_AM: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word.”
_I: “…And God said: let there be Light!”
_AM: “And the Light was made”…
_I: “And he saw that the light was good, and he separated the Light from the Darkness.”
_AM: Thus God created Heaven and Earth, and his spirit flew over the waters.
_I: God called the light “the day” and the darkness “the night.”
_AM: The afternoon came and then the morning. That was the first day. Then God said, “Let there be a firmament that separates the waters into two parts!” So God created the firmament and separated the waters; some remained above the firmament and others below. God called the firmament "heaven." The afternoon came and then the morning. That was the second day. Then God said, “Let the waters under the sky be gathered together in one place, so that dry ground may appear.” And so it happened. God called this dry soil "earth" and the waters that had gathered together he called "sea." And God saw that what he had done was very good. Then God said, “Let the earth be covered with vegetation: all kinds of seed-bearing plants and seed-bearing trees.” And so it happened. The land was filled with vegetation: all kinds of plants that bear grains and trees that bear fruit with seeds. And God saw that what he had done was very good. The afternoon came and then the morning. That was the third day. Then God said: «Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven so that we can separate the day from the night and so that they can serve to mark the days, the years and the festivals. May these lights be in the firmament to illuminate the earth. And so it happened. God made two great lights: the larger one to govern the day and the smaller one to govern the night. He also made the stars. God put these lights in the sky to give illumination to the earth, so that both could govern, one during the day and the other during the night; and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that what he had done was very good. Then evening came and then morning. That was the fourth day. Then God said, "Let the waters be filled with living creatures and let there be birds flying in the firmament above the earth." Thus he created the gigantic animals of the sea and all species of animals that live in water. He also created all species of birds. And God saw that what he had done was very good. God blessed them saying: "Have children and multiply to fill the water of the seas and that there may be many birds in the world." The afternoon came and then the morning. That was the fifth day. Then God said: "Let the earth produce living creatures of all kinds: domestic animals and wild animals and those that crawl on the ground." And so it happened. God made all kinds of animals: domestic animals, wild animals, and those that crawl on the ground. And God saw that what he had done was very good. Then God said: “Now let us make human beings in our image and likeness. He will have power over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over all the earth. He will reign over the land animals, and over all those that crawl on the ground. Just as God created the human being in his image and likeness, he created the male and the female. And he blessed them saying: "Have many children so that you can populate the world and exercise control over it: be leaders of the fish of the sea, of the birds of the sky and of every creature that crawls on the ground." Then evening came and then morning. That was the sixth day.
_I: “And the Word became flesh…”
_AM: Verb, in the Indo-European language, it is said “wer”, and gave rise to the concepts of many languages related to communication, since this term refers to “speech”. Speak, say, word, action, act of creating, connected with the word work: “werg”. The verb is the creative word, the spell, the prayer, the manifesting mantra.
_I: How can this be explained in the Bible?
_AM: “Word of God”. It is not something Christian, it is something much older. Ancestral peoples understood that sounds were creators, because they were capable of transmitting unreal, illusory, imaginary concepts, and turning them into a reality through manifestation, action, and crafts. Thus, this idea was transferred to the Supreme Creator, the concept or belief that if we are capable of creating, then there must be a creator of everything that exists. And in this logic, the word, the verb is key. Because? Because the verb is synonymous with action, and to create, you have to act, perform an act, do something. “In the beginning was Nothingness, emptiness”, this phrase indicates a moment of inaction, ineffectiveness. The only thing that differentiates everything else is a verb.
_I: Which one?
_AM: “Say.” “And God said…” But before all this, before taking action, God is described as the action itself. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word.” Verb as a synonym for word and act, an active word, denoting movement. They both describe something very simple.
_I: What?
_AM: Vibration. Vibration is the beginning of all things that exist in motion. Particles are extensions of waves that vibrate, resonating throughout the cosmos, intertwined. The manifest aspect of the universe is nothing more than a symphony in constant motion. The ancients understood that the cosmos is movement, and that everything in the universe has a sound, a song, and that the Universe is that God who expresses himself in music. For this reason, from the beginning, music was key in cultures, it united, it gave meaning to things. The tradition of seeing God as the sounds of reality is much older than monotheisms.
_I: That is to say that Christianity only adopted in different forms what other cultures said in advance.
_AM: For the Semitic peoples, the Word was the most powerful of the creations of the universe, since it was a sound that had the power to mobilize ideas, dreams, hopes, wars, unite groups or divide them, mention the gods, tell stories, create art, traditions, awaken emotions, feelings, love and hate. The word was sacred, and the word in action was God himself: the Word.
_I: This made people worship the Word, the Word as God…
_AM: And that his name was created from it. Without a name, without a word, there is no idea of the subject, and without a verb, without an action word, what the subject does cannot be defined. Thus, both are necessary, complements.
_I: That's why in Atlantean times we called God like all pronouns. “Ammanenumotyni”, The Great All.
_AM: So you understand that they are all the actions together, of all the subjects at the same time.
_I: In the Atlantean Saytu language, a verb was defined by the suffix “-un”, which would mean something like “take a step”, “take a walk”. “bakun, sagun, menun” (walk, see, know, respectively). And the name by which God was defined was “Saun”, which is the action of advancing and surrendering to all the Paths together.
