Remember and Forget


_I: My life is practically a memory. Everything I have done, do, and will do is determined by my memories, by what I have remembered from existence. In a certain way, like everyone else, memory defines us. Personally, it does so very consciously. Sometimes, when I look around, there arises the involuntary desire to have wanted to forget, like everyone else. Why do all forget and a few remember?

_AM: Why do some know mathematics and others music?

_I: What's the point?

_AM: Remembering is a gift. An ability. Everyone can learn mathematics if they study, everyone can be musicians if they practice, everyone can remember if they strive. But only some are born with the awakened ability. Just as there are those who were born already being musicians, or being mathematicians, others were born remembering. Just as some have the capacity for oration and others the gift of silence, as some are entrepreneurs and others are artists. Each individual has a unique and different potential. Many remember like you, and each one remembers differently, just as each musician plays different songs, in different styles and different frequencies. Remembering is the gift of your soul, it is the tool it possesses to deliver your truth to the world.

_I: Remembering, it's something that beyond memory, brings me to understand that my destiny is to unite the parts...

_AM: Remembering, from the Latin: "returning to the heart", "uniting the parts". Your life is a constant expression, which manifests by expanding its being, breaking it into thousands of pieces. Since the origin of existence, the first wave that emerged from nothing, generated an immense and expansive vibration, which as it advanced changed speed creating different frequencies. From the frequencies, perceptions were born, which created energy, and from them they grouped by resonance, until they created forms, thousands of them, which through the waves of the vibration sea eroded creating millions of grains of sand: the suns, the galaxies, the worlds. Expansion is entropy, separation, creation, art, chaos. The parts move away and mix with each other, like a puzzle of trillions of pieces. There will come a day, after so much experience, when the initial pulse begins to call, by resonance, to all its parts. This will lead its parts to respond in the same way, trying to start a path of reconnection, to find the other parts that make up the puzzle. Uniting the parts, connecting them, begins to integrate the pieces, giving them meaning, discovering the invisible network that unites everything, and thus begins to see the logic, to understand. This is called Remembering. When you remember, what you do is access the infinite labyrinth of the mental library, where the data of each piece are stored in the form of books you call Memories. Memories accumulate information from experience, and when you dare to open the books, you begin to see the correlation with the other books. Think, then, that the task of a rememberer is the same as that of a librarian: to find similar books, to organize them by theme and in alphabetical order, to make it easier to find, an easy-to-understand order.

_I: Now I understand why they called me "Librarian," the Great Library that I saw in my memories being Ghan, was the Mind of the Universe, and we librarians were the neurons that organized the memories, we were "the rememberers."

_AM: That's why you said to be "The Rememberer." Putting things in order, in their place, assembling an index so that memory readers can guide themselves in their searches and readings.

_I: Could my recent awakening of the will to read be linked to this?

_AM: You are finally passing on the information, the books are opening, we are delivering the index of the Library, and this finally gives you a break to sit down and enjoy reading.

_I: I remember loving to read the memories of living beings... You could feel their emotions, their stories and adventures, and I thought that someday I would like to be able to live the stories I read in those strange luminous and spherical books.

_AM: And now you do. Don't you think it's wonderful to be able to remember that? You have already forgotten too much.

_I: You always said that I only know less than 0.01%...

_AM: And so it is, the rest, forgotten.

_I: What is forgetting?

_AM: Forgetting, which shares the word "Oblivion" in English, comes from "oblivisci", composed of the words "Ob-" and "Livisci" (against and obscure, respectively in Latin), with the Indo-European etymology "lei", which means "to slide", "smooth", "viscous". Forgetting is to get lost in the darkness, to slip on the smooth and viscous limits of the wet rocks of a dark cave. It is interpreted, therefore, that forgetting is falling, getting lost, letting go, having nothing to hold on to.

_I: "The only way to find oneself is to get lost"...

_AM: That's right. You've understood it. If the universe has no objectives, its great adventure is to write its stories, its books, to create, like an artist and writer, all the words capable of describing what is inside it, dreaming of living what it has expressed. For every writer, in a way, longs to be a part of their stories. The Universe is that romantic writer who has lost himself among the pages of his own memories. For by losing himself in the beautiful details of writing, in the gestures, in the movements, in the descriptions, is where he can feel part of it. It's not the big ideas he's looking for, it's not understanding the outcome, it's enjoying feeling with all his senses every sip of tea his characters drink, every caress, every landscape, every song they hear and create, smelling every aroma they describe. That's why the cosmos is so detailed, that's why it marvels at writing the minimalist, the most absurd details are sometimes the ones that give the whole story meaning. The rememberer knows the beginning, the middle, and the end, understands the storyline, and that takes the focus away from the beautiful details. Therefore, a good reader must get lost in the pages of books, I must venture into dark caves and throw myself into the adventure and excitement of being able to fall on the next viscous rock.

_I: Being a rememberer makes me live so much in the storyline of the story that I forget to live the present, I refuse to live it because I know the outcome... It's like a constant spoiler that doesn't allow you to enjoy the movie.

_AM: That's why the universe chooses to forget. To live the present. When you lose the storyline, you must pay more attention to the plot in order to understand, and thus you fall in love with the character, with every gesture, movement, emotion, that otherwise you would have missed.

_I: Remembering and Forgetting, then, are not antagonists in the novelized history of the Universe, but they are both fundamental parts of reading comprehension. When one shows us the logic of the whole narrative, the other allows us to see the details and enjoy them.

_AM: That's why it's important to live in forgetfulness until we are able to enjoy the present, and only then can we see the past and the future, because both stem from the here and now.

_I: But I started to remember from a very young age, I didn't have time to understand the present, I lived too much in the past all my childhood and adolescence, and in the future during my youth.

_AM: And now?

_I: I have lived in the present in the moments when I have disconnected... When I didn't feel you, when I didn't hear my guides, those moments when others told me, "you're disconnected," something that sounded like judgment in many cases, but actually for me it was a relief, I felt relaxed that it was so, because I didn't depend on anything from the past or the future... I could enjoy the present. However, it's true that it hurt to have lost the plot of my life...

_AM: And you recovered it. When you were ready to remember. Because remembering is an exercise in trying to unite the parts that seem illogical to give them logic. Thus, you forget to live, you remember to understand life. And you can forget again, throwing yourself to enjoy something new. The goal is not for everyone to remember, it's for them to know how to remember. Living the present implies knowing how to live disconnected from what happened and what will happen, to feel deeply what Is, because the essence is only understood with what is, not with what was and what will be. The other times will come to support and give logic to what is, and every time you transform, the same will happen.

_I: I often tell people not to expect to remember, not to force it, that the important thing is to concentrate on the now, and the answers will come as long as they are present in themselves.

_AM: Because you are the center of the network of your memories, who gives them logic. Without an axis, there is nowhere to grip or unload the data. You must become the character of your book, in order to discover its story and manifest its future. The reader can only understand the plot towards the past, the writer can only manifest the plot towards the future. And the character is the present, who lives the plot. You must be the 3, the trinity, and to do that, both must let go of something, and both must connect something.

_I: So, I shouldn't fear or resent forgetfulness, because it allows me to discover the potential of my present, just as I must also be prepared to remember, to give it meaning.

_AM: Write your story, then read it, but above all, live it.


Cognition and Ignorance


Doubt and Certainty