

_I: Insomnia… There was no mosquito today, but there was insomnia. I wake up with anxiety at 5 in the morning, with palpitations, agitated as if I had an important exam the next day...

_AM: Excess of the future.

_I: Huh?

_AM: Your mind is in the year 2024, and you are still in 2021...

_I: I know... But, I already have the present integrated, everything is working, and it is as if I am anxious to know that the time to leave is approaching... Maybe there are 3 months left to go, but still , I feel that it is approaching quickly. The date of the Blue Moon, August 22, and I feel nervous about it perhaps, although I know I should be calm. And yes, my head is manifesting a lot of future, so many things, so many projects, ideas, movement... That I can't stop, and my body is already still enough...

_AM: I know that your being longs to move, to move forward, and because the information of the following is being formed, your entire being is excited to do it: “It's it, the time is coming!” …And the truth is that there will always be time. And what must be captured, will be captured. You managed to live in the present this week, and now, you awakened the future, and you see how your body feels it.

_I: Yes… I get upset…

_AM: You get off your axis. It is good to know what you will do, what is coming, and how you will do it, in the same way that it is good to recognize that to get there, the idea of ​​the future is not enough, but staying in the present. Well, everything is a process, and there will be no future without a present.

_I: I understand... I always fall into the same thing... Why, despite months of work, do I fall into the same thing?

_AM: Oh, no, you don't fall into the same mistake, you simply express what you are. We cannot escape from what we are. The reason why many people repeat circumstances, emotions, relationships, projects in their lives is not merely due to a matter of karma to be resolved, but of human design. There are times when things are repeated because we have not learned them, but there are things that are repeated from within, because they are part of us. It's not that you fall into the same thing, it's that that's what you are, and you're just learning to know yourself. And the task of getting to know each other is not a simple year, it is not enough. Do the flowers, leaves and fruits of a tree fail because they fall to the ground?

_I: No… It is the beginning of a new cycle…

_AM: When you consider that you fall, that you fail, look at the leaves of the trees in autumn, or the fruits in summer. He contemplates how each year, plants allow themselves to fall, to let go, something that from the positivist's vision may seem like a failure, is nothing more than the certain act of resurrection. You just have to recognize this as a moment of resurrection, of recognizing that you are letting a part of yourself fall so that a new one can flourish. And as a Moon in Sagittarius that you are, with your Jupiter in Aries, it is normal that anxiety about the future and big projects makes you feel this. Discover well what your design is, recognize each part that makes you up, in astrology, human design, psychology, biodecoding, and so many other self-discovery tools that will give you tools to know yourself. And listen carefully to this word: “know you.”

_I: What does it imply?

_AM: It's different from changing. People seek to change, transform themselves through non-conformity. We do what we do looking for new paths and therapies because we don't feel comfortable with who we are. And therein lies one of the biggest conflicts, because you want to change something that you really haven't had the luxury of knowing.

_I: “Gnothi seauton,” said the oracle of Delphi. "Know yourself".

_AM: “And you will know the Universe.” Knowing yourself is discovering the shadows and lights, accepting them as they are. The goal of knowing oneself is not to turn shadows into light, to illuminate shadows, as they preach, but to recognize why they are there, to understand their usefulness. Know how to use it. Tell me, why do you get so upset when you think about the future?

_I: Because what I came to do mobilizes me, makes me alert, and knowing what I should do makes me desperate because I am standing here and not being able to do it before.

_AM: Why would you want to do it sooner?

_I: Because sometimes I think I waste my time, or I find myself enjoying life when I should be doing social work.

_AM: What makes you think that you are not already doing social work every day?

_I: I don't know... I think it's the fact of not being able to see people, or see the results...

_AM: Where would you like to see the results?

_I: In schools, in children and young people who build a new world.

_AM: It makes you anxious to think about how you will reach them without intervening in their freedom of choice and thought.

_I: Yes... I feel responsible, and at the same time I feel that I am not responsible... That I am creating very big things in my mind that are not the path.

_AM: The big thing you imagine is the path, because only then will you form what you expect. Your anxiety to see the result doesn't let you see the process. That's why I repeat: know yourself. When we know ourselves, we discover the usefulness of shadows and lights, we can understand the reasons. Now, ask yourself: when you feel this anxiety, what have you accomplished?