_AM: God is action, the action arising from the movement of a wave in a vibration, which generates different frequencies depending on its speed of movement, its resonance, through which, each tone, each level, will generate a reality. . And all things were created from his word.
_I: How was it?
_AM: In the Void, all the Paths were one, the action was in the Void, and the Void was the Action. Then, the Action vibrated, and moved, creating the wave. This tsunami of vibration formed chaos, which gave rise to energy. And so it was that the vibration was put into action, generating light. And the light filled the space, pushing the darkness to the edges, giving rise to the appearance of Time and Space, the Octahedron, seed of creation. This was the first day. Then he divided the light from the shadows, and the fire, the tetrahedron, emerged. It gave rise to the creation of all chemicals, fusing vibrating particles, giving rise to the basis of all things. This was the second day. By uniting different particles, it gave rise to matter, and it generated the shadow, which gave the meaning of day and night. On it, chemicals combusted, giving rise to reactions that produced minerals, from diamonds to water, and oceans and mountains, as well as ice and deserts, appeared on many worlds, making the difference between heaven and earth clear. , in which the gases created the firmament, the atmospheres. Matter manifested itself, being Earth, the element of the Hexahedron. This was the third day. The vibration continued to expand and manifest, giving rise to the oceans, and they gave rise to life. The world was filled with vegetation, seeds, and animal life in every corner of the planet, being the Dodecahedron, the waters of life, the gifts of creation. This was the fifth day. Thus begins the time of evolution, the development of all species, and the appearance of creative consciousness, in our world, the human, in the image and likeness of the Universal Mind, with the gift of the creative word, expression in the Icosahedron, the mind of the air. This was the sixth day.
_I: And the seventh… Did he rest?
_AM: Oh no, the seventh day wove the Web that connects us all, and was illuminated in the expansion of Consciousness. The crown.
_I: What do you mean by days?
_AM: A day is a stage, it is part of a process. It is described as days to be comprehensible in what represents a period of time that is incalculable, millions and millions of years. All those millions of years are waves in the divine ocean, in the waves of vibration that expand in all directions. That vibration is the manifestor of all things in action, in movement, from the micro and macro cosmos.
_I: The Word.
_AM: Therefore, when you pronounce a verb, you are part of that creative network, and its pronunciation moves chained acts. Like the wind that begins with two masses of particles of cold and hot air, which meet at a gentle slowness, and when they cross each other they try to avoid each other, creating the wind, the currents, the breezes that we feel on our faces, or the hurricanes that destroy towns.
_I: It is as if each verb we pronounce were an action in itself that pushes the particles of air around it, expanding its force in the environment, in the humidity, which connects to the waters of the world, and becomes part of the network. long live... That is why the intention of many people united, in harmony, saying the same word, the same verb, can make a difference in the world.
_AM: Remember the subjects very well, the vibration itself, which will be launched at different frequencies, movements, which we call action. “I” is the main unit that self-references us, that reminds us of the importance of the one, of observing oneself, it is the idea that originates all things, the incarnated Mind. It is the axis of all being. “You” is the mirror, the projection or correspondence that allows me to see face to face what I am, it is the concept that polarizes me to be able to create in the world, manifest in reality the dreams of the ideas that flow inside me. . “He” and “She” are the created aspects, they are the external reference points, the third node that makes up the triune base of the individual, which serves as an example, indicator of what we create and stop creating. I, You and He-She are the Sacred Trinity of the Individual, the Vibration, Energy and Matter of Being. “We” refers to the network that makes up the axis of a creation, it is the potential of the expanded being. “You” is the mirror of said Network, which reminds us of what we must improve, and how to complement each other to manifest. “Them and Them” is the aspect of plural triangulation that allows us to see what has been created in the Network, what we have done and achieved, both for good and for bad. This is how the Holy Trinity of the Collective, Love, Wisdom and the Will of the Network is formed.
_I: Wow… Each pronoun is part of a code, a Merkaba of the verb…
_AM: And so you find the verbs that will complement them, ordered in the trinity of Ti_I: past, present and future; moving in the trinity of Space: subject, lexeme and ending.
_I: Another Merkaba of the verb…
_AM: And the same, crosses the 7 chakras called Complements: direct, indirect, circumstantial, regime, attributive, agent and predicative.
_I: I feel at school again…
_AM: It seems so, but understanding these spiritual states of the verb helps us better understand the use of words and what we create when pronouncing or writing them. Every time we formulate a sentence, as you will see, we are putting together a merkaba of time and space that is launched like a particle into the infinite network of frequencies, as packets of information, which when finding the correct resonances will create a set of data capable of manifesting themselves. . Each sentence with its subject, its predicate and its verb, make up a sacred trinity equivalent to a cell, which on its own seems insignificant, but inside it has the potential of your entire being, and which, to reproduce itself in resonance with others and group together into organisms, they can form a new living being.
_I: It's great to see it like this.
_AM: Now that you know, you will be much more careful when pronouncing your words, when mentioning your verbs, when arranging your actions, because they are all creative at different levels.
_I: I am a creator in every word, because my verb is the divine manifesting action.
_AM: Tell me, then, who you are.
_I: I Am the Word.