Silence and Sound


_I: Plenitude was born from Void. Thus, Everything was born from Nothing. And if the Whole is composed of Vibration, then following logic, it emerged from the Static. In most cultures it is said that the first thing that emerged in the Cosmos was a verb, a name, a song, a word, which humans call Sound, meaning that it must have emerged from Silence. But in physics, Sound does not produce itself, it needs two objects that generate waves in their interaction in order to feel a sound. So how could the sound, the verb, the vibration have arisen from something that does not exist, from something intangible?

_AM: As we have already said, everything starts from the concept you have of the words Nothing, Emptiness, Silence and Static. Remember, we had said that Nothing comes from the word “Born” in Latin. Empty comes from “Vacare” which means “not occupied”, Static comes from “Stare” which means to remain in a still and fixed place. Silence comes from “silere”, and simply means to shut up or from an Indo-European vision, with the concept “sei”: to stop, in this case to express. These words in no way deny their opposite, but rather express a way in which the essence can manifest itself. It is difficult to express something without having its comparison to recognize it. Humans, in their desire to dualize reality, put dual concepts against each other as enemies or extreme opposites that cannot touch each other, which breaks their minds when it comes to telling them that one is born from the other. And the reason why this happens is because the Universe is a continuum, it has no beginning and no end. The only thing that has the appearance of a beginning and an end is its physical expression, which you can perceive with your senses. However, what makes it exist has nothing to do with it. As we explained yesterday: physics describes the laws of the cosmos from the atomic vision to the macrocosm, but it cannot explain the laws of the microcosm that makes up the atom, since they escape physics, they are “metaphysics.”

_I: How to understand it, then?

_AM: That just as Everything does not exist, Nothing exists neither.

_I: Wow, wait a minute. If the Whole, the physical, is a schematic construction based on metaphysical laws without a scheme, and we accept, then, that everything that exists is only a mere mental perception of a certain order between particles, then we should take into consideration that this strange world and unreal is the true. That is, Nothingness is what gives rise to things, and therefore, it is the only real thing while the other is perceptual.

_AM: And what is Nothingness?

_I: Birth, you said it, where things come from.

_AM: And how does Nothing arise?

_I: It's like the question “Who created God?”… It has no answer.

_AM: Everything has an answer if the question exists.

_I: Is there an origin then?

_AM: For certain things, yes, for others no.

_I: The Universe is a continuum then. In other words, Nothing is born from Everything, and Everything is born from Nothing.

_AM: Ouroboros. The snake that bites itself. What you interpret as beginning and end, as everything and nothing, is nothing more than the aspects of a continuum.

_I: And what is that continuum?

_AM: Do you know what a kaleidoscope is?

_I: An instrument that makes you see varying geometric shapes as you turn it...

_AM: “Kalé eidós scopiós”, from the Greek: “see beautiful shapes”. As you rotate the cylindrical instrument, you will see the figures change. Sometimes they will seem chaotic, but when they find their new location, harmonious figures will appear that will keep you amazed. The brain is programmed to find order in things, and when it finds it, it relaxes. All the time, your job is to try to order the incoherent to find harmony. Humans have based their civilization on this, through the way of telling stories, with a beginning, middle and end; he has done it in architecture through structure, construction and finishes; He has done it in art by mixing colors, layers, details; in music with its moments of melody, tension and resolution… In the process, the brain is under pressure, developing, forcing itself to adapt. And when the work is finished, he contemplates it, relaxes. When you hear a song, and it cuts out at the moment of tension, your brain will go crazy trying to finish the ending note to feel pleased. For this reason, humans throughout their lives look for things that produce that discharge of endorphin and morphine that drugs the brain, making it feel that the chaotic is constantly taking order. Therefore your minds are attracted to videos, sounds and short phrases that lead to a moment of tension and a quick resolution. Like what marvels in a kaleidoscope, in which chaos and order follow one after the other almost instantaneously. The deformation of something to become something else is called “anamorphism.”

_I: I saw the work of a sculptor, Matthieu Robert-Ortis, who makes strange sculptures that, depending on where you look at them, take one form or another, but in the path you take to look for the other form, everything is chaos, a network of meaningless wires. I feel despair when I see that part, and when I find the figures, there is a moment of recess, as if everything remained still, as if time stopped contemplating that image.

_AM: This is the Universe. The moment of chaos is the moment of creation, where nothing makes sense, where you search, where you develop, where you discover, where you despair, where you express, where the brain gives everything of itself to find the meaning of things, of Everything. , to the Existence that manifests. And then, when he discovers it, when he finds harmony, perfection, he stops, relaxes, remains static, perplexed by what he sees, amazed. It no longer thinks, the brain sleeps, because it finally understood, and now it just has to let go, feel, contemplate. That moment, all the noise he heard, in the questions, in the explanations, in the conversation, turns into silence. All the forms that he saw and interpreted, like a puzzle, touching each of its pieces, now become contemplation. That is the moment in which he understands everything, it is when he turns away from the will to be and contemplates what simply is. Wondered, in the silence, in the emptiness, in the nothingness of being able to see the harmony of everything.

