

_I: When, in yesterday's alignment, you had me remind everyone that the sacred food is “Forgiveness,” I was able to realize what that concept really meant. In many religions this exists, but there are different ways of looking at it. From the Christian religion, the concept of Forgiveness is to forget the evil or mistake that another person has committed, which maintains the idea that there is a victim and a perpetrator, a guilty person and an innocent person. But in reality… It doesn't work like that.

_AM: These concepts are moral or ethical versions of “he who lacks something” and “he who possesses something.” As we talk with atoms, one has something that the other needs. If I am willing to give, naturally and by the law of balance, I will receive what I need. You have turned this into a form of social values, in which he who needs is poor, and he who has is rich. And to this, you have added an emotional concept: that someone who lacks something can seek to steal it from you and commit the mistake, the sin; and whoever has, will be the victim. Although now you can also see that the atom that has the most strength can also steal from the one that has the least and leave it with nothing. In a moral vision, that act of taking something from another, whether you are full or lacking, is what creates the perspective of victim and victimizer. Thus, the concept that you previously knew as “give and receive”, as “energy exchange”, is transformed into the moral concept of “blame or forgive”. Your entire system of values, of justice, of seeking balance, is based on this. He who has committed a mistake must repay society for said mistake or mistake by asking for forgiveness, or be arrested. And it is up to the morality of the perpetrator to decide whether to forgive this person or not. But the truth is that whoever commits an injury, does so due to lack or necessity. And I'm not just talking about a poor person in need, but also about a powerful person who has lost his self-respect. Control, narcissism, paternalism, the character of superiority; All of this is also the product of a personal lack.

_I: So what is needed to balance this is for us all to learn to give... This way the circuit would come into harmony.

_AM: It is normal for humans to have a certain suspicion of Dar, because all of human history has been based on survival and, to survive the winter, we must work hard in the summer and accumulate reserves that allow us to navigate the cold with comfort and safety. And the first ones we will protect will be our own, the family. Therefore, we have created a vision of accumulation. We have first accumulated food, then wealth, then we have accumulated emotions, pain, resentments... Then information, and so we continue trying to become owners of things, people and emotions, trying to control them and make them our own. The concept of “giving without expecting anything in return” goes against all biology. No atom or cell will give anything by losing. We always seek to complete the circuit. Otherwise, it is a failure. However, when you awaken and become conscious, you recognize that life is infinite, and you will still die, and you will not be able to take with you anything you have accumulated. Therefore, there is no point in accumulating, but in living what you have. Thus, when from unconsciousness you accumulate for fear of losing, in consciousness you recognize that by giving, you make it all yours, because now the world belongs to you in that extensive chain of giving and receiving.

_I: It's almost like a barter...

_AM: Yes, but don't get me wrong, it has nothing to do with an economic system, but with a value system. It does not imply material goods, but human attitudes. Many confuse this circuit with Communism, Socialism or Medieval Barter, but in reality, thinking that is like believing that a tree should be the same as grass so that everyone has the same possibilities of giving and receiving. No. On the contrary, each one has their own way of doing it, some grow more than others, but they all deliver, bear fruit, release oxygen, create nutrients, homes and food for the forest.

_I: I understand…

_AM: And this is when, in consciousness, we heal our relationship with the word Forgiveness. As I said, Forgiveness comes from the concepts “To Give”, which in a way means “Let go”, freeing myself and the other from a preconception, from a prejudice. However, it goes much further, and has to do with the fact that Forgiveness is not Forgetting, but rather it is the delivery of a potential: the potential of regeneration. Start a new cycle again. It is using duality, not as opposition but as complement. You humans have dualized everything in your lives, to the point of believing that duality is opposite, when it is not. For a bicycle to move forward, you need two pedals. For a tree to bear fruit you need roots on one side and leaves on the other. For a baby to be born you need an egg and a sperm. Duality is the driving force, giving and receiving. The two eyes focus on the destination, the two ears amplify my ability to hear everything, the two nostrils regulate the temperature, the two hands allow me to create, the two feet allow me to walk.