_I: I have many ideas, and I translate them very quickly.

_AM: So your state of anxiety awakens manifestation in you. So, you must use that anxiety as creative energy. All emotion is energy, and all harmful emotion is nothing more than poorly channeled energy. Take that emotion, and use it to manifest something, whether it is a project, whether it is dancing, whether it is walking, whether it is ordering, each person will find their way. But take advantage of that energy that is part of you, and that harms you only because you ignore it and deny its usefulness.

_I: I understand… It is not a question that I will change my anxiety throughout life, but that I can learn to channel it for a practical purpose. At least figure out how to do it.

_AM: That's right. Therefore, it is necessary that you discover this potential and manifest it, and to achieve this, you must know it. Know you. The real goal is to feel comfortable with who you are. It is the key to well-being.

_I: Wellbeing sounds like another word to me that summarizes the social objective. People seek to reach a level of well-being that allows us to live well, and to do so we need to acquire goods to be well.

_AM: That's where it comes from: “Bien” and “Estar”… “Well” and “Being”. In Latin, the word “good” arises from “bonus” (good), a deformation of “duonus”, which comes from the Indo-European “deu-”, meaning “powerful, to worship”, from which the idea and name of “God” is born. ” (Deus). The meaning is that whoever does things is worshiped for having power, and that power is related to the products of his doing, his wealth, external or internal, which gave rise to the idea of ​​“material goods.” Of course, added to the concept of “being”, it describes the subject who has managed to join the path of empowerment, and therefore, governs his life according to his wishes. And from desires arises the word “well”, in English, a formation arising from “will”, born from the Indo-European “vel-” (desire, want) which gave the word “will” in Latin languages. The desire and will to be in harmony, to have what is necessary to govern oneself.

_I: Achieving well-being is being able to direct one's life in harmony, beyond the processes, it is a constant.

_AM: There may be ups and downs, there may be conflicts, but well-being is constant if you manage to ensure that these conflicts are nothing other than those that you impose on yourself in order to grow. Those disagreements that you yourself create with the intention of expanding, while others face unwanted conflicts from others.

_I: Achieving well-being in life goes beyond comfort, to seeking harmony in the entire process of formation and transformation... Is that it? Self-government, that is, navigating myself.

_AM: That's right. Let's check the well-being. You are the Source of all things, for you do not come from a source, but you are the very fragmented source, like a drop of water from a spring. And when that drop moves, it generates waves, echoes that resonate, causing its existence to be shaped according to the Resonance, the vibration of its attunement. This movement generates the current that gives you Energy, which expands making you Abundant. And this abundance gives you Strength to be able to live and manifest in Matter, recognizing it as the extension of your dreams. Thus, matter will give you the Security that you need to recover from yourself, here and now, to take hold of the Wealth that lives in you, and to be able to feel Comfortable with yourself. This whole path takes you to the stage of Wellbeing. It is not produced by being rich, nor by obtaining security, nor by accumulating matter, or being strong, nor because you have abundant resources and excess energy, nor by vibrating higher, or connecting with the universal source. Well-being is not in achieving these things, but in being these attributes, discovering them in yourself, knowing that you have them by nature. Thus, no matter in what instance, circumstance of life you find yourself, you will always know that you are the owner of your destiny, master of your actions, creator of your realities, and harmoniously in the ups and downs of the cosmic waves, you will be able to say that you live in a eternal well-being.

_I: I Am the Eternal Origin, living eternal well-being.

_AM: I have well-being, because I live in harmony. Message from Serapis Bey: “I am the Source of all Life, manifested spirit. All the kingdoms of creation dwell in me. My temple is the Light that radiates in the World, it is the gold that shines divine in the mundane. My mother is Reality, my father is Will. Whoever without condition manages to see himself loved in matter, discovers wisdom in the soul, and is capable of acting from the spirit. Be the ruler of your life, because that is why you have created it, to feel the most subtle of thoughts with your senses. Dare to live without shame of what you have created. Live, and only then will you be eternal.”