_I: Oh!!! I think I understood it now, they are not separate things, of course, it is not even a mother who has a child, but who created the mother? She is always the same mother giving birth and raising herself until she becomes a mother again. The moment of being a mother is one of stillness, tranquility, calm, where all the senses stop being alert to life and begin to focus solely on the interior, on preparing to generate life, existence, everything. Nothingness is only the moment of stillness and contemplation of existence prior to its expression, expansion and experience.

_AM: Now, then, you will understand the following. Silence did not generate Sound, Vibration, but Silence is all sounds in harmony, finding so much harmony with each other that the only thing capable of expressing is silence. Silence is the true catalyst of an Orchestra. Sounds are only understandable and assimilable because of the silences between them. Silences are more important than the sound itself, because in silence you assimilate everything that has vibrated, you become each vibration. And when you have become them, that is when you can express a new song again.

_I: That's why it's so important to learn to listen.

_AM: Listening to the physical action of whose spiritual equivalent is meditating, which is the cosmic equivalent of harmony, which is the universal equivalent of emptiness. What you call Sound is just one of the many expressions of what you know as Vibration. When you hear the expression “Sound travels at such or such speed”, it is another of those consensuses, because it is not true. Sound is not something separate that moves through space, sound is the manifestation of the vibration of space. Everything Vibrates, it is another Law of the Universe. Nothingness itself is the union of all vibrations, and when all the forces of vibration are added together, you cannot hear any of them, since none is above the other.

_I: “The sum of all forces is equal to 0″… The union of all sounds is equal to silence.

_AM: Silence, then, is not the absence of sound, but the union of all in harmony. The only thing that makes it possible to feel sound is the sensitivity and ability of your inner ear to vibrate, and that vibration is interpreted by your brain as sound due to the electrical pulses generated by the tiny “hammer” bone. In other words, sound does not exist outside, sound exists inside.

_I: “If a tree falls in the middle of a forest with no humans miles away to hear it: does it make a sound?”

_AM: No. It only generates vibration. The spider will feel it in one way, the monkey in another, the worm in another, the plants in another, the birds in another way. The tree does not make a sound when it falls, since the sound of a tree falling is produced only by our hearing capacity. The whistle for a dog is a high-pitched sound that powerfully draws its attention, and yet a human does not hear it. Does that imply that that high-pitched sound does not exist? Of course not. Well, Sounds are just vibrations captured by certain individuals according to their evolution.

_I: I once read that a baby's crying is especially irritating to its own parents, more than to other people, because that way a mother or father can recognize from a distance if something is happening to their baby and not to another. Our bodies adjust to certain vibrations in order to capture their vibration. This also explains why we resonate with certain information and not others.

_AM: When the ear is prepared to hear a certain vibration, then those words will be heard clearly. If the ear is not ready yet, then there will be no understanding.

_I: The other day, in one of the talks, I explained the importance of listening, of being silent to understand before asking. Does it have to do with this?

_AM: Sure. The art of silence, meditation, and listening are key to understanding forms. It is one of the most intense meditative practices: learning to listen, being silent when the other person speaks, even if they do not agree or if I am not interested in what they say, because I want to know something else, sometimes you can miss the answers because you are searching. on another tune. Those who silently listen to others have greater ability to understand, greater breadth of perception, and therefore more possibilities of finding answers. For in silence are all the answers, even the ones I can't hear. That is why silent meditation is a key to discovering the answers within you. Do you understand?

_I: Yes, many times it is said: “meditate, the answer is in you, be silent”, or that type of thing, but sometimes it is not understood why or how. In this way I think I understand the importance. The Silence contains all the answers, which I will not be able to hear with attention and clarity if I am in External and Internal Noise. And the Sound, then, is the focused force, expressed from that listening. After understanding, I launch into a new search, a new learning, manifesting, creating a new vibration.

_AM: It is important to understand, then, that silence is not the only answer, since it is only found due to the sum of sounds. Therefore, the expression of the word, of the song, of the truths, of releasing what is inside, creates the paths to find harmony, as in the sculptures that you described.

_I: I am, then, sound and silence, because I am vibration even if I cannot hear it, because all sounds are in me, and I must tune in to them, or pay attention in silence to hear them.

_AM: There you enter the cosmic constant.

_I: I am the universal song, I am the cosmic silence.


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