_I: Forgiving allows me to remain free on the path of life…

_AM: Withholding judgment generates the oxidation of my duality, stopping the machinery. Generating sparks that you will call resentment, anger, rage, which will try to be processed by your liver and your gallbladder. And when you fail to cleanse the physical, the information will pass into the waters of your body, and your kidneys will try to purge this emotion. But, if you still don't achieve it... Frustration will appear, and with it the fear of it happening again. Forgiveness is a form of energy, it is giving what I have in me, recognizing the importance of it, and freely, without expecting anything in return. I release control of the energy that I was holding in me. When you manage to forgive, you go from the animal stage of biological survival to the spiritual stage of self-consciousness. Well, as I said, your prehistoric brain seeks to accumulate to satisfy its needs, without realizing that by giving, sharing the little I have, I increase my chances of receiving more from many others. The stingy will have things, the giver will have opportunities.

_I: Thus, forgiveness stops being a way of forgetting the fault of the “sinner,” and becomes a delivery of possibilities for the sinner to become a useful agent. It is an exchange of energy.

_AM: There lies the challenge of the Victims.

_I: Change the concept of Forgiveness…

_AM: And for this, they need to reactivate the machinery.

_I: And how is it done?

_AM: Well, how can you light a fire to generate energy in your body to get the gears turning again?

_I: I need a large amount of energy… Kundalini.

_AM: And being in a physical world, how do you activate Kundalini?

_I: …From the energies that are in my body… All the emotions together.

_AM: And where are the emotions, the energies of your body?

_I: All that data is in the cells, plasma, in the water of my body, in the energy of the electrons that form me.

_AM: And where do those electrons get their potentiality?

_I: From the combination of new chemical compounds, which are mixed in the body.

_AM: And how do you obtain those elements?

_I: Eating… Drinking… Digesting. Through the absorption of nutrients in the kidneys and intestines.

_AM: In the Water chakra, in the Sacred, the sea of ​​inner creation.

_I: Which is governed by the adrenal glands.

_AM: Which, taking all the potential of this energy that your kidneys and intestines generate when absorbing new potentiality, activate what?

_I: …Adrenaline, the hormone that gives energy and power to the body, the one that makes us act, have strength, push forward.

_AM: What for the soul is called “Will”.

_I: So the key to Forgiveness is in the Will, two concepts that I would never have related. I considered that Forgiveness was in the Heart, not in the Kidneys, hehe.

_AM: You humans always believe that beauty is in the heart and shit is in the intestines. It's like thinking that it is the Economists of the Central Bank who feed you, and not the Peasants who get dirty every day to harvest food in the fields...

_I: It makes sense…

_AM: The act of forgiving from unconsciousness is interpreted from the heart, because it makes us believe that we are kind to the sinner. However, Forgiveness goes further, it involves taking action, acting with the will to surrender to service to make the “sinner” become a coherent actor in the chain of giving and receiving. That which acts in dissonance is because it has not found harmony. Imagine the piano. Think that each key on the piano, all 88, are people. There are, therefore, very low and dense notes, and very high and subtle notes. We all tend to ignore both in the same way we tend to avoid people who are too positive (because they upset us) and those who are too pessimistic (because they bring us down). So we tend to stay in the center of the keyboard, with more balanced people we could say. In the same way that we had measured the amount of loose protons in a compound, that is, the pH, on a scale of 14 levels, the middle, around 7 (6, 7 and 8), are the midpoints of equilibrium useful for life, but if we go to extremes, the alkaline amount on one side or the acidic amount on the other, will create a toxic environment for life. So we tend to avoid those notes or elements as much as possible. And when one of them sounds, it can create dissonance in us, which we commonly call “error,” which in Latin is called “pecata,” that is, sin. For which, in English, we take the other Latin origin: “sontis”, which means “guilty”. Now, if we decide to forgive, from our current concept, this note that has caused a “serious event” for us due to its sound, or the one that has generated “acute pain” in our life, we would, then, be forgetting the note. , to never touch it again. And the truth is that this person will not change with my forgiveness, he will continue to exist, being someone, with all the weight of his actions.

