: That phrase talks about false prophets…

_AM: Of those who say one thing and do another, of those who teach a truth but live in lies, of those who incoherently hide their true objectives and intentions. The fruit that a tree bears is according to the tree. If you have borne good fruit, and in your words you sow coherence in the world, your tree can have the colors and shapes you want, your tree can be the shelter of many other beings that improve your message.

_I: Yesterday, the dark being I channeled spoke of doubt, that this is the time for the Path to be cleansed of those who continue to believe in Hell, of those who continue to believe in the Light, of those who continue in the struggle or doubt. Those who seek answers only to become enlightened or rejoice in their expectations, he said, this is not their way. “Don't get in the way,” he said in a way. From time to time they put darkness nearby so that the task does not have the weight of judgment. However, they awaken judgment…

_AM: Well... You can't know who lives in judgment until you give them something to judge. And that's when you can see who still lives in incoherence.

_I: I still have trials…

_AM: This is why this emotional week of Aries begins with the intention of clearing those judgments, that emotional struggle with yourself. The Universe is not asking you to have no judgment, it is just showing you that judgment clouds your ability to see other options. He who judges closes himself to the particle that he is, remaining small before the cosmos.

_I: The message that the teachers said yesterday was that they were doing a vibrational reconfiguration in us, like Red. They said that since the path with the I Am began until yesterday, with the question Am I?, a cycle culminated that put together a idea, a thought, a synapse in the network that we make up, and that is interpreted as having made a new yarn in a fabric. Having incorporated everything we have worked on so far, many things are unified, and we are now prepared for the task we must perform. They say that the reason why they are worried is because from other worlds they are trying to generate that fabric as well, but to connect it to ours, you must have millimeter precision, because finding the frequency of the entire Earth resonating in harmony is like finding a needle in a haystack, since the haystack is the galaxy. And if we continue to swing like a pendulum between the idea of ​​good and evil, between struggle and judgment, they will not be able to connect to us. They say that we must open the Crown of the World, and that is why the planet has prepared for this, that both the subconscious, the unconscious and the conscious have the word Corona in their head (due to the coronavirus, Covid19), so the entire planet He is thinking about the crown, both the north pole and the south pole. They talked about the two eclipses that will occur at the north pole, on June 10, 2021, and the eclipse at the south pole on December 4, 2021. They talked about the Earth as a Lady in Blue, reflecting in its mantle (waters), the correct stars to ignite the kundalini (serpent) at your feet. They are preparing us... With their songs, vibration, as technology to keep us all on the same page. But it is our task, for the last 250 days, the guidelines they are giving us to integrate and find the center. And at the end of the 360 ​​days, we will have completed the circle of information to align ourselves with the I Am.

_AM: Beyond being an educational and informative path about philosophical concepts, those who know very well why they are here, understand that every day a new response is worked on, which is necessary to continue advancing in a mission, in reconnecting the network of thoughts and expand it to the entire galaxy. The first date is the Blue Moon on August 22, 2021, halfway between one Eclipse and the other. And the last one will be on February 22, 2022. There you will get more answers...

_I: To continue.

_AM: The question is whether you will continue to have more questions.

_I: Always.

_AM: I advise you to never stop doubting and having questions, and to never stop getting answers. But I also advise you to never doubt yourself, just as the answer will always be you.

_I: I understand. To carry out this task, regardless of whether they believe me or not, I must be the one who believes in myself. Well, all the answers are in me. I set the intention on this New Moon in Aries to stop doubting myself, to trust in what I am, because each being I channel is myself, and I should not be afraid to be. I must trust what I created for myself, understanding judgment as a cultural tradition, and not as a personal attack. I must accept in myself that what I have come to do, I will do it in the best way I can, and I will deliver it in the way most appropriate to my own coherence. I intend to expand my answers, to encourage seeking more answers. Well, I offer myself, in the promise that we are the World, we are the Earth, I Am the Earth, and all the answers live in me.

_AM: The biological, emotional and mental response mechanisms respond in the form of a reaction according to the level of consciousness and mental interpretation of reality. Therefore, you must Be the Answer you want to hear from the World.

_I: Become the Answer.

_AM: Well, the world today responds in judgment and aggression, because the human vibrates in judgment and aggression, in separation and frustration, hatred, fight. So, this week we will work on these reaction responses, so that you can respond correctly to the world.

_I: And be the answer.

_AM: Thus Wisdom will live in you. I ask you then. Who are you?

_I: I Am the Answer.




Am I?