_I: So that forgiveness doesn't really liberate.

_AM: Of course not… It's just a moral and emotional placebo. The note still exists. So, ignoring it is not a solution, the solution is to give it a purpose in the melody of life. So, I will use them for the society song. And I do it by giving everything of me, what I have inside me, to activate their purpose, making them recognize that they have something that I don't, and that I have something that they don't have. And this involves moving my hands around the piano to the extremes, leaving my comfort as a victimizer, and caressing their cheeks, making them participate in the music. And that movement is called Will. I use the energy I consumed, to be given to those who have lost their purpose, giving them one. Forgiveness is not demonstrated with words, but with actions.

_I: So one of the great shortcomings of humanity is not only a question of Forgiveness, but of Will. And, I must say, I find it difficult myself. It's easier to sit and relax in the comfort of the couch or bed than it is to get up and do something. Costs. It's like the typical thing we do: "on Monday I start the diet", "this week I start the gym", "I'm going to help someone", "I have to study for the exam"... These are the typical things in life that They involve will, and they are already difficult for us... Imagine saying "I am going to pick up the phone to talk to that person with whom I had a fight", "I am going to find a way to solve that conflict that was pending", "I am going to confront my enemies to letting go of this tension that I have inside”… It is very difficult…

_AM: I don't doubt it. She takes her time. Lack of Will is the sign of human compliance in the face of conflicts. Believe that there will always be someone else to do it for us. A teacher, a father or mother, a politician, an NGO, a scientist... Responsibility is always delegated in an attempt to save the greatest amount of energy on the individual. Thus, forgiving does not only apply between the victim and the perpetrator, but must also apply to oneself: “Forgive yourself.” Forgiving ourselves is probably one of the things that will be most difficult for us to do, because we never consider ourselves guilty but rather victims. And the truth is that whenever we leave something undone, whenever we refuse to face the results of our actions, whenever we have to solve our conflicts, humans prefer not to do it, and sit and wait for a savior. It's easier to be the victim. Forgiving oneself is not saying condescendingly: “I didn't know what I was doing, now I understand better”… No. Forgiving is standing up, taking action, resolving, putting energy into operation, using emotion for the sake of generation. of something new that solves the old.

_I: I understand… And how can I start doing it?

_AM: Well… The first step is to recognize what I do not forgive myself for. Then, recognize what I do not forgive others. Write it down, make it visible, tangible, physical. And then, remember that the way the Will is activated is through the pulse of adrenaline. So, you have to purify the body. Start drinking more water, and less sugars, and in each glass or bottle of water, put an intention: “Will, Love, Wisdom, Forgiveness, Freedom, Consciousness, Clarity”, for example, one concept per day. You can think about it by looking at the water, or much better say it to the water before drinking it: “I Am Will, I Am Love…”, etc. Thus, its molecules will be arranged according to this new tuning, and they will transmit this information to the water inside you. And the next step will be the Food. Start thinking about whether the things you eat, you eat with guilt: dead animals that have felt pain, anguish, despair, for example, block your inner strength. Change your diet, slowly, step by step, over the course of a whole year... Never, ever choose Monday to start your diet.

_I: Why?

_AM: Because for your body it's like parachuting out of a plane. The emotion and the fact last as long as it takes you to touch the ground. Then you don't jump again for at least a long time. Think of it as going out to ride your bike for 30 minutes a day. Little by little, slow, and accessible.

_I: I understand…

_AM: And when you have purified your body for a year, and you have changed your diet, all with the awareness that you are doing it to give yourself the willpower to act, write again what you must forgive in yourself, and in others. And there, take action, step by step, you will surrender, and you will give the best of yourself, and thus you will receive the best from others in the same way.

_I: Nothing more to say…

_AM: Nourish yourself, purge yourself, forgive yourself, act, and forgive others by giving them a purpose in your life and in their lives.

_I: I will do it, because I Am Will.




